1,733 research outputs found

    The computer integrated documentation project: A merge of hypermedia and AI techniques

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    To generate intelligent indexing that allows context-sensitive information retrieval, a system must be able to acquire knowledge directly through interaction with users. In this paper, we present the architecture for CID (Computer Integrated Documentation). CID is a system that enables integration of various technical documents in a hypertext framework and includes an intelligent browsing system that incorporates indexing in context. CID's knowledge-based indexing mechanism allows case based knowledge acquisition by experimentation. It utilizes on-line user information requirements and suggestions either to reinforce current indexing in case of success or to generate new knowledge in case of failure. This allows CID's intelligent interface system to provide helpful responses, based on previous experience (user feedback). We describe CID's current capabilities and provide an overview of our plans for extending the system

    Career Starts and the Male-Female Wage Gap

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    The paper focuses on the early career patterns of young male and female workers. It investigates potential dynamic links between statistical discrimination, mobility, tenure and wage profiles. The model assumes that it is more costly for an employer to assess female workers' productivity and that the noise/signal ratio tapers off more rapidly for male workers. These two assumptions yield numerous theoretical predictions pertaining to gender wage gaps. These are tested using French data. It turns out most predictions are supported by the data. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons à l'évolution des carrières des jeunes travailleurs masculins et féminins au cours des premières années de vie active. Nous étudions dans un contexte dynamique les liens pouvant exister entre la discrimination statistique, la mobilité professionnelle, l'ancienneté en entreprise et les profils salariaux. Le modèle théorique postule qu'il est plus coûteux pour les employeurs d'évaluer la productivité des travailleurs féminins. On postule également que l'erreur de mesure portant sur la productivité disparaît plus rapidement pour les travailleurs masculins. Ces deux hypothèses génèrent de nombreuses prédictions théoriques falsifiables concernant les écarts salariaux hommes/femmes en début de carrière. Ces prédictions sont confrontées à des données françaises. Nous trouvons que la plupart des prédictions théoriques sont cohérentes avec les données.gender wage gap, job transitions, mover-stayer model, Écarts salariaux hommes/femmes, mobilité professionnelle, modèle mover-stayer

    La formation continue, un moyen de réduire les inégalités salariales entre hommes et femmes ?

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    L'objet de cet article est d'évaluer le rendement salarial de la participation à une formation continue en entreprise (formelle et informelle), en centrant l'analyse sur les différences entre sexes. Pour ce faire, les données françaises de l'enquête Formation continue 2000 sont mobilisées. On estime un modèle d'équations simultanées afin de tenir compte à la fois du phénomène de sélection endogène des pratiques de formation et des effets corrélés de l'hétérogénéité individuelle inobservable entre les différents types de formations et les salaires. Il ressort qu'en France, le rendement d'une formation formelle est plus élevé pour les femmes que pour leurs homologues masculins et que le rendement d'une formation informelle est équivalent pour les deux sexes.Formations formelle et informelle ; différences hommes/femmes ; rendements des formations, équations simultanées

    Coherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs

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    Optical spectroscopy and imaging of microscopic samples have opened up a wide range of applications throughout the physical, chemical, and biological sciences. High chemical specificity may be achieved by directly interrogating the fundamental or low-lying vibrational energy levels of the compound molecules. Amongst the available prevailing label-free techniques, coherent Raman scattering has the distinguishing features of high spatial resolution down to 200 nm and three-dimensional sectioning. However, combining fast imaging speed and identification of multiple - and possibly unexpected- compounds remains challenging: existing high spectral resolution schemes require long measurement times to achieve broad spectral spans. Here we overcome this difficulty and introduce a novel concept of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectro-imaging with two laser frequency combs. We illustrate the power of our technique with high resolution (4 cm-1) Raman spectra spanning more than 1200 cm-1 recorded within less than 15 microseconds. Furthermore, hyperspectral images combining high spectral (10 cm-1) and spatial (2 micrometers) resolutions are acquired at a rate of 50 pixels per second. Real-time multiplex accessing of hyperspectral images may dramatically expand the range of applications of nonlinear microscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Wage Growth and Job Mobility in the Early Career : Testing a Statistical Discrimination Model of the Gender Wage Gap

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    The paper focuses on the early career patterns of young male and female workers. It investigates potential dynamic links between statistical discrimination, mobility, tenure and wage profiles. The model assumes that it is more costly for an employer to assess female workers' productivity and that the noise/signal ratio tapers off more rapidly for male workers. These two assumptions yield numerous theoretical predictions pertaining to gender wage gaps. These predictions are tested using data from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. As predicted by our statistical discrimination model, we find that men and women have the same wage at the start of their career, but that female wages grow at a slower rate, creating a gender wage gap. Also consistent with our model, we find that mean wages are higher for workers who keep their job, while wage growth is stronger for workers who change job

    Contraversive neglect? A modulation of visuospatial neglect in association with contraversive pushing

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    Objective: Contraversive pushing (CP) is a neurologic disorder characterized by a lateral postural imbalance. Pusher patients actively push toward their contralesional side due to a misperception of the body's orientation in relation to gravity. Although not every patient with CP suffers from spatial neglect (SN), both phenomena are highly correlated in right-hemispheric patients. The present study investigates whether peripersonal visuospatial functioning differs in neglect patients with versus without CP (NP+ vs. NP+ patients). Method: Eighteen right-hemispheric stroke patients with SN were included, of which 17 in a double-blind case-control study and 1 single case with posterior pushing to supplement the discourse. A computer-based visuospatial navigation task, in which lateralized deviation can freely emerge, was used to quantify visuospatial behavior. In addition, visuospatial orienting was monitored using line bisection. Results: Significant intergroup differences were found. The NP+ patients demonstrated a smaller ipsilesional navigational deviation and more cross-over (contralesional instead of ipsilesional deviation) in long line bisection. As such, they demonstrated a contraversive (contralesionally directed) shift in comparison with the NP+ patients. Conclusions: These findings highlight the similarity between 2 systems of space representation. They are consistent with a coherence between the neural processing system that mainly provides for postural control, and the one responsible for nonpredominantly postural, visuospatial behavior