1,578 research outputs found

    Effect of co-composted charcoal from gasifier plants on plant growth, nutrient uptake and soil fertility

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    Biomass gasification plants generate energy from woody materials. During the production process, charcoal is produced. Charcoal is a carbon rich material out of woody material with a high potential for different applications. In this study the usage of charcoal as a soil amendment is tested. In the experiments the influence of charcoal on plant growth and nutrient availability should be determined. Therefore a laboratory experiment and a trial under field conditions were performed. In both experiments the plant growth testing was performed according to DIN ISO 11269-2 and OECD guidelines. These methods were developed to investigate the effects of contaminated soil on the emergence and early growth of higher plants (DIN ISO 11269-2, 2012) and to evaluate the possible effect of substances on the ability to germinate, and the growth of seedlings (OECD guidelines, 2003). In a first step organic material (landscape care material) was composted with three different amounts of charcoal (5 % (v/v), 10 % (v/v), 25 % (v/v)). As a reference the organic material was composted without adding biochar. Under field conditions 2 t of compost was applied on each testing area, which has a length of 12.5 m and a width of 6 m. The amount of compost is equal to the legal requirements in Austria (160 t dry mass per hectare) for compost application on agricultural land with the aim of recultivation or protection against erosion. Silage maize was chosen as crop plant for cultivation. Soil samples, which were taken with an interval of two weeks during the experiment, were analyzed for nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, potassium and phosphorus. After harvesting the fresh and dry mass of the plants were measured. Afterwards the biomass was mechanically decomposed to analyze the nutrient uptake. First results showed significant positive effects on plant growth in the laboratory. In contrast no significant influence due to plant growth could be observed in the field. Indeed the influence of biochar on the availability of potassium was significant. Also an effect on nitrogen compounds could be observed. To determine if the application of co-composted biochar could improve plant growth more experiments should be done, especially the influence of proceedings should be determined. Long term effects, according to conventional compost, should be evaluated with multi-year trials. Even if biochar isn’t able to improve the plant growth or nutrient uptake significantly, it could become a leading part for carbon sequestration and further climate protection

    Development of a Life Cycle Model for Deep Tech Startups

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    Startups with a technological focus usually pursue the overarching goal of scaling and establishing themselves as a corporate with a product portfolio as quickly as possible. Deep tech startups in particular identify market niches in which no established players are present and aim to disrupt existing or create new markets with deep technology innovations. In this context, deep tech startups face the challenge of not only developing their organization, but also developing their technology and building a market in parallel. Here, a collaboration with a corporate could be helpful, but, yet often fails due to the insufficient knowledge about life cycle stages and associated goals. To date the goals of deep tech startups in their specific life cycle stages are not precisely formulated in literature. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to develop a life cycle stage model for deep tech startups that enables the explication and pursuit of tangible goals for the individual stages. In the context of a literature review, existing approaches for the description of life cycles of startups as well as goals in the development of organizations are examined. Deficits are then discussed and suitable life cycle stages as well as goal dimensions for the development of a deep tech startup are derived. The life cycle model is based on five distinct development dimensions of startups, and, thereby, enables the derivation of generic goals

    Annual Report 2018

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    Overview about Service Labs worldwide: Approaches, Methods and Use Cases to test Service across Lifecycle

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    AbstractAs product-service systems are very complex, an integrated approach how to test a service is needed. The paper provides a framework for the development and testing of new services, and thereby grants a lot of space and tools for service innovation. In product-service-systems different types of resources are involved, for instance people, technology, information and organization. In the framework provided by mixed reality laboratory environments, all of these resources are brought together as well. The resources people, technology, information and organization are integrated. The interdisciplinary knowledge concerning these relevant resources is merged in the laboratory environments. Furthermore mixed reality laboratory environments are unifying academic expertise and practical, business-driven interests. Since service relevance in manufacturing companies is growing, the testing of new service concepts gets more important. Various methods are available, which help to verify service concepts. Due to this, the focus of this paper is on the analysis of established Service and Innovation Labs worldwide. To give an overview 24 Service labs are identified and analysed

    Zusatz von Molke und Sauerkrautsaft zur RindergĂĽlle und deren Einfluss auf den pH-Wert

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    Ein Gülle pH-Wert von unter 7 würde die Ammoniak-Emissionen deutlich reduzieren. Im vorliegende Versuch wurde die Zugabe von milchsäurehaltigen Flüssigkeiten (Wasser, Molke und Sauerkrautsaft) zur Gülle untersucht. Dabei konnte der pH-Wert durch die Zugabe (Mischungsverhältnis 1:1) von Molke (pH 5,7 oder 5,2) und Sauerkrautsaft (pH 5,8 oder 6,1) im Gegensatz zur Wasserverdünnung (pH 7,5 oder 7,4) deutlich reduziert werden

    Die Sozialfigur des Ehrenamtlichen im Roten Kreuz - Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden empirischen Untersuchung

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    Auf der Grundlage eines neu erhobenen Datensatzes werden die sozioökonomischen Charakteristika der Ehrenamtlichen im Deutschen Roten Kreuz beschrieben. Zudem wird auf der Basis theoretischer Überlegungen ein Vergleich mit den Ehrenamtlichen in Fußballvereinen gezogen. Damit wird ein Vergleich des Ehrenamts in altruistischen bzw. egoistischen Organisationstypen möglich. Theoriegeleitet werden Hypothesen zur Schichtabhängigkeit, zu den Motiven der Ehrenamtlichen und dem Umfang ihres Engagements und ihren Nutzenerfahrungen geprüft. Abschließend werden auf der Grundlage der empirischen Befunde Empfehlungen zur Rekrutierung und Bindung Ehrenamtlicher erarbeitet.Using a new dataset, we study the socioeconomic characteristics of volunteers working for the German Red Cross. Based on theoretical considerations, we compare volunteers of the German Red Cross with volunteers working for German football clubs. Such a comparison allows volunteerism in altruistic versus egoistic clubs to be studied. We use our theoretical considerations to derive hypotheses regarding the class-dependence of volunteerism, the motives of volunteers and the time they spent on volunteering, and the utility volunteers derive from their work. Against the background of our empirical results, we discuss how the recruitment of volunteers and their commitment can be strengthened

    Biegefestigkeit von Verblendkeramiken fĂĽr Zirkoniumdioxid : hat die PrĂĽfmethode einen Einfluss auf die Werte?

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    Die klinische Zuverlässigkeit von Zirkoniumdioxid-Restaurationen wird diskutiert. Das Hauptproblem scheint die erhöhte Frakturrate der Verblendungen zu sein. Die Festigkeit der Verblendkeramiken ist dabei einer der Faktoren, die die Stabilität der gesamten Restauration bestimmen. Deshalb war es das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung, die Biegefestigkeit von Verblendkeramiken für Zirkoniumdioxid vergleichend zu untersuchen. Die Festigkeitswerte wurden mit drei verschiedenen Messmethoden ermittelt und denjenigen von Verblendmassen für die Metallkeramik gegenübergestellt

    Zeitgenössische Frauenliteratur Russlands in deutscher Übersetzung anhand der Erzählung "Sonetschka" von Ljudmila Ulitzkaja

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beruht auf den feministischen Aspekten, die hinter dem kulturspezifischen Spiegel der Frauenliteratur zu finden sind, wobei die feministische Ăśbersetzung als roter Faden dient
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