15 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of magma chamber processes preserved in olivine-phlogopite micro-ijolites from the Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania

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    A detailed petrographic and mineralogical investigation of olivine-phlogopite micro-ijolite xenoliths from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania indicates a complex evolutional history. These xenoliths consist of diverse textural subdomains characterized by minerals ranging from early-formed olivine, through diopside-hosted perovskite and phlogopite, to evolved aegirine-augite and titanite. Thermometry and mineral compositions in the subdomains suggest crystallization temperatures from 1070–970 °C to 850–700 °C at plutonic pressures and SiO2-activities controlled by perovskite-titanite equilibria. Double coronas are a characteristic textural feature of the olivine-phlogopite micro-ijolite, consisting of olivine cores surrounded by an inner clinopyroxene corona and an outer phlogopite corona. These double coronas might have formed during early magma chamber processes, including magma movement to a subsequent chamber resulting in dissolution of olivine with subsequent crystallization and accumulation of diopside and phlogopite. Diopside−aegirine-augite compositional zonation indicates several magma injections followed by cooling periods, during the formation of micro-ijolite groundmass. Mg# (80–83) and Ca (0.1–0.3 in wt%) contents of olivine together with the presence of primary melt inclusions in clinopyroxene, phlogopite, and nepheline indicate a magmatic origin from a possible parental olivine-nephelinite melt. There is evidence for subsolidus, or near-solidus, re-equilibration processes as indicated by the reaction of olivine with titanite forming symplectitic textures of ilmenite and diopside with minor zirconolite. Ti-exchange between phlogopite phenocrysts and other Ti-bearing minerals (perovskite, titanite, magnetite) resulted in ∌750 °C equilibrium temperatures for phlogopite, which are much lower than mafic magmatic (>900 °C) conditions. Calculated subsolidus temperatures suggest crystallization of olivine-phlogopite micro-ijolites over a 10–20 km depth interval

    The role of CO2-rich fluids in trace element transport and metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Pannonian Basin, Hungary, based on fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths

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    he evolution of a carbonated nephelinitic magma can be followed by the study of a statistically significant number of melt inclusions, entrapped in co-precipitated perovskite, nepheline and magnetite in a clinopyroxene- and nepheline-rich rock (afrikandite) from Kerimasi volcano (Tanzania). Temperatures are estimated to be 1,100°C for the early stage of the melt evolution of the magma, which formed the rock. During evolution, the magma became enriched in CaO, depleted in SiO2 and Al2O3, resulting in immiscibility at ~1,050°C and crustal pressures (0.5–1 GPa) with the formation of three fluid-saturated melts: an alkali- and MgO-bearing, CaO- and FeO-rich silicate melt; an alkali- and F-bearing, CaO- and P2O5-rich carbonate melt; and a Cu–Fe sulfide melt. The sulfide and the carbonate melt could be physically separated from their silicate parent and form a Cu–Fe–S ore and a carbonatite rock. The separated carbonate melt could initially crystallize calciocarbonatite and ultimately become alkali rich in composition and similar to natrocarbonatite, demonstrating an evolution from nephelinite to natrocarbonatite through Ca-rich carbonatite magma. The distribution of major elements between perovskite-hosted coexisting immiscible silicate and carbonate melts shows strong partitioning of Ca, P and F relative to FeT, Si, Al, Mn, Ti and Mg in the carbonate melt, suggesting that immiscibility occurred at crustal pressures and plays a significant role in explaining the dominance of calciocarbonatites (sövites) relative to dolomitic or sideritic carbonatites. Our data suggest that Cu–Fe–S compositions are characteristic of immiscible sulfide melts originating from the parental silicate melts of alkaline silicate–carbonatite complexes. More Info: Tibor Guzmics, Roger H. Mitchell, Csaba SzabĂł, MĂĄrta Berkesi, Ralf Milke and Kitti Ratter (2012) Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,164: 101–122

    Carbonatites: Classification, Sources, Evolution, and Emplacement

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    Carbonatites are igneous rocks formed in the crust by fractional crystallization of carbonate-rich parental melts that are mostly mantle derived. They dominantly consist of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite, and ankerite, as well as minor phosphates, oxides, and silicates. They are emplaced in continental intraplate settings such as cratonic interiors and margins, as well as rift zones, and rarely on oceanic islands. Carbonatites are cumulate rocks, which are formed by physical separation and accumulation of crystals that crystallize from a melt, and their parental melts form by either (a) direct partial melting of carbonate-bearing, metasomatized, lithospheric mantle producing alkali-bearing calciodolomitic melts or (b) silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility following fractional crystallization of carbonate-bearing, silica-undersaturated magmas such as nephelinites, melilitites, or lamprophyres. Their emplacement into the crust is usually accompanied by fenitization, alkali metasomatism of wallrock caused by fluids expelled from the crystallizing carbonatite. Carbonatites are major hosts of deposits of the rare earth elements and niobium, and the vast majority of the global production of these commodities is from carbonatites. â–Ș Carbonatites are igneous rocks formed from carbonate-rich magmas, which ultimately formed in Earth's upper mantle. â–Ș Carbonatites are associated with economic deposits of metals such as the rare earth elements and niobium, which are essential in high-tech applications. â–Ș There are more than 600 carbonatites in the geological record but only one currently active carbonatite volcano, Oldoinyo Lengai in Tanzania.M. Anenburg was supported by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (LP190100635). S. Tappe acknowledges financial support from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa through IPRR and DSI-NRF CIMERA grants. Jian Sun is thanked for helping to convert Ca isotope ratios from different studies to make them comparable. T. Guzmics’s research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (K-119535)

    Carbonatite and highly peralkaline nephelinite melts from Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, Tanzania: The role of natrite-normative fluid degassing

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    Publisher's version (Ăștgefin grein)Oldoinyo Lengai, located in the Gregory Rift in Tanzania, is a world-famous volcano owing to its uniqueness in producing natrocarbonatite melts and because of its extremely high CO2 flux. The volcano is constructed of highly peralkaline [PI = molar (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 > 2–3] nephelinite and phonolites, both of which likely coexisted with carbonate melt and a CO2-rich fluid before eruption. Results of a detailed melt inclusion study of the Oldoinyo Lengai nephelinite provide insights into the important role of degassing of CO2-rich vapor in the formation of natrocarbonatite and highly peralkaline nephelinites. Nepheline phenocrysts trapped primary melt inclusions at 750–800 °C, representing an evolved state of the magmas beneath Oldoinyo Lengai. Raman spectroscopy, heating-quenching experiments, low current EDS and EPMA analyses of quenched melt inclusions suggest that at this temperature, a dominantly natritess-normative, F-rich (7–14 wt%) carbonate melt and an extremely peralkaline (PI = 3.2–7.9), iron-rich nephelinite melt coexisted following degassing of a CO2 + H2O-vapor. We furthermore hypothesize that the degassing led to re-equilibration between the melt and liquid phases that remained and involved 1/ mixing between the residual (after degassing) alkali carbonate liquid and an F-rich carbonate melt and 2/ enrichment of the coexisting nephelinite melt in alkalis. We suggest that in the geological past similar processes were responsible for generating highly peralkaline silicate melts in continental rift tectonic settings worldwide.This study was financially supported by project NRDIO ( National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary ) K-119535 (to M. Berkesi and T. Guzmics) and by the Betta ÜzletlĂĄnc Ltd. to Guzmics. In addition, M. Berkesi acknowledges to the ELTE Institutional Excellence Program (1783-3/2018/FEKUTSRAT) supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities . We thank Toshiaki Tsunogae for his editorial handling, and Alan Cooper and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments that helped to improve the manuscript.Peer Reviewe