3,890 research outputs found

    Dynamic analysis of runout correction in milling

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    Tool runout and its effects is an important area of research within modelling, simulation, and control of milling forces. Tool runout causes tool cutting edges to experience uneven forces during milling. This fact also affects tool life and deteriorates workpiece surface quality. In this article a procedure, in order to diminish the effects of tool runout, is presented. The procedure is based on chip thickness modification by means of the fast correction of the tool feed rate. Dynamic feed rate modification is provided by superposing our own design of a fast feed system driven by a piezoelectric actuator to the conventional feed drive of the CNC machine tool. Previously, a model of the dynamic behaviour of the system was developed to analyze the influence of fast feed rate modification on cutting forces. The model incorporates the piezoelectric actuator response as well as the structural dynamics of the tool and the designed Fast Feed Drive System (FFDS). Simulated and experimental results presented in this paper show the effectiveness and benefits of this new tool runout correction procedure

    Application of heterogeneous catalysts in ozonation of model compounds in water

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    The presence of micropollutants, particularly pesticides, in surface waters across Canada has been of concern not only for their environmental impact, but also for their potential effects on human health and recalcitrant nature to conventional water treatment methods. Although ozone has been mainly applied for disinfection of drinking water, oxidation of trace organics by ozonation has been considered potentially effective. In an effort to meet increasingly stringent drinking water regulations, different solid catalysts have been used to enhance the removal of water contaminants by ozonation. In spite of the increasing number of data demonstrating the effectiveness of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation, the influence of different factors on the efficiency of micropollutants oxidation is still unclear. In the present work, application of three solid catalysts in ozonation of two model micropollutants in pure water was examined using a laboratory-scale reaction system over a range of operating conditions. The three catalysts investigated were activated carbon, alumina, and perfluorooctyl alumina, and the two model micropollutants were the pesticides atrazine and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyactic acid. The effects of solution pH, presence of a radical scavenger, pesticide adsorption on catalyst, and catalyst dose on micropollutant removal were investigated. Solution pH was found to significantly influence the catalyst ability to decompose ozone into free hydroxyl radicals. The effect of these free radicals was markedly inhibited by the radical scavenger resulting in a negative impact on pesticides degradation. In general, the removal rate of pesticides was found to increase with increasing doses of catalyst. In the ozonation process in the presence of activated carbon, atrazine removal rates increased four and two times when using a catalyst dose of 0.5 g L-1 at pH 3 and 7, respectively, whereas observed reaction rates for 2,4-D increased over 5 times in the presence of 1 × 10-4 M tert-butyl alcohol at pH 3. In the ozonation system catalyzed by 8 g L-1 alumina, the observed reaction rate constant of atrazine removal notably improved at neutral pH by doubling the micropollutant removal rate. For the pesticide 2,4-D in the presence of 1 × 10-4 M tert-butyl alcohol at pH 5, the observed removal rate was over ten times higher than that for the non-catalytic ozonation process using also using a catalyst dose of 8 g L-1. Modification of alumina to produce perfluorooctyl alumina resulted in a material able to significantly adsorb atrazine, while not exhibiting affinity for adsorption of 2,4-D. In spite of its adsorptive properties, perfluorooctyl alumina was found to enhance neither molecular ozone reactions nor ozone decomposition into hydroxyl radicals. Thus, the observed removal rates for atrazine and 2,4-D by ozonation in the presence of perfluorooctyl alumina did not increase significantly

    The Evolution of Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies: Disks or Spheroids?

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    Luminous compact blue galaxies (LCBGs) are a diverse class of galaxies characterized by high luminosities, blue colors, and high surface brightnesses. Residing at the high luminosity, high mass end of the blue sequence, LCBGs sit at the critical juncture of galaxies that are evolving from the blue to the red sequence. Yet we do not understand what drives the evolution of LCBGs, nor how they will evolve. Based on single-dish HI observations, we know that they have a diverse range of properties. LCBGs are HI-rich with M(HI)=10^{9-10.5} M(sun), have moderate M(dyn)=10^{10-12} M(sun), and 80% have gas depletion timescales less than 3 Gyr. These properties are consistent with LCBGs evolving into low-mass spirals or high mass dwarf ellipticals or dwarf irregulars. However, LCBGs do not follow the Tully-Fisher relation, nor can most evolve onto it, implying that many LCBGs are not smoothly rotating, virialized systems. GMRT and VLA HI maps confirm this conclusion revealing signatures of recent interactions and dynamically hot components in some local LCBGs, consistent with the formation of a thick disk or spheroid. Such signatures and the high incidence of close companions around LCBGs suggest that star formation in local LCBGs is likely triggered by interactions. The dynamical masses and apparent spheroid formation in LCBGs combined with previous results from optical spectroscopy are consistent with virial heating being the primary mechanism for quenching star formation in these galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Se

    Wheelchair Tire Change

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    This project consists of a rear wheel wheelchair lift to be designed and created by a Cal Poly senior project team. This project was created for injured veteran Ms. Landeen who has the trouble of tracking mud into her house because of dirty wheelchair tires. The project was presented by the non-profit organization The Quality of Life Plus (QL+) Program. Much like when you remove your shoes coming into your home, Ms. Landeen needs a way to exchange her outdoor wheels for her clean indoor wheels. The expected outcome of this project is a fully functioning device that will safely and effectively allow Ms. Landeen to independently change her tires. The following report details the problem given, background research on current products, initial analysis to define the problem, the ideation process performed by the team, concept and prototype designs, design iteration, manufacturing, design verification, and testing of the final design prototype

    Del registro de regularizacion, perfeccionamiento de titulos de derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas en el reglamento del catastro publico de aguas.

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    88 p.Esta Memoria se refiere al sistema de registro de Derechos de Aprovechamiento de Aguas establecido en el artículo 122 del Código de Aguas y materializado a través del Reglamento del Catastro Público de Aguas de 1998. Asimismo, este trabajo analiza los procedimientos de regularización y perfeccionamiento de títulos de derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas del Código y del Título II del citado Reglamento; es especial se cuestiona si este último referente al perfeccionamiento de títulos, que se tramita conforme a las normas del Juicio Sumario del artículo 680 y siguientes del Código de Procedimiento Civil, es el idóneo para aplicar en las diversas situaciones de títulos imperfectos que se puedan presentar. Se refiere además, a la Ley N0 20.017 de 16 de junio del presente año que modifica el Código de Aguas, agrega incisos al artículo 122 sobre registro de títulos de derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas

    Análisis del nivel de ejecución presupuestal de las entidades del sector público de Loreto y el presupuesto asignado periodo 2016 - 2020

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    The allocation of the budget is very important for public entities, but more important is its level of execution, since it is often stated that public works are not carried out due to the insufficient allocated budget. Thus, this doctoral thesis seeks to analyze the level of budget execution of the public sector entities of Loreto and the budget allocated in the period 2016 - 2020. With this objective, the present Quantitative type research was carried out, Descriptive level - Explanatory and non-experimental design. The investigation concludes that the public entities of Loreto only executed 86.72% of the assigned budget, despite the multiple needs that afflict it. Likewise, the generic expense account that reported the highest execution was Personnel and Obligations, with the sum of S/. 7,131,761,241.00; equivalent to 37.21% of the total. In the same way, the analysis of execution by source of financing shows that the item that financed Loreto's budget execution was Ordinary Resources with S/. 13,990,420,621.00; which represents 73.01% of the total executed in the five-year period. On the other hand, the budget assigned to Loreto maintained a constant growth year after year, from 2016 to 2020; having started with S/. 3,504,707,984.00 in 2016, and concluded with S/. 5,598,247,015.00 in 2020; showing an average growth of 15.39% per year.La asignación de presupuesto es muy importante para las entidades públicas, pero más importante es su nivel de ejecución, ya que, con frecuencia se manifiesta que no se hacen obras públicas por el insuficiente presupuesto asignado. Es así que, la presente tesis doctoral, busca analizar el nivel de ejecución presupuestal de las entidades del sector público de Loreto y el presupuesto asignado en el periodo 2016 – 2020. Con este objetivo, se ejecutó la presente investigación de tipo Cuantitativa, nivel Descriptivo - Explicativo y de diseño No Experimental. La investigación concluye que las entidades públicas de Loreto únicamente ejecutaron el 86.72% del presupuesto asignado, a pesar de las múltiples necesidades que la aquejan. Asimismo, la cuenta genérica de gasto que reportó la mayor ejecución fue Personal y Obligaciones, con la suma de S/. 7,131,761,241.00; equivalente al 37.21% del total. Del mismo modo, el análisis de la ejecución por fuente de financiamiento, demuestra que la partida que financió la ejecución presupuestal de Loreto fue Recursos Ordinarios con S/. 13,990,420,621.00; que representa el 73.01% del total ejecutado en el quinquenio. Por otro lado, el presupuesto asignado a Loreto mantuvo un crecimiento constante año a año, del 2016 al 2020; habiendo comenzado con S/. 3,504,707,984.00 el año 2016, y concluido con S/. 5,598,247,015.00 el año 2020; mostrando in crecimiento promedio de 15.39% por año

    Correcta aplicación del art. 1321 del Código Civil para lograr la pensión de invalidez por enfermedades ocupacionales de los trabajadores mineros

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo, analizar de qué manera la correcta aplicación del art. 1321 del Código Civil respecto a la responsabilidad contractual afecta a la asignación de la pensión de invalidez por enfermedades ocupacionales del trabajador minero. La investigación desarrollada fue de tipo básica y el diseño de teoría fundamentada, para el estudio se utilizó instrumentos como es la guía de entrevistas, para ello se realizó nueve preguntas a cuatro expertos en el tema del estudio. El estudio fue de enfoque cualitativo puesto que, tuvo la finalidad de contribuir con un mecanismo de solución al problema que hoy en día tiene los trabajadores mineros para percibir la pensión de invalidez por enfermedad ocupacional. Se llegó a la conclusión que; la omisión del certificado médico influye negativamente en el derecho a la pensión de invalidez por enfermedad ocupacional de los trabajadores mineros en el marco del art. 1321 C.C. Por consiguiente, vulnera el derecho fundamental que está reconocido por la constitución en el artículo 2 inciso a, así mismo la Carta Magna reconoce el art.7 el derecho a la protección de la salud, en su artícul

    Centro Cultural en Villa el Salvador

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    La presente tesis nace como una preocupación por la realidad que se vive en la periferia de la ciudad, donde se ubican la mayoría personas con menores ingresos, quienes no cuentan con espacios público para realizar actividades de tipo cultural cerca de donde viven. En este caso se realizó un estudio en la zona del Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador al sur de Lima, su historia nos muestra un distrito con una planificación urbana que con el pasar de los años se fue perdiendo por el interés personal de las personas, hoy en día se carece del fomento de la cultura y la preservación del espacio público, y por el contrario se da principal énfasis al comercio formal e informal. El proyecto del centro cultural brindará nuevas actividades y espacios que revitalizarán la zona.Tesi
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