25 research outputs found


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    This text raises the question of creation of the cultural and historical identity of the Macedonian nation covering the famous Macedonian folk tale about Siljan the Stork. Macedonian obstinacy and the infringement of the law and order, which must be restrained by sentencing, is metaphorically indicated with the paradigm of parental anathema and the metamorphosis of the disobedient son in the bird-stork. The characteristics of Macedonian persistence, eternity and agelessness are also accented by the symbolism of the bird migrant, the return of which is connected to the revival of the nature and the cycle of the new birth. Admittedly, the bird figure is of crucial importance for the constitution of the solar disk present on the Macedonian flag, and the whole cyclic system as a symbol of rising and rescuing from evil. Since the time of Paeonian culture, it has been considered as one of the most important cultural symbols of this part of the world and represented the good harbinger of Macedonian versatility and longevity

    Parliamentary Scrutiny: Practice in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Parliamentary control is a specific kind of political control that Parliament exercises over the Government as holder of executive power and is one of the most standard features of parliaments in countries with parliamentary or mixed system. In Macedonia, where the system is basically parliamentary, the Constitution enables the Assembly to exercise control and supervision over the Government. Empirical data show that in 24 years of functioning of multi-party Parliament, mainly the opposition has used relatively often the standard control instruments known in comparative constitutional law, such as parliamentary questions, interpellation and the question of confidence in the government. Through these tools the work of governments was continuously monitored, evaluated and criticized. The procedures for accountability of Ministers or Government have been raised many times, but all have finished without "success." The parliamentary majority and strong party discipline in all mandates, provided stability and support of the Governments for their policies. The opposition had to be "satisfied" with "disturbing" the Government and with the impact on public opinion and the possibility to thus win the trust of citizens to choose their program at the next elections.Keywords: parliamentary questions, interpellation, the question of confidence, dissolution of Parliament, party disciplin

    Rule compliance in public forests: A pilot experiment

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    Illegal logging is a serious issue that not only has dire environmental and social consequences, but also bring forwards the issue of poor governance of common pool resources. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to understanding the causes of illegal logging. I integrated existing findings into one theoretical framework for rule compliance onto which I base my knowledge contribution. Further, by building a system dynamics model on aggregate forest and policymaking dynamics, I ran simulations calibrated on historical data. Model simulations showed general fit-to-behavior with discrepancies for the logging function, pointing to the need to study how logging decisions are made. Because of this I designed a multiplayer online simulation game whose rules include an incentive, monitoring and sanctioning mechanism tied together in a scoring function. The participants in the pilot experiment played the game and then reflected about their experience in an interview. Through cross-referencing participant performance and their expressed rationale, I was able to derive initial insights on reasoning behind compliance with the allowable annual cut. Results showed that participants differed in motivation (competitive or noncompetitive) and strategy (compliant and noncompliant). Overall, participants with a compliant strategy expressed more reasons justifying their behavior compared to noncompliant participants. Illegal gain was most often used as a justification for noncompliant behavior, pointing to the incentive structure as a leverage point. Receiving news that another player has been sanctioned reinforced the participants original strategy, which highlights the role of social norms. These initial insights broaden scholarly understanding of compliance and set the stage for running a full-scale experiment. This thesis also has a methodological contribution as it outlines the process of developing a simulation game based off a system dynamics model for the specific purpose of research. Moreover, it proves the usefulness of pilot experiments for studying decision-making reasoning.Master's Thesis in System DynamicsGEO-SD360JMASV-SYS

    Macedonia and the Bible

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    The text precedes the influence of the Holly Book, the Bible, on the Macedonian culture and literature from the period of its origin to today. Due to the two types of testimony, the historical and the religious, it is an important source of information that has considerable significance for the vague history of Antique Macedonia. In the Medieval period, the Bible and the Christian philosophy have a dominant role in the set up of ideological and contemplative concepts; thus, the complete medieval literature had to be oriented towards contents and stylishly expressed methods taken from the Holly Book. The literature of enlightenment is, above all, educative, moral, and critical; that is to say, serving as mockery to the limited spiritual theological assertions. The Bible is a universal cultural fact with specific philosophy in which, apart from the traditional religious topics, the actual issues of the contemporary world may be involved. Universal thoughts included in it are used as grounds for many modern and postmodern works promoting the imagination of the new types of artists. Today, it is as if the Bible has lost its seriousness and significance as it is mirrored in the suppression of its classical role to intrude the code of consideration and behavior. Even though its function in “the multicultural, multi-meaningful society” is entirely distorted, it is stil fertile for setting up postmodern visions as a result of not only universality of foreseeing it comprises, but also its multilevel meaning: literal, symbolic, occult-esoteric, oracular etc., in favor of postmodern pluralistic ideas


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    This article deals with the semantic study of the motif of the serpent in various myths, folk beliefs, rituals, dreams, as well as literary achievements; in effect, with the goal to promote through practice a variety of different views and ambivalent interpretations. Its presence is seen as early as that of archaic societies, whence it had a significant mythical and religious meaning. What is particularly important in said context is that it is truly experienced in the rituals, through which, according to M. Eliade, it purports to explain some puzzling questions about human existence, among other things, how man was created, how to protect from evil, and how to continue our species. Today, many prominent ethnologists, anthropologists, mythologists, and psychologists endeavor to discover, from different angles, the semantics and meaning of the archetype of the serpent. Their attempts have proven that the serpent occupies one of the leading positions when it comes to the interpretation of the two basic principles of humanity (a spirit of creation and of cognition). Although in terms of everyday life, the serpent is seen as a relic of the past, as a "sacred story" that lost its meaning, or even as a stage that has been overcome in the development of human thought; scientists and culturologists, however, treat this motif with special interest. They attach great importance to it mainly because of its visible presence in literature and other modern forms of spiritual achievement. This certainly speaksto the invaluable importance of this motif in the effort to understand man as a whole.Трудот се занимава со семантичкото проучување на мотивот на змијата, во одделните митолошки преданија, фолклорни верувања, обреди, сонови и во литературни остварувања, промовирајќи низ практиката мноштво различни гледишта и амбивалентни толкувања. Неговото присуство го проследуваме започнувајќи од архаичните општества во кои овој мотив има забележително митско-религиозно значење. Она што е особено важно во тој контекст е тоа што тој одново вистински се доживува преку обредите, преку кои, според М. Елијаде (Elijade,1970:14), се настојува да се објаснат одделни загадочни прашања за човековото постоење, меѓу другото, како настанал човекот, како да се заштитиме од злото и да го продолжиме нашиот вид. Денес, многу видни етнолози, антрополози, митолози, психолози, настојуваат од различни агли да ја откријат семантиката и смислата на архетипот на змијата. Во нивните обиди за толкување се покажало дека змијата зазема едно од доминантните места, кога станува збор за толкувањето на двата основни принципи на човештвото (духот на создавањето и на спознанието). Иако од аспект на секојдневното живеење, на змијата се гледа како на остаток од минатото, како на „света приказна“ што го изгубила своето значење, или како на надмината етапа во развитокот на човековата мисла, научниците и културолозите, сепак, овој мотив го третираат со посебен интерес. Тие му придаваат големо значење, пред сè, поради неговото забележително присуство во литературата и во другите современи форми на духовни остварувања. Тоа, секако, говори за непроценливото значење на овој мотив во напорот да се разбере човекот во својата целост


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    This article is dedicated to problematizing the referentail function of language and written text, i.e. the scepticizm in their reliability in recognizing and describing reality, which is one of the fundamental poetic characteristics of postmodernism. In this article we elaborate on several segments of the philosophical, literary-theoretical and linguistic conceptions and categories (those of Platon, Locke, Wittgenstein, Derrida, Lacan, Lyotard Baudrillard, Compagnon and other thinkers), such as: theories of real cognition; the relationship between information and meaning; the breadth of meaning versus the narrowness of symbols; the arbitrariness of signs; language games; the deregulation of communication; the crisis in the idea of encyclopedism as definite, valid and only knowledge. As an illustration of the theoretical thesis, we use several postmodern texts (the novels "Alphabet for the Unruly", and "The Navel of the World" by Venko Andonovski; the novel "Descriptor" by Ermis Lafazanovski; the novel "Khazar Dictionary" by Miodrag Pavik; and the story collection "The God of Language and other stories" by Sreten Ugricik) which in their openness and imprecision are most adequate in describing the arbitrariness of meaning; the variation of the concept of truth; the inadequacy of the three types of written word in the accurate naming of things; the volatility in meaning of the words which are merely a culturological product and point to the different histories and contexts of their use. The interpretative part of this article implies the principle of comparative analysis of works from the Macedonian and Serbian literature.Овој труд е посветен на проблематизирање на референцијалната функција на јазикот и писмото, поточно сомнежот во неговата веродостојност во однос на осознавањето и опишувањето на стварноста што е една од основните поетички карактеристики на постмодернизмот. Во трудот се зафаќаат повеќе сегменти од филозофските, книжевно-теориските и лингвистичките концепции и категории (на Платон, Лок, Витгенштајн, Дерида, Лакан, Лиотар Бодријар, Компањон и други мислители) како што се: теoриите на реалното сознание, односот на информацијата и смислата; широчината на смислата и значењата на симболите наспроти дефинираноста на знаците; концептот на арбитрарноста на знакот; произволноста на јазикот и зборот; различните јазични игри; дерегулацијата на комуникацијата; кризата на идејата за енциклопедизмот како конечно и единствено сознание. Како илустрација на теориските тези користени се повеќе постмодернистички текстови (романите „Азбука за непослушните“ и „Папокот на светот“ на Венко Андоновски; романот „Опишувач“ на Ермис Лафазановски; романот „Хазарски речник“ на Милорад Павиќ и збирката раскази „Богот на јазикот и други раскази“ на Сретен Угричиќ) кои преку својата отвореност и непрецизност, се најсоодветни за објаснувањето на променливоста на смислата, за варијациите на концептот за вистинитоста, непогодноста на трите типа писмо за точно именување на работите; за непостојаноста на значењата на зборовите кои се само културолошки производ на разликите во трагите, што укажува на различните истории и контексти на нивната употреба. Интерпретативниот дел од трудот го имплицира принципот на споредбена анализа помеѓу дела од македонската и српската книжевност


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    Contemporary identity is shaped in interaction with the others thus achieving selfcognition and self-estimation. Even Ancient Macedonians were aware of this, who within their rule appreciated democratic principles building up their state in the manner of equal presentation of all different peoples. Diversity, in fact, confirms the specificity and particularity of identity. Having behind such context, the Balkans, and in particular, the Macedonians, during the centuries, have always found themselves stretched out between their own democracy, initiated by the actual weakness, and adjustment to Others’ interests. It means that Balkan countries are not only in a position of negotiator between itself and the Others, but also they become schizophrenically split mediator between itself and its neighbours. This Study includes the question whether they themselves permit this or intruded to permanently play the mediatory coordinative role. Through the history there role as a mediator between itself and the Turkish – Oppressor is also confirmed, who they coped with for a very long time. Following this are the threatens by the Dreadful Other seen in the face of Europe, in the time of the two World Wars as well as the terrorist attacks in the last decade, and the Unknown other symbolizing America, Australia, Canada as the biggest Balkan emigration chronotop. The Study, through a number of examples from the Balkan literature and the theoretical discussions periphery-centre and post colonialism, reviews this just Balkans’ role being in a continuous dialogue with the Others and their interests


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    This paper presents one possible reading of Igor Stanojoski's novel "Dyssomnias" interpreted through Bauman's fluid interpersonal relations and the ethical norms of the postmodern age. It is a novel in which the narrator's personal family drama is intertwined with the collective drama of the revolutionary protests on Maidan Square in 2013 in Ukraine, as well as with the conditions in Macedonian society, fake democracy, psychological warfare, and fake news, and the influence of the new forms of propaganda on the psychological state of the individual. The starting point for the interpretation of the novel is the critical views of Malcolm Waters on globalization and the global village where the interests of powerful transnational structures can be easily incorporated and realized through various manipulations The paper also uses the recommendations of the psychologist Claude Steiner for recognizing and exposing the manipulations of the two involved parties in the global conflicts and their transmission through the working style of of individual media personalities, which then also affects their private love life. Through a detailed analysis of the two parts of the novel, which have as their motto statements from the collection of short stories "War Doesn’t Have a Female Face" by the Nobel laureate Svetlana Aleksievich, the paper concludes that in the postmodern globalized society, in order to achieve the goals of the globalizers, people are often subject to manipulations that have a negative impact on ethics and interpersonal relations. Subsequently, we are still far from the end of unification, which shall be preceded by long exhausting military conflicts involving all resources of humanity.Трудот претставува едно можно читање на романот „Диссомнии“ на Игор Станојоски, толкуван преку Баумановите флуидни меѓучовечки релации и етичките норми на новото време. Станува збор за роман во кој личната семејна драма на раскажувачот е испреплетена со колективната драма на револуционерните протести на плоштадот Мајдан во 2013 година во Украина, со состојбите во македонското општество, со лажната демократија, со психолошката војна и лажните вести, со влијанието на новите форми на пропаганда врз психолошката состојба на поединецот.                   Во интерпретацијата на романот се поаѓа од критичките ставови на Малком Вотерс за глобализацијата, за глобалното село, во кое лесно можат да се инкорпорираат интересите на моќните транснационални структури, кои, преку различни манипулации, ги оставаруваат своите интереси. Во трудот се користени и препораките на псиохологот Клад Штајнер за препознавање и за разобличување на манипулациите на двете инволвирани страни во конфликтите на глобално ниво и нивното пренесување во стилот на функционирањето на одделни личности од медиумите, кој потоа влијае и врз нивниот приватен љубовен живот.                   Преку подробна анализа на двете дела од романот на кои како мото стојат искази од збирката раскази „Војната нема женско лице“ на нобеловката Светлана Алексиевич, во трудот се доаѓа до заклучоците дека во постмодерното глобализирано општество заради остварувањето на целта на глобализаторите, луѓето често се подложни на манипулации, кои потоа негативно се одразуваат врз етиката и меѓучовечки релации и дека сè уште сме далеку од крајот на обединувањето на кое му претстојат долги исцрпувачки воени конфликти во кои ќе бидат инволвирани сите човечки ресурси


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    This article is an exploration of the essence of magic realism. The search for its definition is based on the concept of realism. I outline the main differences and similarities between the two literary movements through a detailed comparative analysis. Magical realism is still realism. In other words, both realism and magical realism are artistic tools that study and describe reality, but they differ in their methodology. In particular, my article discusses the differences and similarities in: method of portraying reality, character portrayal, descriptions, narrative, role of the author, style etc. My comparative study brought about the following results: Realists tend to use logic and rationalism to connect to their audience, while magic realist authors use transcendental experiences, intuition and magic; Realists write portrayals by referring to the ambient. Whereas magic realists write portrayals by referring to an instrumental marvelous detail; Realists usually provide detailed descriptions, while magical realists use baroque-like exaggeration; On one hand, realism is characterized by firm, causal and logical narratives. On the other hand, the narrative of magical realists is spread out and harder to follow; The role of the realist author is obvious – to describe the plot in a direct manner. Whereas, magical realist authors tend to bring about plot details indirectly or in unfamiliar ways; The tone of realist writers is calm and their writing is abundant with clear precise statements. Magic realists are not known for a clear writing style. In fact, their writing is reflective and full of ambiguous descriptions and interpretations.Оваа статија се занимава со откривањето на суштината на магичниот реализам преку неговата релација со реализмот. Во неа се потенцирани разликите и сличностите на двете уметнички движења до кои се доаѓа преку детално изведената компаративна анализа. И двете движења се поврзани со категоријата на осознавањето, кои, подоцна, во зависност од методологијата што тие ја користат за да ги остварат целите и барањата, што ги упатуваат кон своите претставници, се развиваат во категории со различни својства. Опфатени се сегментите: метод за осознавање на стварноста, портретирање лик, опис, фабула, ангажираност, стил и др. Компаративната анализа доведе до следните резултати: Реалистите се потпираат врз логичкиот метод и рационализмот, додека магичнореалистичните писатели користат трансцедентни искуства, интуиција и магија; Реалистите портретирањето го изведуваат со помош на амбиентот, додека магичнореалистичните писатели користат портретирање со помош на некој инструментализиран чудесен детаљ; Реалистите користат детализација на описите, додека магичнореалистичните писатели користат техника на изразување која се состои од барокно натрупување на зборови; Kарактеристика на релизмот е цврстата, причинско-последователна и логички развиена фабула, додека во магичниот реализам фабулата честопати е разбиена и тешко се следи; Ангажираноста на писателот-реалист е директна, додека магичнореалистичните писатели отвораат реални проблеми, индиректно или по заобиколен пат; Стилот на реалистот се одликува со спокојниот тон на неговите фрази и со точно изразување што го ослободува од многу стилски украси, додека за магичнореалистичните писатели не е карактеристично јасното изразување, туку сè се одвива во некакво насетување, со двосмислени описи и толкувања на настани