17 research outputs found

    Endophyte-Host Interactions. II. Defining Symbiosis of the Endophyte-Host Interaction

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    We provide evidence that the symbiosis of fungal endophyte and plant host should only be defined in the broad sense as originally used by De Bary to mean the living together of organisms of different species. Using endophytic fungi that were isolated from healthy plant tissue,- we tested for the potential pathogenicity of the fungal isolates and did physiological experiments to understand the endophyte-host association. Due to the variability of the interaction with respect to the role of the endophyte and with respect to the physiological Status of both partners, only a definition of symbiosis that does not specify the advantages and disadvantages for the individual partners can accurately describe this interaction

    Intraperitoneal aerosolization of bupivacaine is a safe and effective method in controlling postoperative pain in laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

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    Nawar A Alkhamesi1, James M Kane, Jr2, Paul J Guske2, Jonathan W Wallace2, Peter C Rantis, Jr21Department of Biosurgery and Technology, Imperial College London, UK; 2Department of Surgery, Alexian Brothers Hospital Network, Chicago, USAIntroduction: Obesity is a worldwide problem and has grown in severity in the last few decades making bariatric surgery and, in particular, laparoscopic banding and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass efficacious and cost-effective procedures. The laparoscopic approach has been shown to offer significant healthcare benefits, of particular interests are reports of decreased postoperative pain resulting in a shorter hospital stay and an earlier return to normal activity. However, many patients still experience significant pain, including shoulder tip pain, that require strong analgesia including opiates during their early recovery period. The aims of this study were to establish the safe use of the aerosolization technique in bariatric surgery and to investigate the possible benefits in reducing postoperative pain.Methods: In this study, fifty patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric bypass were recruited and divided into two groups; control (n = 25) and therapeutic (n = 25). The control group received intraperitoneal aerosolization of 10 mL of 0.9% normal saline while the therapeutic group received 10 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine. All the patients had standard preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. Pain scores were carried out by the nursing staff in recovery and 6 h, 12 h and 24 h postoperatively using a standard 0–10 pain scoring scale. In addition, opiate consumption via patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) was recorded.Results: Aerosolized bupivacaine reduced postoperative pain in comparison to normal saline (p 0.05). However, PCA usage showed no statistically significant change from the control group.Conclusion: The aims of this study were achieved and we were able to establish the safe use of the aerosolization technique in bariatric surgery and its benefits in reducing postoperative pain.Keywords: laparoscopy, aerosolization, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, bupivacaine, local anesthetic, intraperitoneal therapeutic

    Impact of Common KIBRA Allele on Human Cognitive Functions

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    The rs17070145 polymorphism (C → T substitution, intron 9) of the KIBRA gene has recently been associated with episodic memory and cognitive flexibility. These findings were inconsistent across reports though, and largely lacked gene–gene or gene–environment interactions. The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of the rs17070145 polymorphism on clinically relevant cognitive domains and its interaction with the modifiers ‘lifestyle' and ‘cardiovascular risk factors'. Five-hundred forty-five elderly volunteers (mean age 64 years, ±7 years, 56% women) accomplished a comprehensive cognitive testing. Principal component analysis was used to reveal the internal structure of the data, rendering four composite scores: verbal memory, word fluency, executive function/psychomotor speed, and working memory. Lifestyle was assessed with a detailed questionnaire, age-associated risk factors by clinical interview and examination. There was no main effect of the rs17070145 genotype on any cognitive composite scores. However, we found worse performance in executive functions for T-allele carriers in the presence of arterial hypertension (ÎČ=−0.365, p=0.0077 and 0.031 after Bonferroni correction). This association was further modified by gender, showing the strongest association in hypertensive females (ÎČ=−0.500, p=0.0072 and 0.029 after Bonferroni correction). The effect of KIBRA on cognitive function seems to be complex and modified by gender and arterial hypertension

    Cryptogenic stroke and small fiber neuropathy of unknown etiology in patients with alpha-galactosidase A -10T genotype

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    Background: Fabry disease (FD) is a multisystemic disorder with typical neurological manifestations such as stroke and small fiber neuropathy (SFN), caused by mutations of the alpha-galactosidase A (GLA) gene. We analyzed 15 patients carrying the GLA haplotype -10C>T [rs2071225], IVS2-81_-77delCAGCC [rs5903184], IVS4-16A>G [rs2071397], and IVS6-22C>T [rs2071228] for potential neurological manifestations. Methods and results: Patients were retrospectively analyzed for stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), white matter lesions (WML) and SFN with neuropathic pain. Functional impact of the haplotype was determined by molecular genetic methods including real-time PCR, exon trapping, promoter deletion constructs and electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Symptomatic -10T allele carriers suffered from stroke, TIA, WML, and SFN with neuropathic pain. Patients’ mean GLA mRNA expression level was reduced to ~70% (p < 0.0001) and a dose-dependent effect of the -10T allele on GLA mRNA expression was observed in hemi/homozygous compared to heterozygous patients (p < 0.0001). Molecular analyzes revealed that the -10T allele resulted in a reduced promoter activity and an altered transcription factor binding, while a functional relevance of the co-segregated intronic variants was excluded by exon trapping. Conclusions: Based on this complementary approach of clinical observation and functional testing, we conclude that the GLA -10T allele could be causal for the observed neurological manifestations. Future studies are needed to clarify whether affected patients benefit from GLA enzyme replacement therapy for end-organ damage prevention.<br

    Anatomical Injury Induced by the Eriophyid Mite Aceria anthocoptes on the Leaves of Cirsium arvense

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    Anatomical injury of the leaves of the invasive species, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., caused by the eriophyid mite Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.), which is the only eriophyid mite that has been recorded on C. arvense worldwide, is described. The injury induced by the mite feeding on the leaves of C. arvense results in visible russeting and bronzing of the leaves. Other conspicuous deformations are folding and distortion of the leaf blade and curling of leaf edge, as well as gradual drying of leaves. The anatomical injury of the mature leaves of field-collected plants was limited to the epidermis of the lower leaf surface. However, on young leaves of experimentally infested plants, rust mite injuries extend to epidermal cells on both leaf surfaces and to those of deeper mesophyll layers. On these leaves, lesions on the lower leaf surface even affected the phloem of the vascular bundles. Leaf damage induced by A. anthocoptes is discussed with regard to the mite's potential as a biological control agent of C. arvense