21 research outputs found


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    Provincial tourism development Lampung is the leading tourist destination in Indonesia the locomotive of development and provide increased welfare on Public. This research aims to determine GenPi’s strategy in developing a policy digital tourism destination towards Lampung go digital. The method in this research is qualitative, the location of this research is Tahura Market, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Data were collected through interviews and FGDs, The informants in this study were the administrators of GenPi Lampung, two administrators of Tahura Market, and two visitors to Tahura Market tours. Based on the research results GenPi’s startegy, it is known to encouraging the development of tourism in Lampung, GenPI Lampung plays an important role in developing tourism in Lampung by carrying out vigorous promotions on social media, one of which is by sending content on tourist destinations in Lampung to thep latform GenPi.co. GenPI Lampung also carries out activities offline, one of which is by creating a digital tourism destination in the form of a market. Digital tourism destination is the result of demands of era the digital considering the dominated today’s travelers generation, millennials tend to like the visit to destinations that provide new and fun experience. The concept of digital tourism destination refers to a destination that is creative, has photogenic spots to upload on social media, and goes viral on social media


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    The most forward elements of the bureaucracy, dealing directly with farmers and spearheading the development of agriculture is the agricultural extension. Its presence is very important in determining the success of development activities of farmers. The purpose of this study to (1) determine the effect of emotional intelligence and motivational variables on the performance of agricultural extension; (2). determine the effect of emotional intelligence and motivation variable partially on the performance of agricultural extension (3). proving variables emotional intelligence has a dominant influence compared to the performance of agricultural extension motivation. The research is a kind of survey of the Department of Agriculture agricultural extension Tanggamus. The analysis technique used: multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of the independent variable (X) studied both together and partially to the dependent variable (Y). As for the multiple linear regression model should qualify the common assumptions of regression to test heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and multicollinearity. Based on the analysis of F test proved that the independent variable in the form of emotional intelligence(X1),motivation (X2)has a significant influence on the performance variable (Y) so that the first hypothesis is accepted. While based on t test results proved that the X variable partially significant influence to variable Y so that the second hypothesis is accepted. The dominant independent variables affect the performance is not a variable motivational variables emotional intelligence so that the third hypothesis is rejected

    Manajemen Komunikasi Keluarga Saat Pandemi COVID-19

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    AbstractThis article wants to explain that the Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19 pandemic disrupts the structure of family life. Since the government suppressed physical distancing, it indirectly allowed almost 24 hours to be at home. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly tested family resilience. Positively, the impact of independent quarantine gives time to get to know each other deeply among family members. On the other hand, the more often family members meet increases boredom, which then causes friction to occur. This paper writes how the family communication management strategy when Pandemic COVID-19 to create a harmonious and prosperous family, conduct interpersonal communication, responsibility for the environment and family, intensity and direction of communication with a harmonious atmosphere, healthy parenting even in a physical atmosphere distancing or guarding the distance according to government recommendations. Keywords: family communication management, COVID-19 pandemic, family resilience AbstrakArtikel ini ingin menjelaskan bahwa pandemik Coronavirus Disease atau COVID-19 mendistrupsi tatanan kehidupan keluarga. Sejak pemerintah menekannya physical distancing atau penjagaan jarak secara tidak langsung memberikan waktu nyaris 24 jam berada di rumah. Pandemi COVID-19 sangat menguji ketahanan keluarga. Secara positif, dampak karantina mandiri memberi waktu untuk saling mengenal secara mendalam antar anggota keluarga. Disisi lain, semakin sering anggota keluarga bertemu meningkatkan rasa jenuh yang kemudian menimbulkan gesekan terjadi. Tulisan ini menulis bagaimana strategi manajemen komunikasi keluarga saat Pandemi COVID-19 sehingga tercipta keluarga yang harmonis dan sejahtera, melakukan komunikasi antar pribadi, tanggung jawab pada lingkungan dan keluarga, intensitas dan arah komunikasi dengan atmosfir yang harmonis, pola asuh hidup sehat walaupun dalam suasana physical distancing atau penjagaan jarak sesuai anjuran pemerintah. Kata kunci: manajemen komunikasi keluarga, pandemik COVID-19, ketahanan keluarg

    Persepsi Petani terhadap Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluh dalam Pemanfaatan Media Informasi di Era Digital

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    The digital age has brought changes to both farmers and extension workers. In carrying out communication activities in the diffusion of innovations, an appropriate communication strategy is needed, so that the message is easily understood by farmers and facilitates the development of farmer groups. This paper is the result of a study that aims to describe farmers 'perceptions of instructor communication strategies in utilizing information media and measuring farmers' communication actions in the application of rice cultivation to support food security. The research location is in Sirah Pulau Padang Village, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. The research method used was a survey with a purposive sampling method for six farmer groups that carried out rice cultivation, a sample of 30 farmers. Interviews were conducted with questionnaires as primary data, while secondary data was obtained from the related institutions. Data analysis to measure farmers' perceptions of instructor communication strategies and communication actions of farmers in rice cultivation was carried out by calculating scores. The results showed that the communication strategies used by extension agents were positively perceived by farmers. Likewise, the communication actions of farmers in rice cultivation are high. In particular, the authors review communication strategies that can be implemented so that farmers can take communication actions in rice cultivation, in supporting food security in the digital era and several important recommendations are delivered

    Marketing Public Relations Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru in the Middle of the Zoning System (Study at SMA Bina Mulya Gadingrejo)

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    Sistem zonasi yang diterapkan pemerintah dalam program Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) atau Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru di sekolah negeri berdampak pada jumlah siswa di sekolah swasta, khususnya di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) atau Sekolah Menengah Atas swasta di Indonesia. Kabupaten Pringsewu. Beberapa sekolah mengalami penurunan jumlah siswa bahkan ada SMA swasta yang akhirnya ditutup karena kekurangan siswa. Persaingan antara sekolah negeri dan sekolah swasta semakin ketat. Hingga saat ini berbagai terobosan terus dilakukan oleh masing-masing sekolah untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya.Penelitian ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai upaya SMA swasta dalam menghadapi persaingan di tengah sistem zonasi melalui pendekatan Marketing Public Relations (MPR). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses PPDB MPR 2022 di tengah sistem zonasi di SMA Bina Mulya Gadingrejo, Pringsewu. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk menjelaskan data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan hasil analisis yang didukung dengan teori Relationship Management.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses PPDB MPR di tengah sistem zonasi dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu Pendefinisian Masalah, Perencanaan dan Pemrograman, Pengambilan Tindakan dan Komunikasi serta Evaluasi Program. Terdapat tiga strategi pendukung yaitu Strategi Pull, Strategi Push dan Strategi Pass. Strategi tersebut diintegrasikan dengan alat komunikasi pemasaran yang berdampak signifikan terhadap peningkatan citra sekolah dan minat pelamar siswa

    Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Terindeks Scopus Q4 dengan Judul "Women's Communication Skills in Implementing the Role of Regional Leaders in Bekasi, Indonesia"

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    This study aims to analyze the communication skills of female village heads in carrying out their roles as regional leaders. This research uses a qualitative approach. In this case, the researcher analyzed the communication skills of the female village heads in three regions, namely Kaliabang, Bantar Gebang, and Jatiluhur villages. Data was analyzed using NVivo 12 software.The theory used in this research is the standpoint theory The results showed that differences in characteristics showed different points of view of the Lurah in carrying out the role of leader when communicating the program. The Head of the KT Village communicates the program by exemplary and patience, the Head of the BG Urban Village communicates the program with openness, the Head of JL Village communicates the program by modeling and forming independent citizens. Standpoint theory is used to see different points of view in communicating the program. Different characteristics from different points of view in program communication skill

    Hasil Peer Review Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Terindeks Scopus Q4 dengan Judul "Women's Communication Skills in Implementing the Role of Regional Leaders in Bekasi, Indonesia"

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    This study aims to analyze the communication skills of female village heads in carrying out their roles as regional leaders. This research uses a qualitative approach. In this case, the researcher analyzed the communication skills of the female village heads in three regions, namely Kaliabang, Bantar Gebang, and Jatiluhur villages. Data was analyzed using NVivo 12 software.The theory used in this research is the standpoint theory The results showed that differences in characteristics showed different points of view of the Lurah in carrying out the role of leader when communicating the program. The Head of the KT Village communicates the program by exemplary and patience, the Head of the BG Urban Village communicates the program with openness, the Head of JL Village communicates the program by modeling and forming independent citizens. Standpoint theory is used to see different points of view in communicating the program. Different characteristics from different points of view in program communication skill

    STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DALAM PROSES DIFUSI INOVASI BUDIDAYA IKAN DALAM EMBER PADA MASYARAKAT LAMPUNG: (Studi Analisis terhadap Strategi Komunikasi Difusi Inovasi “Budidaya Ikan dalam Ember”)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi komunikasi dari inovasi budidaya ikan dalam ember dalam proses Difusi Inovasi pada Masyarakat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Difusi Inovasi Rogers dan Shoemaker, teori ini mengkaji pesan-pesan berupa ide-ide ataupun gagasan-gagasan yang baru, yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan wawancara dan menganalisis media yang digunakan dalam proses difusi inovasi.  Budidaya ikan dalam ember merupakan hasil penelitian Juli Nursandi pada tahun 2015, mulai dikembangkan pada tahun 2016 dan dikenalkan ke masyarakat Lampung melalui sosial media.  Dari Hasil penelitian diperoleh budidaya ikan dalam ember disebarkan melalui youtube, whatsapp, facebook, Instagram dan melakukan whorkshop atau pelatihan budidaya ikan dalam ember. Hasil penelitian terdapat: (1) adanya adopsi budidaya ikan dalam ember oleh masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan dalam hal ini pemerintah, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung bersinergy dengan PKK Provinsi Lampung memberikan bantuan sarana dan prasaran serta benih Budikdamber ke Kabupaten-kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung.  (2) adanya implementasi budidaya ikan dalam ember di masyarakat Lampung