16 research outputs found

    Covid-19 And Related Government Regulations’ Impact On Employment In Georgia

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    Due to the pandemic, 2020 became one of the most memorable years in the world history. It affected employment as well. Georgia was one of the countries which experienced the pandemic impacts on its citizens. The unemployment rate in-creased by 2,1% within a year and reached 20,6% in 2021. Despite state regulations and restrictions, Georgia was among the most vulnerable countries to COVID-19 spreading. It caused severe results on employment and the whole economy. The paper aims to define and analyze the impact of COVID-19 and related state regulations’ impact on employment in Georgia as well as to identify the tendencies based on the qualitative analysis of the surveys conducted in Georgia. The existing literature and available information on the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and employment is reviewed. Comparative analysis of the EU and Georgian state regulations related to COVID-19 is provided. Data used in the paper is of secondary type. Graphs are used to visualize data, and analysis of statistical observation is applied. Georgian researcher’s findings are also used. Significant evaluations and analyses are drawn depending on the collected data relating to COVID-19 impact on the economy, employment and people's perception. Some authors’ predictions are presented as well

    Comparative Analysis of the Laws of Georgia and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the State Language

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    The article uses a comparative-legal method to conduct an analysis of the Law on Languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Organic Law on the State Language of Georgia. The structure of these laws, their preambles, the constitutional status of the state languages, types of languages, the scope of use of the state languages, issues of their protection and development, responsibility for breaking the law and the issues of compulsory knowledge of the state language are compared in this article. By a comparative analysis of the aforementioned aspects not only the importance of languages, as of social mechanisms associated with the means of communication and the identity of people but also the threats that they encounter over time are indicated. The difficulties faced by state languages of both countries, how legislation solves challenges and how Georgia and Kazakhstan can share each other’s experiences in this field were studied

    Challenges and barriers in transition to circular economy business models

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    Circular Economy (EC) is a term that has not been studied fully yet and is attracting the growing interest of scholars. It is vital for our planet and each of our lives to take care of EC principles. In this process, the business sector plays a leading role. This process is challenging and requires understanding circular economy principles first, after analyzing linear business models and comparing them to the CBM (Circular Economy Business Model). Based on these, it will be easier for businesses to adopt any of them. The aim of the paper is to discuss these and give recommendations based on the literature, research papers, and publications available at this moment. Key Findings: The barriers to moving from BM to CBM are still strong, but business behavior shows that there are already some signs of a circular economy, which can be considered an important step for the planet and people’s lives; recommendations are given on how to help businesses to overcome obstacles on this difficult path

    Patterns and Variation in English Language Discourse

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    The publication is reviewed post-conference proceedings from the international 9th Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English, held on 16–17 September 2021 and organised by the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno. The papers revolve around the themes of patterns and variation in specialised discourses (namely the media, academic, business, tourism, educational and learner discourses), effective interaction between the addressor and addressees and the current trends and development in specialised discourses. The principal methodological perspectives are the comparative approach involving discourses in English and another language, critical and corpus analysis, as well as identification of pragmatic strategies and appropriate rhetorical means. The authors of papers are researchers from the Czech Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, Serbia and Georgia

    Functional Plurality of Language in Contextualised Discourse

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    The volume presents eleven articles written by participants of the Eighth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English held in September 2019. The papers (including two plenary speeches delivered by Prof. Julia Hüttner from University of Vienna, and Assoc. Prof. Markéta Malá from Charles University, Prague) offer a range of linguistic topics, covering media discourse, learner discourse (e.g. CLIL), literary genre, language of advertising, and the interdisciplinary approach to language and international relations, to name just a few


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    COVID-19 related discourse has been gaining widespread attention due to its extension and coverage area (geographical area, age groups, layers of society, etc.). It can therefore be argued that the problem is global and sorting it out goes far of the local medical interventions. Cov-19 related discourse, presented by authoritative persons on the press conference (which is not a coincidental area and plays an intermediary role), responsible for preventing the society from killing virus requires not only medical treatment but the real art of communication as well. On the one hand, selecting an efficient communicative strategy and on the other, analyzing a real idea lying under meticulously chosen generic features requires generic analyses of either discourse or a text. This paper is established on corpus based linguistic analysis, which enabled us to identify the frequency and apportioning of each discourse marker observed in target empirical material, to highlight dominant and supplementary discourse features, to strengthen hypotheses that Cov-19 related discourse or a text is hybrid. Over and above that, analyses outcome, sheds new light on generic features of COVID-19 related discourse and opens a wider scope for a socio-critical look at what responsible persons do with language and why do they do it

    Несъемная опалубка и область ее применения

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    The object of this study is one of the most common types of formwork, which can be used in the construction of walls and foundations of the building, namely, indelible formwork. The task before us was to determine the possibility of building walls and foundations with the help of permanent formwork. It was necessary to study the form of indelible formwork, to disassemble its structural components, as well as to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of formwork. The field of application of non-removable formwork consists in the possibility of using the results of work in the real design and application of non-removable formwork in the construction of buildings and structures, as well as in the educational process, in architectural and design schools and higher education institutions, for familiarization of future specialists and expansion of the outlook in construction.Объектом данного исследования является один из самых распространенных типов опалубки, который можно применять при возведении стен и фундаментов здания, а именно - несъёмная опалубка. Перед нам стояла задача определить возможность возведения стен и фундаментов при помощи несъемной опалубки. Необходимо было изучить разновидность несъёмной опалубки, разобрать её конструктивные составляющие, а также проанализировать преимущества и недостатки того или иного вида опалубки. Область применения несъёмной опалубки заключается в возможности использования результатов работы в реальном проектировании и применении несъёмной опалубки при возведении зданий и сооружений, а так же и в учебном процессе, в архитектурно-конструкторских школах и ВУЗ, для ознакомления будущих специалистов и расширением кругозора в строительстве

    Флористична характеристика деяких синантропних рослинних угруповань низовини Кобулеті (Аджарія, Грузія)

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    The materials of the field research of synanthropic vegetation in the territory of the Kobuleti in the 2016–2020 years are provided. In particular, 134 taxa belonging to 49 families and 97 genera were revealed in the three different plant communities (Cryptomerietum japonicae, Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei, and Cinnamomo glanduliferae-Cryptomerietum japonicae) in the Kobuleti lowland. The community Cryptomerietum japonicae comprises 66 taxa, 33 of which are native, and 33 have an alien origin. Woody plants in Cryptomerietum japonicae are represented by 15 taxa. The community Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei comprises 91 taxa, 36 of which are native and 55 are alien. Woody plants in Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei are represented with 17 taxa, while the rest 74 taxa are herbaceous. In Cinnamomo glanduliferae-Cryptomerietum japonicae there are discovered 49 plant taxa, including 25 native and 24 aliens. In this community, 16 taxa are represented by woody plants and 33 taxa – by herbaceous ones.Therefore, in the investigated region, 60 taxa (44.77 %) were found to be native and 74 taxa (55.23 %) alien. Among aliens, 31 taxa have East Asian origin, 16 taxa are from the Mediterranean, 13 taxa originated from Europe, ten taxa originated from North American, and four – originated from Australia.Despite cuttings and artificial planting of alien representatives, some indigenous woody species (i.e., Corylus avellana, Frangula alnus, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Smilax excelsa, Quercus hartwissiana, Carpinus caucasica, Castanea sativa, and Hedera colchica) still occur in this territory. Both native and alien taxa participate in the formation of the described landscape structure. Successional events have started in the Kolkheti Lowland in ancient times. It is a long-term process, which is still ongoing, as our observations confirmed it.Представлено матеріали польових досліджень синантропної рослинності на території Кобулеті, що здійснювалися протягом 2016–2020 років. Зокрема, на території низовини Кобулеті, в межах трьох різних рослинних угруповань (Cryptomerietum japonicae, Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei та Cinnamomo glanduliferae-Cryptomerietum japonicae) було виявлено 134 таксони, що належать до 49 родин і 97 родів. Рослинне угруповання Cryptomerietum japonicae налічує 66 таксонів, з-посеред яких 33 є місцевими, а інші 33 – адвентивними. Деревні рослини в угрупованні Cryptomerietum japonicae представлені 15 таксонами. Рослинне угруповання Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei налічує 91 таксон, з-посеред яких 36 є місцевими і 55 мають адвентивне походження. Деревні рослини у складі угруповання Eucalyptetum-viminali-globulo-cinerei представлені 17 таксонами, в той час як решта 74 таксони представляють трав’яні рослини. В угрупованні Cinnamomo glanduliferae-Cryptomerietum japonicae виявлено 49 таксонів рослин, включаючи 25 місцевих і 24 адвентивних. При цьому, в рослинному угрупованні Cinnamomo glanduliferae-Cryptomerietum japonicae 16 таксонів представлено деревними рослинами і 33 таксони – трав’яними.Таким чином, було виявлено, що на дослідженій території, 60 таксонів (44.77 %) є місцевими і 74 таксони (55.23 %) мають чужорідне походження. Серед адвентивних рослин, 31 таксон походить зі Східної Азії, 16 таксонів походять з Середземномор’я, 13 таксонів походять з Європи, десять таксонів походять з Північної Америки і чотири таксони – з Австралії.Не зважаючи на вирубки та штучні насадження чужорідних представників, деякі з локальних деревних видів (зокрема, Corylus avellana, Frangula alnus, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Smilax excelsa, Quercus hartwissiana, Carpinus caucasica, Castanea sativa, Hedera colchica) все ще представлені на дослідженій території. При цьому, як місцеві, так і адвентивні види беруть участь у формуванні структури описаного ландшафту. Сукцесійні зміни у долині Колхеті розпочалися ще у давні часи. Це довготривалий процес, який, як показали наші дослідження, все ще триває

    Problems of contamination of the red soils of the coastal adjara plain and the offspring of the Colchic forest of the foothills

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    განხორციელებულია აჭარის ზღვისპირა დაბლობის გონიო-სარფის მონაკვეთის წითელმიწა ნიადაგების აგროქიმიური და მულტიელემენტური კვლევა და მიმდებარე ფერდობებზე განვითარებული კოლხური ტყის შთენილი ეკოსისტემების ფონური შესწავლა. გონიო-სარფის დაბლობსა და ფერდობებზე განვითარებული ტყეები პოლიდომინანტურია. კვლევებმა გვიჩვენა, რომ გონიო-სარფის მონაკვეთის კოლხური ტიპის ტყეში წარმოდგენილი მცენარეული თანასაზოგადოებები ძირითადად შედგება ფოთოლმცვენი სახეობებისაგან. დადგენილია, რომ წითელმიწა ნიადაგების რეაქცია მჟავეა. გაცვლითი მჟავიანობის მაჩვენებელი ყველაზე დაბალია წითელმიწა ნიადაგში მანდარინის ქვეშ, ხოლო მაქსიმალურია - ყამირ ნიადაგში. საკვლევი ნიადაგები ღარიბია საერთო ჰუმუსით (0,8-1,7%), საერთო აზოტი შეადგენს საერთო ჰუმუსის შემცველობის 2-5%-ს. მაკრო- და ნახევრადმიკრო ელემენტებიდან შემცველობის მიხედვით დომინირებს Al, Fe, Si. მცენარისათვის აუცილებელი მაკროელემენტებიდან მინიმუმში იმყოფება K, Ca, Mg, P. მიკროელემენტებიდან ნიადაგებში ზდკ–ს აღემატება Cu, Cd, Pb კონცენტრაცია, რაც ამ ნიადაგების ქიმიურ დაბინძურებაზე მიუთითებს.The agrochemical and multi-elemental research of the red soils of the Gonio-Sarpi section of the coastal plain of Adjara and the background study of the ecosystems of the Colchic forest developed on the surrounding slopes have been carried out. The forests developed on the Gonio-Sarpi plain and slopes are polydominant. Studies have shown that the vegetation communities present in the Colchic type forest of the Gonio-Sarpi section are mainly composed of deciduous species. It is established that the reaction of red soils is acidic. The rate of exchange acidity is the lowest in red soil under mandarin (2., and the highest - in virgin soil. The studied soils are poor in total humus (0.8-1.7%), total nitrogen is 2-5% of the total humus content. Among the macro- and semi-micro elements, Al, Fe, Si dominate according to their content. K, Ca, Mg, P are the least of the macroelements necessary for the plant. Among the microelements, the concentration of Cu, Cd, Pb in the soils exceeds Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC), which indicates chemical pollution of these soils


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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023, Dimitar A Tsenov Academy of Economics. All rights reserved.Due to the pandemic, 2020 became one of the most memorable years in the world history. It affected employment as well. Georgia was one of the countries which experienced the pandemic impacts on its citizens. The unemployment rate in-creased by 2,1% within a year and reached 20,6% in 2021. Despite state regulations and restrictions, Georgia was among the most vulnerable countries to COVID-19 spreading. It caused severe results on employment and the whole economy. The paper aims to define and analyze the impact of COVID-19 and related state regulations’ impact on employment in Georgia as well as to identify the tendencies based on the qualitative analysis of the surveys conducted in Georgia. The existing literature and available information on the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and employment is reviewed. Comparative analysis of the EU and Georgian state regulations related to COVID-19 is provided. Data used in the paper is of secondary type. Graphs are used to visualize data, and analysis of statistical observation is applied. Georgian researcher’s findings are also used. Signif-icant evaluations and analyses are drawn depending on the collected data relating to COVID-19 impact on the economy, employment and people's perception. Some authors’ predictions are presented as well.publishersversionPeer reviewe