274 research outputs found

    Breaking Paradigms: Students in Perspective

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.A determinação de família alterou-se e ainda se altera concomitantemente à evolução da sociedade. Sofre, de tempos em tempos, evoluções e pode ser classificada atualmente como o berço onde cada indivíduo desenvolve seus valores primordiais. Categoriza-se, em suma, como a primeira relação de afetividade entre pares do homem. Tendo em vista as inúmeras modificações na concepção de família, este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso visa destacar que a consagração dos princípios da dignidade da pessoa humana, da afetividade, da igualdade de filiações e da pluralidade das entidades familiares ocorreu apenas com a promulgação da Constituição Cidadã de 1988. Neste aspecto, o presente Trabalho visa destacar a maior atenção ao critério socioafetivo da parentalidade em detrimento da proeminência do vínculo consanguíneo anteriormente existente. Tendo em vista as perspectivas multidimensionais das relações familiares, a multiparentalidade surge como fenômeno jurídico globalizante, objetivando, por fim, assegurar tutela jurídica a toda sorte de relação que possa ser enquadrada como familiar. Decorrem da sua existência efeitos vinculantes, bem como a ampliação da doutrina e da jurisprudência correlatas. Isto posto, o presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso faz considerações sobre a definição de família, buscando abranger especialmente a composição familiar por casais homoafetivos e aponta, em seus pormenores, a relevância do afeto como fator preponderante para a existência do vínculo parental, caracterizando-o como mola propulsora dos mais diversificados arranjos familiares existentes atualmente

    Métodos CTAB de extração de DNA para a análise de microssatélites em batata-doce

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    Os marcadores microssatélites são úteis para a análise da diversidade genética de variedades tradicionais de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas). Para estes estudos, métodos práticos de extração de DNA precisam ser estabelecidos para assegurar uma boa qualidade e quantidade de DNA extraído. Assim, foi comparada a eficiência de três metodologias para extração de DNA usando o tampão de extração CTAB, todas com modificações. Para verificar a quantidade e pureza na quantificação de DNA, bem como o padrão de bandas de microssatélites para as três metodologias utilizaram-se seis etnovariedades de batata-doce. Os testes mostraram que as três metodologias apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Uma das metodologias baseada em tecido foliar macerado em nitrogênio líquido mostrou-se a mais adequada devido à simplicidade e menor custo. Entretanto, o método baseado em tecido foliar seco foi o mais vantajoso devido à praticidade na aquisição da planta e no processo de secagem, principalmente quando a coleção encontra-se em condições in situ, e pela possibilidade do armazenamento refrigerado das amostras secas e maceradas para futuras extrações de DNA.Microsatellite markers have proved to be useful in genetic diversity assessments of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) but practical DNA extraction methods to ensure good quality and quantity DNA for these studies are yet to be established. This study compares the efficiency of three modified methodologies for DNA extraction of six sweetpotato landraces using the CTAB extraction buffer in regard to quantity and purity of DNA quantification and microsatellite band patterns. All methodologies yielded satisfactory results, but the method based in leaf tissue macerated in liquid nitrogen was deemed more adequate because of its simplicity and lower cost. However, the method based in dry leaf tissue was considered more advantageous, first because elicits practicability in the plant acquisition and drying process, especially when the collection is performed in situ, and also because its simplicity makes possible the cold storage of the dry, ground samples for future DNA extractions


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    This study aimed to assess the potential of twelve cover crops in improving the structural state of the soil  evaluating soil bulk density and soil resistance to penetration and their effects on crambe grain yield and oil content. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Center of Agricultural Engineering (NEEA), at the State University of West Paraná (UNIOESTE) - Cascavel - Paraná. The cover crops were named as treatments and consisted of twelve species, namely: Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria spectabilis, Pigeon pea, Jack bean, Foxtail millet, Forage sorghum, Lablab beans, Guandu beans, Mucuna aterrimum, Mucuna Pruriens, Mucuna deeringiana, Mucuna aterrima, and a control treatment (fallow area). The experimental design used consisted of randomized blocks with four replications and plots measuring 5 x 5 m. When species were in full bloom in May 2010, they were managed by desiccation with non-selective herbicide and subsequent mowing in order to accelerate the  decomposition rate of their roots. In August 2011 we performed the planting of crambe for further analysis of its grain and oil yield. In January 2012 soil samples  were collected to evaluate soil bulk density by the volumetric ring method at depths of 0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2 and 0.2-0.3 m. Soil resistance to penetration was determined using a penetrometer until 0.4 m deep. In order to determine crambe grain yield, crambe was collected in an area of 4 m2 in the central part of each plot. In ordet tor determe seed oil content it was used the Soxhlet method. The statistical analyzes for soil variables (soil penetration density and resistance) and plant (grain yield and oil yield) consisted of analysis of variance (ANOVA), with a comparison test of mean values. It was also performed linear regression analyzes between data concerning to grain yield and oil yield, as well as grain yield and bulk density. The species Crotalaria spectabilis and Mucuna aterrima provided a significant reduction in soil bulk density when compared to the fallow area, showing higher structuring potential than other species after the first year of use. Considering the structural state of the soil prior to the experiment, with bulk density values lower than 1.2 Mg m-3, there was no significant effect on soil structure by any of the coverage species used and there was also no beneficial effect on crambe grain yield and oil content

    Preoperative planning of primary total hip arthroplasty using conventional radiographs

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    AbstractObjectivethe objective of this study was to present an analog method for preoperative planning of primary total hip arthroplasty procedures based on measuring the components by overlaying the transparencies of the prosthesis on the preoperative radiographs and checking the accuracy, both for predicting the size of the acetabular and femoral components used and for restoring the offset and correcting the dysmetria.Methodsbetween March 2005 and July 2009, 56 primary total hip arthroplasty procedures performed on 56 patients at the Mario Covas State Hospital in Santo André were analyzed. The measurements on the femoral and acetabular components obtained through planning were compared with those that were used in the surgery. The offsets measured through the preoperative planning were compared with those measured on the postoperative radiographs. Dysmetria was evaluated before and after the operation.Resultsaccuracy of 78.6% (p<0.001) in predicting the size of the acetabular component and 82.2% (p<0.001) in predicting the femoral nail was observed. The offsets measured through preoperative planning were statistically similar to the offsets measured on the postoperative radiographs. After the operation, we observed absolute equalization in 48.2% of the cases. In 87.5%, the dysmetria was less than or equal to 1cm and in 69.6%, it was less than or equal to 0.5cm.Conclusionsthe accuracy was 78.6% and 82.2%, respectively, for the acetabular and femoral components. The offsets that were planned preoperatively were statistically similar to those measured on postoperative radiographs. We found absolute equalization in 48.2% of the cases

    Small Character Models Match Large Word Models for Autocomplete Under Memory Constraints

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    Autocomplete is a task where the user inputs a piece of text, termed prompt, which is conditioned by the model to generate semantically coherent continuation. Existing works for this task have primarily focused on datasets (e.g., email, chat) with high frequency user prompt patterns (or focused prompts) where word-based language models have been quite effective. In this work, we study the more challenging setting consisting of low frequency user prompt patterns (or broad prompts, e.g., prompt about 93rd academy awards) and demonstrate the effectiveness of character-based language models. We study this problem under memory-constrained settings (e.g., edge devices and smartphones), where character-based representation is effective in reducing the overall model size (in terms of parameters). We use WikiText-103 benchmark to simulate broad prompts and demonstrate that character models rival word models in exact match accuracy for the autocomplete task, when controlled for the model size. For instance, we show that a 20M parameter character model performs similar to an 80M parameter word model in the vanilla setting. We further propose novel methods to improve character models by incorporating inductive bias in the form of compositional information and representation transfer from large word models

    Identification of foot and mouth disease risk areas using a multi-criteria analysis approach

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    Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly infectious disease that affects cloven-hoofed livestock and wildlife. FMD has been a problem for decades, which has led to various measures to control, eradicate and prevent FMD by National Veterinary Services worldwide. Currently, the identification of areas that are at risk of FMD virus incursion and spread is a priority for FMD target surveillance after FMD is eradicated from a given country or region. In our study, a knowledge-driven spatial model was built to identify risk areas for FMD occurrence and to evaluate FMD surveillance performance in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. For this purpose, multi-criteria decision analysis was used as a tool to seek multiple and conflicting criteria to determine a preferred course of action. Thirteen South American experts analyzed 18 variables associated with FMD introduction and dissemination pathways in Rio Grande do Sul. As a result, FMD higher risk areas were identified at international borders and in the central region of the state. The final model was expressed as a raster surface. The predictive ability of the model assessed by comparing, for each cell of the raster surface, the computed model risk scores with a binary variable representing the presence or absence of an FMD outbreak in that cell during the period 1985 to 2015. Current FMD surveillance performance was assessed, and recommendations were made to improve surveillance activities in critical areas

    Prevalence of Microorganisms and Immunoglobulins in Children with Tonsillar Hypertrophy and Adenoiditis

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    Introduction: Benign idiopathic tonsillar hypertrophy (HBI) may affect a child's quality of life and sleep. Several studies have sought to relate the clinical features of HBI with the infectious and/or immunologic changes that occur. Objective: To increase the knowledge of the etiology of HBI. Data Synthesis: From 2012 to 2013 we conducted a retrospective observational study of 101 children with HBI who underwent tonsillectomies at Ambulatory ENT General Hospital of the East Zone of São Paulo City, a region with a poor socioeconomic population. Preoperative serologic results were available to confirm mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, anti-streptolysin O (ASLO) and immunoglobulins. The mean patient age was 5.8 years (55% male, 45% female). Using the Mann-Whitney U test, we identified significant gender differences in the parameters of immunoglobulins (Ig) M (IgM), IgA, and IgE. Forty-seven percent of the patients had increased ASLO levels, and 37% had increased IgE levels. Conclusion: An evaluation of a patient's serologic parameters and laboratory results may be relevant to the etiology and prevention of HBI. Based on the results obtained from the study sample, the identification of etiologic agents and causative factors remain a public health challenge that affects the quality of life of children.Universidade Anhembi MorumbiUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universdidade Cidade de São PauloUNIFESP, EPMSciEL