19 research outputs found

    Colombian consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of the infection by SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 in health care facilities - Recommendations from expert´s group based and informed on evidence

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    La Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN) y el Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud (IETS) conformó un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar recomendaciones informadas y basadas en evidencia, por consenso de expertos para la atención, diagnóstico y manejo de casos de Covid 19. Estas guías son dirigidas al personal de salud y buscar dar recomendaciones en los ámbitos de la atención en salud de los casos de Covid-19, en el contexto nacional de Colombia

    UsiXML Extension for Awareness Support

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    Part 1: Long and Short PapersInternational audienceAwareness support in MDA technologies is virtually nonexistent. Furthermore, until recently there was no conceptual model suitable for representing Awareness support in model based architectures. Here, we introduce an extension of UsiXML user interface description language to support Awareness as an information requirement. UsiXML aims to describe multi-context and multimodal user interfaces. The model-based approach of UsiXML makes it a good candidate for integrating Awareness Support from the requirements phase to the final user interfaces. It enables Awareness requirements to be traced from the final user interfaces to the tasks and domain entities that generate them, allowing developers to maintain and validate all the Awareness mechanisms provided by the system. This leads not only to a better quality of system developed, but also an organized and traceable development of Awareness mechanisms, easier maintenance and improved user interaction

    Designing Stories for Educational Video Games: Analysis and Evaluation

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    The use of video games as an educational tool initially causes a higher degree of motivation in students. However, the inclusion of educational activities throughout the game can cause this initial interest to be lost. A good way to maintain motivation is to use a good story that is used as guiding thread with which to contextualize the other video game elements (characters, scenarios, challenges, scores, etc.). A method is necessary for analyzing the effectiveness of the story in a video game. The authors propose an analysis method that includes user-centered techniques. This method has been applied to several cases of study. In this paper, they describe its application to the design of an educational video game in the field of mathematics and an adventure game for training the reading skills

    Interactive narrative design for geolocated experiences

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    Conferencia de "17th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Interaccion 2016; Salamanca; Spain; 13 September 2016 through 16 September 2016"Current computation paradigms allow us to interact with the technology through several devices at the same time. Virtual tools and interfaces belong to the real world. This is the reason why the number of pervasive and geolocated games has been increased. This kind of games mixes activities in the real world with technology typical from video games. These characteristics offer new challenges when designing interactive experiences and they give new ways of teaching through technology. Stories help to motivate participants. However, designing stories for video games is a hard task, due to the interactive characteristic of this media. Players can change the story flow with their own actions. Thus, writers and designers of the game must find the balance between the freedom of the player and the control of the quality of the story. In the present work, we propose a set of technics to design and evaluate a story aimed to lead a geolocated educational experience

    A Method to Evaluate Emotions in Educational Video Games for Children

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    Although several evaluation analyses have recently been proposed to assess the user or player experience of playing a video game, we found the need for these to be adapted when we wanted to apply them to young children. However, young children are unable to spend a long time grading many attributes or indexes after playing. Thus, selecting the most important aspects to be analyzed is required in order to perform a non-time consuming and significant evaluation method to be used with children. Hence, this work is focused on designing an evaluation method to assess emotions when young children (3-5 years old) play a video game. In particular, we are interested in educational video games because of the importance that emotion has in motivation, which in turn is highly important in education. Although the method presented follows the pre-test, test and post-test classic structure, the activities carried out in each of these phases have been modified to, firstly, include no elements which require reading-writing skills, which are as yet undeveloped at this age and, secondly, to limit the emotional impact that children can suffer when they are aware that they are being evaluated. We have applied the proposed method in a sample of 39 children playing the educational video game "Ato's Adventure", which was in its final development phases, obtaining very promising results both for the analysis method and for the video game

    Model for the integration of educational processes in a graphic adventure

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    La aventura gráfica es un género de videojuego que expone de forma controlada un conjunto de desafíos, requiriendo para su resolución capacidad exploratoria, de predicción y toma de decisiones. Laestructura dinámica de su fuerte componente narrativa favorece la motivación del lector/jugador a quien se le exige un papel muy activo y, en consecuencia, su utilidad educativa ha sido explotada casi desde sus orígenes.Con objeto de asistir el uso educativo de la aventura gráfica dentro de un enfoque basado en competencias, se define un modelo conceptual que estructura los elementos de la aventura en torno a cinco componentes: competencias educativas, narrativa, retos, proceso de juego y proceso educativo. Como caso de uso, la aventura gráfica “Urano” instancia dicho modelo, permitiendo soportar y evaluar lalectura comprensiva en alumnos de segundo y tercer ciclo de primaria de acuerdo al sistema educativo español. De este modo, a medida que el jugador resuelve retos lúdicos, la aventura “Urano” gestiona la adquisición de las competencias educativas implicadas y genera informes de evaluación cuya utilidad educativa está siendo analizada, junto a otros aspectos, en una experiencia en la que participan varios colegios de la ciudad de Granada, y algunos de cuyos resultados preliminares se discuten en este trabajo

    A Method to Evaluate Emotions in Educational Video Games for Children

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    Although several evaluation analyses have recently been proposed to assess the user or player experience of playing a video game, we found the need for these to be adapted when we wanted to apply them to young children. However, young children are unable to spend a long time grading many attributes or indexes after playing. Thus, selecting the most important aspects to be analyzed is required in order to perform a non-time consuming and significant evaluation method to be used with children. Hence, this work is focused on designing an evaluation method to assess emotions when young children (3-5 years old) play a video game. In particular, we are interested in educational video games because of the importance that emotion has in motivation, which in turn is highly important in education. Although the method presented follows the pre-test, test and post-test classic structure, the activities carried out in each of these phases have been modified to, firstly, include no elements which require reading-writing skills, which are as yet undeveloped at this age and, secondly, to limit the emotional impact that children can suffer when they are aware that they are being evaluated. We have applied the proposed method in a sample of 39 children playing the educational video game "Ato's Adventure", which was in its final development phases, obtaining very promising results both for the analysis method and for the video game

    PLAGER-VG: platform for managing educational multiplayer video games

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    Information and communication technologies, in general, and multimedia systems, in particular, are currently incorporated into the learning processes with certain normality. Furthermore, the scientific community agrees that video games, as a specific expression of these technologies, present additional benefits that improve many student skills. In an educational context which uses video games as learning tools, the need for a well-defined framework to develop effective educational games seems evident. However, most educational games are not supported by specific architectures; perhaps because the existing ones do not include fundamental aspects such as collaboration, adaptation or gameplay, or its conceptual language is hardly understandable to the educational team. With the aim of fill this gap, we here describe the architecture PLAGER-VG to design, execute, monitor and adapt collaborative learning processes supported by video games, focusing the paper in the design and personalization aspects. PLAGER-VG is a modular platform composed of five sub-systems which allows incrementally designing video games and using them, as well as integrating a video game with other related to it. In particular, we propose the Design Sub-system for managing the educational game design process and the Personalization Sub-system for adapting the gameplay, and therefore the educational process, to the needs of students. The architecture has been considered during the development of several video games and a set of thirty teachers have expressed their acceptance regarding the main elements of PLAGER-VG

    Introducing an interactive story in a geolocalized experience

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    Conferencia de "18th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Interaccion 2017; Cancun; Mexico; 25 September 2017 through 27 September 2017"Pervasive games are one of the types of gaming experiences that currently causes the most impact on players. They break the usual environment of the game in a spatial, temporal or social dimension. The integration of the narrative with the interactivity and the geolocalization of these games requires a model that represents and structures the story and its integration with the rest of the elements of the game. In addition, this model should allow us to analyze the effectiveness of the story and how it helps to create a good user experience. In this paper, we propose a strong structuring of the narrative that includes geolocalization support. Through an example of the design of an interactive geolocalized story, we explain several characteristics of the model that make possible the creation of a good interactive narrative

    A design process for balanced educational video games with collaborative activities

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    El uso de un método de desarrollo específico para videojuegos e ducativos que facilite la definición de objetivos pedagógicos y lúdicos podría mejorar la eficiencia inst ructiva de este tipo de aplica ciones, sin perder su jugabilidad. Con esta intención, en este trabajo se presenta un proceso de diseño incremental que aplica principios de Ingen iería del Software par a generar videojuegos educativos con acti vidades colaborativas. Siguiendo dicho pr oceso, la especificación y dis eño de contenidos educativos y de juego es más sencilla y permi te garantizar el equilibrio entre los component es educativos y de juego. Comp lementariamente, se presenta un prototipo de una herramienta de autor que implementa la met odología propuesta