1,807 research outputs found

    Primordial black hole evolution in two-fluid cosmology

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    Several processes in the early Universe might lead to the formation of primordial black holes with different masses. These black holes would interact with the cosmic plasma through accretion and emission processes. Such interactions might have affected the dynamics of the Universe and generated a considerable amount of entropy. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the presence of primordial black holes on the evolution of the early Universe. We adopt a two-fluid cosmological model with radiation and a primordial black hole gas. The latter is modelled with different initial mass functions taking into account the available constraints over the initial primordial black hole abundances.We find that certain populations with narrow initial mass functions are capable to produce significant changes in the scalefactor and the entropy.Fil: Gutiérrez, Eduardo Mario. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Vieyro, Florencia Laura. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Romero, Gustavo Esteban. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; Argentin

    Braquiterapia en el cáncer de mama.

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    La radioterapia es un tratamiento fundamental del cáncer de mama. Frente a la técnica clásica de Irradiación Completa de la Mama, que se mantiene como opción estándar aceptada, ha surgido un interés creciente por la irradiación parcial de la mama (APBI -Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation-) mediante diferentes técnicas. Los últimos estudios subrayan la no inferioridad de la APBI mediante braquiterapia multicatéter instersticial frente a la radioterapia externa con boost en el lecho tumoral, siempre y cuando se lleve a cabo una adecuada selección de las pacientes candidatas. La APBI se convierte así en una alternativa razonable a la técnica estándar en mujeres que cumplan los siguientes criterios de inclusión: ≥50 años, con tumores ≤3cm, márgenes quirúrgicos negativos y sin invasión linfovascular. Entre las principales ventajas de esta técnica destacan la reducción de la toxicidad, la mejora del resultado cosmético y la satisfacción de las pacientes. No obstante, se requieren más estudios acerca de la toxicidad y diferentes modalidades de APBI, así como un seguimiento a largo plazo de estas pacientes para que los resultados sean comparables con los de seguimientos prolongados de mujeres tratadas con Irradiación Completa.Grado en Medicin

    Fauna vertebrada del delta del Llobregat

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    Validación automática de guías de accesibilidad e videojuegos

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Desarrollo de Videojuegos, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2021/2022.Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of video games. Any player should be able to enjoy a game, independently of their physical ability. All around the world, governments and associations have implemented standards for game developers to make sure their video games can be enjoyed by everyone. One of the cases to keep in mind when developing games, and the one this project is based on, is the case of people with deficient color vision or nearsightedness. These users can have difficulties seeing text in-game when it is relatively small when compared to screen size or when its color does not have enough contrast with the background. It is commonplace for companies to have a considerable team of testers who manually check for legal accessibility requirements as well as ensuring the quality of the product. These checks, although simple, are time consuming, taking up valuable time that could be used for more complex checks that could only be made by humans. Moreover, tendency to create increasingly content-packed games creates less manageable workloads for manual checks. For this project, a tool has been developed that automates the text detection and calculates its size and relative luminance contrast with the background. This tool is used to verify that a series of accessibility criteria are being met.La accesibilidad es un aspecto fundamental de los videojueogos. Todos los jugadores, independientemente de sus capacidades fisicas, deben poder disfrutar de ellos. Alrededor del mundo, distintos gobiernos y asociaciones han creado estándares con los que medir la accesibilidad de los videojuegos para que puedan ser disfrutados por todos los públicos. Uno de estos casos que hay que tener en cuenta al desarrollar videojuegos, y en el cual se centra este trabajo, es el de las personas con discapacidad visual como el daltonismo o la miopía. Ellos pueden tener dificultad para ver bien el texto en un juego cuando este es muy pequeño en relación al tamaño de la pantalla o cuando no hay suficiente contraste de color entre la letra y el fondo. A dia de hoy es comun que las empresas cuenten con una extensa plantilla de testers que comprueba manualmente los requerimientos legales y la calidad del juego. Estas comprobaciones, aunque sencillas, resultan laboriosas y consumen un tiempo muy valioso que podría dedicarse a pruebas sólo realizables por humanos. Además, la tendencia a crear juegos que tienen cada vez más contenido hace que este sea un volumen de trabajo cada vez menos asumible por una fuerza de trabajo manual. Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo una herramienta que permite automatizar el reconocimiento de texto para detectar su tamaño y su contraste con el fondo, para asegurarnos de que cumple una serie de criterios que aseguran su accesibilidad a varios públicos.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Generating Quadratic Difference Tone Spectra for Auditory Distortion Synthesis

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    Quadratic difference tones are one of a family of perceptual phenomena that arise from the neuromechanics of the auditory system in response to particular properties of physical sound. Long deployed as ’ghost tones’ by improvisers, computer musicians and sound artists, in this paper we address the problem of creating quadratic difference tone spectra, where a QDT fundamental and harmonic overtone series is specified and the necessary acoustic components needed to evoke it are synthesised. A numerical algorithm for solving target distributions of amplitudes for the synthesis of quadratic distortion tone spectra is proposed. The algorithm aims to find a solution for a target distribution of amplitudes that matches the desired spectrum as closely as possible. The experiments were conducted using different parameter settings and target distributions. The results show that the algorithm is effective in solving the problem in the majority of cases, with at least 99% of the cases being solvable in real-time. The article also discusses the convergence of the algorithm and its potential mathematical properties. Additionally, audio examples implemented in Max are provided to demonstrate the synthesis of different quadratic distortion tone spectra using this approach

    Generating Quadratic Difference Tone Spectra for Auditory Distortion Synthesis

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    Quadratic difference tones are one of a family of perceptual phenomena that arise from the neuromechanics of the auditory system in response to particular properties of physical sound. Long deployed as ’ghost tones’ by improvisers, computer musicians and sound artists, in this paper we address the problem of creating quadratic difference tone spectra, where a QDT fundamental and harmonic overtone series is specified and the necessary acoustic components needed to evoke it are synthesised. A numerical algorithm for solving target distributions of amplitudes for the synthesis of quadratic distortion tone spectra is proposed. The algorithm aims to find a solution for a target distribution of amplitudes that matches the desired spectrum as closely as possible. The experiments were conducted using different parameter settings and target distributions. The results show that the algorithm is effective in solving the problem in the majority of cases, with at least 99% of the cases being solvable in real-time. The article also discusses the convergence of the algorithm and its potential mathematical properties. Additionally, audio examples implemented in Max are provided to demonstrate the synthesis of different quadratic distortion tone spectra using this approach

    Abundance of LIGO/Virgo Black Holes from Microlensing Observations of Quasars with Reverberation Mapping Size Estimates

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    We thank the anonymous referees for ideas and comments that greatly contributed to enhancing the scope of our paper. This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) with grants AYA2016-79104-C3-1-P and AYA2016-79104-C3-3-P and projects PID2020-118687GB-C33, PID2020-118687GB-C32, and PID2020-118687GB-C31, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. J.J.V. is supported by project AYA2017-84897-P, financed by the Spanish MINECO and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), and by projects FQM-108, P20_00334 and A-FQM-510-UGR20/FEDER, financed by Junta de Andalucia. A.E.G. is grateful for the support from grant FPI-SO from the Spanish MINECO (research project SEV-2015-0548-17-4 and predoctoral contract BES-2017-082319).Assuming a population of black holes (BHs) with masses in the range inferred by LIGO/Virgo from BH mergers, we use quasar microlensing observations to estimate their abundances. We consider a mixed population of stars and BHs and the presence of a smooth dark matter component. We adopt reverberation mapping estimates of the quasar size. According to a Bayesian analysis of the measured microlensing magnifications, a population of BHs with masses similar to 30M (circle dot) constitutes less than 0.4% of the total matter at the 68% confidence level (less than 0.9% at the 90% confidence level). We have explored the whole mass range of LIGO/Virgo BHs, finding that this upper limit ranges from 0.5% to 0.4% at the 68% confidence level (from 1.1% to 0.9% at the 90% confidence level) when the BH masses change from 10 to 60M (circle dot). We estimate a 16% contribution from the stars, in agreement with previous studies based on a single-mass population that do not explicitly consider the presence of BHs. These results are consistent with the estimates of BH abundances from the statistics of LIGO/Virgo mergers, and rule out primordial BHs (or any other types of compact object) in this mass range constituting a significant fraction of the dark matter.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) - MCIN/AEI AYA2016-79104-C3-1-P AYA2016-79104-C3-3-P PID2020-118687GB-C33 PID2020-118687GB-C32 PID2020-118687GB-C31Spanish Government AYA2017-84897-P SEV-2015-0548-17-4 BES-2017-082319European CommissionSpanish Government AYA2017-84897-PJunta de Andalucia FQM-108 P20_00334 A-FQM-510-UGR20/FEDE