43 research outputs found

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Detection and Control

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    Due to current technological progress, the manufacturing of tiny and low price sensors became technically and economically feasible. Sensors can measure physical surroundings related to the environment and convert them into an electric signal. A huge quantity of these disposable sensors is networked to detect and monitor fire. This paper provides an analysis of utilisation of wireless sensor networks for fire detection and control

    The Impact of Television Advertising on Young Customers – The Case of Jalandhar City

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    An average Indian youngster has seen approximately seen 3,50,000 commercials till the age of 18 and has spent 2500 to 3000 hours in doing so which incidentally is more than the time spent on his/her educational career. This input is enough to effectively change the behavior of any youngster. The paper focuses on measuring this impact of television advertising on youngsters. The youngsters represent a sizeable segment of the Indian society, with 70% population being lesser than 40 years of age

    Functional outcomes of reverse distal femoral locking plate in the extra capsular fractures of proximal femur

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    Background: The optimal management of unstable proximal femoral fractures is controversial. In this prospective study, the functional outcomes of reverse distal femoral locking plate for the treatment of comminuted unstable proximal femoral fractures were assessed. Objectives were to study the functional outcomes of reverse locking plate in extra-capsular fractures of the proximal femur, with respect to quality of reduction, time to bony union, mobility achieved, complications of the procedure, secondary procedures performed (if any) and delayed complications like implant breakage, delayed union, non-union.Methods: 17 patients with unstable proximal femoral fractures were assessed and managed with reverse distal femur plates, and evaluated with X-ray, physical examination, Palmer and Parker mobility score.Results: Union was achieved in all the patients, with average time to union 6.43±1.18 months (range 3-12 months). There was one loosening of implant and wound breakdown, which was managed conservatively. One case of loosening of proximal screws was there, but the fracture united in 9 months with some varus angulation. Superficial infection occurred in one patient, which healed after debridement and IV antibiotics.Conclusions: Taking into consideration the simple surgical technique, good healing rate and minimum complications, it is strongly recommended to use reverse locked distal femoral plates for the management of proximal femoral fractures and further in lean patients, sum-muscular MIPPO should be attempted

    Comparison of computer simulation and graphical illustration for teaching experimental pharmacology to undergraduate students

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    Background: Nowadays, medical schools all over the world are incorporating newer methods of teaching experimental pharmacology like computer simulation, besides using graphs, charts, didactic lectures. The present study compared the effectiveness and acceptance of two commonly used methods, namely, computer simulation and graphical illustration in teaching experimental pharmacology to undergraduate medical students.Methods: 90 students of 2nd Prof MBBS were divided into 2 groups and were given either computer simulation or graphical illustration via a cross-over design at two settings, which was followed by a post-test for that particular session. Feedback was taken from the students and the faculty. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics.Results: The average marks scored by the students in sessions using CAL (67.8%) was significantly high (p=0.008) as compared to teaching by graphical illustrations (60.4%). 71% of students found CAL improved their learning skills better than graphical illustrations. 85% students and 80% faculty agreed that there should be a judicious mixture of CAL and graphical illustrations for a better understanding of drugs.Conclusions: CAL is a beneficial and effective learning tool in teaching experimental pharmacology. For better understanding, graphical illustrations should be used as an adjuvant to CAL

    Evaluation of different paddy straw management technologies for their economic viability in rice-wheat system

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    The study examines the economics of different paddy straw management methods in rice-wheat systems in Gurdaspur, Punjab during the Rabi seasons (2019-20 and 2020-21). The experiment was carried out with 2 wheat varieties, HD 3086 (V1) and PBW 550 (V2), using varied treatment combinations of crop residue management approaches, tillage and seed drilling methods. Based on the pooled data, the PAU (Punjab Agricultural University) cutter cum spreader + incorporation with Mould Board plough + Use of Seed drill (M4) treatment produced the highest plant height (95.87 cm). Treatment PAU cutter cum spreader + PAU happy seeder with press wheel (M2) (437.71) had the highest density of tillers per square meter, significantly outperforming other treatments. A significant interaction was observed between paddy residue management methods and varieties in terms of the number of tillers. Maximum spike length (12.81 cm) was obtained with Stubble Shaver + Burning + Zero Tillage Drill (M1), whereas maximum number of spikelets per spike (18.33) was noted in method (M2). The treatment method (M2) turned out to be the most efficient in terms of yield (44.02 q/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.72)

    A Study on Purchase Behavior of Rural Consumers of Jalandhar

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    In the past years, due to the lack of facilities available in the rural areas, the rural consumer headed towards nearby city to buy branded products and services. But today, the marketers have realized the potential in the rural market, which has become critical for them, be it for a branded shampoo or an automobile. Earlier, van campaigns, cinema commercials and a few wall paintings sufficed the purpose of the marketers to entice rural folks under their folds. But today, television has made the customer in a rural area quite literate about countless products that are on offer in the market place. The present study focuses on identifying the role of various advertisements in purchase of the product by rural consumer

    Effect of fungicidal contamination on survival, morphology, and cellular immunity of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    Pesticide residues have been reported in hive-stored products for long periods. Larvae of honey bees experience oral or contact exposure to these products during their normal growth and development inside the cells. We analyzed various toxicological, morphogenic, and immunological effects of residue-based concentrations of two fungicides, captan and difenoconazole, on the larvae of worker honey bees, Apis mellifera. Selected concentrations (0.08, 0.4, 2, 10, and 50 ppm) of both fungicides were applied topically at a volume of 1 µL/larva/cell as single and multiple exposures. Our results revealed a continuous, concentration-dependent decrease in brood survival after 24 h of treatment to the capping and emergence stages. Compared to larvae with a single exposure, the multiply exposed youngest larvae were most sensitive to fungicidal toxicity. The larvae that survived higher concentrations, especially multiple exposures, showed several morphological defects at the adult stage. Moreover, difenoconazole-treated larvae showed a significantly decreased number of granulocytes after 1 h of treatment followed by an increase after 24 h of treatment. Thus, fungicidal contamination poses a great risk as the tested concentrations showed adverse effects on the survival, morphology, and immunity of larval honey bees

    Impact of seasonal variations on morphology and physiology of Apis mellifera Linnaeus

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of seasonal changes on the morphological (corbicula, proboscis, forewing, and hindwing) and physiological (hypopharyngeal glands and differential haemocyte count) characters of Apis mellifera L. workers during autumn, winter, spring, and summer seasons in year 2021 and 2022. The study found that the maximum values for morphological parameters i.e., proboscis length, corbicula length, length and width of forewing and hindwing, and physiological parameters i.e., hypopharyngeal gland acini size (length, width and surface area) and counts of plasmatocytes and granulocytes were consistently obtained during spring season. Notably, the most substantial reduction in immune cell count occurred during winter. Furthermore, a constant pattern observed across all seasons, indicating a significant increase in the size of all morphological characteristics as bees transitioned from nurses to foragers. In contrast, nurse bees always have larger hypopharyngeal gland acini sizes compared to foragers in all seasons. The differential haemocyte counts indicated a prevalence of plasmatocytes in the adult bee haemolymph. However, as bees shifted from nursing to foraging, the percentage of plasmatocytes and granulocytes decreased, accompanied by an increase in pycnotic cells, which signify programmed cell death. Consequently, the spring season emerged as the most favorable period for the growth and development of worker honey bees. This season consistently showcased optimal morphological and physiological characteristics, underscoring its importance in the life cycle of Apis mellifera colonies

    Shrinkflaation vaikutus kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymiseen sekä brändiuskollisuuteen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka paljon shrinkflaatio, eli pakkauskokojen pienentyminen vaikuttaa kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymiseen sekä brändiuskollisuuteen herkkutuotteiden osalta. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka tietoisia kuluttajat ovat ilmiöstä, ja miten se on vaikuttanut ostohalukkuuteen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, jatkavatko kuluttajat käyttämänsä brändin ostamista, vai vaihtavatko kuluttajat toisen brändin tuotteisiin, kun havaitaan shrinkflaatiota. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös, miten nämä muutokset eroavat eri ikä- ja tuloryhmien välillä. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan 25–55-vuotiaita suomalaisia kuluttajia, jotka ostavat suolaisia ja makeita herkkutuotteita. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivista menetelmää hyödyntäen, jossa aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin harkinnanvaraista näytettä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin ilman toimeksiantajaa. Kysely oli auki aikavälillä 20.8. – 30.9.2023, ja siihen vastasi 313 kohderyhmään kuuluvaa. Kyselyä jaettiin Facebook ryhmissä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kevään ja syksyn 2023 aikana, ja työ valmistui marraskuussa 2023. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys koostui kolmesta pääluvusta. Ensimmäisessä luvussa käsiteltiin inflaatiota ja shrinkflaatiota. Toisessa pääluvussa keskityttiin ostokäyttäytymiseen ja hinnoitteluun, ja viimeisessä luvussa käsiteltiin brändiä ja brändiuskollisuutta. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osiossa esiteltiin käytetty tutkimusmenetelmä, kerrottiin prosessista sekä esiteltiin tutkimuksen tuloksia. Viimeisessä pääluvussa analysoitiin tuloksia sekä tehtiin johtopäätökset. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin tutkimuksen luotettavuutta ja eettisyyttä. Lisäksi esitettiin jatkotutkimusehdotuksia ja opinnäytetyön tekijän oppimisen arviointia. Tutkimuksen avulla saatiin vastaukset tutkimuksen pää- ja alaongelmiin. Suurin osa kuluttajista on havainnut shrinkflaatiota herkkutuotteissa, joka seurasi myös aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia. Eniten pakkauskokojen pienentymistä on havaittu sipsipusseissa, suklaassa sekä karkeissa. Vastaajien mukaan shrinkflaatio on vaikuttanut ostohalukkuuteen merkittävästi. Kaikkein eniten vaikutusta ostohalukkuuteen on 20–40 tuhatta ansaitsevien joukossa, ja kaikista vähiten yli 70 tuhatta ansaitsevilla. Enemmistö vastaajista pysyisi brändiuskollisena, vaikka havaitsisivat shrinkflaatiota. 46–55-vuotiaat, sekä yli 70 tuhatta ansaitsevat jatkaisivat herkkutuotteiden ostoa muita kuluttajia useammin. Huomattava määrä vastaajista etsisi kuitenkin ensin tarjouksia ennen ostopäätöstä. Jos brändi päättää korottaa hintojaan samalla, kun pienentää herkkutuotteen pakkauskokoa, tulisi korotuksen olla 0,10–0,50 euroa