17 research outputs found

    SPar: A DSL for High-Level and Productive Stream Parallelism

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    This paper introduces SPar, an internal C++ Domain-Specific Language (DSL) that supports the development of classic stream parallel applications. The DSL uses standard C++ attributes to introduce annotations tagging the notable components of stream parallel applications: stream sources and stream processing stages. A set of tools process SPar code (C++ annotated code using the SPar attributes) to generate FastFlow C++ code that exploits the stream parallelism denoted by SPar annotations while targeting shared memory multi-core architectures. We outline the main SPar features along with the main implementation techniques and tools. Also, we show the results of experiments assessing the feasibility of the entire approach as well as SPar's performance and expressiveness


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    The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent placement of studies at the remote teaching level firstly and then blended accelerated the discussion on the importance of bringing digital technologies into schools with greater vigor. The present work intends to draw parallels between the different scenarios with the students' speeches. Through a questionnaire on Google Forms, students of technical courses at Uruguaiana Advanced Campus of Instituto Federal Farroupilha were asked about their opinions about remote and blended learning, in addition to their skills with digital technologies. Results showed that students consider themselves autonomous and with good knowledge of digital technologies. This denoted a good development of remote activities despite the fact that the opinions expressed about remote teaching, in which the mastery of technologies is essential, proved to be mostly negative, with criticism focused in particular on problems of connection, interaction and learning in this field. The difficulties ended up prevailing when compared with the benefits provided in their view, which would be, for example, the flexibility of dates and times for classes and activities, as well as the lack of need to travel to the physical space of the school. On the other hand, blended learning had a balance between positive and negative mentions, although these still surpass the first ones. It is concluded that, despite a preference for face-to-face activities, students are open to resources coming from digital technologies into the classroom.La pandemia del COVID-19 y la consecuente ubicación de los estudios en el nivel de enseñanza remota primero y luego hibrido aceleraron la discusión sobre la importancia de llevar las tecnologías digitales a las escuelas con mayor vigor. El presente trabajo pretende trazar paralelismos entre los diferentes escenarios con los discursos de los estudiantes. Por medio de un cuestionario en Google Forms, se preguntó a los estudiantes de cursos técnicos del campus avanzado Uruguaiana de Instituto Federal Farroupilha sobre sus opiniones sobre la enseñanza remota e híbrida, además de sus habilidades con las tecnologías digitales. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes se consideran autónomos y con buen conocimiento de las tecnologías digitales. Esto denotó un buen desarrollo de las actividades remotas a pesar de que las opiniones vertidas sobre la enseñanza remota, en la que el dominio de las tecnologías es fundamental, resultaron mayoritariamente negativas, con críticas centradas en particular en los problemas de conexión, interacción y aprendizaje en este ámbito. Las dificultades terminaron prevaleciendo frente a los beneficios brindados a su juicio, que serían, por ejemplo, la flexibilidad de fechas y horarios de clases y actividades, así como la no necesidad de desplazamiento al espacio físico de la escuela. Por otro lado, la docencia híbrida tuvo un balance entre menciones positivas y negativas, aunque estas aún superan a las primeras. Se concluye que, a pesar de la preferencia por las actividades presenciales, los estudiantes están abiertos a los recursos provenientes de las tecnologías digitales en el aula.A pandemia da COVID-19 e a consequente colocação dos estudos a nível de ensino remoto primeiramente e depois híbrido acelerou a discussão da importância de se trazer com maior vigor as tecnologias digitais para dentro das escolas. O presente trabalho pretende traçar paralelos entre os diferentes cenários com falas dos alunos. Por meio de questionário no Google Formulários, perguntou-se a estudantes de cursos técnicos do campus avançado Uruguaiana do Instituto Federal Farroupilha acerca de suas opiniões sobre o ensino remoto e híbrido, além de suas habilidades com tecnologias digitais. Resultados mostraram que os alunos consideram-se autônomos e com bom conhecimento em tecnologias digitais. Isso denotou um bom desenvolvimento das atividades remotas apesar de que as opiniões expressas sobre o ensino remoto, em que o domínio de tecnologias é essencial, mostrou-se majoritariamente negativo, com críticas voltadas em especial aos problemas de conexão, de interação e de aprendizado neste modelo. As dificuldades acabaram prevalecendo quando comparadas com os benefícios propiciados na visão deles, que seriam, por exemplo, a flexibilidade de datas e horários das aulas e das atividades, bem como a não necessidade de locomoção para o espaço físico da escola. Já o ensino híbrido teve um equilíbrio entre menções positivas e negativas, apesar de estas ainda superarem as primeiras. Conclui-se que, apesar de uma preferência pelas atividades presenciais os alunos mostram-se abertos a recursos advindos das tecnologias digitais para dentro da sala de aula

    Raising the Parallel Abstraction Level for Streaming Analytics Applications

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    In the stream processing domain, applications are represented by graphs of operators arbitrarily connected and filled with their business logic code. The APIs of existing Stream Processing Systems (SPSs) ease the development of transformations that recur in the streaming practice (e.g., filtering, aggregation and joins). In contrast, their parallelism abstractions are quite limited since they provide support to stateless operators only, or when the state is organized in a set of key-value pairs. This paper presents how the parallel patterns methodology can be revisited for sliding-window streaming analytics. Our vision fosters a design process of the application as composition and nesting of ready-to-use patterns provided through a C++17 fluent interface. Our prototype implements the run-time system of the patterns in the FastFlow parallel library expressing thread-based parallelism. The experimental analysis shows interesting outcomes. First, our pattern-based approach allows easy prototyping of different versions of the application, and the programmer can leverage nesting of patterns to increase performance (up to 37% in one of the two considered test-bed cases). Second, our FastFlow implementation outperforms (three times faster) the handmade porting of our patterns in popular JVM-based SPSs. Finally, in the concluding part of this paper, we explore the use of a task-based run-time system, by deriving interesting insights into how to make our patterns library suitable for multi backends

    Desenvolvimento de softwares educacionais por estudantes de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia: potencializando o aspecto lúdico do Microsoft® PowerPoint®

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    This article seeks to provide a critical commentary on the importance of using technology in the classroom and present the development of games, educational softwares, by students of Pedagogy with the use of PowerPoint® slides development program. It highlights the importance of teacher training in the face of new technologies, considering that he is the main mediator of knowledge to his students, he can do as creative classes as can also generate discontent. There is no lack of incentive for teachers how important is the use of technology, what it is missing is interest by someone on this subject. Before addition, we ask ourselves: How can be made that the use of technology be present in the classroom today? What is the protocol to follow to meet this goal? What do games bring of important in education? Why games are considered a creative way of teaching lessons

    El presente trabajo contempla el esquema general de la fundamentación psicopedagógica del Diplomado "Aplicaciones educativas de la Web 2.0”, como primera etapa se plantea el concepto de aprendizaje del que se parte para llevar a cabo el proceso educativo, posteriormente se definen los roles y funciones de los actores involucrados en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de dicho diplomado; finalmente, las características del currículo empleado en el diseño de los módulos tomando en consideración el uso de las TIC en la educación.

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    Este trabalho apresenta um relato de atividades, do cenário e ações realizadas por meio de um programa social, intitulado Programa de Inclusão Digital SETREM 2010, que visa a incluir digitalmente na Informática pessoas que não tenham condições de pagar cursos de Informática ou comprar computadores, oportunizando a elas gratuitamente esse acesso. Ao longo do texto, são expostas informações da instituição que promove o programa, do programa em si, cidades abrangidas, funcionamento do mesmo, números, prêmios e expectativas