18 research outputs found

    Där äldre och läkare möts i depressionen, en fenomenologisk studie om två perspektiv på äldredepression

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    The aim for this study was to examine the meaning constitution of elderly depression among self-identified elders and general practitioners (GP’s) in Sweden. An additional aim was to investigate possible juxtapositions of their life-worlds. The research question was stated as follows: How is meaning constituted around the concept of elderly depression among self-identified elders and GP’s in primary care? Open interviews were recorded and transcribed. A phenomenological analysis with focus on the singularity was conducted using a method based on MCA-Minerva. The perspective of the self-identified elder consisted of eleven areas of meaning constitution among which lacking social network, bodily functions and society was thought of as a negative influence on depression and social connection was seen has having a positive effect on the well-being. Ten areas of meaning constitution were found in the life world of the GP. Lacking social network, difficulties for GP’s and the hidden depression were areas of constitution influencing the meaning of elderly depression among the GP’s. The singular perspective was validated through the remaining informants’ narrative. The outcome indicates a fragmented conception of depression held by the GP, whereas the elderly conceive depression as state involving the totality of the life situation.Studiens syfte var att undersöka konstituering av mening kring äldredepression bland självidentifierade äldre och primärvårdsläkare i Sverige. Ett ytterligare syfte var att urskilja möjliga skärningspunkter mellan deras livsvärldar. Frågeställningen var följande: Hur konstituerar primärvårdsläkare och självidentifierade äldre mening kring begreppet äldredepression? Hur förhåller sig dessa perspektiv till varandra? Öppna intervjuer spelades in och transkriberades. En fenomenologisk analys genomfördes med utgångspunkt i singulariteten med hjälp av MCA-Minerva. Elva konstitueringsområden framkom hos de självidentifierade äldre, varav brist på social samvaro, kroppsliga funktioner och samhället var negativt värderade. Social samvaro ansågs ha en positiv inverkan på måendet. Tio konstitueringsområden urskiljdes i läkarens livsvärld. Brist på samhörighet, svårigheter för läkaren och den dolda depressionen influerade bland annat meningskonstitueringen kring äldredepressioner hos läkaren. Det singulära perspektivet validerades genom de övriga deltagarnas narrativ. Resultaten indikerar ett, från läkaren, fragmenterat och delvis motsägelsefullt meningskonstituerande kring äldredepressioner, emedan den självidentifierade äldre ser depression hos äldre som ett tillstånd orsakat av livssituationens totalitet

    Complete response to anti-interleukin-5 biologics in a real-life setting:results from the nationwide Danish Severe Asthma Register

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    BACKGROUND: Phase III regulatory trials show that anti-interleukin (IL)-5 biologics efficiently reduce exacerbations and the use of maintenance oral corticosteroids (mOCS) in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma. However, patients eligible for these trials differ significantly compared with real-life severe asthma populations. Therefore, our aim was to explore efficacy in a real-life setting. The Danish Severe Asthma Register (DSAR) is a complete, nationwide register that comprises all Danish patients on biological therapy for severe asthma. METHODS: This prospective study identified patients in the DSAR who were complete responders to anti-IL-5 biologics after 1 year of treatment. A complete response was defined as resolution of the parameter setting the indication, i.e. recurrent exacerbations and/or use of mOCS. RESULTS: A total of 289 out of 502 (58%) patients were complete responders to anti-IL-5 biologics after 12 months. Complete responders had greater improvements in forced expiratory volume in 1 s and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) score compared with noncomplete responders (Δ 210 versus 30 mL; p<0.0001 and Δ −1.04 versus −0.68; p=0.016, respectively). A complete response was predicted by age at onset, less severe disease at baseline (i.e. no mOCS and lower ACQ score) and higher blood eosinophils. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of Danish patients treated with anti-IL-5 biologics for severe asthma achieve a complete response to treatment, thereby becoming free from asthma exacerbations and the need for mOCS. Complete responders also achieved superior effects on lung function and symptoms compared with noncomplete responders

    Plant Model Generator from Digital Twin for Purpose of Formal Verification

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    This master thesis will cover a way to automatically generate a formal model for plant verification from plant traces. The solution will be developed from trace data, stemming from a model of a digital twin of a physical plant. The final goal is to automatically generate a formal model of the plant that can be used for model checking for verifying the safety and functional properties of the actual plant. The solution for this specific setup will be generalized and a general approach for other systems will be discussed. Furthermore, state machine generation will be introduced. This includes generating state machine data from traces, and in the future is planned be used as an intermediate step between the trace data and model generation. The digital twin solution used in this project is a joint setup in Visual Components and nxtSTUDIO. The symbolic model checker NuSMV is utilized in order to verify the functional properties of the plant.I detta examensarbete utforskas ett sätt att generera formella modeller av en process via inspelningar av dennes beteende. Lösningen är utvecklad från data över processens beteende, som tas upp av en digital tvilling. Det slutgiltliga målet är att med hjälp av den digitala tvillingen automatiskt generera en modell som kan användas för att verifiera säkerhet och funktioner för den riktiga processen. Lösningen blir sedan generaliserad för att i framtiden kunna bli applicerad på andra processer. Ett sätt att generera tillståndsmaskiner kommer läggas fram. Detta sätt kommer generera data för tillståndsmaskinerna genom den digitala tvillingens beteende och i framtiden planeras att användas som ett mellansteg för att generera de slutliga modellerna.  Den digitala tvillingen som används i det här projektet är implementerat av Aalto universitet, och i flera program. Den visuella delen, som även spelar in tvillingens beteende, är implementerad i Visual Components. En kontroll för den digitala tvillingen är gjord i nxtSTUDIO. Verktyget för att verifiera modellens säkerhet och funktioner är gjord i NuSMV

    Skönlitteraturens möjligheter : En undersökning av gymnasielärares attityder till litteraturundervisning

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    Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, gymnasielärare i svenskämnet arbetar med läsning av skönlitterära texter som en källa till kunskap i undervisningen, samt vilka metoder som används under och efter litteraturläsning. Undersökningen grundar sig på teorier kring skönlitteraturens möjligheter att fungera som en kunskapskälla, och olika teorier kring vilka metoder som lämpligen kan användas i litteraturundervisningen. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med sju svensklärare på gymnasieskolor i en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige. Utifrån intervjumaterialet framkom det att lärarnas attityder till skönlitteratur som en kunskapskälla och deras bakomliggande tankar till undervisningens utformning sammanföll väl med de teorier som lyfts fram i uppsatsen. Enligt dessa teorier är det viktigt att elevers erfarenheter och åsikter inkluderas vid tolkning av skönlitterära texter och det viktiga är att lära genom skönlitteraturen snarare än om skönlitteraturen. De intervjuade lärarna använder metoder i sin litteraturundervisning som integrerar litteraturläsning med samtalande och skrivande

    Factors of importance for maintaining work as perceived by men with arthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: Employment rates are significantly lower among individuals with arthritis compared to a general population. There is, however, limited research about how men with arthritis perceive their ability to maintain working. The aim of this study was thus to explore their perception of this. PARTICIPANTS: Nine employed men with arthritis were purposively sampled. METHODS: Interviews were performed and were informed by the central concepts of the Model of Human Occupation. The Empirical Phenomenological Psychological method was modified and used to analyze and interpret collected data. RESULTS: The findings showed that men with arthritis perceived a desire to work, adjusted their activity pattern, were aware of their own capabilities, had good work conditions, had environmental support and used effective medication to maintain their ability to work. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that health care professionals can help men with arthritis to find strategies and a balance between recreation and work. Ultimately, this knowledge could guide health care professionals to target men needing interventions to prevent sick leave

    Plant Model Generator from Digital Twin for Purpose of Formal Verification

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    Funding Information: ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was sponsored, in part, by the H2020 project 1-SWARM co-funded by the European Commission (grant agreement: 871743). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 IEEE.This paper reports on a method of automatic generation of a formal model of plant from the behaviour traces recorded from its digital twin. The traces are observed from simulation in the loop of the digital twin in Visual Components connected with distributed automation software, developed in NxtSTUDIO according to IEC 61499. The generated modular formal model of the closed-loop system is transformed to the model of uncontrolled plant behaviour extended with nondeterminism. The model is then combined in closed-loop with the formal model of controller, generated from its source code using the fb2smv tool. The verification and simulation is done by the symbolic model checker NuSMV tool, which verifies various CTL/LTL specifications of the system.Peer reviewe

    Ultrasensitive sequencing of STR markers utilizing unique molecular identifiers and the SiMSen-Seq method

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    Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) is increasingly applied in forensic short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. The presence of stutter artefacts and other PCR or sequencing errors in the MPS-STR data partly limits the detection of low DNA amounts, e.g., in complex mixtures. Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) have been applied in several scientific fields to reduce noise in sequencing. UMIs consist of a stretch of random nucleotides, a unique barcode for each starting DNA molecule, that is incorporated in the DNA template using either ligation or PCR. The barcode is used to generate consensus reads, thus removing errors. The SiMSen-Seq (Simple, multiplexed, PCR-based barcoding of DNA for sensitive mutation detection using sequencing) method relies on PCR-based introduction of UMIs and includes a sophisticated hairpin design to reduce unspecific primer binding as well as PCR protocol adjustments to further optimize the reaction. In this study, SiMSen-Seq is applied to develop a proof-of-concept seven STR multiplex for MPS library preparation and an associated bioinformatics pipeline. Additionally, machine learning (ML) models were evaluated to further improve UMI allele calling. Overall, the seven STR multiplex resulted in complete detection and concordant alleles for 47 single-source samples at 1 ng input DNA as well as for low-template samples at 62.5 pg input DNA. For twelve challenging mixtures with minor contributions of 10 pg to 150 pg and ratios of 1–15% relative to the major donor, 99.2% of the expected alleles were detected by applying the UMIs in combination with an ML filter. The main impact of UMIs was a substantially lowered number of artefacts as well as reduced stutter ratios, which were generally below 5% of the parental allele. In conclusion, UMI-based STR sequencing opens new means for improved analysis of challenging crime scene samples including complex mixtures. © 2024 The AuthorsWe thank Froste Svensson for input on the bioinformatics pipeline and Nelly Gyll\u00F6 Lind and Markus Andr\u00E9 Soma for practical assistance in pre-studies. This study was funded by VINNOVA: Project title \u201CUltrak\u00E4nsliga analyser f\u00F6r b\u00E4ttre h\u00E4lsa och kriminalteknik (ULTRA-UDI)\u201D and reference number 2020\u201304141, and V\u00E4stra G\u00F6talandsregionen RUN 2021\u201300059. Anders St\u00E5hlberg was funded by Region V\u00E4stra G\u00F6taland; Swedish Cancer Society [22\u20132080]; Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation [2022\u20130030]; Swedish Research Council [2021\u201301008]; the Swedish state under the agreement between the Swedish government and the county councils, the ALF-agreement [965065]; Sweden's Innovation Agency [2018\u201300421, 2020\u201304141] and the Sj\u00F6berg Foundation. Points of view in this document are those of the NIST-affiliated authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Certain equipment, instruments, software, or materials are identified in this paper to specify the experimental procedure adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement of any product or service by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. All work performed at NIST has been reviewed and approved by the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Protections Office. This study was determined to be \u201Cnot human subjects research\u201D (often referred to as research not involving human subjects) as defined in U. S. Department of Commerce Regulations, 15 CFR 27, also known as the Common Rule (45 CFR 46, Subpart A), for the Protection of Human Subjects by the NIST Human Research Protections Office and therefore not subject to oversight by the NIST Institutional Review Board (MML-16\u20130080). All data handling performed in Sweden was done in accordance with approval no 2023\u201305921\u20131 from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. A.S. is co-inventor of the SiMSen-Seq technology that is patent protected (U.S. Serial No.:15/552,618). A.S. declares stock ownership and is a board member in Tulebovaasta, Iscaff Pharma and SiMSen Diagnostics. G.J. declares employment and stock ownership in SiMSen Diagnostics.</p