5 research outputs found

    Kaposi's sarcoma in a different concept from HIV-AIDS: report of a case in a patient with Behçet's disease and immunomodulatory drugs

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    Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a malignant vascular neoplasm that typically appears opportunistically in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); it can also arise in organ transplanted subjects and exceptionally in carriers of autoimmune diseases, such as Behçet's disease. A 23-year-old man with Behçet's disease who debuts with clinically and histologically compatible dermatosis with KS. Conclusions. KS is not exclusive to HIV-AIDS, it also prevails in situations of primary or secondary immunocompromision that favor its appearance, as is the case of Behçet's Disease and its immunomodulatory therapy.

    DRESS syndrome by sulfonamides, about a case

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    Among the most feared toxico-dermas is drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome, a rare drug dermatitis that occurs after acute exposure to drugs whose clinical impact is based on multiple organs (skin, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart) and cell lines (eosinophils and lymphocytes). It is an entity with high mortality if it is not identified early, its treatment consists of the immediate suspension of the responsible drug and the administration of steroids, these being the therapeutic protagonists. A 64-year-old male patient with clinical, biochemical and histopathological criteria compatible with DRESS syndrome. It is essential to suspect the clinical course of DRESS syndrome before the appearance of dermatosis with multisystem involvement associated with the use of drugs, emphasis is placed on its early identification and the establishment of timely treatment to modify its prognosis.

    La PRL y la digitalización de la industria

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    La llegada de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial o Digitalización es una realidad. Las empresas persiguen una optimización de sus recursos añadiendo a las metodologías tradicionales como Lean Manufacturing los beneficios de la interconexión de los componentes de los sistemas productivos. Es precisamente esta interconexión y el trabajo relativamente autónomo de la maquinaria lo que, a la vez, elimina o reduce los riesgos clásicos de las industrias y hace que emerjan otros nuevos que afectarán al operario 4.0. No obstante, de igual forma que surgen nuevos riesgos, surgen también nuevas formas de abordarlos.The advent of Fourth Revolution or Digitization is already a reality. Companies follow the optimization of their resources adding to traditional tools, like Lean Manufacturing, the benefits from the interconnexion of all the parts that conform productive systems. This interconnexion and the autonomous work of machines eradicate classic labour accidents risks or, at least, reduce them, but also create new ones that worry Operator 4.0. However, in the same way this new paradigm contributes to create some new risks, it can offer new ways for dealing with them

    Ecological and Physiological Studies of Gymnodinium catenatum in the Mexican Pacific: A Review

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    This review presents a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge of studies done in Mexico related to the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, a paralytic toxin producer. This species was first reported in the Gulf of California in 1939; since then most studies in Mexico have focused on local blooms and seasonal variations. G. catenatum is most abundant during March and April, usually associated with water temperatures between 18 and 25 ºC and an increase in nutrients. In vitro studies of G. catenatum strains from different bays along the Pacific coast of Mexico show that this species can grow in wide ranges of salinities, temperatures, and N:P ratios. Latitudinal differences are observed in the toxicity and toxin profile, but the presence of dcSTX, dcGTX2-3, C1, and C2 are usual components. A common characteristic of the toxin profile found in shellfish, when G. catenatum is present in the coastal environment, is the detection of dcGTX2-3, dcSTX, C1, and C2. Few bioassay studies have reported effects in mollusks and lethal effects in mice, and shrimp; however no adverse effects have been observed in the copepod Acartia clausi. Interestingly, genetic sequencing of D1-D2 LSU rDNA revealed that it differs only in one base pair, compared with strains from other regions

    Unión Ibero-Americana, Año XXIX, Núm. 9

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    44 páginasGRABADOS: Cádiz: Vista panorámica tomada desde la Torre de Tavira.- Vistas de España (Cádiz): Botadura del trasatlántico Santa Isabel, verificada el 20 de agosto último en el astillero de Matogorda.- El nuevo buque Santa Isabel atracado al muelle. San Salvador: Patio de la actual Universidad Nacional; Un rincón de la Quinta Modelo; Escuela de Medicina. TEXTO: España y América.- La Fiesta de la Raza.- Explotación ganadera en el Paraguay, por el Dr. Tomás Osuna.- El idioma español en las Repúblicas rioplatenses, por Horacio Araujo Villagrán.- La fatiga escolar, por Félix Rosa González V.- Fiestas patrióticas colombinas en Huelva: Carta poética, por Miguel Benítez Castro.- La neutralidad de España, por Manuel de Saralegui y Medina.- Argentina: Presupuesto para 1916.- Derechos y deberes de los españoles fuera de España, por José Marginet.- Nuevo Presidente de Venezuela: El General D. Juan Vicente Gómez, por José María Barreto.- La minería sudamericana y la unión industrial de España con la América Latina, por Fernando B. Villasante.- Fomento del Trabajo Nacional: Premio anual de 5.000 pesetas, ofrecidas por D. José Deu y Mata.- Jesús y Colón, por Anselmo Ruiz Gutiérrez.- Intercambio comercial hispanoamericano (El Salvador, Cuba).- Episodios históricos salvadoreños (La guerra con Guatemala en 1863; Sus causas aparentes; Fusilamiento de Zepeda y Castellanos), por A. Funes.- Política económica hispanoamericana: Conferencia dada el 10 de agosto, en el Ateneo Hispano-Americano de Buenos Aires, por el Sr. A. Martín Jiménez.- Libros nacionales y extranjeros, por A. Balbín de Unquera.- Acepte usted la biblioteca gratuita que se le ofrece.- Catálogo de exportadores españoles.- IV Centenario del descubrimiento del Pacífico: Catálogo de la Exposición celebrada en el Archivo General de Indias en 1913 y 1914, por Pedro Torres Lanzas.- Índice de sumarios de los números publicados en el corriente año.- Anuncios