27,328 research outputs found

    What should a robot learn from an infant? Mechanisms of action interpretation and observational learning in infancy

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    The paper provides a summary of our recent research on preverbal infants (using violation-of-expectation and observational learning paradigms) demonstrating that one-year-olds interpret and draw systematic inferences about other’s goal-directed actions, and can rely on such inferences when imitating other’s actions or emulating their goals. To account for these findings it is proposed that one-year-olds apply a non-mentalistic action interpretational system, the ’teleological stance’ that represents actions by relating relevant aspects of reality (action, goal-state, and situational constraints) through the principle of rational action, which assumes that actions function to realize goal-states by the most efficient means available in the actor’s situation. The relevance of these research findings and the proposed theoretical model for how to realize the goal of epigenetic robotics of building a ’socially relevant’ humanoid robot is discussed

    Changes in the Environmental Attitudes of Secondary School Students

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    From Community Forums to Civic Discussions

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    On the Dimension of Finite Point Sets I. An Improved Incidence Bound for Proper 3D sets

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    We improve the well-known Szemer\'edi-Trotter incidence bound for proper 3--dimensional point sets (defined appropriately)Comment: Unpublished manuscript from the late Gyuri Elekes. It was edited on 2007.04.27. last tim

    Evaluating Enterprize Delivery Using the TYPUS Metrics and the KILT Mode

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    The goal of this work is the technical, ecological, environmental and social examination of the life-cycle (LC) of any product (consumable, service, production) using the TYPUS metrics and the KILT model. The life-cycle starts when the idea of a product is born and lasts until complete dismissal through design, implementation and operation, etc. In the first phases requirements’ specification, analysis, several design steps (global plan, detailed design, assembly design, etc.) are followed by part manufacturing, assembly, testing, diagnostics and operation, advertisement, service, maintenance, etc. Then finally disassembly and dismissal are coming, but dismissal can be substituted by re-cycling (e.g. melting the metals) or re-use (used parts applications). Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of enterprise results are supported by the new models and metrics

    Almost everywhere convergence of Fej\'er means of two-dimensional triangular Walsh-Fourier series

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    In 1987 Harris proved (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 101) - among others- that for each 1≤p<21\le p<2 there exists a two-dimensional function f∈Lpf\in L^p such that its triangular Walsh-Fourier series diverges almost everywhere. In this paper we investigate the Fej\'er (or (C,1)(C,1)) means of the triangle two variable Walsh-Fourier series of L1L^1 functions. Namely, we prove the a.e. convergence σn△f=1n∑k=0n−1Sk,n−kf→f\sigma_n^{\bigtriangleup}f = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}S_{k, n-k}f\to f (n→∞n\to\infty) for each integrable two-variable function ff

    Poisoned heritage for the new Commission: The rule of law question. EPC Discussion Paper, 10 December 2019

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    The rule of law question will most likely become a central EU issue during the mandate of the new European Commission. Member states are increasingly beginning to question, attack and/or ignore previously agreed common policies, political priorities or common principles. These challenges are usually more political – sometimes even ideological – than legal, thus the Commission’s legalistic reactions are not necessarily adequate
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