59 research outputs found

    Comercialização de produtos da agricultura familiar: um estudo de caso em Passo Fundo – RS

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    A Feira do Produtor, que ocorre na antiga estação ferroviária de Passo Fundo, RS, é a mais importante do município, tanto pelo número de feirantes como pelo de consumidores. Apesar disso, ainda não havia sido objeto de estudo formalizado. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar a estrutura organizacional da feira, de_ nir as preferências dos consumidores e os principais atributos percebidos e valorizados pelos clientes. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de dois questionários, um aplicado a todos os 58 feirantes e outro, a 471 consumidores que _ zeram compras nos dias estudados. As hortaliças são os produtos mais comercializados, vendidos por quase 50% dos feirantes. Cerca de 86% dos consumidores fazem compras na feira uma vez por semana e 61% deles têm preferência pelo sábado, com valor médio de consumo de R$ 25,94. A higiene e limpeza constituem preocupação comum para feirantes e consumidores. Pelo número de pessoas que frequentam a feira e pela multiplicidade de artigos nela postos à venda, a Feira do Produtor de Passo Fundo tem potencial de se tornar um evento de dimensão superior à atual, desde que supere as limitações de limpeza, localização, preço e divulgação, entre outros problemas apontados pelos feirantes e consumidores.____________________Termos para indexação: Feira de Produtores. Grãos. Vegetais. Frutas

    Smart objects embedded production and quality management functions

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    In this paper, smart objects embedded production and quality management functions are proposed, to promote accurately support decision-making processes, from the shop floor level up to higher decision-making levels. The proposed functions contribute for different kind of problems solving in production and quality management, such as production planning and control, scheduling, factory supervision, real-time data acquisition and processing, and real-time decision making. The web access at different middleware devices and tools, at different decision levels, along with the use of integrated algorithms and tools, embedded in smart objects, promotes conditions for better decision-making for optimized use of knowledge and resources in production systems. The relevance of the proposed smart objects embedded production and quality management functions has been validated positively in a manufacturing company.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, through the grants: “Projeto Estratégico – UI 252 – 2011–2012” reference PEstOE/EME/UI0252/2011, and “Ph.D. Scholarship Grant” reference SFRH/BD/85672/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do desempenho em confinamento de novilhos abatidos aos 15 ou 27 meses de idade

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho bio-econômico de novilhos de cortesubmetidos a um modelo de produção baseado na utilização de pastagem cultivada e confinamento,visando à produção de novilhos superprecoces e precoces. Foram utilizados 432 novilhos com base racialbritânica, sendo 267 novilhos superprecoces, abatidos em média aos 15 meses (grupo NSP), e 165 novilhosprecoces, abatidos em média aos 27 meses (grupo NP). Os NSP e os NP foram alocados empastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum) aos 7 e 22 meses, com peso médio inicial (PIPAST) de 185,06e 314,36 kg, permanecendo em pastejo por 145 e 55 dias respectivamente. Posteriormente os animaisforam colocados em regime de confinamento, iniciando com peso médio (PICONF) de 296,98 e 352,04 kg,respectivamente para NSP e NP (p0,01) e foram terminados até que atingissem o grau de terminaçãoadequado, sendo vendidos de forma escalonada. Novilhos superprecoces apresentaram melhor retornoeconômico no modelo de produção proposto, sendo a diferença de preço compra/venda o principal fatorresponsável por esse resultado.Palavras-chave: Novilhos precoces, confinamento, pastagem, desempenho econômico

    Anatomia comparativa de vertebrados : atlas fotográfico

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    O primeiro volume do Atlas foca nas estruturas anatômicas dos sistemas circulatório e respiratório dos vertebrados com enfoque comparativo entre as estruturas, suas diferenças funcionais e morfológicas. Todas as imagens foram produzidas no LACV e mantém fidelidade de coloração, forma, textura e relações anatômicas entre as estruturas

    Histomoniasis in Peacock (Pavo cristatus) in the Potiguar Semiarid

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    Background: Histomoniasis is a disease caused by Histomonas meleagridis, a flagellated protozoan that can cause severe necrotizing hepatitis and typhlitis in several bird species. The disease has a cosmopolitan distribution. In experimental infection, peacocks (Pavo spp.) showed susceptibility to histomoniasis, however there are few reports on natural histomoniasis in this species. In northeastern Brazil, reports about its occurrence in avian species are scarce and nonexistent in peacocks. Therefore, this report aims to describe the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of a histomoniasis case in a peacock (Pavo cristatus) in the Brazilian semiarid region.Case: A 3-month-old male peacock with a history of apathy and anorexia was attended in the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The animal was raised extensively in a farm without basic sanitary measures, also with a history of living with animals of different species. After clinical examination, in which intense apathy and weight loss were confirmed, the bird was submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, however there was no clinical improvement and the bird died. At necropsy, intense diffuse bilateral necrotizing typhlitis and multifocal to coalescent necrotizing hepatitis were observed. Fragments of the organs were collected in 10% formaldehyde buffered with phosphate-saline buffer for histopathological analysis and cecal content were collected for microbiological analysis. Histopathology of the cecum revealed transmural necrotizing typhlitis associated with myriads of trophozoites morphologically compatible with Histomonas meleagridis. The same microorganisms observed in association with necrotizing hepatitis lesions, which allowed the diagnosis of histomoniasis. Also, the bacterium Pantoea agglomerans was isolated from the cecal content.Discussion: The macroscopic and microscopic findings allowed the diagnosis and the first recording of histomoniasis in peacock in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte. The bird was raised in an extensive breeding and without sanitary management, such as the use of anthelmintics, which may favor infection by the nematode Heterakis gallinarum, that’ transmits the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis. The contamination, which begins by the orofecal route, happens through the ingestion of eggs of the nematode contaminated with H. meleagridis that pass through the gastrointestinal tract, reaching the ceca and causing intense lesions in the organ, such as the bilateral transmural typhlitis that we observed in this case. From ceca, the protozoan has access to the bloodstream and reaches the liver, where it causes necrotic hepatitis, also present in the peacock. Both cecal and hepatic lesions were associated with myriads of microorganisms morphologically compatible with H. meleagridis, which allowed the diagnosis of the disease. The challenge in diagnosing this disease occurs mainly due to nonspecific clinical signs, such as apathy and weight loss, the only signs reported by the breeder and observed in this peacock. Confirmation of the occurrence of histomoniasis in any region is important to establish the disease among the differential diagnoses for the species, as in this case. Since this is the first report of peacock histomoniasis in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, it is evident the need to consider the disease among possible diagnoses in cases of nonspecific symptoms and it also demonstrates the need to implement control and prophylaxis measures in peacock breeding aiming to avoid losses of birds and economic losses to the breeders and to promote quality of life to the animals

    Seasonal variation of pest mite populations in relation to citrus scion cultivars in northeastern Brazil

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    Pest populations in a given agroecosystem may be influenced by several abiotic and biotic variables, including the host plant cultivar. We compared the population fluctuation of pest mites in twenty citrus scion cultivars grafted on Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia). Adults of citrus rust mite Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Acari: Eriophyidae), Texas citrus mite Eutetranychus banksi and Tetranychus mexicanus (Acari:Tetranychidae) were monthly counted in each scion cultivar from April 2011 to February 2013 in Sergipe state, northeastern Brazil. Larger E. banksi population peak was recorded on sweet orange ‘Valência Montemorellos’ in February 2012 compared to the other cultivars and larger populations of T. mexicanus were found on sweet orange ‘Lima’ in January 2013 in comparison to acid limes ‘Tahiti IAC 5’ and ‘IAC 5-1’. The population of P. oleivora, however was not different among scion cultivars and varied only with time. Abiotic and biotic variables were important mechanisms underlying such responses. We conclude that the abundances of the mites E. banksi and T. mexicanus were influenced by scion cultivars only in some periods, suggesting putative resistance mechanisms in some genotypes to these pests