147 research outputs found

    Formulaic Language: The Building Block of Aphasic Speech

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    Aphasia is a condition that may appear when parts of the brain (Broca’s or Wernicke’s area) responsible for language production and processing are damaged. In most cases, patients have the left side of their brain affected. Thus, formulaic language remains intact in most cases. During speech therapy, this can be a solid base to build on. Formulaic language consists of formulas that are fixed phrases, stereotypes that behave as a single-unit lexical item. They have a significant role in language acquisition and fluent discourse production. These ready-made parts of speech are stored in the long-term memory. Studies suggest that the processing of formulaic language engages right hemisphere areas of the brain. Due to their language impairment, people with aphasia often have a lower quality of life, consequently social and professional integration for them being problematic. The investigation of preserved patterns, such as formulaic language and impairments related to different aspects of discourse, may provide insights both for clinical practice and for cognitive science, therefore, facilitating a more efficient approach to treatment

    Why Is the Equal Merit Principle (Almost) Straightforwardly Wrong?

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    The legitimacy of the European human rights regime : a view from the United Kingdom

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    The author would like to thank Paul Beaumont, Richard Bellamy, Mátyás Bódig, Andreas Føllesdal, Gábor Halmai, András Jakab and Zsolt Körtvélyesi for valuable comments, discussions and suggestions.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The effect of UV radiation on the mycelia growth of white button mushroom and the pathogenic fungi of cultivated mushrooms

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    Agaricus bisporus (LANGE/IMBACH) is the most commonly cultivated edible mushroom of the world. Hungarian production of this species takes place mainly in limestone cellars and in no longer used stables. In most of these facilities the growing conditions are not always optimal; it is difficult to face the hygienic regulations and to ensure effective prevention. Two pathogenic fungi - Verticillium fungicola var. fungi cola PREUSS (dry bubble disease) and Mycogone perniciosa MAGNUS (wet bubble disease) - are the most serious diseases occurring during the growing period. The sterilizing ability of UV radiation is well known. In our experiment the effect of UV light on the in vitro tissue culture of white button mushroom and the two diseases were examined. The aim of the study was to determine which UV light range and irradiation time is more effective against the two pathogens. With proper application, UV irradiation could function as an additional technique in mushroom protection, by preventing diseases in growing houses and cellars

    The effect of UV light on the Vitamin D content and mycelial growth of oyster mushroom

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    Vitamin D2 is essential for maintaining the proper functioning of a human body, and to prevent and help cure various diseases. Mushrooms are one of the few natural sources of vitamin D. Many experiments aimed to increase the vitamin D level of cultivated mushrooms, by irradiating them with UV light to turn their ergosterol content into vitamin D. The subjects of most of these studies were post-harvest sliced or whole mushrooms. Our goal was to treat pre-harvest oyster mushroom with UV light, while the mushrooms are still growing and biologically active. UV lamps (operating on 254 and 312 nm) and 6 time periods of irradiation (15 to 90 minutes) were used. After three consecutive days of treatments the yield were measured and samples were taken for vitamin D2 analysis. A parallel, in vitro experiment took place in the laboratory as well, where the same treatments (wavelengths and irradiation times) were applied on the tissue cultures of the same oyster mushroom cultivar used in the in vivo experiment. The mycelia growth was measured in case of all treatments. Data showed considerable increase in vitamin D2 levels of the treated oyster mushrooms at every time period. UV irradiation caused no change in yield, but affected the growth of the in vitro tissue cultures significantly

    A kortárs jogpozitivizmus perspektívái = The perspectives of contemporary legal positivism

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    Kutatásunk célja a Hart utáni angolszász jogpozitivizmus történetének feltérképezése, és ezen irányzat legfontosabb problémáinak elemzése volt. Tanulmányainkban amellett érvelünk, hogy a leíró pozitivizmus nem képes adekvát módon magyarázni a jog normativitását. Tézisünk az, hogy a jog erkölcsi autoritásra tart igényt, s ennek az igénynek a feltételrendszeréről nem adhatunk számot egy tisztán leíró elmélet keretén belül, anélkül, hogy erkölcsi érvekhez fordulnánk. Ez az ellenvetés azonban nem érinti a normatív pozitivizmust, mely normatív (erkölcsi és politikai) érvekre kívánja alapozni a jogpozitivizmus védelmét. Gyakran osztott vélekedés, hogy a normatív pozitivizmus mellett a kiszámíthatóság nyújtja a legerősebb érveket. Kutatásunknak ezzel szemben az a következtetése, hogy az 'ésszerű pluralizmus' körülményei között a normatív pozitivizmus mellett a nyilvános ésszerűség egy meghatározott felfogása szolgáltatja a legerősebb érveket. | The aim of our research was to present an overview of the developments of post-Hartian Anglo-American legal positivism and to analyze the central problems of this school of thought. We argue that positivism as a descriptive project is unable to explain adequately law's normativity . Our thesis is that law claims moral legitimacy for itself, and that this claim cannot be substantiated without appealing to moral arguments. This objection, however, does not apply to normative positivism, which purports to make the case for legal positivism by giving normative (moral and political) arguments. It is often suggested that the value of predictability offers the best justification of normative positivism. We claim, however, that under the circumstances of 'reasonable pluralism', a certain conception of public reason can provide the strongest justification for that position

    Az alapjogi réteg problémája

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