34 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Metabolism and Nitrogen Control in Corynebacteria: Variations of a Common Theme

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    The published genome sequences of Corynebacterium diphtheriae , Corynebacterium efficiens , Corynebacterium glutamicum and Corynebacterium jeikeium were screened for genes encoding central components of nitrogen source uptake, nitrogen assimilation and nitrogen control systems. Interestingly, the soil-living species C. efficiens and C. glutamicum exhibit a broader spectrum of genes for nitrogen transport and metabolism than the pathogenic species C. diphtheriae and C. jeikeium . The latter are characterized by gene decay and loss of functions like urea metabolism and nitrogen-dependent transcription control. The global regulator of nitrogen regulation AmtR and its DNA-binding motif are conserved in C. diphtheriae , C. efficiens and C. glutamicum , while in C. jeikeium , an AmtR-encoding gene as well as putative AmtR-binding motifs are missing

    CT-guided percutaneous lumbar sympathicolysis at peripheral arterial disease

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    Ziel: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu prĂŒfen, wie die objektiven und subjektiven Langzeitergebnisse nach Behandlung von pAVK-Patienten mittels CT-LSE sind. Es sollte ermittelt werden, ob eine Amputation durch die CT-LSE verhindert werden kann, ob bestehende Wunden durch die CT-LSE abheilen oder sich verkleinern. Material und Methodik: Es wurden insgesamt 28 Patienten die 30 CT-LSE erhielten retrospektiv anhand von Krankenakten erfasst und nachuntersucht. Es wurden die Anzahl und der Zeitpunkt der Amputationen, die Wundcharakteristika und der Wundverlauf (Anzahl, GrĂ¶ĂŸe, Lokalisation, Entwicklung wĂ€hrend der Therapie) erhoben. Die Kontrollgruppe wurde nach Alter, Geschlecht, Erkrankung an Diabetes mellitus, GefĂ€sssituation und Begleiterkrankungen im Rahmen einer Paarbildung zusammengestellt. Ergebnisse: Bei den Patienten der CT-LSE Gruppe kam es insgesamt zu 13 Amputationen, in der Kontrollgruppe kam es zu 9 Amputationen. Somit kam es nach CT-LSE zu mehr Amputationen als in der Kontrollgruppe. Auch der Zeitraum bis zur Amputation ist in der Behandlungsgruppe kĂŒrzer als in der Kontrollgruppe, so daß die CT-LSE nicht in der Lage zu sein scheint, eine Amputation hinauszuzögern. Von den 43 (CT-LSE Gruppe) bzw. 37 Wunden (Kontrollgruppe) heilten im Untersuchungszeitraum in der CT-LSE Gruppe 7 (16.2%), in der Kontrollgruppe 15 (40.5%) ab. Dieser Unterschied in der Abheilungsrate der Wunden zwischen den beiden Gruppen war signifikant (p<0.05). Betrachtet man Diabetiker und Nichtdiabetiker getrennt, so zeigten sich unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Einerseits war die Amputationsrate bei den Diabetikern gegenĂŒber den Nichtdiabetikern in der CT-LSE Gruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe etwas höher, andererseits war die Rate an abgeheilten Wunden bei den Diabetikern im Vergleich zu den Nichtdiabetikern in der CT-LSE Gruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe höher. Im Gegensatz dazu heilten in der CT-LSE Gruppe von 7 Wunden 6 bei den Diabetikern und nur eine bei den Nichtdiabetikern ab, bzw. von den 15 der Kontrollgruppe heilten 11 bei den Diabetikern und 4 bei den Nichtdiabetikern ab. Verkleinert haben sich von den 12 Wunden der CT-LSE Gruppe 7 bei den Diabetikern und 5 bei den Nichtdiabetikern. Die Ergebnisse lassen keinen ĂŒberzeugenden Grund finden, Diabetiker prinzipiell von dieser Behandlung auszuschliessen. Sie variieren im Erfolg Ă€hnlich wie Nichtdiabetiker. Bei der Nachuntersuchung der aufgetretenen Komplikationen fanden sich in nur zwei FĂ€llen Hinweise auf eine postinterventionelle EinschrĂ€nkung (Kribbeln in den Zehen, Schmerzen in der Leiste). Beide Male blieb unklar, wodurch die Symptomatik verursacht wurden. Die Auswertung des Fragebogens ergab gemischte Ergebnisse. So verneinte die Mehrzahl der Patienten die Frage nach einer subjektiven Verbesserung. Allerdings bewerteten die Patienten das Empfinden direkt nach der CT-LSE und Jahre nach der CT-LSE besser. Die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens korrelieren mit denen der Auswertung der Krankenakten. Schlussfolgerung: Die von uns erhobenen Daten zeigen, dass die CT-LSE nicht in der Lage ist, die Amputationsrate bei Patienten mit pAVK IV zu senken. Im Vergleich zur Literatur, die fĂŒr alle Stadien der pAVK eine Gesamt-Amputationsrate von ca. 34% aufweist, ermittelten wir eine Amputationsrate von 43%. Auch ein besseres Abheilen von Wunden wurde nicht ermittelt. Ausblick: Duda empfiehlt die Anwendung bei Patienten, bei denen revaskularisierende Eingriffe nicht mehr möglich sind. Die Arbeit von SchĂŒtter zeigt, dass in einem frĂŒheren Stadium eine CT-LSE die Indikation zur Amputation zeitlich hinauszögern kann. Waibel zeigte 1977, dass im Stadium II 58.7% der Patienten eine Verbesserung erfuhren. Möglicherweise mĂŒssen die Patienten frĂŒher einer CT-LSE zugefĂŒhrt werden, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Vielleicht sollten auch Voruntersuchungen, die die Indikationsstellung eindeutig definieren, vorher durchgefĂŒhrt werden.Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine objective and subjective long term results after therapy with CT-LS of patients with PAD. It should be found out whether amputation could be avoided by using the CT-LS and whether existing wounds would heal out or decrease. Material and Methods: 28 patients underwent 30 CT-LS and were examined retrospectively by using medical records. The number and the point of time of the amputations, character of the wounds and development (number, size, localisation, development during therapy) were recorded. A control group was composed using parameters like age, gender, Diabetes mellitus, vascular situation and co-existing diseases. Results: 13 amputations occurred in the test group and 9 in the control group, i.e. there were more amputations after treatment with CT-LS. Even the space of time until amputation is shorter in the test group so the CT-LS seem not to be able to protract amputation. During the time of recording 7 of 43 (16.2%) wounds in the test group and 15 of 37 (40.5%) wounds in the control group healed out properly. This difference in healing rate of wounds between both groups was significant (p<0.05). With focus on diabetics and non-diabetics different results became obvious. On the one hand the rate of amputation for the non-diabetics was lower than for the diabetics in the test group compared to the control group, on the other hand the rate of wounds which were healed out was higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics when comparing the test group to the control group. In contrast to that 7 wounds healed within the CT-LS group, 6 of them within the diabetics and only one within the non-diabetics. From 15 wounds in the control group 11 healed out within the diabetics and 4 within the non-diabetics. Within the 12 wounds in the CT-LS group, 7 wounds were reduced within the diabetics, 5 within the non-diabetics. These results will not give a persuasive reason to generally exclude diabetics from this treatment. They vary in success similar to non-diabetics. By re-evaluating complications only two cases were associated with post interventional symptoms (prickling toes, pain in groin). In both cases, it was not clear to find out what caused these symptoms. The analysis of the questionnaires had mixed results. Most of the patients negated the question about subjective improvement. However, the patients estimated their feelings directly after CT-LS and years after CT-LS more positive. The results of the questionnaires correlate with the results of medical records. Conclusion: Our data shows that CT-LS cannot reduce amputation rate in patients with PAD level IV. Our determined amputation rate is 43% whereas the literature shows a rate of 34%. Neither was a better wound healing not ascertained. Prospect: Duda recommends this therapy for patients where revasculating interventions are impossible. SchĂŒtter’s publications show that CT-LS used in a early stadium can avoid indication for amputation. In 1977, Waibel showed improvement for 58.7% of the patients with PAD level II. Maybe CT-LS has to be used earlier if better results want to be achieved. Perhaps preliminary inspections for explicit indication should be done

    Infrarotsensor erkennt Haut und stoppt die SĂ€ge

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    Arbeitssicherheit: Allein in Deutschland passieren an Produktionsmaschinen fast tĂ€glich schwere UnfĂ€lle. Tisch- und FormatkreissĂ€gen gehören mit zu den gefĂ€hrlichsten Maschinen. Informatiker entwickelten nun eine neue Sensortechnik, die solche UnfĂ€lle verhindert, indem sie Haut unabhĂ€ngig von Hautfarbe, Alter und Geschlecht sicher vom WerkstĂŒck unterscheidet

    Are environmental factors responsible for changed breeding behaviour in emperor penguins?

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    Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri Gray) are the only vertebrate species that breed during the Antarctic winter. From the beginning of the breeding season in April until fledging of the chicks in January, emperor penguins rely on the stability of sea (fast) ice. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has recently listed the species as ‘near threatened’ because the habitat of emperor penguins may deteriorate significantly over the coming years with the anticipated changes in sea ice conditions due to climate change. Since 2009, four emperor penguin colonies have been observed on ice shelves, as opposed to sea ice, during the breeding season (Fretwell et al. 2014). This striking change in their breeding behaviour was interpreted as an adaptation of emperor penguins to poor sea ice conditions. Here we report that a large part of the emperor penguin colony at Atka Bay (Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica) moved onto the ice shelf during the 2013 breeding season. This colony has been regularly observed since 1981 but has never before been seen breeding, incubating their eggs, brooding or crùching on the ice shelf. Our observations concur with a recent report, which documented that altered breeding behaviour in emperor penguins has occurred almost simultaneously across Antarctica (Fretwell et al. 2014). Interestingly, the sea ice at Atka Bay has been stable for three consecutive seasons and thus cannot have triggered this change in behaviour. Rather, we present evidence of increased snow accumulation that has greatly improved the accessibility of the ice shelves around Atka Bay, and we discuss additional meteorological factors and local topographical conditions that may have contributed to the shift in breeding location from sea ice onto an ice shelf

    A game with many players: control of gdh transcription in Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    Glutamate dehydrogenase is a central enzyme connecting nitrogen and carbon metabolism via its precursors ammonium and oxoglutarate and its product glutamate. In Corynebacterium glutamicum glutamate dehydrogenase is especially important, since it is a key enzyme for the biotechnological production of the flavour enhancer L-glutamate. In this study, the regulation of gdh transcription was investigated. While originally described as a constitutively expressed gene, we could show that gdh transcription is highly variable depending on environmental conditions. Regulation of the gdh gene by the C. glutamicum nitrogen control protein AmtR was analyzed in detail in this study