410 research outputs found

    Path-Planning for optimal coverage under security constraints

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    Treball fet a la Technische Universität Berlin. Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik[ANGLÈS] In recent years, three-dimensional building reconstruction has been an active area of research, partly motivated by the spread of low cost unmanned aerial vehicles platforms. These permit exploiting the entire three-dimensional space as long as it is free of obstacles. Current approaches manually plan a set of viewpoints from which to conduct multiple scans of a target building, and then later select the best ones to use in a structure from motion system. This procedure often has two problems: some parts are covered with low detail or some parts are evenly uncovered. In these situations, an automatic view planner is necessary; it will completely cover a building surface, while reducing time and cost of the overall process. This thesis presents an automatic view planner for three-dimensional building reconstruction based on dividing edifices into several slices and for each one solve a two-dimensional problem. From a rough model of the environment and a desired detail level, both described in a cost function, the system computes a route in which there is a set of viewpoints to completely cover a target building surface of any shape, taking into account that there may be obstacles in the environment. The final route is proposed to be followed by an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a digital camera.[CASTELLÀ] En los últimos años, la reconstrucción 3D de edificios ha sido un área activa de investigación, en parte motivada por la difusión de plataformas económicas de unmanned aerial vehicles. Estos permiten explotar completamente el espacio 3D mientras esté libre de obstáculos. Las soluciones actuales planean manualmente una serie de puntos desde donde realizar escaneos de un edificio objetivo, para luego seleccionar los mejores para utilizar en un sistema structure from motion. Este procedimiento a menudo tiene dos grandes problemas: algunas partes del edificio se cubren con bajo detalle u otras partes incluso no se cubren. En estas situaciones un view planner automático es necesario. Este cubrirá completamente la superficie del edificio, a la vez que reducirá costes y tiempo en el proceso global. Este proyecto presenta un view planner automático para la reconstrucción 3D de edificios basado en dividir estos en rebanadas y para cada una resolver un problema en 2D. A partir de un modelo en bruto de la escena, y un detalle deseado, ambos descritos en una función de coste, el sistema calcula una ruta en la que hay una serie de puntos que cubren completamente la superficie de un edificio objetivo de cualquier forma, teniendo en cuenta que puede haber obstáculos en la escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipado con una cámara digital siga el camino final diseñado.[CATALÀ] Els darrers anys, la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis ha estat una área activa de recerca, en part motivada per la difusió de plataformes econòmiques de unmanned aerial vehicles. Aquests permeten explotar completament l’espai 3D mentres estigui lliure d’obstacles. Les solucions actuals planegen manualment una sèrie de punts des don realitzar escanejos d’un edifici objectiu, per després seleccionar els millors per a utilitzar en un sistema structure from motion. Aquest procediment sovint té dos grans problemes: algunes parts de l’edifici es cobreixen amb baix detall o altres parts inclús no es cobreixen. En aquestes situacions un view planner automàtic es necessari. Aquest cobrirà completament la superfície de l’edifici, a la vegada que reduirà costos i temps en el procés global. Aquest projecte presenta un view planner automàtic per a la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis basat en dividir aquests en llesques i per a cada una resoldre un problema en 2D. A partir d’un model en brut de l’escena, i un detall desitjat, ambdós descrits en una funció de cost, el sistema calcula una ruta en la qual hi ha una serie de punts que cobriran completament la superfície d’un edifici objectiu de qualsevol forma, tenint en compte que hi poden haver obstacles a l’escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipat amb una càmera digital segueixi el camí final dissenyat

    Bedform variability and flow regime in a barrier-inlet system. The mesotidal Piedras mouth (Huelva, SW Spain)

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    Bedform fields from the Piedras River mouth (Huelva, SW Spain) have been studied using side-scan sonar techniques, combined with visual scuba-dives, and direct geometric measuring. The dominant flow regime has been determined from the results in these tidal environments, where erosive processes dominate during ebb, transporting sand as a bedload towards the mouth and central sector of the tidal channel. The process is reversed during tidal floods. During neap tides, larger bedforms maintain their geometry and position, whereas small ripples are re-oriented under different tidal conditions. Sand patches, dunes and ripples are interpreted as sediment bypassing zones. Large forms indicate high energy flow, which can only migrate when flow velocity reaches threshold values for the movement, with net sand transport towards open areas. Depositional features indicate low, moderate, and high-energy conditions. Here, a depositional regime dominated by sediment accommodation is dominant, where sandy sediments are continuously remobilized, transported and re-deposited, even closer to the estuarine mouth. In inner zones finer particles, such as clay and silt, are transported by tides as suspended matter and deposited in protected inner areas. The final results are long narrow tidal flats, which alternate with sandy areas dominated by erosion

    Path-Planning for optimal coverage under security constraints

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    Treball fet a la Technische Universität Berlin. Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik[ANGLÈS] In recent years, three-dimensional building reconstruction has been an active area of research, partly motivated by the spread of low cost unmanned aerial vehicles platforms. These permit exploiting the entire three-dimensional space as long as it is free of obstacles. Current approaches manually plan a set of viewpoints from which to conduct multiple scans of a target building, and then later select the best ones to use in a structure from motion system. This procedure often has two problems: some parts are covered with low detail or some parts are evenly uncovered. In these situations, an automatic view planner is necessary; it will completely cover a building surface, while reducing time and cost of the overall process. This thesis presents an automatic view planner for three-dimensional building reconstruction based on dividing edifices into several slices and for each one solve a two-dimensional problem. From a rough model of the environment and a desired detail level, both described in a cost function, the system computes a route in which there is a set of viewpoints to completely cover a target building surface of any shape, taking into account that there may be obstacles in the environment. The final route is proposed to be followed by an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a digital camera.[CASTELLÀ] En los últimos años, la reconstrucción 3D de edificios ha sido un área activa de investigación, en parte motivada por la difusión de plataformas económicas de unmanned aerial vehicles. Estos permiten explotar completamente el espacio 3D mientras esté libre de obstáculos. Las soluciones actuales planean manualmente una serie de puntos desde donde realizar escaneos de un edificio objetivo, para luego seleccionar los mejores para utilizar en un sistema structure from motion. Este procedimiento a menudo tiene dos grandes problemas: algunas partes del edificio se cubren con bajo detalle u otras partes incluso no se cubren. En estas situaciones un view planner automático es necesario. Este cubrirá completamente la superficie del edificio, a la vez que reducirá costes y tiempo en el proceso global. Este proyecto presenta un view planner automático para la reconstrucción 3D de edificios basado en dividir estos en rebanadas y para cada una resolver un problema en 2D. A partir de un modelo en bruto de la escena, y un detalle deseado, ambos descritos en una función de coste, el sistema calcula una ruta en la que hay una serie de puntos que cubren completamente la superficie de un edificio objetivo de cualquier forma, teniendo en cuenta que puede haber obstáculos en la escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipado con una cámara digital siga el camino final diseñado.[CATALÀ] Els darrers anys, la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis ha estat una área activa de recerca, en part motivada per la difusió de plataformes econòmiques de unmanned aerial vehicles. Aquests permeten explotar completament l’espai 3D mentres estigui lliure d’obstacles. Les solucions actuals planegen manualment una sèrie de punts des don realitzar escanejos d’un edifici objectiu, per després seleccionar els millors per a utilitzar en un sistema structure from motion. Aquest procediment sovint té dos grans problemes: algunes parts de l’edifici es cobreixen amb baix detall o altres parts inclús no es cobreixen. En aquestes situacions un view planner automàtic es necessari. Aquest cobrirà completament la superfície de l’edifici, a la vegada que reduirà costos i temps en el procés global. Aquest projecte presenta un view planner automàtic per a la reconstrucció 3D d’edificis basat en dividir aquests en llesques i per a cada una resoldre un problema en 2D. A partir d’un model en brut de l’escena, i un detall desitjat, ambdós descrits en una funció de cost, el sistema calcula una ruta en la qual hi ha una serie de punts que cobriran completament la superfície d’un edifici objectiu de qualsevol forma, tenint en compte que hi poden haver obstacles a l’escena. La idea es que un unmanned aerial vehicle equipat amb una càmera digital segueixi el camí final dissenyat

    Litofacies del Plioceno en el registro geológico marino de la Bahía de Cádiz (SW de España): ambientes y procesos

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    Mediante el estudio sedimentológico de los afloramientos Pliocenos de la costa de Cádiz (SO de España), se ha establecido la tendencia deposicional que caracteriza el relleno sedimentario ost-orogénico en el sector sur de la cuenca del Guadalquivir. Las facies indican variaciones importantes del régimen deposicional, alternando períodos estacionales de calma y tormenta con eventos ocasionales de muy alta energía, caracterizados por el depósito de materiales clásticos y bioclásticos de mayor tamaño. De acuerdo con las características sedimentarias y el contenido fósil, varios tipos de litofacies han sido identificadas. Las arenas, areniscas y calcarenitas muestran características que indican un régimen estacional, mientras que las capas bioclásticas y los depósitos de bloques muestran características completamente distintas a los depósitos intra y suprayacentes, habiendo sido clasificados como depósitos de eventos. También se ha discutido el origen de estos depósitos y los mecanismos deposicionales involucrados en su formación. Tanto las litofacies como el marco tectónico y el registro histórico, indican que estos depósitos fueron generados por eventos oceanográficos de muy alta energía, tales como grandes olas generadas por importantes temporales o tsunamis.Depositional trend that characterized the post-orogenic sedimentary fill in the southern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin has been established by means of sedimentological analysis of Pliocene marine deposits from the Cadiz coast (SW Spain). Lithofacies indicate important variations of depositional regime, alternating calms and storm periods with occasional oceanographic events, which are characterized by the deposition of bioclastic and boulder deposits. According to the features and fossil content, several lithofacies types have been identified, from muddy sands to sandstones, calcarenites, bioclastic accumulations, and large boulder accumulations. Sands, sandstones and calcarenites show features which indicate a seasonal depositional regime, while bioclastic and large boulder beds show different features respect to the over and underlying beds, having been classified as event deposits. The origin of the event deposits and the involved depositional processes is also discussed. Both, lithofacies and tectonic setting are coherent with historical data, and indicate that these deposits were generated by very-high energy oceanographic events, such as major storms or tsunamis.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Effectiveness of a Multifactorial Intervention in the First 1000 Days of Life to Prevent Obesity and Overweight in Childhood: Study Protoco

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    (1) Background: Obesity is a global health problem, and its prevention must be a priority goal of public health, especially considering the seriousness of the problem among children. It is known that fetal and early postnatal environments may favor the appearance of obesity in later life. In recent years, the impact of the programs to prevent obesity in childhood has been scarce. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention based on the concept of early programming. (2) Methods: Non-randomized controlled trial design. Inclusion criteria are: two-year-old infants whose gestational period begins in the 14 months following the start of the intervention, and whose mothers have made the complete follow-up of their pregnancy in the same clinical unit of the study. The intervention will be developed over all the known factors that affect early programming, during pregnancy up to 2 years of life. Data will be collected through a data collection sheet by the paediatricians. A unibivariate and multivariate analysis of the data will be carried out. (3) Ethics and dissemination: The trial does not involve any risk to participants and their offspring. Signed informed consent is obtained from all participants. Ethical approval has been obtained. (4) Results: It is expected that this study will provide evidence on the importance of the prevention of obesity from the critical period of the first 1000 days of life, being able to establish this as a standard intervention in primary care

    Effect of passage through the plant on virulence and endophytic behavioural adaptation in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana

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    Systemic crop protection using endophytic isolates of entomopathogenic fungi is at the forefront of IPM. Nonetheless, any potential trade-offs between virulence and endophytic behaviour must be elucidated if they are to be effectively used in pest management strategies. Here we investigated endophytic adaptation in an isolate of Beauveria bassiana following successive passage through melon, tomato and cotton tissues. Plants were sprayed with a suspension of B. bassiana endophytic isolate EABb 04/01-Tip to initiate endophytic colonization. Once colonization was established, the fungus was re-isolated from the plant, applied to another plant and re-isolated again; this was repeated to achieve three passages. After each passage, a conidial suspension of each isolate was used in bioassays to evaluate both virulence against 4th instar larvae of the model insect Galleria mellonella and to quantify the extent of endophytic activity in each respective host plant species. When sprayed leaves were inspected for fungal colonization, differences in percentage tissue colonization amongst the plant species were detected after the first re-isolation. Endophytic colonization rates in melon and tomato, which varied from 70 to 100%, were higher than those observed in cotton, which ranged from 40 to 50%; endophytic colonization in cotton increased to 75–100% after the third passage. This improvement in endophytic behaviour in cotton, an apparently suboptimal plant for fungal colonization, suggests an evolutionary adaptation to localized or transient endophytic colonization, while further assays are needed. Meanwhile, when endophytic colonization of non-sprayed leaves distant from the sprayed ones was investigated, endophytic activity was evident in all three crop species suggesting that movement within plants after successive passage increased the extent of endophytic colonization from transient to systemic. The present research highlights the potential for adaptation to endophytic behaviour in crops that are less suitable for endophytic colonization. Furthermore, we demonstrated stability in virulence after multiple passages through host plants. This is a key result for the development of IPM strategies based on endophytic entomopathogenic fungi

    Tool wear study in edge trimming on basalt fibre reinforced plastics

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    [EN] In machining of reinforced fibre composite parts, abrasive fibres and material heterogeneity produce poor surface finish, delamination and tool wear. In this research, basalt fibre reinforced plastic is machined with edge trimming in order to study tool wear, using a tool holder of diameter 25 mm, with two exchangeable uncoated carbide cutting inserts. Cutting conditions (cutting speed, feed per tooth and depth) and material characteristics (fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation) are evaluated to know their influence in the flank wear (Vb) of the tool. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to study flank wear and material removal rate, and a generalized linear model (GLM) was developed. More influence variables in the flank wear are the machining conditions, being the tool life suitable for this machining and material.This work was funded by the Research Project DPI2013-44903-R-AR of the MINER.Navarro-Mas, M.; Meseguer, MD.; Sánchez Galdón, AI.; Gutiérrez, SC. (2017). Tool wear study in edge trimming on basalt fibre reinforced plastics. Procedia Manufacturing. 13:259-266. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2017.09.067S2592661
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