283 research outputs found

    Magneto-Roton Modes of the Ultra Quantum Crystal: Numerical Study

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    The Field Induced Spin Density Wave phases observed in quasi-one-dimensional conductors of the Bechgaard salts family under magnetic field exhibit both Spin Density Wave order and a Quantized Hall Effect, which may exhibit sign reversals. The original nature of the condensed phases is evidenced by the collective mode spectrum. Besides the Goldstone modes, a quasi periodic structure of Magneto-Roton modes, predicted to exist for a monotonic sequence of Hall Quantum numbers, is confirmed, and a second mode is shown to exist within the single particle gap. We present numerical estimates of the Magneto-Roton mode energies in a generic case of the monotonic sequence. The mass anisotropy of the collective mode is calculated. We show how differently the MR spectrum evolves with magnetic field at low and high fields. The collective mode spectrum should have specific features, in the sign reversed "Ribault Phase", as compared to modes of the majority sign phases. We investigate numerically the collective mode in the Ribault Phase.Comment: this paper incorporates material contained in a previous cond-mat preprint cond-mat/9709210, but cannot be described as a replaced version, because it contains a significant amount of new material dealing with the instability line and with the topic of Ribault Phases. It contains 13 figures (.ps files

    Rapport de sondages et d'analyses, Le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme)

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    En 2008, l'existence de carrières souterraines médiévales avait été mise en évidence dans la pente ouest du Bois de Manson qui domine la dépression du Cratère Kilian, au pied sud du puy de Dôme. En 2009-2010, des sondages et prospections ont été étendus à tout l'ensemble du Kilian de façon à préciser l'étendue et, si possible, la chronologie de son exploitation dans le passé. Ces travaux ont permis d'observer, dans le fond du cratère et sur son flanc interne ouest, des amoncellements de déblais d'un volume considérable, témoignant d'une extraction de roche à grande échelle durant le haut Moyen Âge et très probablement aussi à l'époque gallo-romaine. Une nouvelle carrière souterraine a été découverte dans la pente interne ouest du cratère. La base du remplissage de cette carrière a livré des charbons datés entre la fin du IV e siècle et le début du VI e siècle par le radiocarbone, tandis que le sommet du remplissage contenait des tessons de céramique datables, par leur typologie, de la fin du V e siècle au début du VIII e siècle. L'état actuel des investigations conduit à faire l'hypothèse que les gallo-romains ont exploité, au fond du cratère, un trachyte compact dont on ne trouve aujourd'hui que les déchets de taille, et dont les affleurements sont masqués par les déblais, tandis que les artisans du Moyen Âge ont recherché un trachyte plus tendre dans les pentes hautes du cratère. Le Kilian doit donc s'ajouter aux trois sources actuellement connues de trachyte d'oeuvre dans le passé, à savoir les volcans Sarcoui, Aumône (ou petit Suchet) et Cliersou. Dès cette découverte, en 2008, s'est posée la question de savoir quelle part éventuelle le trachyte du Kilian avait pu prendre dans la construction du temple de Mercure au sommet du puy de Dôme et dans l'agglomération gallo-romaine située au col de Ceyssat. Pour y répondre, une campagne d'analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques été engagée pour caractériser, aux fins de comparaison, non seulement les trachytes du Kilian et ceux des ruines gallo-romaines, mais, de plus, les trachytes du Cliersou, de l'Aumône et du Sarcoui. Ces analyses ont finalement montré qu'il est possible de faire une discrimination statistiquement significative entre les différents trachytes étudiés, à l'exception de ceux du couple Cliersou-Aumône dont les laves sont très peu différentes les unes des autres. Le résultat le plus remarquable est que tous les trachytes gallo-romains échantillonnés (dont 10 échantillons distincts au temple de Mercure et 10 au col de Ceyssat) se rattachent sans ambiguïté au Kilian. En toute rigueur, ces nouvelles données ne permettent pas d'exclure sans appel la possibilité d'utilisation à l'époque gallo-romaine, au temple de Mercure et au col de Ceyssat, de trachytes provenant d'autres sources que le Kilian (cas des chaperons de mur du col de Ceyssat, provenant du puy de Dôme). Cependant, il faut ajouter qu'un examen visuel des trachytes d'oeuvre dans ces deux sites, portant sur un nombre de moellons et d'éléments architecturaux bien supérieur au nombre de ceux qui ont été analysés, conduit à conclure que leur source est probablement commune. Cette conclusion est basée sur un faciès minéralogique particulier, observable à l'oeil nu ou à la loupe

    First report of the blaOXA-58 gene in a clinical isolate of Acinetobacter baumannii in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Carbapenemase production is an important mechanism of carbapenem resistance among nonfermentative Gram-negative isolates. This study aimed to report the detection of blaOXA-58 gene in multiresistant clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii recovered from inpatients in a public hospital. Polymerase chain reaction tests were performed to detect the blaOXA-23-like, blaOXA-24-like, blaOXA-58-like and blaOXA-51-like genes. The blaOXA-58 and blaOXA-23 genes were detected in one and three isolates, respectively. Sequencing of the blaOXA-58-like amplicon revealed 100% identity with the A. baumannii blaOXA-58 gene listed in the GenBank database. This is the first report of an OXA-58-producing A. baumannii isolate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Taming trilogues: the EU's law-making process in a comparative perspective.

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    Trilogues have become the modus operandi of EU decision-making. They are an informal but institutionalised mechanism providing for in camera discussions of legislative texts between the three main EU decision-making institutions, with a view to securing legislative compromises. Trilogues present risks to an organ of parliamentary representation through their potential to depoliticise conflict and by reducing the accountability and transparency of the decision-making process. We examine how the European Parliament (EP) has responded to trilogues and what this response tells us about the development of the EP as an institutionalised organ of representative democracy. We compare these with arrangements for bicameral conflict resolution in the United States, where similar issues are presented by informal mechanisms of decision-making. We assess the institutionalisation of trilogues from a democratic perspective, highlighting achievements and future challenges, and the value of these findings for the ongoing reflection on the EP as a normal parliament and the role of informal institutions in EU law-making

    Acinetobacter baumannii in intensive care unit: A novel system to study clonal relationship among the isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The nosocomial infections surveillance system must be strongly effective especially in highly critic areas, such as Intensive Care Units (ICU). These areas are frequently an epidemiological epicentre for transmission of multi-resistant pathogens, like <it>Acinetobacter baumannii</it>. As an epidemic outbreak occurs it is very important to confirm or exclude the genetic relationship among the isolates in a short time. There are several molecular typing systems used with this aim. The Repetitive sequence-based PCR (REP-PCR) has been recognized as an effective method and it was recently adapted to an automated format known as the DiversiLab system.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present study we have evaluated the combination of a newly introduced software package for the control of hospital infection (VIGI@ct) with the DiversiLab system. In order to evaluate the reliability of the DiversiLab its results were also compared with those obtained using f-AFLP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The combination of VIGI@ct and DiversiLab enabled an earlier identification of an <it>A. baumannii </it>epidemic cluster, through the confirmation of the genetic relationship among the isolates. This cluster regards 56 multi-drug-resistant <it>A. baumannii </it>isolates from several specimens collected from 13 different patients admitted to the ICU in a ten month period. The <it>A. baumannii </it>isolates were clonally related being their similarity included between 97 and 100%. The results of the DiversiLab were confirmed by f-AFLP analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The early identification of the outbreak has led to the prompt application of operative procedures and precautions to avoid the spread of pathogen. To date, 6 months after the last <it>A. baumannii </it>isolate, no other related case has been identified.</p

    Social Capital, Network Governance and Social Innovation: Towards a New Paradigm?

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    Limited knowledge and empirical evidence exist so far on how governance is related to social capital, and to comprehensively evaluate the effects of collaborative public-private partnerships in rural development actions, and whether these elements foster socially innovative actions. The book chapter begins to address these knowledge gaps. It highlights the conceptual framework linking social capital and network governance and identifies specific approaches to analysing governance. Moreover, it conceptually identifies the key elements for assessing governance mechanisms in the LEADER approach and explains its adoption in the evaluation method proposed in the book. The chapter concludes by outlining how social capital and governance may support social innovation, a topic which is developed more comprehensively in relation to LEADER's specific contribution in the final chapter of the same book

    Organic Superconductors: when correlations and magnetism walk in

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    This survey provides a brief account for the start of organic superconductivity motivated by the quest for high Tc superconductors and its development since the eighties'. Besides superconductivity found in 1D organics in 1980, progresses in this field of research have contributed to better understand the physics of low dimensional conductors highlighted by the wealth of new remarkable properties. Correlations conspire to govern the low temperature properties of the metallic phase. The contribution of antiferromagnetic fluctuations to the interchain Cooper pairing proposed by the theory is borne out by experimental investigations and supports supercondutivity emerging from a non Fermi liquid background. Quasi one dimensional organic superconductors can therefore be considered as simple prototype systems for the more complex high Tc materials.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures to be published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis
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