17 research outputs found

    Appropriation and resistance mechanisms in (post-) colonial constellations of actors : the Latin American frontiers in the 18th and 19th century

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    This working paper offers a longitudinal analysis of appropriation and resistance mechanisms in a culturally heterogeneous context. The study is based on a micro-historical investigation of intercultural communication and cooperation on Latin American frontiers during the transition from colonies to early republics. It begins with the assumption that governance mechanisms implemented by the state were necessarily adapted to the needs of the local population. Our case studies confirm the difficulty of empirically separating mechanisms of appropriation from mechanisms of resistance; appropriation is generally eclectic in situations of cultural heterogeneity and, as a mechanism, usually counteracts the intentions of state actors

    The Latin American Frontiers in the 18th and 19th Century

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    1\. Introduction: Appropriation or Resistance? 2\. Appropriation and Resistance in the Context of Cultural Diversity on the Frontiers 3\. Mechanisms of Appropriation and Resistance 4\. Case Study: Sonora, Mexico 4.1 The ComcĂĄac 4.2 The Yaqui 5\. Case Study Cono Sur: The Mapuche in Southern Chile 6\. Summary and Prospects for Future InvestigationThis working paper offers a longitudinal analysis of appropriation and resistance mechanisms in a culturally heterogeneous context. The study is based on a micro-historical investigation of intercultural communication and cooperation on Latin American frontiers during the transition from colonies to early republics. It begins with the assumption that governance mechanisms implemented by the state were necessarily adapted to the needs of the local population. Our case studies confirm the difficulty of empirically separating mechanisms of appropriation from mechanisms of resistance; appropriation is generally eclectic in situations of cultural heterogeneity and, as a mechanism, usually counteracts the intentions of state actors.Das Working Paper prĂ€sentiert eine Langzeitstudie von Aneignungs- und Abwehrmechanismen im kulturell heterogenen Kontext. Die mikrohistorische Untersuchung interkultureller Kommunikation und Kooperation an den lateinamerikanischen Frontiers zwischen Kolonie und Republik geht davon aus, dass staatlich implementierte Governance-Mechanismen auf der lokalen Ebene an die BedĂŒrfnisse der entsprechenden Residenzgruppen angepasst werden mĂŒssen. Die Fallbeispiele bestĂ€tigen dabei die Schwierigkeit, Aneignungs- und Abwehrmechanismen empirisch zu trennen, da Aneignungen im kulturell heterogenen Kontext grundsĂ€tzlich eklektisch vorgenommen werden und, als Mechanismus, zumeist einer Vereinnahmung durch staatliche Strukturen vorbeugen

    Julia Krause: Die Erziehung indianischer MĂ€dchen im Zentralmexiko des 16. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac 2007 (304 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Julia Krause: Die Erziehung indianischer MĂ€dchen im Zentralmexiko des 16. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac 2007 (304 S.; ISBN 978-3-8300-2717-1; 58,00 EUR)

    Die Comcáac von Sonora (Mexiko) unter kolonialer und republikanischer Herrschaft, 1650–1850

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    Vertrauen wird in den Sozialwissenschaften als Grundlage des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhaltes angesehen. Anhand des Beispiels der JĂ€ger- und Sammlergruppe ComcĂĄac („Seris“) und ihrer Beziehungen zur spanisch-mexikanischen Siedlergesellschaft von Sonora (Mexiko) wird diese Annahme im vorliegenden Band diskutiert und dabei die bislang kaum bekannte Geschichte dieser indigenen Gruppe zwischen dem 17. und 19. Jahrhundert erzĂ€hlt

    The British Occupation of Spanish Manila and the Sulu Sultanate: Considerations on Diverging Interests in Southeast Asia (1749-1775)

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    Este capítulo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY-NC-ND 4.0the british occupation of Manila between 1762 and 1764 is a watershed event in the history of the Philippines. For the British, however, the occupation did not seem to have any major consequence after the end of the Seven Years’ War. Yet, if we take into consideration the larger British schemes in the region, this impression changes. In particular, the commercial interest of the East India Company in the Sulu Sea was critical in this regard. By analyzing a large set of primary sources, this article will show that the Sultanate of Sulu was a relevant factor for both the Spaniards and the British in Southeast Asia during the occupation. It will start by delving into the particular interests of the Sulu, the Spaniards, and the British in the middle of the century before looking at the triangle of relations during the British occupation. It will close with considerations on the situation after the withdrawal of the British and the realization of another project on the Island of Balambangan some years later.Peer reviewe