117 research outputs found

    Influência da secagem sobre o rendimento e composição química dos compostos voláteis das raízes de Piper piscatorum Trel. & Yunck. (Piperaceae)

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    In this study, we evaluated the yield and chemical composition of volatile compounds obtained from fresh, dried at 30 and 40 ºC respectively of Piper piscatorum, employing the technique of hydrodistillation. The volatile were chemically characterized by GC-MS and GC-FID. The main volatile compounds were selin-11-en-4-a-ol (57,63 ± 3,07%; 53,95 ± 1,56% and 56,20 ± 0,43%) and benzyl benzoate (15,40 ± 0,36%; 16,32 ± 0,85% and 15,04 ± 0,24%).The drying of the raw material reduced yield of volatile compounds, changing their chemical compositions

    The role of veracity on the load monitoring of professional soccer players: a systematic review in the face of the big data era

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    Big Data has real value when the veracity of the collected data has been previously identified. However, data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer players has not been analyzed yet. This systematic review aims to evaluate the current evidence from the scientific literature related to data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer. Systematic searches through the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were conducted for reports onthe data veracity of diverse load monitoring tools and the associated parameters used in professional soccer. Ninety-four studies were finally included in the review, with 39 different tools used and 578 associated parameters identified. The pooled sample consisted of 2066 footballers (95% male: 24 ± 3 years and 5% female: 24 ± 1 years). Seventy-three percent of these studies did not report veracity metrics for anyof the parameters from these tools. Thus, data veracity was found for 54% of tools and 23% of parameters. The current information will assist in the selection of the most appropriate tools and parameters to be used for load monitoring with traditional and Big Data approaches while identifying those still requiring the analysis of their veracity metrics or their improvement to acceptable veracity levels


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    RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar evolução do processo de implementação da política nacional de atenção às urgências no município de Anápolis, à luz da Portaria MS/GM nº 1600/2011, que a regulamenta. Métodos: Pesquisa aplicada, exploratória, descritiva,  com abordagem metodológica quali-quantitativa,  estruturada a partir de fontes de informação primárias e secundárias. Resultados: Verificam-se avanços na implementação da política, instituída em Rede de Atenção às Urgências, no que concerne a: expansão do componente pré-hospitalar fixo da Atenção Básica em Saúde (aumento da cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família para 54,88%);  estruturação do componente pré-hospitalar móvel (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgências SAMU-192); estruturação do componente Unidade de Pronto-Atendimento (UPA-24h) com Sala de Estabilização; orientação dos fluxos assistenciais, baseada na classificação de risco;  e implantação do aplicativo Sistema de Regulação.  Entretanto, observam-se: necessidade de adequação nos serviços da Atenção Básica, visando à sua responsabilização pelo primeiro atendimento às urgências de menor gravidade; redução (53,3%) da quantidade de leitos no componente hospitalar, com dificuldade na garantia do acesso aos leitos da rede de urgências; e  ausência dos componentes Serviço de Atenção Domiciliar e Força Nacional de Saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde. Conclusões: Constituem-se em desafios a serem superados: reestruturação dos serviços da Atenção Básica aos moldes da política, para maior resolutividade às urgências; adequações na gestão dos leitos hospitalares; instalação de Salas de Estabilização no conjunto de serviços de urgência 24 horas não hospitalares; implementação do Serviço de Atenção Domiciliar; e prática da contrarreferência entre os diferentes pontos de atenção da rede de urgências.ABSTRACT: Objective: The study intends to analyze the implementation of the national emergency care policy in the municipality of Anápolis, in light of Administrative Regulation MS/GM nº1600/2011. Methods: The study has an applied, exploratory, descriptive, qualitative-quantitative approach whose structure stems from primary and secondary sources of information. Results: Progress has been made in the implementation in Anápolis of the national policy – established as a Network of Emergency Assistance – in the following aspects: expansion of the fixed prehospital component of the Primary Health Care (increase in coverage of the Family Health Strategy to 54,88%); structuring of the prehospital mobile component SAMU-192; implementation of the 24-hour Immediate Assistance Unity component (UPA-24h), with Stabilization Room; orientation of care flows based on risk classification; and implementation of the application System of Regulation. However, Primary Care services need improvement in order to becoming first care providers in minor urgencies. It is noteworthy that there was a reduction of 53,3% of the amount of beds at the hospital component, thereby hampering access to part of the emergency network. Furthermore, the Home Care Service component has not been implemented. Conclusions: There are still steps to take towards implementation of the national policy at the Anápolis municipality level: restructure of Primary Care services so they will effectively respond to urgencies; improvement of the management of emergency hospital beds; setting Stabilization Rooms in all non-hospital 24-hour Urgency Services; and creation of Home Care Service; and the practice of counter-reference between the points of attention of the emergency network

    Clinical complications of G6PD deficiency in Latin American and Caribbean populations : systematic review and implications for malaria elimination programmes

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    Background: Although G6PDd individuals are generally asymptomatic throughout their life, the clinical burden of this genetic condition includes a range of haematological conditions, including acute haemolytic anaemia (AHA), neonatal jaundice (NNJ) and chronic non-sphaerocytic anaemia (CNSA). In Latin America (LA), the huge knowledge gap regarding G6PDd is related to the scarce understanding of the burden of clinical manifestation underlying G6PDd carriage. The aim of this work was to study the clinical significance of G6PDd in LA and the Caribbean region through a systematic review. Methods: A systematic search of the published literature was undertaken in August 2013. Bibliographies of manuscripts were also searched and additional references were identified. Only original research was included. All study designs were included, as long as any clinical information was present. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported clinical information from populations living in LA or Caribbean countries or about migrants from these countries living in countries outside this continent. Results: The Medline search generated 487 papers, and the LILACS search identified 140 papers. After applying the inclusion criteria, 100 original papers with any clinical information on G6PDd in LA were retrieved. Additionally, 16 articles were included after reading the references from these papers. These 116 articles reported data from 18 LA and Caribbean countries. The major clinical manifestations reported from LA countries were those related to AHA, namely drug-induced haemolysis. Most of the published works regarding drug-induced haemolysis in LA referred to haemolytic crises in P. vivax malaria patients during the course of the treatment with primaquine (PQ). Favism, infection-induced haemolysis, NNJ and CNSA appear to play only a minor public health role in this continent. Conclusion: Haemolysis in patients using PQ seems to be the major clinical manifestation of G6PDd in LA and contributes to the morbidity of P. vivax infection in this continent, although the low number of reported cases, which could be linked to under-reporting of complications. These results support the need for better strategies to diagnose and manage G6PDd in malaria field conditions. Additionally, Malaria Control Programmes in LA should not overlook this condition in their national guidelines

    Influência da luz e da temperatura sobre a oxidação do óleo essencial de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus (D.C.) Stapf)

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    The identification of the chemical compounds of the essential oil was performed with a gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer. The oil was left in the presence and absence of light and submitted to different temperatures to evaluate its stability. The yields of the major compounds were evaluated every fifteen days. Citral and myrcene, the major compounds of the essential oil, were degraded over time in both the presence and absence of light, but temperature only influenced the degradation of myrcene

    Genome-wide methylation and transcriptome analysis in penile carcinoma: uncovering new molecular markers

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    Background: Despite penile carcinoma (PeCa) being a relatively rare neoplasm, it remains an important public health issue for poor and developing countries. Contrary to most tumors, limited data are available for markers that are capable of assisting in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of PeCa. We aimed to identify molecular markers for PeCa by evaluating their epigenomic and transcriptome profiles and comparing them with surrounding non-malignant tissue (SNT) and normal glans (NG).Results: Genome-wide methylation analysis revealed 171 hypermethylated probes in PeCa. Transcriptome profiling presented 2,883 underexpressed and 1,378 overexpressed genes. Integrative analysis revealed a panel of 54 genes with an inverse correlation between methylation and gene expression levels. Distinct methylome and transcriptome patterns were found for human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive (38.6%) and negative tumors. Interestingly, grade 3 tumors showed a distinct methylation profile when compared to grade 1. In addition, univariate analysis revealed that low BDNF methylation was associated with lymph node metastasis and shorter disease-free survival. CpG hypermethylation and gene underexpression were confirmed for a panel of genes, including TWIST1, RSOP2, SOX3, SOX17, PROM1, OTX2, HOXA3, and MEIS1.Conclusions: A unique methylome signature was found for PeCa compared to SNT, with aberrant DNA methylation appearing to modulate the expression of specific genes. This study describes new pathways with the potential to regulate penile carcinogenesis, including stem cell regulatory pathways and markers associated to a worse prognosis. These findings may be instrumental in the discovery and application of new genetic and epigenetic biomarkers in PeCa.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Criterios de sustentabilidad en áreas naturales y rurales orientadas al desarrollo local y la aplicación de buenas prácticas en turismo

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto, integrado por la Universidad del Salvador (USAL), la Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER) y la Universidad Federal de Santa María (UFSM), Río Grande do Sul, Brasil, ha sido consolidar un espacio interinstitucional de reflexión e investigación para el análisis e intercambio de experiencias sobre la aplicación de instrumentos que permitan evaluar y medir la sustentabilidad - sociocultural, ambiental y económica - en sitios turísticos, emplazados en áreas naturales y rurales. Los sitios seleccionados fueron la Reserva Natural Las Piedras, Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina; y el sitio arqueológico emplazado en un área rural, denominado São Miguel de las Missões, Río Grande do Sul, Brasil.Se consensuó emplear como instrumento de medición los Criterios Globales para destinos turísticos que difunde el Consejo Global de Turismo Sostenible. Estos analizan desde la perspectiva turística, la eficacia de gestión del sitio, los beneficios sociales y económicos, el cuidado del patrimonio cultural y la protección del medio ambiente.A partir de la aplicación de este instrumento se concluye que, si bien con respecto a la eficacia en la gestión, ambos sitios han alcanzado un mismo porcentaje de aplicación de los indicadores (42%), existe una gran disparidad con relación a los demás indicadores. El sitio arqueológico São Miguel de las Missões es el que cumple con más del 50% de los aspectos vinculados a los beneficios socio-económicos y el cuidado del patrimonio cultural; en tanto respecto a los indicadores sobre protección del medio ambiente, solo la Reserva Natural Las Piedras supera el 50%.En el caso de la Reserva Natural resulta primordial avanzar en una gestión participativa que incluya la observación y el relevamiento sistematizado del patrimonio natural y cultural, con la consiguiente elaboración e implementación de un plan de manejo.Respecto al sitio arqueológico de São Miguel de las Missões se sugiere una mejor articulación entre los agentes públicos involucrados, el desarrollo de estrategias de educación patrimonial - especialmente la valorización del patrimonio cultural inmaterial -, el cuidado de los recursos hídricos y una gestión más adecuada de los residuos sólidos.The research project is carried out by the Universidad del Salvador (USAL), the Universidad Autónomade Entre Ríos (UADER) and the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grandedo Sul, Brazil and it’s main objective is to consolidate an interagency forum for reflection andresearch and for analysis, discussion and exchange of experiences related to the implementation oftools for assessing and measuring sustainability - cultural, environmental and economic - in touristsites, especially deployed in natural and rural areas. The two touristic sites chosen for the study arethe Natural Reserve Las Piedras, Gualeguaychú, Entre Rios, Argentina; and the archaeological sitelocated in a rural area of São Miguel Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.The research project team agreed to use as a measuring tool Global Criteria for destinationsthat broadcasts the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Said Criteria allows for an analysis of sitemanagement effectiveness, social and economic benefits, cultural heritage preservation and environmentalcare, from a touristic perspective.The conclusions derived from using this tool are: regarding the effectiveness of site management,both sites have reached the same percentage (42%) of application of indicators; however, agreat difference exists between them concerning the remaining indicators. The archaeological siteSão Miguel de las Missões complies with over 50% of the aspects linked to social and economicbenefits and preservation of cultural heritage. On the other hand, only the Natural Reservation “LasPiedras” exceeds 50% regarding environmental care indicators.In the case of the Natural Reservation, it is extremely important to advance towards participatorymanagement, which includes observation and systematic survey of natural and cultural heritage,and consequently, the design and put to practice of a management plan. Regarding the archaeologicalsite São Miguel de las Missões, we suggest a better interaction between the public agents thatare involved, the development of education strategies regarding heritage – specially teaching aboutthe value of intangible cultural heritage-, taking care of water resources and better solid residuemanagement

    Temporal patterns of cytokine and injury biomarkers in hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with methylprednisolone

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    BackgroundThe novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presents with complex pathophysiological effects in various organ systems. Following the COVID-19, there are shifts in biomarker and cytokine equilibrium associated with altered physiological processes arising from viral damage or aggressive immunological response. We hypothesized that high daily dose methylprednisolone improved the injury biomarkers and serum cytokine profiles in COVID-19 patients.MethodsInjury biomarker and cytokine analysis was performed on 50 SARS-Cov-2 negative controls and 101 hospitalized severe COVID-19 patients: 49 methylprednisolone-treated (MP group) and 52 placebo-treated serum samples. Samples from the treated groups collected on days D1 (pre-treatment) all the groups, D7 (2 days after ending therapy) and D14 were analyzed. Luminex assay quantified the biomarkers HMGB1, FABP3, myoglobin, troponin I and NTproBNP. Immune mediators (CXCL8, CCL2, CXCL9, CXCL10, TNF, IFN-γ, IL-17A, IL-12p70, IL-10, IL-6, IL-4, IL-2, and IL-1β) were quantified using cytometric bead array.ResultsAt pretreatment, the two treatment groups were comparable demographically. At pre-treatment (D1), injury biomarkers (HMGB1, TnI, myoglobin and FABP3) were distinctly elevated. At D7, HMGB1 was significantly higher in the MP group (p=0.0448) compared to the placebo group, while HMGB1 in the placebo group diminished significantly by D14 (p=0.0115). Compared to healthy control samples, several immune mediators (IL-17A, IL-6, IL-10, MIG, MCP-1, and IP-10) were considerably elevated at baseline (all p≤0.05). At D7, MIG and IP-10 of the MP-group were significantly lower than in the placebo-group (p=0.0431, p=0.0069, respectively). Longitudinally, IL-2 (MP-group) and IL-17A (placebo-group) had increased significantly by D14. In placebo group, IL-2 and IL-17A continuously increased, as IL-12p70, IL-10 and IP-10 steadily decreased during follow-up. The MP treated group had IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-12p70 progressively increase while IL-1β and IL-10 gradually decreased towards D14. Moderate to strong positive correlations between chemokines and cytokines were observed on D7 and D14.ConclusionThese findings suggest MP treatment could ameliorate levels of myoglobin and FABP3, but appeared to have no impact on HMGB1, TnI and NTproBNP. In addition, methylprednisolone relieves the COVID-19 induced inflammatory response by diminishing MIG and IP-10 levels. Overall, corticosteroid (methylprednisolone) use in COVID-19 management influences the immunological molecule and injury biomarker profile in COVID-19 patients

    Fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de Câncer de Ovário: revisão integrativa

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    Introdução: O câncer de ovário (CO) é o nono tipo de câncer mais incidente entre as mulheres no mundo e a segunda neoplasia ginecológica mais comum no Brasil. Objetivo: Descrever por meio da revisão de literatura, os fatores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de câncer de ovário em mulheres. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa. A busca bibliográfica ocorreu nas bases: Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Public Medline (PubMed). Descritores foram utilizados para as buscas, usando os operadores AND e OR. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicações de qualquer período, disponíveis na íntegra e gratuitamente, nos idiomas português, inglês ou espanhol. Resultados: Evidenciou-se diversos fatores de riscos associados ao CO. O tabagismo e o consumo excessivo de café foram identificados como fatores de risco significativos. Por outro lado, o consumo moderado de vinho, especialmente o tinto pode ter um efeito protetor contra o câncer. A predisposição genética, como a presença de mutações BRCA1 e BRCA2, história clínica familiar, menopausa e idade avançada, além do sedentarismo, especialmente em ambientes de trabalho, e a obesidade foram preditores do desfecho estudado. Considerações finais: Faz-se importante o direcionamento de estratégias de prevenção, como campanhas educativas sobre os riscos do sedentarismo, importância de uma dieta equilibrada, realização de exames periódicos, entre outros