6 research outputs found

    Nanoceria as Safe Contrast Agents for X-ray CT Imaging

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    CeO2 nanoparticles; NanoceriaNanopartículas de CeO2; NanoceriaNanopartícules de CeO2; NanocèriaCerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2NPs) have exceptional catalytic properties, rendering them highly effective in removing excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) from biological environments, which is crucial in safeguarding these environments against radiation-induced damage. Additionally, the Ce atom’s high Z number makes it an ideal candidate for utilisation as an X-ray imaging contrast agent. We herein show how the injection of albumin-stabilised 5 nm CeO2NPs into mice revealed substantial enhancement in X-ray contrast, reaching up to a tenfold increase at significantly lower concentrations than commercial or other proposed contrast agents. Remarkably, these NPs exhibited prolonged residence time within the target organs. Thus, upon injection into the tail vein, they exhibited efficient uptake by the liver and spleen, with 85% of the injected dose (%ID) recovered after 7 days. In the case of intratumoral administration, 99% ID of CeO2NPs remained within the tumour throughout the 7-day observation period, allowing for observation of disease dynamics. Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) elemental analysis confirmed X-ray CT imaging observations.We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU) (RTI2018-099965-B-I00, AEI/FEDER, UE) proyectos de I+D+i de programación conjunta internacional MCIN/AEI (CONCORD, PCI2019-103436) co-funded by the European Union and Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1431). ICN2 is supported by the Severo Ochoa program from Spanish MINECO (SEV-2017-0706) and is funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya

    In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Conjugated with Amikacin and Combined with Hyperthermia against Drug-Resistant and Biofilm-Producing Strains

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    Antibacterial activity; Biofilms; Silver nanoparticlesActividad antibacteriana; Biopelículas; Nanopartículas de plataActivitat antibacteriana; Biopel·lícules; Nanopartícules de plataIn view of the current increase and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), there is an urgent need to find new strategies to combat it. This study had two aims. First, we synthesized highly monodispersed silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of approximately 17 nm, and we functionalized them with mercaptopoly(ethylene glycol) carboxylic acid (mPEG-COOH) and amikacin (AK). Second, we evaluated the antibacterial activity of this treatment (AgNPs_mPEG_AK) alone and in combination with hyperthermia against planktonic and biofilm-growing strains. AgNPs, AgNPs_mPEG, and AgNPs_mPEG_AK were characterized using a suite of spectroscopy and microscopy methods. Susceptibility to these treatments and AK was determined after 24 h and over time against 12 clinical multidrug-resistant (MDR)/extensively drug-resistant (XDR) isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The efficacy of the treatments alone and in combination with hyperthermia (1, 2, and 3 pulses at 41°C to 42°C for 15 min) was tested against the same planktonic strains using quantitative culture and against one P. aeruginosa strain growing on silicone disks using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The susceptibility studies showed that AgNPs_mPEG_AK was 10-fold more effective than AK alone, and bactericidal efficacy after 4, 8, 24, or 48 h was observed against 100% of the tested strains. The combination of AgNPs_mPEG_AK and hyperthermia eradicated 75% of the planktonic strains and exhibited significant reductions in biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa in comparison with the other treatments tested, except for AgNPs_mPEG_AK without hyperthermia. In conclusion, the combination of AgNPs_mPEG_AK and hyperthermia may be a promising therapy against MDR/XDR and biofilm-producing strains. IMPORTANCE Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest public health challenges, accounting for 1.27 million deaths worldwide in 2019. Biofilms, a complex microbial community, directly contribute to increased AMR. Therefore, new strategies are urgently required to combat infections caused by AMR and biofilm-producing strains. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) exhibit antimicrobial activity and can be functionalized with antibiotics. Although AgNPs are very promising, their effectiveness in complex biological environments still falls below the concentrations at which AgNPs are stable in terms of aggregation. Thus, improving the antibacterial effectiveness of AgNPs by functionalizing them with antibiotics may be a significant change to consolidate AgNPs as an alternative to antibiotics. It has been reported that hyperthermia has a large effect on the growth of planktonic and biofilm-producing strains. Therefore, we propose a new strategy based on AgNPs functionalized with amikacin and combined with hyperthermia (41°C to 42°C) to treat AMR and biofilm-related infections.This study was supported by research grants from the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS 01162); la Marató TV3 (472/U/2018); the CaixaImpulse Program (Fundació LaCaixa); and the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD19/0016)

    Exploiting endocytosis for transfection of mRNA for cytoplasmatic delivery using cationic gold nanoparticles

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    Gene therapy holds promise to cure various diseases at the fundamental level. For that, efficient carriers are needed for successful gene delivery. Synthetic 'non-viral' vectors, as cationic polymers, are quickly gaining popularity as efficient vectors for transmitting genes. However, they suffer from high toxicity associated with the permeation and poration of the cell membrane. This toxic aspect can be eliminated by nanoconjugation. Still, results suggest that optimising the oligonucleotide complexation, ultimately determined by the size and charge of the nanovector, is not the only barrier to efficient gene delivery. We herein develop a comprehensive nanovector catalogue comprising different sizes of Au NPs functionalized with two different cationic molecules and further loaded with mRNA for its delivery inside the cell. Tested nanovectors showed safe and sustained transfection efficiencies over 7 days, where 50 nm Au NPs displayed the highest transfection rates. Remarkably, protein expression was increased when nanovector transfection was performed combined with chloroquine. Cytotoxicity and risk assessment demonstrated that nanovectors are safe, ascribed to lesser cellular damage due to their internalization and delivery via endocytosis. Obtained results may pave the way to design advanced and efficient gene therapies for safely transferring oligonucleotides

    Exploiting endocytosis for transfection of mRNA for cytoplasmatic delivery using cationic gold nanoparticles

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    IntroductionGene therapy holds promise to cure various diseases at the fundamental level. For that, efficient carriers are needed for successful gene delivery. Synthetic ‘non-viral’ vectors, as cationic polymers, are quickly gaining popularity as efficient vectors for transmitting genes. However, they suffer from high toxicity associated with the permeation and poration of the cell membrane. This toxic aspect can be eliminated by nanoconjugation. Still, results suggest that optimising the oligonucleotide complexation, ultimately determined by the size and charge of the nanovector, is not the only barrier to efficient gene delivery.MethodsWe herein develop a comprehensive nanovector catalogue comprising different sizes of Au NPs functionalized with two different cationic molecules and further loaded with mRNA for its delivery inside the cell.Results and DiscussionTested nanovectors showed safe and sustained transfection efficiencies over 7 days, where 50 nm Au NPs displayed the highest transfection rates. Remarkably, protein expression was increased when nanovector transfection was performed combined with chloroquine. Cytotoxicity and risk assessment demonstrated that nanovectors are safe, ascribed to lesser cellular damage due to their internalization and delivery via endocytosis. Obtained results may pave the way to design advanced and efficient gene therapies for safely transferring oligonucleotides

    Epigenetics in Breast Cancer Therapy-New Strategies and Future Nanomedicine Perspectives

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    Despite advances in cancer treatment, difficult-to-treat tumor subtypes remain a challenge. New multidisciplinary approaches can help overcome current obstacles posed by tumor heterogeneity, activation and enrichment of cancer stem cells, and acquired drug resistance development. Epigenome modulation, currently unsuccessful in solid tumors due to epigenetic drug instability, toxicity, and off-target effects, might be enabled by implementing nano-based delivery strategies aiming to improve breast cancer patient outcomes. Epigenetic dysregulation has been recognized as a critical factor contributing to the development of resistance against standard chemotherapy and to breast cancer progression via epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Although the efficacy of the first-generation epigenetic drugs (epi-drugs) in solid tumor management has been disappointing, there is an increasing body of evidence showing that epigenome modulation, in synergy with other therapeutic approaches, could play an important role in cancer treatment, reversing acquired therapy resistance. However, the epigenetic therapy of solid malignancies is not straightforward. The emergence of nanotechnologies applied to medicine has brought new opportunities to advance the targeted delivery of epi-drugs while improving their stability and solubility, and minimizing off-target effects. Furthermore, the omics technologies, as powerful molecular epidemiology screening tools, enable new diagnostic and prognostic epigenetic biomarker identification, allowing for patient stratification and tailored management. In combination with new-generation epi-drugs, nanomedicine can help to overcome low therapeutic efficacy in treatment-resistant tumors. This review provides an overview of ongoing clinical trials focusing on combination therapies employing epi-drugs for breast cancer treatment and summarizes the latest nano-based targeted delivery approaches for epi-drugs. Moreover, it highlights the current limitations and obstacles associated with applying these experimental strategies in the clinic

    Exploring the Long-Term Tissue Accumulation and Excretion of 3 nm Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles after Single Dose Administration

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    Nanoparticle (NP) pharmacokinetics significantly differ from traditional small molecule principles. From this emerges the need to create new tools and concepts to harness their full potential and avoid unnecessary risks. Nanoparticle pharmacokinetics strongly depend on size, shape, surface functionalisation, and aggregation state, influencing their biodistribution, accumulation, transformations, and excretion profile, and hence their efficacy and safety. Today, while NP biodistribution and nanoceria biodistribution have been studied often at short times, their long-term accumulation and excretion have rarely been studied. In this work, 3 nm nanoceria at 5.7 mg/kg of body weight was intravenously administrated in a single dose to healthy mice. Biodistribution was measured in the liver, spleen, kidney, lung, brain, lymph nodes, ovary, bone marrow, urine, and faeces at different time points (1, 9, 30, and 100 days). Biodistribution and urinary and faecal excretion were also studied in rats placed in metabolic cages at shorter times. The similarity of results of different NPs in different models is shown as the heterogeneous nanoceria distribution in organs. After the expectable accumulation in the liver and spleen, the concentration of cerium decays exponentially, accounting for about a 50% excretion of cerium from the body in 100 days. Cerium ions, coming from NP dissolution, are most likely excreted via the urinary tract, and ceria nanoparticles accumulated in the liver are most likely excreted via the hepatobiliary route. In addition, nanoceria looks safe and does not damage the target organs. No weight loss or apathy was observed during the course of the experiments