170 research outputs found

    Study of the effect of a drug from the macromycetes Ganoderma lucidum on the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils in patients with year-round allergic rhinitis

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    Modern complex therapy of patients with persistent (year-round, chronic) allergic rhinitis (AR), based on the use of antihistamines and intranasal glucocorticosteroids, in many cases is not effective enough, since drug therapy acts only on individual links in the pathogenesis, without preventing the progression of the allergic disease. At the same time, the quantitative and reserve capabilities of neutrophil granulocytes are depleted, which increases the level of antigenic load in patients with AR. The aim of this study is to investigate the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in patients with AR who received basic therapy and patients who received basic therapy and a course of the drug from the macromycetes Ganoderma lucidum "Astmagan". We examined 40 patients of both sexes with AR, the duration of the disease ranged from 6 months to 2 years. Patients were divided into 2 equal groups: The 1st group consisted of patients who received basic therapy (oral Loratadine and intranasal Nasonex). The 2nd group consisted of patients who received basic therapy and a course of "Astmagan". The treatment course lasted 90 days. The control group consisted of 25 healthy individuals. After the treatment, patients in both groups showed a statistically significant positive dynamics of phagocytic system activity: in group 1, the phagocytic index (FI) increased by 30 % (p=0.001), in the second group this indicator reached the normal level. Also, in patients of group 1, the phagocytic number (PN) increased by 35 % (p=0.0001), but did not reach the normal level. According to the results of comparative evaluation, a greater efficacy of the treatment complex with the additional use of "Astmagan" was established, which is manifested in the restoration of phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils, the effect persists for 6 months after treatment

    Climate change through the eyes of a chemist, energy, technologist

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    In this article, the author made an attempt to present and analyze issues related to global environmental problems, and in particular, the role of carbon dioxide in global warming. Well-known facts and unexpected findings are intended to awaken in the reader a critical attitude towards the prevailing beliefs in these matters. From the point of view of a chemist, the reality of extracting CO2 from air and converting it back into fuel is assessed. Simple energy calculations make it possible to assess the ability of "green" energy to replace carbon and influence the climate warming process. And finally, the key proposals are presented from the point of view of a technologist, since it is technologists who make real and implement the most daring discoveries and projects of scientists and inventors

    Study of the effect of external use of a brown algae product on the structural-functional continuum

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    The authors, in a study on 25 outbred Wistar white rats weighing 180-200 g, determined the effect of Lamidana (a product from sea brown algae) on the structural-functional continuum, that is, the correlation of the functional activity of the liver parenchyma and its structural characteristics. Methods. The detoxifying function of the liver was studied by the duration of sleep of animals due to the action of anesthesia - intraperitoneal administration of sodium thiopental (estimate the rate of metabolism of thiopental, carried out by the cytochrome-P-450-dependent monooxygenase system of hepatocytes). The structural and functional state of the liver parenchyma was assessed according to the study of histological preparations. The results of the studies showed that under the influence of the external application of "Lamidin" in the test rats, the liver1s detoxification function is enhanced (significantly significant decrease in the duration of sleep of animals). At the same time, structural signs of increased functional activity of hepatocytes are determined in the parenchyma. Conclusions. The authors believe that "Lamidan", due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, enhances the metabolic and functional activity of hepatocytes but does not damage the correlative relationships between the structure and function of hepatocytes

    Assessment of the state of synergies between the structural and functional characteristics of the kidneys and liver during external use of a seaweed product Laminaria algae

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    The authors conducted studies to study the relationship between the functional activity of the kidneys, the detoxification activity of the liver and the structural features of the parenchymatous tissue of these organs under normal conditions and with external use of the laminar algae product “Lamidan”. The work was performed on 164 white outbred Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g. The work was carried out in accordance with current standards for working with laboratory animals. The results of many years of research have shown that normally the indicators of detoxification activity of the liver and functional activity of the kidneys practically do not change, and they correspond to the structural organization of the parenchymatous tissue of these organs, corresponding to the descriptions given in well-known manuals on the activities of these organs. The use of "Lamidan" activates the detoxification function of the liver by 28 % and the functional activity of the kidneys by 28.5 %, i.e. changes are unidirectional and proportionate. In the parenchyma of both organs, changes in the structural organization are recorded, characteristic of an increase in functional activity. Thus, there is a strictly interrelated set of stereotypical changes in the indices of the two organs under study, reflecting between the organs interrelations of functional systems

    The Use of Digital Technologies in The Development of Marketing Strategies for Agricultural Enterprises

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    Актуальність дослідження використання цифрових технологій при розробці маркетингових стратегій сільськогосподарських підприємств полягає у зростаючому значенні цифрової трансформації в аграрному секторі. Метою статті є вивчення та аналіз використання цифрових технологій при розробці маркетингових стратегій сільськогосподарських підприємств. Гіпотеза дослідження: використання цифрових технологій при розробці маркетингових стратегій сільськогосподарських підприємств сприяє підвищенню ефективності маркетингових дій, покращенню комунікації зі споживачами та збільшенню конкурентоспроможності галузі.Ця стаття розглядає сучасні цифрові технології, які можуть бути застосовані при розробці маркетингових стратегій сільськогосподарських підприємств. Автор наводить приклади використання платформ соціальних медіа для залучення споживачів, показу продукції, взаємодії з клієнтами та побудови бренду. Також описується використання цифрових каналів, таких як електронна пошта, контент-маркетинг, реклама на сайтах та пошуковий маркетинг, для привернення нових клієнтів та покращення продажів. Аналітика даних та IoT-технології розглядаються як засоби для збору та аналізу інформації про ринок та споживачів, що допомагає підприємствам удосконалювати свої маркетингові стратегії. Крім того, автор виділяє використання віртуальної та доповненої реальності для презентації продукції та процесів виробництва з метою привернення уваги та створення позитивного іміджу бренду.У статті детально розглядаються переваги цифрових технологій у сільському господарстві, такі як залучення більшої аудиторії, збільшення свідомості про бренд, підвищення ефективності реклами, аналіз даних для удосконалення стратегій, взаємодія зі споживачами. Однак, автор також звертає увагу на деякі недоліки, такі як залежність від технологій, конкуренція та перенасиченість, проблеми з довірою, вимоги до кадрів, витрати.  Використання цифрових технологій при розробці маркетингових стратегій сільськогосподарських підприємств є важливим напрямом. Вони допомагають сільськогосподарським підприємствам залучати більше клієнтів, поліпшувати аналітику та управління даними. Однак, необхідно враховувати виклики, пов'язані з доступністю інфраструктури, довірою споживачів та необхідністю кваліфікованого персоналу. Подолання цих викликів може сприяти успішному впровадженню цифрових маркетингових стратегій у сільському господарстві.The relevance of studying the use of digital technologies in developing marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises lies in the growing importance of digital transformation in the farming sector. The article aims to study and analyse the use of digital technologies in developing marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises. The research hypothesis is that using digital technologies in developing marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises contributes to increasing the efficiency of marketing activities, improving communication with consumers and increasing the industry's competitiveness.This article examines modern digital technologies that can be used to develop marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises. The author provides examples of how social media platforms can attract consumers, showcase products, interact with customers and build a brand. It also describes using digital channels, such as email, content marketing, website advertising and search engine marketing, to attract new customers and improve sales. Data analytics and IoT technologies are considered tools for collecting and analysing market and customer information, which helps businesses improve their marketing strategies. In addition, the author highlights the use of virtual and augmented reality to present products and production processes to attract attention and create a positive brand image.The article discusses in detail the advantages of digital technologies in agriculture, such as attracting a larger audience, increasing brand awareness, improving the effectiveness of advertising, analysing data to improve strategies, and interacting with consumers. However, the author highlights disadvantages, such as technological dependence, competition and oversaturation, trust issues, human resource requirements, and costs. The use of digital technologies in developing marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises is an important area. They help agricultural enterprises attract more customers and improve analytics and data management. However, challenges related to infrastructure availability, consumer confidence, and the need for skilled staff must be considered. Overcoming these challenges can contribute to successfully implementing digital marketing strategies in agriculture

    Influence of millimeter electromagnetic waves on the functional capabilities of the lower limb muscles in athletes - volleyball players

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    The authors, when observing 22 athletes - volleyball players of different volleyball specialization, assessed the effect of millimeter electromagnetic waves (EMW) on the functional state of the muscular system of the lower extremities. The electromagnetic effect was carried out using the "Complex SP 80" apparatus (frequencies 3900 - 4120 kHz were used). Electrodes were applied to the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, sinusoidal discharges were applied for 10 seconds during the strength training period. The results of observations showed that under the influence of EME, the height of the jump increases by 7%, due to the increase in the energy of the jump and its intensity. The release of the activity of the knee joint is also noted. The authors believe that under the influence of EME, the transmission of regulatory impulses in neuromuscular contact improves, which contributes to the synchronization and strength of contractions of the muscle fiber bundles. Also, under the influence of EMW, blood microcirculation in the muscle improves

    Features of the reaction of the kidney function of healthy rats to the intake of boric hydrocarbonate sodium mineral waters of varying quantitative macro- and micro-composition

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    The purpose of the work is a comparative assessment of the effect of boron hydrocarbonate sodium mineral waters with a varying quantitative and qualitative composition of macroelements and with different amounts of a bioactive element on the state of the urinary system of rats. Materials and methods. The work was performed on 81 white rats of the Wistar line of auto bred breeding, weighing 180-200 g. The rats were divided into four groups: group 1 - 21 intact rats served as controls; group 2 - 20 rats treated intragastrically with a soft probe MW "Polyana Ploskivskaya" at a dose of 1% of body weight daily, a course of 7 days; group 3 - 20 rats treated with MW "Polyana Kupel" according to the above method; group 4 - 20 rats treated with MW "Svalyava" according to the above process. Before removing the animals from the experiment, daily urine was collected from them; blood was also taken from the tail vein for biochemical studies. At autopsy, pieces of kidneys were taken for histological and histoenzymological studies (the activity of succinate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase was determined). Results. The histological studies showed no pathological changes in the kidneys were observed with the use of the studied boron MW. Still, there were structural changes, as well as an increase in the activity of redox enzymes. Changes in kidney function were unidirectional with using any of the investigated MW. Still, they had quantitative differences, which are less related to the amount of boron (in the form of orthoboric acid) in 1 liter of MW and more dependent on the osmolarity of the MW, the qualitative composition of macronutrients, and their ratio. Conclusion. We believe that osmolarity, as an integrated indicator of the state of the macronutrient component of MW, can be used to assess its effect on the structural and functional characteristics of the kidneys

    Development of methods of identification and quantitative determination of active substances in semi-solid dosage forms with sapropel extracts

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    For use in veterinary medicine for the treatment of the wound process and the prevention of mastitis, the composition and technology of an emulsion-based cream, conventionally called “Saprocream”, has been developed. Clinical trial of the drug “Saprocream” proved its effectiveness and safety for use in the healing of microtraumas, erosions and cracks (wounds) of the udders of cows. The aim of the research were was the standardization of the cream under the conventional name “Saprocream” for use in veterinary medicine as a wound healing agent, the development of methods of identification and quantification and their validation. Materials and methods. Test samples of emulsion cream type o / v, containing 15 % aqueous extract of sapropel (VES), 10 % oil extract of sapropel (OES), 6 % emulsifier No. 1, 1 % cetylstearyl alcohol, preservatives – 0.01 % nisin, 0.1 % euxil K 100 and purified water up to 100 g were made by phase inversion. The methods of pharmacopoeial articles of the European Pharmacopoeia of the 10th edition, SPhU 1.0, as well as industry standards were used to develop methods for identification and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in the developed cream and its standardization. Results. The chromatographic profile of the acetone extract from the cream coincides with the chromatographic profile of the reference solution ((PRS) β-carotene), which indicates the presence of substances of carotenoid structure. The absorption spectrum of hexane extraction from the cream in the range from 500 nm to 750 nm has a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 670±2 nm, which coincides with the maximum absorption of hexane solution OES, indicating the presence of chlorophyll. A method for quantifying the total mass fraction of humic acids (HA) has been developed and it has been established that the total mass fraction of HA in cream samples with sapropel extracts is 0.828 %. The results of the validation of the method show that there is a linear relationship between the concentration of the total mass fraction of HA and the mass of the AES sample with a correlation coefficient of 0.9981 (³ 0.9981). The developed technique is precise, because the value of the relative confidence interval is less than the critical value for the convergence of the results: D %=1.34≤1.60 and the criterion of insignificance of systematic error d=0.51 is fulfilled. Conclusions. An emulsion-based cream under the conventional name “Saprocream” has been standardized, methods for identification and quantification of active substances have been developed and validation of the developed methods for use in veterinary medicine as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent has been carried out


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