169 research outputs found
A concept study on offshore floating hydrogen production, storage, and offloading
Masteroppgave i havteknologiHTEK399MAMN-HTEK5MAMN-HTE
Modelling analysis of maintenance logistics optimization for a floating wind park: A case study for Utsira Nord
The global society is part of a climate challenge that requires the development of will, understanding and technology. The United Nations has given the climate challenge its sustainability goal, saying, "Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts" [1]. There will not be sufficiently developed energy production today in the context of future electrification of the Norwegian everyday life and industry. Norway needs to invest in more green energy production not to become an import nation of energy, but; an export nation. On June 12th, 2020, the Utsira Nord area was opened by the Government by royal decree for energy production from floating offshore wind [2].
By taking a closer look at the well-known concept of Operating expenditures, one can see clear advantages and challenges related to floating offshore wind [3]. It shows how important it is to optimise the maintenance strategy for the industry, and this is the basis for this thesis. There are many logistics solutions, and many factors influencing the choice that is hard to know beforehand. Therefore, it will depend on each wind farm to decide the best alternative to provide maintenance services. Hence, this thesis aims to investigate the following questions:
• How to utilize modelling and simulation method for selection of optimal maintenance logistics strategy for a wind farm at Utsira Nord
• What will be an optimal maintenance logistics strategy for an imaginary Utsira Nord wind farm, seen from cost-benefit perspective and emission perspective
A case study has been carried out based on an imaginary wind farm at Utsira Nord to answer the research questions. Shoreline software is used to create simulations, and analyses potential technical solutions. The research is executed in the following steps: (1) extract stakeholder requirements and acceptance criteria and define the purpose of the simulation model, (2) systems analysis of the wind park, maintenance program and logistic vessels, (3) collect and extract failure and maintenance data from existing offshore wind parks, (4) collect technical and economic data for several logistic maintenance vessels, (5) design and prepare the simulation cases, (6) perform the simulation cases and visualise the results, (7) verification and validation, including sensitivity analysis and (8) evaluate and select the most optimal logistic vessel alternative based on cost/availability and emissions
When it comes to the most optimal vessel for the case wind park, the result clearly shows that the service operation vessel provides more benefits in terms of overall grading for cost/availability and emissions. It comes out far better than the crew transfer vessel because of the sensitivity associated with the maximum wave height for this vessel. This causes a significantly higher downtime for the wind farm, and the analysis shows that the case can increase its turnover by € 13,844,000 by using a service operation vessel in favour of a crew transfer vessel concerning lost production.
The method used to carry out the analysis and simulation can be used as a starting point to provide the most optimal maintenance logistics strategy for each park. It can be common service operation vessel for several parks within the same field, several crew transfer vessels or make use of other logistical possibilities such as helicopters
Does pay for performance motivate and create competitive environment: An exploratory case study
In consideration of the fact that Østfold Distribusjon AS previously had a pay for performance structure, the main purpose of this research study is to determine whether pay for performance motivate distributors at Østfold Distribusjon AS to work harder in order to deliver a good job performance. This process was done by, directly asking the participants if variable pay such as performance pay, bonus, gift card and et cetera motivate them to work harder in order to deliver a good job performance. Furthermore, the sub - purpose of this research study is to identify if some factors that may arise from the theories applied in the research study motivate Østfold Distribusjon AS distributors at work. This process was done by directly asking the participants why they work and what motivate them at work. A qualitative method approach is used to gather data or information from ten employees who work as a newspaper distributor at the Østfold Distribusjon AS. This research study is an exploratory case study. Intensive design approach is used in order to provide an entirety in-depth analysis. In order to achieve this, a semi - standard individual interview approach is used in gathering data. Further, an opportunity sampling approach is used to select participants for the research study. These methods approaches are used in order to achieve sufficient results. Four motivational theories is applied in this research study in order to identify and organised what motivate distributors at Østfold Distribusjon AS. Further, due to the findings, external generalisation is not made. However, an internal generalisation is made due to the responses of the participants. Furthermore, in order to increase the possibilities of generalisations, a quantitative method approach and a different research design approach should be considered. Nonetheless, a combination of a qualitative and quantitative method can be done in order to increase the demands of reliability and validity
Mass bathing in the slow worm Anguis fragilis
publishedVersionPaid open acces
Selskapsfinansiering av aksjeerverv etter aksjeloven § 8-10 med særlig vekt på forholdet til fusjon
Master i rettsvitenskapJUS399MAJU
The separation between church and school
Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2017.Norsk:
Grunnskolen i Norge har sin spede begynnelse i 1739. Den gang kun som en forlengelse av kirken, og dens funksjon var utelukkende konfirmasjonsforberedelse. I dag ser vi at situasjonen er en helt annen. Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i et av de mest avgjørende øyeblikkene for bruddet mellom kirken og skolen. Nemlig folkeskoleloven av 1889. Oppgaven gjør rede for de forandringene i samfunnet, politikken, kirken og skolen som utover hele 1800- tallet utgjør en prosess som ender i en sekularisering av skolen. Overaskende nok ser det ut til at de største pådriverne for denne utviklingen ikke var de største motstanderne av statskirken, og den ideologien den stod for. Snarere er de alle medlemmer av statskirken og de ser på kristendommen som et av skolens viktigste fag.Engelsk:
The Norwegian primary school saw its beginning in 1739. Then as an extension of the Church, its function was to be a confirmation school. Today we see that the situation has changed, the church has no formal power over the school. This paper is based on the assumption that the crucial moment in the separation between church and school came with the new school law in 1889. The paper explains the changes in politics, church, school and society that made this separation possible. The surprising thing is that it doesn’t seem to be the anti-theist and secular powers that made the change, but rather members of the church that sees the importance of a secular education
Inquiry- without posing questions?
This article discusses what inquiry conversations could mean when learning mathematics.3 Referring to Gadamar’s distinction of true and apparent questions it is discussed what it takes to be inquiring and if this attitude necessarily includes posing questions. Which qualities are expressed in inquiring questions, and what other ways of communicating may have an inquiring function in learning conversations? The intention is to develop and frame the concept of ’inquiry’ in learning conversations, and this is the focus of analysis of an authentic classroom situation, where teacher and pupils are exploring the concept of ’volume’. Further, this analysis informs a discussion of listening as an important element of an inquiring learning conversation
Videospel som litteratur - Modernisme i Mosaic
Videospel blir allereie brukt i litteraturundervisninga på skulen, men denne bruken av videospel ser ut til å vere meir pedagogisk enn litteraturfagleg grunna. I «Det litterære i computerspil» (2018) argumenterer Sarah Mygind og Johannes Poulsen for at det kan vere interessant å sjå på videospel frå eit litterærfagleg synspunkt. Dei argumenterer for at enkelte videospel har ein litterær sensibilitet fordi dei legg vekt på ei narrativ oppleving, karakterisering, atmosfære og «storytelling». Mosaic (2019) av Krillbite Studio er eit slikt spel, og det stiller seg i dialog med den litterære tradisjonen ved å undersøke fleire tematikkar, som framandgjering, avmakt, urbanisering, den store massen, individet, det umedvitne og dehumanisering, og bruke fleire uttrykksformer, til dømes collage og veristisk surrealisme, som ein kjenner igjen frå den modernistiske kunsten. I tillegg formidlar Mosaic framandgjering og avmakt gjennom spelets rom og struktur, ein eigenskap som er særeigen for videospel. Dette gir god grunn til å tru at videospel kanskje er staden for dei viktigaste nyvinningane innanfor den digitale litteraturen.Video games are already being used as a tool when teaching literature, but this use of video games seems to be based on pedagogy. Sarah Mygind and Johannes Poulsen argue in “Det litterære i computerspil” (2018) that it might be interesting to look at video games from a literary point of view. They argue that some video games have a literary sensibility because of their focus on a narrative experience, characterisation, atmosphere, and storytelling. Mosaic (2019) by Krillbite Studio is one of those games. It enters into a dialogue with the literary tradition by exploring themes like alienation, powerlessness, urbanisation, the big mass, the individual, the unconscious, and dehumanisation, and by using different expressions, like collage and veristic surrealism, that one can recognise from the modernistic art. In addition to this, Mosaic showcases alienation and powerlessness through the structure and space of the video game, which is a distinctive characteristic of video games. With this in mind, it is reasonable to believe that video games might be the place for the most important innovations in the field of digital literature
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