16 research outputs found

    Plasticity of rosette size in response to nitrogen availability is controlled by an RCC1-family protein

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    Nitrogen (N) is fundamental to plant growth, development and yield. Genes underlying N utilization and assimilation are well-characterized, but mechanisms underpinning plasticity of different phenotypes in response to N remain elusive. Here, using Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, we dissected the genetic architecture of plasticity in early and late rosette diameter, flowering time and yield, in response to three levels of N in the soil. Furthermore, we found that the plasticity in levels of primary metabolites were related with the plasticities of the studied traits. Genome-wide association analysis identified three significant associations for phenotypic plasticity, one for early rosette diameter and two for flowering time. We confirmed that the gene At1g19880, hereafter named as PLASTICITY OF ROSETTE TO NITROGEN 1 (PROTON1), encoding for a regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RCC1) family protein, conferred plasticity of rosette diameter in response to N. Treatment of PROTON1 T-DNA line with salt implied that the reduced plasticity of early rosette diameter was not a general growth response to stress. We further showed that plasticities of growth and flowering-related traits differed between environmental cues, indicating decoupled genetic programs regulating these traits. Our findings provide a prospective to identify genes that stabilize performance under fluctuating environments.Peer reviewe

    Temperature-mediated flower size plasticity in Arabidopsis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Organisms can rapidly mitigate the effects of environmental changes by changing their phenotypes, known as phenotypic plasticity. Yet, little is known about the temperature-mediated plasticity of traits that are directly linked to plant fitness such as flower size. We discovered substantial genetic variation in flower size plasticity to temperature both among selfing Arabidopsis thaliana and outcrossing A. arenosa individuals collected from a natural growth habitat. Genetic analysis using a panel of 290 A. thaliana accession and mutant lines revealed that MADS AFFECTING FLOWERING (MAF) 2–5 gene cluster, previously shown to regulate temperature-mediated flowering time, was associated to the flower size plasticity to temperature. Furthermore, our findings pointed that the control of plasticity differs from control of the trait itself. Altogether, our study advances the understanding of genetic and molecular factors underlying plasticity on fundamental fitness traits, such as flower size, in response to future climate scenarios.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of the importance of mRNA stability control in glucose and ABA-signaling and in the interaction of these signals in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Orientador: Michel Georges Albert VincentzTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: As plantas, sendo organismos sésseis, desenvolveram um conjunto de mecanismos que possibilitam a adaptação a condições ambientais adversas visando à manutenção da homeostase energética para o desenvolvimento e propagação. Tais respostas valem-se da integração entre a biossíntese de hormônios, ativação de vias gênicas de resposta a estresse e um balanço adequado do uso da energia disponível. Os açúcares, além de serem fontes de carbono e energia, também atuam como moléculas sinalizadoras podendo agir conjuntamente com sinais hormonais na adaptação a estresses bióticos e abióticos e no controle do desenvolvimento. Nesse contexto, diversos estudos apontam para uma importante relação entre o ácido abscísico (ABA), um dos principais hormônios relacionados à resposta a estresses, e a glicose. A sinalização por ABA, além de atuar sobre a regulação da transcrição, é conhecida por envolver fatores de controle de estabilidade do RNAm. Contudo, a participação destes mecanismos em respostas mediadas por glicose ainda é pouco explorada. Num primeiro momento, o presente trabalho visou avaliar o potencial das participações de regulações pós-transcricionais em resposta a ABA e glicose em Arabidopsis thaliana, através da determinação do perfil de expressão de RNAm após a inibição da transcrição. Um modelo experimental com condições de inibição de transcrição otimizadas foi estabelecido e utilizado para análise de transcriptoma por microarranjos CATMA em resposta à glicose e ABA. Um total de 962 genes foi identificado como diferencialmente expresso após os tratamentos, sugerindo uma possível regulação pós-transcricional por glicose sobre 204 transcritos, por ABA sobre 245 e pela combinação dos dois sinais sobre 513 transcritos. Esses genes foram classificados de acordo com o Gene Ontology, sugerindo uma relação importante com respostas adaptativas a condições de estresse. Aparentemente, as respostas mediadas por glicose e ABA seguem estratégias opostas, sendo que as respostas pós-transcricionais por ABA podem também atuar como um mecanismo rápido de retro-regulação negativa sobre a via central de sinalização desse hormônio, uma forma de dessensibilizar e reiniciar as respostas da via. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, levando em consideração as evidências do envolvimento do controle de estabilidade de RNAm na sinalização por glicose, foi avaliada a participação da via de regulação por microRNAs (miRNAs) em respostas mediadas por esses sinal durante os estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento da planta. Os mutantes ago1-25 e hyl1-2, deficientes em atividade e biossíntese de miRNAs, respectivamente, apresentaram hipossensibilidade à glicosedurante um determinado período do desenvolvimento da planta, entre a germinação e o estabelecimento. Tal resultado levanta a possibilidade de que a via dos miRNAs participa do atraso do desenvolvimento mediado por glicose. Visando compreender quais miRNAs poderiam estar envolvidos, análise de expressão em larga escala por reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qRT-PCR) de 200 precursores de miRNAs (pri-miRs) em resposta a glicose foi conduzida, apontando para uma potencial regulação sobre 38 deles, vários dos quais já são conhecidos por participarem direta ou indiretamente do controle de desenvolvimento da planta. Aparentemente, a deficiência na maquinaria de miRNAs leva a um desbalanço nas regulações de genes responsivos à glicose durante os primeiros estágios de desenvolvimentoAbstract: Plants, as sessile organisms, have developed a set of mechanisms that allow efficient adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. These processes rely on the integration of hormone biosynthesis, activation of stress-responsive pathways and on a balanced use of the available energy. Sugars, besides their role as carbon and energy sources, may also function as signaling molecules that may act together with hormonal signals to trigger adaptive responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. In this context, several studies have indicated an important relation between abscisic acid (ABA), one of the major hormones related to abiotic stresses responses, and glucose. ABA signaling, besides its function over transcription control, is known to involve factors regulating the stability of mRNAs. However, the importance of glucose-mediated mRNA decay control is essentially unknown. Our work intended to evaluate the potential of the participation of post-transcriptional regulations in response to ABA and glucose in Arabidopsis thaliana, by determining mRNA profile alteration in response to these signals after transcription inhibition. An experimental model which optimizes the conditions for transcription inhibition was established and used for transcriptome profiling with CATMA microarrays. A total of 962 genes were found to be differentially expressed after the treatments, suggesting a possible post-transcriptional control acting upon 204, 245 and 513 transcripts in response to glucose, ABA and the combination glucose + ABA, respectively. The genes were classified by their functions according to Gene Ontology, suggesting a close relation with adaptive response to stress conditions. Apparently, ABA- and glucose-mediated control of mRNA stability follows two opposite strategies, while ABA post-transcriptional responses may also act as a fast negative feedback mechanism over its own core signaling pathway, as a way to desensitize and reset the pathway responses. The second part of this work focused on the participation of microRNAs (miRNAs) pathway in responses mediated by glucose during plant early developmental stages. The mutants ago1-25 and hyl1-2, which are deficient in miRNA activity and biogenesis, respectively, showed hyposensitivity to glucose during a narrow time window of early plant development, between germination and seedling establishment. Such result raises the possibility that miRNA pathway may be involved in the glucose-mediated delay of early seedling development. To obtain further evidences about which miRNAs could be involved, the expression profile of 200 pri-miRs was evaluated by large-scale quantitative real-timepolymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) profiling, indicating that 38 pri-miRNA are potentially regulated by glucose, several of which are known to participate directly or indirectly in plant development. The data indicate that deficiency in miRNA machinery leads to an imbalance on glucose control over gene expression during early seedling developmentDoutoradoGenetica Vegetal e MelhoramentoDoutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecula

    Characterization of the control region of the mitochondrial genome in species of family Calliphoridae (Insecta: Diptera) and phylogenetic perspectives

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    Orientador: Ana Maria Lima de Azeredo-EspinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: As espécies da família Calliproridae, conhecidas como moscas varejeiras, apresentam ampla distribuição geográfica no Velho e Novo Mundo. Por serem causadores de miíases e vetores de doenças, muitas espécies possuem hábito sinantrópico, importância econômica, médico-sanitária e forense. Enquanto algumas espécies são pragas da pecuária e acarretam grande prejuízo econômico devido às infestações, outras são importantes para a entomologia forense, auxiliando na investigação de crimes e questões médico-legais. Neste contexto, os marcadores moleculares têm sido de grande valia para estudos genéticos relacionados à família Calliphoridae, sendo utilizados em estudos populacionais, evolutivos e biogeográficos, complementando análises ecológicas e sistemáticas. Dentre os marcadores moleculares, o DNA mitocondrial (DNAmt) tem mostrado potencial para estudos evolutivos relacionados à família Calliphoridae, devido a várias características, tais como: possuir uma estrutura genética simples, geralmente não apresentando íntrons, DNA repetitivo, elementos transponíveis e pseudogenes; exibir uma forma de transmissão predominantemente linear (herança materna); grande número de cópias e, finalmente, por apresentar maior taxa de substituição nucleotídica, quando comparada ao DNA nuclear. Na maioria das espécies animais, o DNAmt possui cerca de 16-20kb e apresenta 37 genes, dos quais 13 são codificadores de proteínas, 2 de subunidades ribossomais (rRNAs) e 22 de tRNAs. Neste genoma, a maior porção não codificadora é chamada região controle (RC), ou A+T em insetos, por ser rica nesses dois nucleotídeos. Bridências experimentais com insetos, crustáceos e vertebrados sugerem que essa região esteja relacionada à replicação e transcrição do genoma mitocondrial. Eventos de rearranjos gênicos envolvendo a região controle e os tRNAs adjacentes são relativamente freqüentes em insetos. Recentemente uma duplicação do gene para tRNA de isoleucina (tRNAIle) foi descrita em três espécies do gênero Chrysomya, não sendo encontrada nas demais espécies de Calliphoridae estudadas até então, sugerindo que a duplicação poderia ter se originado num evento evolutivo anterior à diversificação desse gênero e que seria um marcador molecular eficiente para sua identificação. Dessa forma, com o intuito de caracterizar a região controle do DNAmt m família Calliphoridae bem como a duplicação do tRNAIle, 15 espécies pertencentes a sete gêneros desta família foram analisadas. Nos califorídeos estudados, a região controle apresentou-se dividida em dois domínios com característica distintas: um conservado, devido à presença de blocos de seqüê ncia conservados além de estruturas conservadas em vários grupos de insetos, que podem estar relacionadas à replicação e transcrição do DNAmt; e um domínio variável, tanto em tamanho quanto em seqüência. Enquanto o domínio conservado apresentou potencial para estudos filogenéticos, o domínio variável apresentou características interessantes para estudos com estrutura de populações. A caracterização da RC de califorídeos também permitiu a identificação da duplicação do tRNAIle em outras duas espécies de Chrysomya, além de uma espécie do gênero Calliphora. Um segundo tipo de duplicação, envolvendo os tRNAIle e tRNAGln, foi identificada na espécie do gênero Phormia. Os dados sugerem que o domínio variável da região controle possa atuar como um "hot spot" para eventos de rearranjo. Para a avaliação do potencial para estudos filogenéticos do domínio conservado, foram analisadas as seqüências desse domínio da região controle de 26 indivíduos pertencentes a 18 espécies de califorídeos. Os resultados dão suporte à monofilia dás três subfamílias estudadas (Chrysomyinae, Luciliinae e Calliphorinae) corroborando estudos morfológicos e moleculares realizados previamente em Calliphoridae. Além disso, o domínio conservado da região controle mostrou-se um marcador eficiente para a identificação de espécies de califorídeos, mesmo quando espécies semelhantes morfologicamente foram comparadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam um potencial dessa região do genoma mitocondrial tanto para estudo com taxa com divergência recente como para o diagnóstico de espéciés de importância forenseAbstract: The species of family Calliphoridae, known as blowflies, present wide geographic distribution throughout Old and New World and many have synantropic habit, being of economic, medical, sanitary and forensic importance for causing myiasis and for being vectors of diseases. While some species are parasites of livestock and causes great economic prejudices, others are important for forensic entomology, helping in legal investigations. Molecular markers are providing valuable results on genetic-evolutive studies related to the family Calliphoridae, been used in population structure, evolutive and biogeographic studies, complementing ecological md systematic analyses. Among the molecular markers, the mitochondrial DNA have shown a great potential for evolutive studies related to family Calliphoridae, being many the features that make it a rich source of genotypic characters: simple genetic structure, which usually lacks introns, transposable elements and pseudogenes; its predominant1y maternal inheritance; high copy number and its higher rate of nucleotide substitution compared to nuclear DNA. In most animal species, mtDNA is a circular, double-stranded 16-20 kb molecule that generally contains 37 genes, being 13 protein-coding genes, two genes for subunits of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. Within this genome, the major non-coding region is known as control region, or A+T region in insects for being rich in these nucleotides. Experimental evidences with insects, crustaceans and vertebrates suggest that this region is related to the replication and transcription of the mitochondrial genome. Rearrangements events involving the control region and its flanking tRNAs may be frequent in insects. In recent works, an isoleucine tRNA gene (tRNAIle) duplication was reported for three Chrysomya species, not been identified in the other calliphorids species studied so far, suggesting that the duplication may have occurred before the diversification of this genus and that it would be an efficient marker for its identification. Therefore, intending to characterize the control region of mitochondrial DNA in family Calliphoridae just as the tRNAIle duplication, 15 species belonging to seven genera of this family were analyzed. In the studied calliphorids, two domains were recognized in the control region: a conserved domain with conserved sequence blocks and conserved structures also identified in other insect groups, which relates the control region to the replication and transcription of mitochondrial DNA; and a variable domain that varies markedly in sequence and length Whereas the conserved domain has shown a potential for phylogenetic stud ies, the variable domain has interesting features for population studies. The characterization of the control region in various calliphorids species also showed the presence of the duplication of the tRNAIle in two other species of Chrysomya and in a species of genus Calliphora. A different duplication, involving the tRNAIle and tRNAGln, was identified in the species of genus Phormia. The present data suggests that the variable domain of the contraI region may act as a hot spot for rearrangement events. For evaluating the potential of the conserved domain for . phylogenetic studies, sequences of this domain were analyzed for 26 specimens belonging to 18 calliphorid species. The results supports the monophyly of the three subfamilies studied (Chrysomyinae, Luciliinae and Calliphorinae), corroborating previous morphologic and molecular studies. Moreover, the cohserved domain of control region showed to be I useful for calliphorids species identification, even when morphologic similar species were compared. The data reveals a potential of this region of the mitochondrial genome for studies with recent diverged taxa and also for the diagnosis of species with forensic importanceMestradoGenetica Animal e EvoluçãoMestre em Genética e Biologia Molecula

    The Plant Target of Rapamycin: A Conduc TOR of Nutrition and Metabolism in Photosynthetic Organisms

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    International audienceLiving organisms possess many mechanisms to sense nutrients and favorable conditions, which allow them to grow and develop. Photosynthetic organisms are very diverse, from green unicellular algae to multicellular flowering plants, but most of them are sessile and thus unable to escape from the biotic and abiotic stresses they experience. The Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway is conserved in all eukaryotes and acts as a central regulatory hub between growth and extrinsic factors, such as nutrients or stress. However, relatively little is known about the regulations and roles of this pathway in plants and algae. Although some features of the TOR pathway seem to have been highly conserved throughout evolution, others clearly differ in plants, perhaps reflecting adaptations to different lifestyles and the rewiring of this primordial signaling module to adapt to specific requirements. Indeed, TOR is involved in plant responses to a vast array of signals including nutrients, hormones, light, stresses or pathogens. In this review, we will summarize recent studies that address the regulations of TOR by nutrients in photosynthetic organisms, and the roles of TOR in controlling important metabolic pathways, highlighting similarities and differences with the other eukaryotes

    The Mitochondrial Control Region Of Blowflies (diptera: Calliphoridae): A Hot Spot For Mitochondrial Genome Rearrangements.

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    The family Calliphoridae consists of myiasis-causing flies, including species of economic, forensic, and medical importance. In this study, the complete control regions (CRs) of mitochondrial DNA from 15 calliphorid species were sequenced and structurally characterized. The CRs had a high content of adenines (A) and thymines (T) and varied in length from 854 to 2,018 bp, showing intraspecific variations in sequence and length. Two major domains were identified: the conserved domain containing conserved sequence blocks and cis-regulatory structures that may be related to the transcription and the origin of replication of mitochondrial DNA, and the variable domain, containing high sequence and length variation. Within the variable domain, duplication of the tRNA(Ile) gene, previously reported for three Chrysomya species, was identified in two more species of this genus and in two species of two other genera. The structural characterization shows the plasticity of the mitochondrial genome in dipterans. The organizational similarities of the duplicated region found in different species and the possible origin of the duplicated genes are discussed.45667-7

    Involvement Of Microrna-related Regulatory Pathways In The Glucose-mediated Control Of Arabidopsis Early Seedling Development.

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    In plants, sugars such as glucose act as signalling molecules that promote changes in gene expression programmes that impact on growth and development. Recent evidence has revealed the potential importance of controlling mRNA decay in some aspects of glucose-mediated regulatory responses suggesting a role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in these responses. In order to get a better understanding of glucose-mediated development modulation involving miRNA-related regulatory pathways, early seedling development of mutants impaired in miRNA biogenesis (hyl1-2 and dcl1-11) and miRNA activity (ago1-25) was evaluated. All mutants exhibited a glucose hyposensitive phenotype from germination up to seedling establishment, indicating that miRNA regulatory pathways are involved in the glucose-mediated delay of early seedling development. The expression profile of 200 miRNA primary transcripts (pri-miRs) was evaluated by large-scale quantitative real-time PCR profiling, which revealed that 38 pri-miRs were regulated by glucose. For several of them, the corresponding mature miRNAs are known to participate directly or indirectly in plant development, and their accumulation was shown to be co-regulated with the pri-miR by glucose. Furthermore, the expression of several miRNA target genes was found to be deregulated in response to glucose in the miRNA machinery mutants ago1-25, dcl1-11, and hyl1-2. Also, in these mutants, glucose promoted misexpression of genes for the three abscisic acid signalling elements ABI3, ABI4, and ABI5. Thus, miRNA regulatory pathways play a role in the adjustments of growth and development triggered by glucose signalling.644301-1