1,997 research outputs found

    Effect of being the organizer of a Handball Worl Championship in team perfomance

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    Cuando un equipo actúa como local parece tener cierta ventaja. Este hecho se denomina home advantage (HA) y ha sido muy estudiado en competiciones de liga, pero poco en competiciones de sede única. Se analizaron 4.340 partidos disputados en todos los Campeonatos del Mundo de balonmano disputados hasta 2011. Las variables registradas fueron: partidos ganados, empatados, perdidos, número goles marcados y recibidos y sexo de los competidores. La HA en los Campeonatos del Mundo de balonmano es de 67,9±0,23 para la categoría masculina y de 71,2±0,27 para la femenina. Existe una asociación entre la HA, los puntos obtenidos y la clasificación final del equipo.When a team plays at home seems to get some advantage. This effect is called home advantage (HA) and has been widely studied in league competitions, but little in competitions in a single venue. 4.340 games played in all Handballl World Championships since 1936 to 2011 were analyzed. The variables registered were games won, games drawn, games lost, the number of goals scored and goals against and the gender of the competitors. The HA (mean±sd) in the World Handball Championships is 67.9±0.23, for the male category and 71.2±0.27 for the female. A significant association exists between HA, the points obtained in a competition and the final classification of a team

    Determination of the home advantage in handball Olympic Games and European Championships

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    Home advantage (HA) has typically been focused in competitions in which the same number of home games and away games are played, but it should be noted that there are other competitions that take place at the home of only one organizer. In this study, 2,758 games of handball were analyzed. The variables registered were the number of games won, the number of games drawn, the number of games lost, the number of goals scored, the number of goals against and the gender of the competitors. The significance of the level of advantage in playing at home was calculated for the variable of points obtained, assuming the null hypothesis that playing at home has no advantage. The Wilcoxon signed rank was used to contrast home advantage signification. The advantage of playing at home and the advantage of playing away in male and female competitions were compared using the Mann–Whitney test. The significance of the difference between the goals (both scored by and scored against) when a team played at home or played away from home was determined using t tests. Pearson and Spearman bivariate correlations were used to establish the level of association between the classification of a team and the number of points obtained as a result of the advantage of playing at home. No significant advantage to playing at home in the Olympic Games or European Championships was found for either gender. However, a direct association exists between playing at home and the points obtained in a competition. There is also a significant inverse association between playing at home and the final classification of a team

    Validation of the questionnaire "focus of attention for handball trainers in video analysis"

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    El uso del método Delphi es indicado para la elaboración de cuestionarios sobre un tema objeto de estudio en el que no hay mucho conocimiento anterior. Partiendo de una idea inicial, un grupo de 10 expertos en balonmano realizaron una serie de propuestas de modificación hasta llegar a un cuestionario final consensuado de 34 ítems, con preguntas relacionadas con las cuatro fases del juego existente en balonmano. Dicho estudio se pasó a una muestra de 134 entrenadores de cuatro países, verificando la validación del cuestionario. Los entrenadores de balonmano dan mayor importancia en los análisis con vídeo a las fases del juego de ataque y defensa organizada.The use of the Delphi method is indicated for the elaboration of questionnaires on a subject of study, which until now has little known information about it. Starting on an initial proposal, a group of 10 experts in handball made a series of modification proposals until a final questionnaire was agreed of 34 items, with questions related with the four phases of the game that exist in handball. The questionnaire was given to 134 trainers from four different countries, verifying the validation of the questionnaire. The handball trainers gave most importance to the analysis with videos of the phases of play in attack and organized defensepeerReviewe

    Measuring home advantage in Spanish Football (1928-2011)

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    Pollard (1986) estableció el procedimiento para analizar la ventaja de jugar en casa, efecto que en términos anglosajones se denomina “home advantage” (HA). La HA ha sido estudiada en multitud de deportes, tanto individuales como de equipo, determinando su existencia y sus posibles causas. Este artículo analiza la HA de la primera división de fútbol español a lo largo de su historia (desde 1928 hasta el 2011). La muestra es de 80 temporadas y 22.015 partidos jugados en las competiciones de liga de máxima categoría española. La HA es de 70,8±0,14 en las máximas categorías del fútbol español en la época en la que el valor de la victoria era de dos puntos (1928-1995) y de 56,7±0,14 cuando se otorgan tres puntos por la victoria (1995-2011Pollard (1986) established the procedure for analyzing the home advantage (HA). The HA has been studied in many different sports, both individual and team sports, determining its existence and its possible causes. This article analyzes the HA of the first division of Spanish football across the history (from 1928 until 2011). The sample is of 80 seasons and 22015 games of the highest level in Spain. The HA (mean±sd) is of 70.8±0.14 in the highest category in Spanish football during the period when a victory was worth two points (1928-1995) and 56.7±0.14 when three points were awarded for a victory (1995-2011

    Exploiting the potential of bioreactors for creating spatial organization in the soil microbiome: A strategy for increasing sustainable agricultural practices

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    Industrial production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and their crop application have caused considerable environmental impacts. Some eco-friendly alternatives try to solve them but raise some restrictions. We tested a novel method to produce a nitrogen bioinoculant by enriching a soil microbial community in bioreactors supplying N2 by air pumping. The biomass enriched with diazotrophic bacteria was diluted and applied to N-depleted and sterilized soil of tomato plants. We estimated microbial composition and diversity by 16S rRNA metabarcoding from soil and bioreactors at different run times and during plant uprooting. Bioreactors promoted the N-fixing microbial community and revealed a hided diversity. One hundred twenty-four (124) operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were assigned to bacteria with a greater Shannon diversity during the reactor’s steady state. A total of 753 OTUs were found in the rhizospheres with higher biodiversity when the lowest concentration of bacteria was applied. The apparent bacterial abundance in the batch and continuous bioreactors suggested a more specific functional ecological organization. We demonstrate the usefulness of bioreactors to evidence hidden diversity in the soil when it passes through bioreactors. By obtaining the same growth of inoculated plants and the control with chemical synthesis fertilizers, we evidence the potential of the methodology that we have called directed bioprospecting to grow a complex nitrogen-fixing microbial community. The simplicity of the reactor’s operation makes its application promising for developing countries with low technological progress

    Fuzzy inference system for the identification of over-the-counter (otc) drugs.

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    This document shows the details of the implementation of a fuzzy inference system, for the identification of four over-the-counter drugs (Naproxen, Calcium Carbonate, Muvett and Winadol), by using a Raman Spectroscopy, which output is the characterization of the substance. Data obtained from Raman Spectroscopy are modeled with Matlab®- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

    Measuring School Engagement: Validation and Measurement Equivalence of the Student Engagement Scale on Angolan Male and Female Adolescents

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    School engagement is defined primarily in relation to the participation of the student in academic achievement, and it is viewed as a multidimensional and integrative construct, or macroconstruct made up of several dimensions. The most repeated typology recognizes three specific dimensions: Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affective). Recently, a fourth new dimension, personal agency, has been proposed, which reflects students’ constructive engagement with the academic instructions. F. Veiga has been the first to present a self-report instrument, in Portuguese, to measure these four components, the Student Engagement Scale-4 dimensions (SES-4DS). This research has studied the validity and reliability of this scale and its gender invariance in a sample of 2034 Angolan students. Results have shown a clear scalar invariant factor structure, some reliability problems, and adequate convergent and nomological validity. Latent differences were found between males and females for cognitive and affective engagement. Results are discussed in light of the existing literature

    Influencia del año de nacimientode una jugadora en las posibilidades de ser captada como talento en el balonmano femenino internacional

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    Los Campeonatos del Mundo de balonmano los organiza la International Handball Federation (IHF). En las categorías júnior y juvenil establece los grupos de participantes basándose en la adscripción de los deportistas nacidos en dos años seguidos a una misma categoría, iniciando el corte en los nacidos en año par y debiendo permanecer durante dos años en la misma categoría. La muestra la componen 1.049 jugadoras de balonmano que disputaron el Campeonato del Mundo de su categoría, disputado en el 2009 en categoría sénior y en el 2010 en categoría júnior y juvenil. Las variables registradas fueron el año de nacimiento, el género y el nivel de la competición. El estudio tomó como referencia si el deportista nació en año par o impar. Las diferencias entre la proporción de deportistas nacidos en año par o en año impar se calculó mediante la prueba binomial contrastando la proporción del 50 %. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en las categorías sénior. En la categoría júnior y juvenil se encontraron más jugadoras nacidas en año par que en año impar, con diferencias muy significativas