13 research outputs found

    Uso de rutas de aprendizaje a través de un ecosistema digital para apoyar a niños con problemas de aprendizaje en matemáticas básicas

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    Nowadays, technology is present in any human activity. In education a central problem is the large amount of educational resources available on the web, these resources need to be organized and evaluated for their best use in a specific way in order to be used by children with learning disabilities, this through user profiles that help an adequate delivery. Each of these children belongs to learning communities within an inclusive digital ecosystem that generates time optimization for the acquisition of basic math skills. This work aims to bring technology closer to improve the knowledge of children with learning disabilities in basic mathematics through the use of learning paths, which help to guide the teacher in the needs of children. A series of resources are proposed in an orderly and progressive manner that help to mitigate the problems presented according to the profile of each student, each of these learning paths are based on workflows in order to deliver resources through services. This paper presents a case study in an elementary school in Mexico and finally the results obtained from the evaluation of the case study

    WhatsApp as a university tutoring resource

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    Tutoring, as a process of accompaniment of university students, has among its purposes identification of and reflection on the various difficulties that can interfere in the development of student competencies. To the same end, the present research explores the possibility of using WhatsApp as a tutoring resource in universities, with an emphasis on identifying and reflecting on the academic, personal, and family problems of students. This case study uses a quasi-experimental approach with a treatment group and a control group intentionally selected at the Escuela Profesional de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Peru, during the first semester of the 2020 academic year. Data were collected using semi-structured interview guides and individual tutoring cards. The results show that this technological resource improved the university tutoring service among the students in the experimental group. It proved more flexible and attractive to students, who were motivated to externalize and reflect on their personal, family, and academic difficulties and showed increased openness to receiving help in problem solving them. On the other hand, student participation was less active in the control group. These findings affirm that WhatsApp is a resource that can allow more spontaneous and friendly communication between tutors and students, creating a context conducive to achieving the objectives of university tutoring.Campus Arequip

    Entornos de Realidad Virtual Centrados en el Usuario como Soporte a las Necesidades Educativas de Niños con TDAH en la Pandemia por COVID 19

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    The use of technology to face the challenges in daily life is something that is increasingly needed and in complicated times like the one we live in today where there is a health contingency (COVID-19) that prevents people from exposing themselves to each other and restricts physical contact, virtual reality can be an alternative that allows the transmission of knowledge in an immersive and interactive way in various fields. This work proposes the use of virtual reality environments as an alternative to support the learning process in children with special educational needs such as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other associated disorders that occur in basic education. These proposed virtual reality environments are designed under a user-centered approach and their contents are in accordance with expert therapeutic guidelines. As a result of this proposal, a case study is presented in which the user experience is evaluated through the use of an interactive environment to support the special educational needs of elementary school children attending an educational institution in Mexic

    GUIMIT 2019, Guía mexicana de inmunoterapia. Guía de diagnóstico de alergia mediada por IgE e inmunoterapia aplicando el método ADAPTE

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    Campus virtuales : revista científica iberoamericana de tecnología educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésLa enseñanza inclusiva implica que los docentes reconozcan las capacidades, la diversidad y los límites de cada uno de sus estudiantes. Por otro lado, desde el inicio de la contingencia del Covid-19 se pidió a los docentes que pusieran en práctica modalidades de educación a distancia. Desde este contexto, se presenta un trabajo cuyo objetivo es analizar los retos docentes en educación inclusiva como el teletrabajo docente y el reto de atender en conjunto con los padres los aprendizajes de sus alumnos a nivel de educación básica. Para ello, se diseñó y se aplicó una encuesta sobre dichos retos en la educación inclusiva en México. Se comentan los principales hallazgos en la sección de resultados. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y trabajos futuros de la presente investigaciónES

    A Lean UX Process Model for Virtual Reality Environments Considering ADHD in Pupils at Elementary School in COVID-19 Contingency

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    Today, the world is experiencing the COVID-19 health contingency, which prevents people from being exposed to one another and restricts physical contact. Under this context, the use of technology has become an essential tool to face the challenges of daily life, and virtual reality can be an alternative in the development of solutions that effectively support the acquisition of learning skills and knowledge transmission through the execution of tasks designed by multi-disciplinary groups. In addition, it can encourage the user to continue with the acquisition of learning skills in a friendly and fun way in a health and education context. This work proposes the use of virtual reality environments as an alternative to support the learning process in children with special educational needs such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other associated disorders that occur in basic education. These proposed reality environments are designed under the Lean UX process model and their contents are designed according to expert therapeutic guidelines. As a result of this proposal, a case study is presented in which the user experience is evaluated through the use of an interactive environment to support the special educational needs of elementary school children attending an educational institution in Mexico

    Campus virtuales : revista científica iberoamericana de tecnología educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésSe evalúan los factores que afectan la satisfacción del estudiante universitario sobre el modelo de aprendizaje del Aula Invertida, sus potencialidades y limitaciones. La investigación se realizó en el Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Perú con un estudio de caso que combina aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada a 12 profesores de cursos de formación básica y un cuestionario a 442 estudiantes matriculados en cursos básicos. Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron con base en la técnica de Análisis de Componentes Principales y su versión Varimax, Análisis de Contenido para analizar los datos cualitativos a través del software NVivo. Este estudio encontró que el modelo es potencialmente beneficioso, ya que impulsaría los resultados de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes. Además, se sugiere que el personal involucrado en este modelo de enseñanza refuerce sus competencias para un mejor dominio con el fin de fortalecer el desarrollo profesional de sus estudiantesES

    Molecular Insights into the Thrombotic and Microvascular Injury in Placental Endothelium of Women with Mild or Severe COVID-19

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    Clinical manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnant women are diverse, and little is known of the impact of the disease on placental physiology. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been detected in the human placenta, and its binding receptor ACE2 is present in a variety of placental cells, including endothelium. Here, we analyze the impact of COVID-19 in placental endothelium, studying by immunofluorescence the expression of von Willebrand factor (vWf), claudin-5, and vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin in the decidua and chorionic villi of placentas from women with mild and severe COVID-19 in comparison to healthy controls. Our results indicate that: (1) vWf expression increases in the endothelium of decidua and chorionic villi of placentas derived from women with COVID-19, being higher in severe cases; (2) Claudin-5 and VE-cadherin expression decrease in the decidua and chorionic villus of placentas from women with severe COVID-19 but not in those with mild disease. Placental histological analysis reveals thrombosis, infarcts, and vascular wall remodeling, confirming the deleterious effect of COVID-19 on placental vessels. Together, these results suggest that placentas from women with COVID-19 have a condition of leaky endothelium and thrombosis, which is sensitive to disease severity