6 research outputs found

    Kampf um Souveränität? Eine Kontroverse zur europäischen Integration nach dem Lissabon-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag dokumentiert eine Kontroverse, die auf dem Kieler DVPW-Kongress im September 2009 im Rahmen einer Podiumsdiskussion ausgetragen wurde. Mit seinem Lissabon-Urteil vom Juni 2009 fällte das deutsche Bundesverfassungsgericht ein Grundsatzurteil zur deutschen Beteiligung an der europäischen Integration. Das Gericht erklärte das deutsche Begleitgesetz zum Lissabon-Vertrag für verfassungswidrig, weil es die Beteiligung von Bundestag und Bundesrat als unzureichend ansah. Zudem kündigte das Gericht eine verstärkte verfassungsrechtliche Prüfung der deutschen Anwendbarkeit europäischer Rechtsakte an (Ultra-vires-Kontrolle und Identitätskontrolle). Stephan Leibfried, Marcus Höreth, Martin Höpner, Fritz W. Scharpf und Michael Zürn diskutieren das Urteil im Hinblick auf seine Implikationen für den künftigen Integrationsprozess, für die Handlungsfähigkeit der nationalen und supranationalen Organe, für die Demokratiequalität im europäischen Mehrebenensystem sowie für politökonomische Problemstellungen. The article documents a panel debate held at the Kiel congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) in September 2009. With its Lisbon judgment passed in June 2009, the German Federal Constitutional Court delivered a groundbreaking decision on Germany’s involvement in the European integration process. The Court ruled that the German accompanying law (Begleitgesetz) violated the national constitution because it did not guarantee sufficient parliamentary involvement. Furthermore, the Court announced its intention to intensify the constitutional control of the national applicability of European legal acts (the ultra vires control and the identity control). Stephan Leibfried, Marcus Höreth, Martin Höpner, Fritz W. Scharpf and Michael Zürn discuss the judgment with respect to its implications for the further integration process, for the national and supranational capacities to act, for the democratic quality in the European multilevel system and for political-economic problems

    Arabidopsis halleri shows hyperbioindicator behaviour for Pb and leaf Pb accumulation spatially separated from Zn

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    Lead (Pb) ranks among the most problematic environmental pollutants. Background contamination of soils is nearly ubiquitous, yet plant Pb accumulation is barely understood. In a survey covering 165 European populations of the metallophyte Arabidopsis halleri, several field samples had indicated Pb hyperaccumulation, offering a chance to dissect plant Pb accumulation. Accumulation of Pb was analysed in A. halleri individuals from contrasting habitats under controlled conditions to rule out aerial deposition as a source of apparent Pb accumulation. Several elemental imaging techniques were employed to study the spatial distribution and ligand environment of Pb. Regardless of genetic background, A. halleri individuals showed higher shoot Pb accumulation than A. thaliana. However, dose–response curves revealed indicator rather than hyperaccumulator behaviour. Xylem sap data and elemental imaging unequivocally demonstrated the in planta mobility of Pb. Highest Pb concentrations were found in epidermal and vascular tissues. Distribution of Pb was distinct from that of the hyperaccumulated metal zinc. Most Pb was bound by oxygen ligands in bidentate coordination. A. halleri accumulates Pb whenever soil conditions render Pb phytoavailable. Considerable Pb accumulation under such circumstances, even in leaves of A. thaliana, strongly suggests that Pb can enter food webs and may pose a food safety risk