244 research outputs found


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    Alaselkäkipu on yksi terveydenhuollon suurimmista ongelmista ja suurin osa asiakkaista kärsii epäspesifistä alaselkäkivusta. Noin 80 % ihmisistä kärsii selkäkivuista elämänsä aikana. Usein selkäkipu paranee neljän viikon aikana eli normaalin kudoksen paranemisprosessin mukaan. Kuitenkin noin 10-40% selkäkivuista kroonistuu ja näin ollen niistä aiheutuu huomattavia kuluja yhteiskunnalle. Fysioterapian suoravastaanotossa on kyse siitä, että akuutit tuki- ja liikuntaelinvaivaiset asiakkaat ohjautuvat suoraan fysioterapeutin vastaanotolle hoidontarpeen arvioinnin kautta ilman lääkärikontaktia. Kyseessä on perusterveydenhuollossa yleistymässä oleva toimintamalli. Toimintamallin tavoitteena on nopeuttaa akuuteista tuki- ja liikuntaelinvaivoista kärsivän asiakkaan hoitoon pääsyä, ennaltaehkäistä oireiden pitkittymistä ja vähentää painetta lääkärin vastaanotolla. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään terapeuttista harjoittelua motorisen oppimisen ja kineettisen kontrollin teorian näkökulmasta. Työssä tuodaan esiin motoristen taitojen oppimisen vaiheita ja ohjaajan roolia motoristen taitojen oppimisen tukena. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on tuoda esiin perusteita terapeuttisen harjoittelun ohjaukselle, jotta fysioterapeuttien on mahdollista yksilöllisemmin ohjata asiakasta. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulussa vuosina 2012-2013 järjestettyyn fysioterapian suoravastaanottokoulutukseen ja siellä tehtyihin suoravastaanoton harjoitekuvastoihin. Harjoitekuvastot on laadittu suoravastaanoton fysioterapeuttien toimesta yhteistyössä fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden kanssa. Kehitellyistä harjoitekuvastoista laadulliseen analyysiin on valittu alaselän liikkeen hallintaa käsittelevä kuvasto. Analyysin tulokset ovat nähtävillä opinnäytetyön tulokset osiossa. Kirjallisuuskatsaus osioon on koottu samansuuntaisia tutkimuksia, jotka käsittelevät motorisen kontrollin harjoitteiden vaikutusta alaselkäkipuun.Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the major current problems in health care and most of the clients suffer from non-specific low back pain. About 80% of people suffer from low back pain at some point of life. Usually the symptoms disappear in four weeks as a result of a normal tissue healing process. However, about 10-40% of low back pain cases become chronic and, therefore, cause considerable financial costs for society. In the acute practice of physiotherapy the clients who have musculoskeletal disorders are guided directly to physiotherapy without seeing a doctor first. The concept of acute practice in physiotherapy is becoming more common in basic health care. The goal of the concept is to expedite the access to treatment of clients with acute musculoskeletal disorders, prevent the symptoms from becoming chronic and to alleviate the pressure on physicians’ receptions. This thesis examined therapeutic exercise from the motor learning and kinetic control points of view. It introduces the phases of learning motor skills and the role of the instructor in the process of learning motor skills. The purpose of the thesis was to introduce the basics of instructing therapeutic exercise so that it would be possible for physiotherapists to guide and instruct their clients more individually. The thesis is based on a physiotherapy acute practice course which was arranged by JAMK University of Applied Sciences during 2012-2013 and on the exercise catalogues made during the course. The exercise catalogues were drawn up in cooperation with physiotherapy students by physiotherapists working in acute practice. One of the catalogues, which deals with the movement control of low back pain, was chosen for a qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis can be found in the Results Section of the thesis. The literature review presents studies concerning the effect of motor control exercises on low back pain.Harjoitekuvastoa ei ole nähtävillä opinnäytetyössä

    CAT_TP-tiedonsiirtoprotokollan testausjärjestelmä

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    Insinöörityön aiheena oli CAT_TP (card application toolkit transport protocol) -tiedonsiirtoprotokollan testausjärjestelmä ja työn tilaajana matkapuhelinteknologia- alan yritys. CAT_TP-tiedonsiirtoprotokolla on yksi useista OTA (over-the-air) -tekniikoista, joita käytetään älykorttien etähallintaan. CAT_TP mahdollistaa palvelimen ja älykortin välisen kaksisuuntaisen kommunikoinnin. Yritys toimii NFC (near field communication) -ekosysteemissä Trusted Services Managerina (TSM), joka hallinnoi palveluntarjoajien sovelluksia älykorteilla niiden koko elinkaaren ajan. NFC-teknologia on lyhyen matkan kontaktiton yhteysteknologia. Se tekee mahdolliseksi, että matkapuhelin voi toimia esimerkiksi pankkikorttina. Matkapuhelimen (U)SIM (universal subscriber identity module) -kortille tallennetaan palveluntarjoajan, kuten pankin, NFC-sovellus. NFC-sovellukset ladataan langattomasti OTA-tekniikoilla, kuten CAT_TP:llä, (U)SIM-kortille TSM:n toimesta. Testausjärjestelmän tarkoituksena oli varmistaa, että yrityksen CAT_TP-toteutus toteuttaa CAT_TP-spesifikaation. Testausjärjestelmä toteutettiin ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) -järjestön määrittämän CAT_TP-testausspesifikaation pohjalta. Testausjärjestelmän testit ovat JUnit-testejä, jotka voidaan ajaa täysin automatisoidusti. CAT_TP-toteutuksen testaamista varten kehitettiin 106 testiä, jotka testaavat sitä kaikilla mahdollisilla tavoilla. Testeissä huomioitiin niin toivotut kuin epätoivotut tilanteet. Testausjärjestelmän tuella yritys pystyy kehittämään helpommin taustajärjestelmänsä CAT_TP-toteutusta ja varmistamaan, että lopullinen toteutus on varmasti spesifikaation mukainen. Näin voidaan varmistaa, että yrityksen taustajärjestelmän ja älykortin välinen kommunikointi on mahdollisimman saumatonta. Testausjärjestelmä on integroituna yrityksen CAT_TP-toteutukseen, ja alustavia testejä on jo suoritettu.The topic of the Bachelor’s thesis was CAT_TP (card application toolkit transport protocol) transport protocol’s conformance test bench subscribed by a company in mobile technology business. CAT_TP protocol is one of many over-the-air (OTA) technologies which are used for remote management of smart cards. CAT_TP protocol allows a data channel to be established between a smart card and a server. The company plays the role of a trusted services manager(TSM) in the near field communication (NFC) ecosystem. They manage remotely service provider’s applications in the smart cards through their whole life-cycle. NFC technology is a short range contactless connectivity technology. It enables that a mobile phone can act as a bank card. Service provider’s (e.g. a bank) NFC application is stored to the mobile phone’s universal subscriber identity module (USIM). NFC applications are downloaded wirelessly to the USIM with OTA technologies, such as CAT_TP, by a TSM. The aim of the conformance test bench is to ensure that the company’s CAT_TP implementation specifies the CAT_TP specification. The conformance test bench was implemented with the help of a test specification provided by European telecommunications standards institute (ETSI). All test cases in the conformance test bench are JUnit tests which can be executed in a fully automated way. 106 test cases were implemented for the test bench which tested the CAT_TP implementation in all possible ways. The expected as well as the unexpected cases were taken into account. With the conformance test bench the company can ensure that their CAT_TP implementation specifies the CAT_TP specification, but also the development of the implementation is easier with the help of it. When the CAT_TP implementation is implemented in accordance to the CAT_TP specification, the interoperability between it and a remote CAT_TP entity can be ensured. The CAT_TP test bench is integrated to the company’s CAT_TP implementation and some tentative tests has already been done

    Ruopparin 3D-mallinnus

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee kolmiulotteisen mallin mallintamista Mamec Oy:n kevytruoppaajasta käyttäen Autodesk® Inventor 2008 ohjelmaa. 3D-malli ruoppaajasta on yritykselle tarpeellinen, koska se auttaa hahmottamaan osien kokoonpanoa sekä kokonaisuutta. Koska ruoppaaja on perua 60-luvulta, 3D-malli antaa myös tilaisuuden kehittää ruoppaajaa parempaan suuntaan. Pohjana ovat vanhat käsinpiirretyt piirrustukset, joiden mukaan 3D-malli tehtiin. Opinnäytetyössä käydään läpi ratkaisuja mallinnettaessa pumpun eri osia. Osa osista oli helppo mallintaa, kun taas osassa joutui miettimään enemmän mallinnusratkaisuja. Tuloksena syntyi 3D-kokoonpano ruopparista.The main purpoce of this thesis is to make a 3D model of the dredging machine for Mamec Oy using Autodesk® Inventor 2008 software. 3D model is a very important for this company because it helps to perceive how to assemble parts and to see how they work together. 3D model gives also good start to product development because the dredging machine is designed in the 1960’s. Old hand drawn technical drawings were base of this 3D model. In this thesis you will find different solutions how to model parts of the dredging machine. Some parts were very easy to make. Some of the parts required more time than others. The result was 3D assembly of dredging machine

    One More, One More... You Get Stuck – The Role of Craving in Smartphone-Related Technostress

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    Smartphones have been integrated into nearly every aspect of human life. Because of them, being entertained, communicating with others, and finding information has never been easier. Even though such possibilities are positive on the surface, the versatile nature of smartphones has also created issues, such as people using them compulsively or excessively. By collecting and analyzing data from 30 semi-structured interviews, we explored how users may experience craving (unstoppable/uncontrollable desire to use, despite the negative consequences) that make them use smartphones compulsively or excessively. Such use may eventually lead to technostress, which is stress caused by technology use. We present three levels of craving (stimuli, sensation, and content) and discuss how they affect smartphone use and technostress. We contribute to research by discussing craving in the context of technostress. As a practical implication, different stakeholders could use our results to address the issues relating to stress caused by smartphone use


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    As ubiquitous and pervasive information technologies (ITs) have become prominent, technostress (i.e., stress caused by IT use) has become an issue in different contexts. This is the case even in IT use that reflects things like fun and relaxation. One of the most common types of such IT use is playing digital games, which can also bring forth negative emotions in players. However, research on technostress emergence and mitigation in playing digital games is scarce. To address this gap, we conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews focusing on one game, Genshin Impact. The game was chosen due to its global popularity and the suitability of its genre for exploring technostress. We contribute to research by explaining how different game features (gacha, time limits, controls, account, content updates) and activities (grinding/farming, daily missions, combat, cooperative gameplay) contribute to technostress emergence in digital games. We also discuss different strategies, such as multitasking, that can be used to mitigate stressful gaming experiences. Our results provide insights for information systems and game researchers, as well as for players and game developers

    Carboxypeptidase A3 expression in canine mast cell tumors and tissue-resident mast cells

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    Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are one of the most common cutaneous malignancies in dogs. Previous studies have reported expression of mast cell-specific proteases chymase and tryptase in canine cutaneous MCTs and in connective tissue and mucosal mast cells. In humans and rodents, mast cells express an additional specific protease, carboxypeptidase A3 (CPA3). In this article, we describe CPA3 immunoreactivity in connective tissue, visceral, mucosal, and neoplastic mast cells in dogs. Positive immunolabeling for CPA3 was observed in nonneoplastic mast cells in 20/20 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded normal tissues (skin, liver, spleen, intestine), and in 63/63 MCTs irrespective of their histological grade. CPA3 protein expression was comparable to that of c-kit in both the nonneoplastic and neoplastic mast cells. Three distinct labeling patterns (membranous, diffuse, and focal cytoplasmic) were observed for CPA3 in MCTs. The focal cytoplasmic labeling pattern was associated with high-grade MCTs staged with the Kiupel 2-tier grading criteria. We propose CPA3 as a novel immunohistochemical marker for canine mast cells in health and disease.Peer reviewe

    Chapter 8 Sense of Belonging in a Digitalised Care Work Community

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    This chapter uses the theoretical framework of sense of belonging to explore how eldercare workers from Finnish service housing units for older people describe the use of digital devices and applications in their work and the work practices that relate to their sense of belonging. The study is based on interview data (n = 25) that was collected in 2018 for a study on digitalisation of eldercare. The chapter asks: what does a sense of belonging mean for care workers’ agency in a digital era? The analysis concentrates especially on the practices of belonging and how they are enacted in a digitalised work environment. The chapter proposes that in the digital era, a sense of belonging is particularly fluid and dynamic, and that it is constructed in the daily practices of work

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