948 research outputs found

    Baryon spectroscopy in the unquenched quark model

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    We discuss some applications of the unquenched quark model which is an extension of the CQM that includes the effects of sea quarks via a 3P0 quark-antiquark pair-creation mechanism. Particular attention is paid to the electromagnetic couplings and beta decays of baryons. It is shown that the observed discrepancies between the experimental data and the predictions of the CQM can be accounted for in large part by the effects of sea quarks in the unquenched quark model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, invited talk at XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure, submitted for publication in Proceedings of Scienc

    Am I aligned with how I portray myself? The effect of perceived brand hypocrisy on consumer emotions

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research and CRMAs consumer needs and demands increase, brands that misbehave may face adverse reactions that negatively impact the consumer-brand relationship. In this study, we investigate how differences between a brand’s portrayed image and how it behaves may lead to the appearance of Brand Hypocrisy perceptions, and ultimately, give rise to Brand Hate and a Desire for Revenge. A 2 (Brand Hypocrisy Exposure: Yes, No) × 2 (Brand Type: Product, Service) experiment was implemented, and a total of 204 consumers were randomly assigned to one of four case conditions. To analyze the main effects between the independent and dependent variables, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used, PROCESS was used to test moderation, and to confirm the effectiveness of the experimental manipulation, an independent samples t-test was also applied. The results showed that consumers that have been exposed to Brand Hypocrisy were more likely to elicit higher levels of Brand Hate and Desire for Revenge. However, if consumers showed higher levels of Self-Brand Connection, it shielded brands of one of these negative outcomes. Overall, the study contributes to the literature on brand perceptions and negative consumer reactions by providing new outcomes and finding that Self-Brand Connection can help brand managers mitigate Brand Hate

    Allelochemical effects of aromatic species intercropped with coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Puebla, Mexico

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    Over 30 million coffee growers all over the world face starvation due to low international coffee prices. The impact is very acute in Latin America, which accounts nearly 65% of world coffee production. The current crisis seems to be shaped by changes in consumer preferences as well as low production phenomenon due to caffeine accumulation in coffee plantation soils as a result of decades of monoculture. To turn the present crisis around, a successful strategy for agricultural diversification is required. In response to the crisis, some coffee growers have begun to diversify their coffee plantations with intercalated cultivations of aromatic plants. Herbs are profitable crops and adaptable to the environmental conditions of coffee regions. Due to the complexity of the natural interaction under intercropped systems and the potential allelopathic effects between coffee and aromatic herbs, some questions need to be clarified before this alternative production system can be recommended to growers. Accumulation of caffeine in a soluble form in the soil is regarded as one reason for “low production” and degeneration by auto toxicity of coffee plantations. The use of aromatic species with the ability to take-up and accumulate caffeine may be a way to diminish the toxic levels of this alkaloid and increase coffee production. In this present study, the potential uptake of caffeine by spearmint (Mentha piperita L.), basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), and oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and the allelopathic effects of these herbs on physiological parameters in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) were investigated. Two ecological conditions in rural area of Puebla State, Mexico (2004-2005), as well as laboratory bioassays in Bonn, Germany (2006) were evaluated, to validate the hypothesis that intercropping herbs in coffee production systems is a possibility to attenuate the coffee crisis while positively stimulating coffee plant growth and cup quality, diminishing caffeine content in the soil. To summarize the results: 1. Intercropping sage, spearmint, basil and oregano stimulate the plagiotropic growth of Coffea arabica plants most effectively in young production systems by still unknown mechanisms. 2. Volatiles from essential oils induce stomata opening in coffee leaves, which may have a positive influence on the CO2 fixation and increase of photosynthetic activity when no limiting factors are present. 3. Aromatic species, principally sage and oregano absorb caffeine and can contribute to a diminishing of the caffeine contamination of the soil. 4. Cup quality is improved with spearmint, basil and sage as intercrops, but mechanisms of action are unknown and further research remains to be done. 5. Finally coffee growers can stabilize their income situation and their social condition by offering aromatic plants to the local markets produced during the no-harvest period of coffee (April –November) in between coffee rows.Allelochemische Einflüsse von Gewürzpflanzen im Zwischenanbau mit Kaffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Puebla, Mexiko Heute leiden mehr als 30 Millionen Kaffeeanbauer unter dem niedrigen Weltmarktpreis. Besonders hart trifft es die Kaffeeanbauer in Lateinamerika, die etwa 65 Prozent des Weltaufkommens erzeugen. Diese Krise basiert besonders auf veränderten Konsumgewohnheiten und wird verschärft durch geringe Erträge, die auch durch die jahrzehntelange Monokultur von Kaffee und damit verbundene Koffeinanreicherungen im Boden verbunden ist. Eine Lösung der Krise wird besonders unter Einbeziehung neuer Strategien zur nachhaltigen Diversifizierung traditioneller Kaffeeanbauregionen mit standortspezifischen neuen Kulturen angestrebt. Der Zwischenanbau von Gewürzen in bestehenden Kaffeepflanzungen wurde empirisch von einigen Kaffeeproduzenten in verschiedenen Ländern begonnen. Dazu wurden standortsbezogen geeignete, hochprofitable Gewürzpflanzenarten ausgewählt. Die Komplexität natürlicher Wechselwirkungen von Gewürzpflanzen im Zwischenanbau mit Kaffee und das Potenzial allelopathischer Effekte zwischen Kaffee und Gewürzpflanzen sind bisher nicht umfassend geklärt und müssen vor der weiteren Anbauausdehnung wissenschaftlich bearbeitet und geklärt werden. Allgemein bekannt ist die Anreicherung löslicher Formen von Koffein im Boden und damit ausgelöste Ertragsminderungen durch die Degeneration der Kaffeepflanzen basierend auf autotoxischen Einflüssen. Die bewusste Nutzung von Gewürzpflanzenarten zur Minderung von Koffeingehalten im Boden durch die Aufnahme dieses Alkaloids könnte eine interessante Lösungsvariante darstellen. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem spezifischen Aufnahmevermögen von Koffein durch Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita L.), Basilikum (Ocimum basilicum L.), Salbei (Salvia officinalis L.), und Oreganum (Origanum vulgare L.) und den allelopathischen Effekten dieser Pflanzenarten auf physiologische Parameter von Coffea arabica. Die Versuche wurden auf zwei Kaffeestandorten in Puebla, Mexiko (2004-2005), und unter Laborbedingungen an der Universität Bonn (2006) durchgeführt, um die Hypothese zu prüfen, dass Gewürzpflanzenarten im Zwischenanbau mit Kaffee in der Lage sind, diese aufgrund der Verminderung des Koffeingehaltes im Boden in ihren wachstums- und ertragsbildenden Parametern zu stimulieren und die Kaffeequalität zu verbessern. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden: 1. Zwischenkulturen mit Salbei, Pfefferminze, Basilikum und Origanum stimulieren das Wachstum plagiotroper Zweige von C. arabica besonders in Jungpflanzungen, ohne bisher diese Mechanismen bestimmen zu können; 2. Die Applikation von essentiellen Ölen dieser Pflanzenarten bewirken die Öffnung von Stomatazellen der Kaffeeblätter und haben positiven Einfluss auf die CO2 -Bindung und photosynthetische Aktivitäten, wenn keine limitierenden Faktoren existieren; 3. Gewürzpflanzen, insbesondere Salbei und Origanum absorbieren Koffein und können zu deren Abbau im Boden beitragen; 4. Die Tassenqualität von Kaffee wird verbessert durch den Zwischenanbau von Pfefferminze, Basilikum und Salbei, ohne dass die speziellen Mechanismen dafür geklärt werden konnten; 5. Das wirtschaftliche Einkommen von Kaffeeproduzenten lässt sich durch Zwischenkultur von Gewürzpflanzen in der ertragsfreien Kaffeeperiode (April bis November) verbessern

    Geometry of epimorphisms and frames

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    Using a bijection between the set BH of all Bessel sequences in a (separable) Hilbert space H and the space L(ℓ2, H) of all (bounded linear) operators from ℓ2 to H, we endow the set F of all frames in H with a natural topology for which we determine the connected components of F. We show that each component is a homogeneous space of the group GL(ℓ2) of invertible operators of ℓ2. This geometrical result shows that every smooth curve in F can be lifted to a curve in GL(ℓ2): given a smooth curve γ in F such that γ(0) = ξ, there exists a smooth curve γ in GL(ℓ2) such that γ = ξ, where the dot indicates the action of GL(ℓ2) over F. We also present a similar study of the set of Riesz sequences.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Manejo de Residuos Sólidos Peligrosos del Anfiteatro de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, Laboratorios de Microbiología y Clínica Odontológica del Campus de la Universidad Católica de Santa María, 2016-2017

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    El trabajo presente es sobre, Manejo de Residuos Sólidos Peligrosos del Anfiteatro de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, Laboratorios de Microbiología y Clínica Odontológica del Campus de la Universidad Católica de Santa María, 2016-2017. En el presente estudio se analizó los residuos generados en las diferentes actividades de la población involucrada en el ámbito de estudio es decir del Anfiteatro de medicina de la Universidad que es de 190 personas por día, los residuos generados de los 03 Laboratorios de Microbiología que suman 216 personas por día y por los residuos generados en la Clínica Odontológica de una población de 402 personas por día, totalizando los residuos generados por 808 personas por día. La cantidad de residuos sólidos peligrosos que actualmente se gestionan en el ámbito de estudio, es en el anfiteatro de Medicina Humana, en los Laboratorios de Microbiología es de 430.15 Kg, y lodo proveniente de trampas de grasa por 949.4 litros de lodo por año que se vierte en un pozo séptico ubicado entre el pabellón, los Residuos Sólidos en la Clínica Odontológica es de 5142.54 Kg por año, además de 340 .04 litros por año de Revelador y Fijador utilizado para las placas radiográficas dentales. La cantidad de Residuos sólidos peligrosos actualmente se gestionan actualmente a través de la Empresa Terra SOS quien efectúa los servicios de Recojo y de acuerdo a lo informado en las oficinas de contabilidad fue desde Diciembre 2015 a abril 2017, 16020.03 Kg. En 16 meses lo que representa un aproximado de 1001.4 Kg por mes. Haciendo uso de la normatividad, Norma técnica 096-MINSA-DIGESA, se procedió a evaluar la Gestión y Manejo de los Residuos Sólidos, el resultado respecto a Segregación y Almacenamiento interno para los laboratorios de Microbiología es Deficiente, para el Laboratorio de Anfiteatro de Medicina Humana es Muy Deficiente; para la Clínica Odontológica es Muy Deficiente. Para la etapa de manejo y Recolección Externa para los laboratorios de Microbiología, es Muy Deficiente, para el Laboratorio de Anfiteatro de Medicina Humana es Muy Deficiente; para la Clínica Odontológica es Muy Deficiente. Respecto a lo expresado en el último párrafo si tomamos una evaluación del ámbito de estudio integral podemos referir que en a la gestión y manejo de Residuos sólidos, se observó que la Etapa de Manejo de Residuos Sólidos del Almacenamiento final, Tratamiento de Residuos Sólidos y Recolección Externa es Deficiente por lo que es importante la elaboración de una propuesta y es la que acompaña al estudio presente.Tesi

    Non-Destructive Evaluation of Protective Coatings on AA2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy Used in Aeronautical Parts by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

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    Plasma treatments have faced growing interest as important strategy to modify the hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics of materials. However, challenges related to the plasma modification of polymers are the improvement of the chemical resistance without decreasing the mechanical resistance. In this letter, we present for the first time a plasma treatment, using Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), analogous to vulcanization process, of natural rubber surface, which resulted in a chemical and tension resistance improvements. The natural rubber membranes were coated with glow discharge plasmas generated in sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) atmospheres at a total pressure of 160 mTorr and applying 70 W of radiofrequency. Plasma treatment increases the contact angles from 64° to 125° i.e. leading to a hydrophobic surface. The tension at rupture increased from 3.7 to 6.1 MPa compared to natural rubber without plasma treatment demonstrated by stress-strain investigation. These results provide a fast alternative approach to improve mechanical and chemical properties of rubber-based products

    Stopping a reaction-diffusion front

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    We revisit the problem of pinning a reaction-diffusion front by a defect, in particular by a reaction-free region. Using collective variables for the front and numerical simulations, we compare the behaviors of a bistable and monostable front. A bistable front can be pinned as confirmed by a pinning criterion, the analysis of the time independant problem and simulations. Conversely, a monostable front can never be pinned, it gives rise to a secondary pulse past the defect and we calculate the time this pulse takes to appear. These radically different behaviors of bistable and monostable fronts raise issues for modelers in particular areas of biology, as for example, the study of tumor growth in the presence of different tissues

    Mapeamento 3D da variação da viscosidade turbulenta em cânions submersos e sua aplicação na modelagem numérica

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Tobias BleningerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos e Ambiental. Defesa : Curitiba, 06/04/2018Inclui referênciasResumo: A calibração e a validação de modelos numéricos hidrodinâmicos fluviais para condições reais de campo são limitadas pelas restrições temporais e espaciais das tecnologias utilizadas nas medições de campo. Essas limitações aumentam quando se avalia as propriedades do escoamento em formas fluviais complexas, como nos cânions submerso de leito rochoso. A análise do escoamento dentro do cânion, demonstra um comportamento não linear, forte circulação secundária e um alto nível de turbulência. O objetivo deste trabalho é quantificar e mapear a variação espacial da viscosidade cinemática turbulenta em um cânion submerso e avaliar sua aplicação na calibração de modelos hidrodinâmicos. Um estudo de caso avaliou o cânion submerso da região denominada Pedral do Lourenço e localizada no rio Tocantins, Pará. O cânion apresenta 6 km de comprimento e profundidades que podem chegar a 60 m. Utilizando um perfilador acústico de corrente por efeito Doppler (ADP) adaptado a uma embarcação, foram medidos 10.531 perfis de velocidade ao longo da região do cânion. Os dados foram pósprocessados sendo decompostos em relação a direção do escoamento e calculada a componente do desvio padrão em função da turbulência. A tensão tangencial turbulenta do escoamento foi calculada pelo método TKE, enquanto a viscosidade cinemática turbulenta foi estimada pela Hipótese de Boussinesq. Os resultados e suas coordenadas foram interpolados espacialmente utilizando o método krigagem simples (kriging). O mapeamento da viscosidade cinemática turbulenta ao longo da região foi utilizado como um dos parâmetros de calibração de um modelo numérico hidrodinâmico 3D. Como resultado verificaram-se características irregulares do escoamento na região, com diferenças de velocidades dentro e fora do cânion e com a presença de correntes secundárias que se desenvolvem nas paredes do cânion. As tensões tangenciais resultantes apresentaram valores, de aproximadamente, 250 N/m² dentro do cânion, enquanto nas áreas externas os valores foram de 50 N/m². A distribuição espacial mostrou que ao longo do cânion a viscosidade cinemática turbulenta diverge das áreas restantes, podendo ser até 10 vezes maior. O modelo numérico hidrodinâmico calibrado com o mapeamento da viscosidade cinemática turbulenta conseguiu representar a variação de velocidade existente na região do cânion, assim como tornou mais fidedignos os valores aplicados nos outros parâmetros de calibração. Os resultados do estudo reforçam a importância dos parâmetros de turbulência na calibração de modelos numéricos fluviais e da realização de medições de campo que ajudem a estimar esses parâmetros. Palavras chaves: cânion submersos, viscosidade cinemática turbulenta, ADP, modelos numéricos hidrodinâmicos fluviais, calibração.Abstract: Calibration and validation of numerical fluvial hydrodynamic models for real field conditions are limited by the temporal and spatial constraints of the technologies used in field measurements. These limitations increase when analyzing hydraulic properties of complex river forms such as submerged bedrock canyons. The analysis of the flow inside the canyon showed nonlinear behavior, strong secondary circulation and a high level of turbulence. The objective of this work is to quantify and map the spatial variation of the turbulent kinematic viscosity in a submerged canyon and to evaluate its application in the calibration of hydrodynamic models. A case of study, in the region called Pedral do Lourenço, located in the Tocantins River, evaluated a 6 km long canyon and with depths around 60 m. Using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADP) adapted to a vessel, 10,531 velocity profiles were measured along the canyon region. The data were post-processed being decomposed about the direction of the flow and calculated the component of the standard deviation as a function of the turbulence. The turbulent tangential flow stress was calculated by the TKE method, and the eddy viscosity was estimated by the Boussinesq Hypothesis. The results and their coordinates were spatially interpolated using the simple kriging method (kriging). The eddy viscosity mapped along the region was used as one of the calibration parameters of a 3D hydrodynamic model. As a result, there were irregular characteristics of the flow in the area, with velocity's differences inside and outside the canyon and with the presence of secondary currents developed in the walls of the canyon. The shear stress results presented values of 250 N/m² inside the canyon, while in the outer areas were 50 N/m². The spatial distribution showed that along the canyon the eddy viscosity diverged from the remaining regions, being up to 10 times higher. The numerical hydrodynamic model calibrated with the eddy viscosity mapped was able to represent the velocity variation in the canyon region, as well as to increase the accurate applied to the other parameters. The results of the study reinforce the importance of the turbulence parameters in the calibration of fluvial numerical models and the accomplishment of field measurements that help to estimate these parameters. Keywords: submerged canyon, eddy viscosity, ADP, fluvial numerical models, calibration

    Homossexuais no Brasil colônia: fragmentos pinçados das confissões da Bahia

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    Esta pesquisa toma como recorte espacial principalmente territórios da Bahia, à época Capitania da Bahia. Foca-se, geograficamente, no Recôncavo. Desloca-se este estudo para o final do século XVI e século XVII, com a inserção da releitura da vida de Luiz Delgado, português radicado nas possessões americanas de Portugal. O objetivo é demonstrar a existência de indivíduos homossexuais neste período da história do Brasil, as suas vivências, as suas formas de resistência e sobrevivência em tempos em que possuir desejos eróticos por outra pessoa do mesmo sexo era considerado crime pelo Estado e terrível pecado pela Igreja. Tem, também, esta pesquisa como propósito a análise de elementos que permaneceram ao longo do tempo nas relações homoafetivas. Utiliza-se a História Cultural como referencial orientador deste trabalho, debruçando-se sobre as contribuições da perspectiva micro-historiográfica de análise, a qual, com a redução de escala, permite o exame cuidadoso de casos específicos, possibilitando chegar a certos detalhes que não seriam possíveis por meio de uma macro-observação. Encontram-se alguns objetos de estudos e estes são, depois de minuciosamente escrutinados, relacionados com contextos mais amplos e gerais. Fez-se uso do conceito de longa duração na História para estabelecer, em meio às mudanças inerentes ao passar do tempo, fragmentos que possuem continuidades. Pequenas partículas das vivências homossexuais encontradas com o auxílio da perspectiva da micro-história foram identificadas em discursos do presente através da longa duração. Por meio da construção legislativa e relatos, especialmente as Ordenações Manuelinas e Filipinas, inferiu-se acerca do imaginário português em relação às práticas homoeróticas e a punibilidade das mesmas. Visitou-se, através dos relatos de cronistas, as relações que os povos nativos e as civilizações de Angola tinham com a homossexualidade. Através da Primeira Visitação do Santo Ofício às Partes do Brasil, foram analisadas as confissões de culpas de sujeitos que desviavam da regra heterossexual, as quais estavam nas Confissões da Bahia, durante a Primeira Visitação do Santo Ofício às terras do Brasil. Nestes relatos onde havia evidentes tensões, encontram-se lacunas importantes nos discursos dos homossexuais, os quais eram chamados de sodomitas pela legislação então vigente. Estes espaços de ausências dentro dos discursos demonstram estratégias de autoproteção e também de proteção aos parceiros que não foram nomeados. As suas existências, vivências e estratégias de sobrevivências consolidam-se como o foco principal desta pesquisa. A partir desse ponto focal, encontram-se elementos identitários que possuem continuidades na hodiernidade, apesar das rupturas