540 research outputs found

    Methodology to Predict Daily Groundwater Levels by the Implementation of Machine Learning and Crop Models

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    The continuous decline of groundwater levels caused by variations in climatic conditions and crop water demands is an increased concern for the agricultural community. It is necessary to understand the factors that control these changes in groundwater levels so that we can better address declines and develop improved conservation practices that will lead to a more sustainable use of water. In this study, two machine learning techniques namely support vector regression (SVR) and the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) neural network were implemented to predict daily groundwater levels in a well located in the Mississippi Delta Region (MDR). Results of the NARX model indicate that a Bayesian regularization algorithm with two hidden nodes and 100 time delays was the best architecture to forecast groundwater levels. In another study, the SVR and the NARX model were compared for the prediction of groundwater withdrawal and recharge periods separately. Results from this study showed that input data classified by seasons lead to incremental improvements in the model accuracy, and that the SVR was the most efficient machine learning model with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.00123 m for the withdrawal season. Analysis of input variables such as previous daily groundwater levels (Gw), precipitation (Pr), and evapotranspiration (ET) showed that the combination of Gw+Pr provides the optimal set for groundwater prediction and that ET degraded the modeling performance, especially during recharge seasons. Finally, the CROPGRO-Soybean crop model was used to simulate the impacts of different volumes of irrigation on the crop height and yield, and to generate the daily irrigation requirements for soybean crops in the MDR. Four irrigation threshold scenarios (20%, 40%, 50% and 60%) were obtained from the CROGRO-Soybean model and used as inputs in the SVR to evaluate the predicted response of daily groundwater levels to different irrigation demands. This study demonstrated that conservative irrigation management, by selecting a low irrigation threshold, can provide good yields comparable to what is produced by a high volume irrigation management practice. Thus, lower irrigation volumes can have a big impact on decreasing the amount of groundwater withdrawals, while still maintaining comparable yields

    Community college students\u27 plant biodiversity learning experience in an introductory biology course: exploring the value added by using a CD-ROM to develop inquiry lessons

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    This study examined the value added to standard textbook-based instruction of plant biodiversity by the use of the exemplary interactive CD-ROM, Conserving Earth’s Biodiversity. This CD-ROM features renowned conservation figure E.O. Wilson. The setting of the research was an introductory biology course in a rural public community college in the Deep South. Six participants were purposively selected to represent three levels of achievement and two groups, the CD-ROM group (exposed to CD-ROM in addition to the textbook) and the textbook group (only course textbook). Students experienced lecture-based, textual, virtual, and real experiences, and examined their ability to understand biodiversity-related concepts and to pursue guided-inquiry questions about local plant biodiversity. Their performance was assessed through activities, quizzes, concept maps, interviews, surveys, and students’ presentations. This study led to three main findings. First, use of the CD-ROM, in addition to the textbook, allowed students to form a well-rounded grasp of plant biodiversity. Second, use of the CD-ROM enhanced the development of inquiries on local plant biodiversity and the metacognitive phase of assigning roles for local plant diversity. Third, the Plant Biodiversity Literacy Rubric [PBLR] was developed, based upon the history of the concept of biodiversity and was used to evaluate students’ progress by assigning them to various levels of understanding during the study. The students in the CD-ROM group gained a broader perspective of plant biodiversity-related concepts, such as levels of biodiversity, hot spots, genetic diversity, food plant diversity, and threats to biodiversity. The CD-ROM was never detrimental to the learning process. They were more self-directed in their development of inquiries, felt more confident about their presentations, and were more metacognitive during their inquiries. Performance on specific activities such as the essay and The Golden List of Species suggested an enhanced cognitive-behavioral/affective experience for students in the CD-ROM group. The PBLR is an exportable instrument, which may allow ecology educators at all levels to assess student’s levels of understanding in a sensitive way. At this time, it is critical to gauge effective understanding of plant biodiversity and ecology education, as it is vital to the survival and well-being of life on Earth

    Methodology to Predict Daily Groundwater Levels by the Implementation of Machine Learning and Crop Models

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    The continuous decline of groundwater levels caused by variations in climatic conditions and crop water demands is an increased concern for the agricultural community. It is necessary to understand the factors that control these changes in groundwater levels so that we can better address declines and develop improved conservation practices that will lead to a more sustainable use of water. In this study, two machine learning techniques namely support vector regression (SVR) and the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) neural network were implemented to predict daily groundwater levels in a well located in the Mississippi Delta Region (MDR). Results of the NARX model indicate that a Bayesian regularization algorithm with two hidden nodes and 100 time delays was the best architecture to forecast groundwater levels. In another study, the SVR and the NARX model were compared for the prediction of groundwater withdrawal and recharge periods separately. Results from this study showed that input data classified by seasons lead to incremental improvements in the model accuracy, and that the SVR was the most efficient machine learning model with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.00123 m for the withdrawal season. Analysis of input variables such as previous daily groundwater levels (Gw), precipitation (Pr), and evapotranspiration (ET) showed that the combination of Gw+Pr provides the optimal set for groundwater prediction and that ET degraded the modeling performance, especially during recharge seasons. Finally, the CROPGRO-Soybean crop model was used to simulate the impacts of different volumes of irrigation on the crop height and yield, and to generate the daily irrigation requirements for soybean crops in the MDR. Four irrigation threshold scenarios (20%, 40%, 50% and 60%) were obtained from the CROGRO-Soybean model and used as inputs in the SVR to evaluate the predicted response of daily groundwater levels to different irrigation demands. This study demonstrated that conservative irrigation management, by selecting a low irrigation threshold, can provide good yields comparable to what is produced by a high volume irrigation management practice. Thus, lower irrigation volumes can have a big impact on decreasing the amount of groundwater withdrawals, while still maintaining comparable yields

    Peace in The Middle of The Storm

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    The march towards biblical Revelation and restoration began at Calvary and continues today. A comforter and Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) are given to sustain believers in these times. As educators and more so as followers of Jesus the Christ, there are certain truths we hold. Among them is that we are just passing through this life. In our traversing of this life, we accept the command to spread the good news, utilize our gifts, and do all unto the glory of God. So as educators, the main question throughout the COVID pandemic, with political and social unrest in the world, the murder of George Floyd and others at the hands of the police is “Is God still on campus and where is He in all this?” He is likely where He always is; “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (New International Version Bible, 2011, Isaiah 41:10)

    Wine routes in Spain: A case study

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    Spain is a country with an enormous wine-growing tradition and with a huge tourist industry, although it has not made the importance of wine tourism profitable. Thus, it was not until 2000 that different official wine routes seemed to appear, with the main objective, amongst others, being to help develop rural areas where wine production is of crucial importance and to offer alternatives to traditional sun and beach tourism. In this paper, we will present an analysis of wine tourism in Spain based on the premise that wine (and regional cuisine) may be, and very frequently is, the main reason for visiting a certain area. To investigate this, we will present the results of an empirical study carried out in one of the official wine routes of Andalusia, a Spanish region where sun and beach tourism and cultural tourism represent a highly significant part of tourist activity. We have analysed how this tourist route is bringing about significant socioeconomic changes to the geographical area. To achieve this aim, we have conducted a survey of the companies involved in the wine route in order to ascertain their opinions on the impact and influence of the route. The main results of the study demonstrate the need to consolidate the development of such routes through collaboration between public institutions, ensuring the participation of all the different social actors involved

    Mainstreaming climate change in the public budgets of developing countries: A mixed method analysis applied to Latin America and the Caribbean Countries

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    In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that to avoid an increase in the temperature of more than 1.5-2.0oC by 2030, as the Paris Agreement proposes, a reduction of global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of between 25-45% is needed. To achieve this, most of developed and developing countries have submitted their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), but further work is needed to achieve another goal of the Agreement: making financial flows consistent with a pathway towards low GHGs and climate-resilient development (UNFCCC, 2015). In this context, this thesis analyses the extent to which developing countries are mainstreaming climate change in their public budget to comply with national and international commitments, and what factors promote and hinder such processes. Using a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and two case studies (Mexico and Colombia), the study found that developing countries, at least in Latin America, are more likely to mainstream climate change in their public budget if there is international support in the form of Overseas Development Aid (ODA) or climate finance. While the thesis identifies international cooperation as a promoter of climate change mainstreaming in the planning and budgetary processes, also it highlights how dependence on fossil fuels in the public finance cycle is a major constraint on such processes. The thesis suggests that while international cooperation remains key to promoting national climate action in developing countries, this will not be enough to achieve transformational changes, if the economies of developing countries remain dependant on fossil fuels

    Turismo cultural, patrimonio inmaterial y elementos que inciden en la diferente satisfacción del visitante a partir del estudio del sombrero de paja toquilla

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    Pese a que existen varias aproximaciones a la relación entre patrimonio, características del turista y satisfacción, aún son necesarias interpretaciones más complejas, que indaguen en la comparación simultánea de variables de naturaleza diversa. En este sentido, el presente estudio busca dar una interpretación a las diferencias en cuanto a la valoración de los distintos ítems vinculados a la satisfacción de los turistas mediante la utilización de variables sociodemográficas, sociolaborales y de conocimiento previo sobre el destino, buscando identificar cuáles son más importantes. Estas cuestiones se aplican a un ámbito relativamente poco estudiado, como son las ciudades medias latinoamericanas que gozan de un reconocimiento como Ciudades Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad y, además, acogen un Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial también reconocido por la Unesco, elemento hacia el que se enfoca este trabajo. Para ello, se analizan e interpretan los resultados de una encuesta realizada en la ciudad de Cuenca (Ecuador) utilizando pruebas de normalidad. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que el conocimiento previo del destino turístico y su condición de Patrimonio material o inmaterial son las cuestiones más significativas que influyen en la satisfacción del turista y el deseo de regresar.

    Cancer Mortality in Older Mexican Individuals (2000 – 2010)

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    The article shows the trends of cancer mortality in older mexican individuals during the period from 2000 to 201

    Main approaches of three-dimensional (3D) imaging examinations in the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of patients with skeletal Class III: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: Class III malocclusion presents with several skeletal and dental factors, highlighting the large or protruding jaw, retrusive maxilla, protrusive mandibular dentition, retrusive maxillary dentition, or combinations. The importance of evaluating class III malocclusions, as well as their treatments, through three-dimensional (3D) images are highlighted. Objective: To present a concise systematic review of the approach of 3D imaging exams to conduct class III malocclusion treatments, as well as to follow up after orthognathic surgery. Methods: Clinical studies with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included, following the rules of the systematic review-PRISMA. Results and Conclusion: A total of 105 articles was found involving class III malocclusion and ortho-surgical treatments guided by three-dimensional (3D) images. A total of 44 articles were fully evaluated and 16 were included and discussed in this study. Positional, structural, and volumetric condylar changes after orthognathic surgery in skeletal Class III patients have been well elucidated using cone-beam computed tomography. In addition, the virtual surgical planning and the surgical splint manufactured in CAD/CAM facilitate treatment planning and offer an accurate surgical result in orthognathic surgery. The application of pre-engineered bone guidance splints allows the treatment of craniofacial deformities with precision. Therefore, the three-dimensional (3D) tool allows for the accuracy of treatments and planning of orthognathic surgery, as well as the best postoperative follow-up

    Inbound marketing y fidelización del cliente en un salón de belleza, Arequipa, 2022

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    La presente investigación, se llevó a cabo en consideración de la alta competitividad en el sector de belleza en post pandemia. Por ello, se tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el inbound marketing y la fidelización del cliente en un salón de belleza, Arequipa 2022. En tal sentido, se consideró una metodología de tipo aplicado, de enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, abordando un diseño no experimental, de corte temporal transversal, teniendo como población y muestra a 90 clientes fidelizados del salón de belleza, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, en quienes se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento del cuestionario en escala Likert, teniendo una fiabilidad de 0.948 en el cuestionario de inbound marketing y de 0.953 en el cuestionario de fidelización del cliente. Hallando como resultados principales, la existencia de una relación positiva alta entre el inbound marketing y la dimensión lealtad como comportamiento. Concluyendo que, existe una relación positiva alta entre las variables inbound marketing y fidelización del cliente en el salón de belleza, al hallar un Rho de Spearman de 0.72