52 research outputs found


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    In present numerical research, the temperature separation in methane stream within a counter flow Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube was investigated. A complete three-dimensional geometry of the vortex tube was used to generate a high-density computational grid. A vortex tube with two tangential inlet nozzles, an axial cold stream outlet and a circumferential hot stream outlet was considered. Methane was used as a fluid along with Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state. Fluid properties like total temperature and total pressure were analyzed for a range of inlet mass flow rates and inlet total pressure values. Also the total pressure and total temperature distribution along the axial direction was investigated. The temperature separation effect is more significant for air then for methane at all investigated pressures. Created model can be used to design industrial vortex tubes for oil and gas industry where methane is a main product. В настоящем численном исследовании рассмотрено распределение температуры в потоке метана внутри противоточной вихревой трубы Ранка-Хилша. Трехмерная геометрическая модель вихревой трубы была использована для создания вычислительной сетки с высокой плотностью. Рассмотрена вихревая труба с двумя тангенциальными входными соплами, осевым выходом холодного потока и периферийным выходом горячего потока. Метан был использован в качестве флюида вместе с кубическим уравнением состояния Пенга-Робинсона. Были проанализированы такие свойства среды, как полная температура и полное давление для диапазона входных массовых расходов и значений полного давления на входе. Кроме того, было исследовано распределение полного давления и полной температуры вдоль осевого направления. Эффект разделения температуры оказался более значимым для воздуха, чем для метана при всех исследованных давлениях. Созданная модель может быть использована для разработки промышленных вихревых труб для нефтяной и газовой промышленности, где метан является основным продуктом. У роботі розглянуто розподіл температури в потоці метану всередині протиточної вихрової труби Ранка-Хілша. Тривимірна геометрична модель вихрової труби була використана для створення обчислювальної сітки з високою щільністю. Розглянуто вихрову трубу з двома тангенціальними вхідними соплами, осьовим виходом холодного потоку і периферійним вихідом гарячого потоку. Метан був використаний в якості флюїду разом з кубічним рівнянням стану Пенга-Робінсона. Були проаналізовані такі властивості середовища як повна температура і повний тиск для діапазону вхідних масових витрат і значень повного тиску на вході. Крім того, було досліджено розподіл повного тиску і повної температури уздовж осьового напрямку. Ефект розподілу температури виявився більш значущим для повітря, ніж для метану при всіх досліджених тисках. Створена модель може бути використана для розробки промислових вихрових труб для нафтової і газової промисловості, де метан є основним продуктом.

    Catastrophes versus events in the geologic past: how does the scale matter?

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    [Abstract] Catastrophes were common in the geologic past, but their distinction from other events is necessary. Besides magnitude (strength), scales of events are important in a solution of this task. Several examples, which involve Late Paleozoic and Quaternary megafloods, Hadean and Phanerozoic extraterrestrial impacts, and Phanerozoic mass extinctions, ensure that scaling by spatial extent and diversity of consequences facilitates tracing the boundary between catastrophes and “ordinary” events. This boundary, however, is dynamic and its position depends on our subjective needs. Considerations of the geologic past should not mix catastrophes of different scales. The event analysis helps to avoid such a pitfall, and, therefore, it should be preferred to neocatastrophism in modern geoscience

    Paleogeography as geological heritage: Developing geosite classification

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. Geological heritage sites (geosites) are sites that contain information about the state and the dynamics of the Earth. Paleogeographical (paleoenvironmental) geosites preserve paleoenvironments, paleoecosystems, and other relevant phenomena. However, the value of these sites can only be fully understood through professional interpretation of the observed features. Description of paleogeographical geosites in terms of the paleospace and the geologic time they encompass is challenging, partially because of many uncertainties in the interpretations of a given geosite and in the paleogeographical, paleobiogeographical, and stratigraphical nomenclature. These geosites can be classified on the basis of facies, paleoecosystems, ichnological value, taphonomic patterns, major events and catastrophes, and geoarcheological potential that they exhibit. Some geosites comprise several subtypes, and some are especially important for construction of paleogeographical maps. Moreover, the paleogeographical geosite type always associates with other types of geosites (20 in total). These combinations form complex geosites that contribute to geodiversity. If information about the Earth's past is especially valuable for a given complex geosite, then the paleogeographical type is dominant

    Изменение климата и размеров ледников в горах Кузнецкого Алатау в 1975-2015 гг.

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    Climate change in the Kuznetsky Alatau (Western Siberia) highlands (on its eastern macroslope) was investigated using data of the Nenasthaya weather station collected for the last 40 years. It is the only highland station functioning now in the area under investigation. Basing on the correlation between average daily temperatures for the period 1974–1975, obtained at the Nenasthaya station and meteopost Karatash (located in front of the Kartash Glacier), we believe that the Nenasthaya one is enough representative for analysis of the climate in this glacio-nival zone. Linear trends for mean summer temperatures and annual precipitation sums had been calculated. Analysis of the linear trends has indicated that for the last 40 years the average summer temperature in the Kuznetsky Alatau increased by 1.3 °C with the growth rate of 0.33 °C/10 years. Average annual precipitation has also increased by 320 mm (the growth rate is 80 mm/10 years). These climatic changes did cause corresponding reactions of glaciers in the area. The analysis of current changes in the glacio-nival systems demonstrated that different morphological types of glaciers reacted to the current climate change in different ways. Small slope glaciers and perennial snowfields degraded significantly (70–90% of the area had melted) due to the temperature rise. Some ones transformed into the category of perennial snowfields.  Large corrie glaciers located on the leeward slopes of wide watersheds in the negative relief forms did only slight retreat. They mostly continue to exist because the amount of accumulated snow mass increased and, thus, compensated the ablation. The largest decrease in the area of glaciers took place in 2002–2004. Since 2005, large glaciers stopped to degrade and were in relative equilibrium with climate. This article presents estimation of dynamics of the Kuznetsky Alatau glaciers since their cataloging made in the 1980-s, and it contains the detailed information about fluctuation of areas of glaciers Karatash № 56, Cherno-Iyussky № 83, and Tsentralny № 87 in 1975–2015 received from data obtained in field measurements and remote sensing methods. The area increase of some individual glaciers since 2005 is shown. An effort to compare dynamics of main climatic factors having impact on the glaciations with the dynamics of the glacier areas had been made.Статья посвящена анализу изменений климата и нивально-гляциальных систем гор Кузнецкого Алатау (Западная Сибирь) за последние 40 лет. Установлен факт увеличения площади отдельных крупных ледников района. Колебания ледников рассматриваются на фоне трендов изменения средних летних температур воздуха и годового количества осадков по метеостанции Ненастная – единственной высокогорной станции в горах Кузнецкого Алатау


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    In present numerical research, the temperature separation in methane stream within a counter flow Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube was investigated. A complete three-dimensional geometry of the vortex tube was used to generate a high-density computational grid. A vortex tube with two tangential inlet nozzles, an axial cold stream outlet and a circumferential hot stream outlet was considered. Methane was used as a fluid along with Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state. Fluid properties like total temperature and total pressure were analyzed for a range of inlet mass flow rates and inlet total pressure values. Also the total pressure and total temperature distribution along the axial direction was investigated. The temperature separation effect is more significant for air then for methane at all investigated pressures. Created model can be used to design industrial vortex tubes for oil and gas industry where methane is a main product

    Renovation of the damp cellars of the monastery building Greek Catholic parish in Lviv

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    Artykuł opisuje renowację piwnic w Seminarium we Lwowie, które zostało założone przez cesarza Józefa II w 1783 r. Wykonanie skutecznego zabezpieczenia przeciwwilgociowego i przeciwwodnego w obiektach istniejących, w których brak odpowiednich izolacji lub istniejące izolacje są nieskuteczne, jest jedynym z najtrudniejszych i najbardziej kosztownych problemów, jakie spotyka się podczas robót remontowych.The article describes the renovation of the cellars at the Seminary in Lviv, which was established by Emperor Joseph II in 1783, and anti-water protection in existing facilities, where the lack of appropriate insulation or the existing insulation is ineffective, is one of the most difficult and costly problems encountered during renovation works

    A new approach to the implementation of large-volume grouting technology on new foundations for wind turbines

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    Autorzy opisują, jak w obwodzie Mikołajowskim na Ukrainie realizowana jest przez światowego producenta wiatraków firmę Vestas Tyligulska farma wiatrowa o mocy 540 MW. W dotychczas wykonywanych fundamentach pod turbiny wiatrowe realizowanych przez firmę Vestas podlewki pod wieże, o znacznie większej wytrzymałości niż beton fundamentu, były wykonywane w cyklach, w których w ciągu 2 godzin zużywano od 1,0 do 1,8 m3 podlewki.The authors describe how it is implemented in the Mykolaiv Oblast in Ukraine by the world producer of windmills, Vestas Tyligulska wind farm with a capacity of 540 MW. In the foundations for wind turbines performed so far by Vestas, groutings for the towers, with a much greater strength than the concrete of the foundation, were performed in cycles in which within 2 hours were used from 1.0 to 1.8 m3 of chipper

    New Marine Geoheritage from the Russian Altai

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