Journal of Research in Marketing (JORM - Techmind Research, Canada)
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    78 research outputs found

    Service Print Advertisements: Analyzing the Impact of Emotions and Attitudes on Consumption Intentions

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    A model is proposed whereby the influence of emotional appeals and attitude toward the ad on service consumption intentions are examined.  Regression analysis revealed both emotion and attitudes significantly influence consumers’ future behaviors for all ten service types studied with exception of emotions for delivery services.  The research findings further indicate that while both influence consumption, attitude toward the ad had a stronger influence than emotions across all ads tested. It can be inferred that happiness had the strongest influence on emotion followed by good, and then usefulness and high quality were the strongest attitudinal indicators impacting intentions.  Conclusions will discuss the importance and applicability of emotions and attitudes for advertising planning and managerial implications

    Consumer Preference on Paid Game Microtransaction

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    Online gaming has become prevalent with the rise of the internet availability, where the gaming industry is experiencing a shift in business model in the last decade. The new model of microtransaction is to make players pay for extra content and advantages to compete against other players. In this paper, we aim at finding out what the consumer preference on microtransaction in paid game. Mode, Price, Genre, Microtransaction, and Payment Method are the preferences used as benchmark for this research that influences decision making for players. To better understand the characters of the players, cluster analysis is used to group players who have similar preferences with their respective preferences

    Perceived Value, Personality and Behavioural Intention of Electronic Brand Customers In Nairobi County, Kenya

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    Electronic retail firms experience high customer turnover, frequent customer switching and complaint behavior which can be attributed to their focus on immediate brand sales with minimal focus on customers’ individual personalities and value perception. The study examined the moderating effect of personality on the relationship between perceived value and behavioural intention of electronic brand customers.  The specific objectives of the study were to establish the: effect of customer, logistic and relationship values on behavioral intention and the effect of customer personality on the relationship between customers perceive logistic and relationship value and behavioral intention of electronic brand customers. The study was guided by: theory of reasoned action, personality theory and customer value models. The study adopted explanatory research design while the target population was 32,567 customers from which a sample of 400 respondents was obtained using multi-stage sampling procedure.  Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using hierarchical regression. The results revealed that customer perceived relationship value (β =.246; p<.000) has significant influence on behavioural intention of electronic brand customers, while perceived logistic value (β =.049; p>000) does not. The findings also confirmed that customer personality has significant negative (β =-.053; p<.000) and positive (β =.046; p<.000) effect on the relationship between logistic and relationship values and behavioural intention of electronic brand customers. Therefore, relationship value significantly influence the behavioural intention of electronic brand customer, while perceived logistic value does not. In addition, personality partially moderates the relationship between perceived brand, logistic and relationship values and behavioural

    Assessing Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Competitiveness of an Electronic Company in Bangladesh

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    This study measures brand equity and brand competitiveness of the Minister brand in Bangladesh. The present study investigates significant difference or conformance on five dimensions of brand equity, namely perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, brand affection, and brand loyalty based on customers’ demographic information such as gender, age, marital status and income. It also identifies significant difference or conformance on brand competitiveness based on demographics. In this study, 500 self-administered survey questionnaires were distributed to customers of Minister in Bangladesh of which 348 useful responses were returned for 69.6% valid response rate. The research data were analysed based on reliability analysis, independent samples t-tests and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS-23 version software. The research findings indicate that married customers have a better perception of brand loyalty of electronic products compared to single customers. The findings also indicate that customers aged between 21-30 years are more passionate (brand affection) about electronic goods compared to other age groups. The findings are expected to provide guidelines for enhancing the level of brand equity and competitiveness in Bangladesh’s electronic industries as well as other countries

    Determination of Digital Marketing Strategies As Effective Communication Techniques For GoOntravel Brand Awareness

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    The rapid development of ITC (Information Communication Technologies), digital marketing is very relevant to be applied in communicating its products effectively to the target communities. GoOntravel is an integrated tourism retail market that empowers people as the main actors in providing tourism services that will meet all the needs of customers or tourists. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection is done by observation, documentation, and interviews. The results show digital marketing strategies that GoOntravel can do to increase brand awareness

    The Determinant Factors of the Intention to spend more time binge-watching for Netflix Subscriber in Jakarta

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    In the advancement of technology and entertainment industry, Video-on-Demand (VOD) allows viewers to watch anything, anytime, anywhere. These platforms stimulate the intention to Binge-Watch. By analyzing the pattern of binge-watching and the effect it brings to Netflix, this study aims to figure out if it has an effect on consumer loyalty. The purpose of the study is to explore the pre-binge intentions and outcomes that influence Jakarta millennials to spend more time binge-watching especially for Netflix subscriber. This study used a quantitative research method with online questionnaire. There are 3 criteria the respondents have to meet: 1) Millennials, 2) Live in Jakarta, 3) Active Netflix subscribers. The research method is convenience sampling by using online form, with 32 Questions and five-point Likert scale. For the data analysis, SPSS was used to test the reliability and validity of the data.  The key findings are: (a) Majority of millennials that live in Jakarta are active Millennials subscribers, (b) The three factors that motivate millennials to binge-watch are; Escape, Social engagement, and Attractive price. The findings are quite different from the original study because Indonesian people tend to be more price sensitive. The limitations of current study suggestions for future researches are listed.

    Empirical conceptualization of Customer loyalty on relationship marketing and sustained competitive advantage

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    The relational approach to marketing sets customer loyalty as a strategic tool given that many firms have come to realize the economic importance of a loyal customer base.  Most often than not financial institutions tend to depend on tangible resources to gain competitive advantage while placing less emphasis on intangible resources such as customer loyalty. Thus, the main motivation for conducting this research is to ascertain the mediating effect of customer loyalty on relationship marketing strategies and sustained competitive advantage. A questionnaire was extracted from relevant existing literature. It was administered on 300 bank relationship officers in Ghana with the underlying reason that they have what it takes to establish linkages among the various constructs. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to assess the impact of customer loyalty on relationship marketing strategies and sustained competitive advantage. The study revealed that, there is a positive relationship between research marketing strategies and sustained competitive advantage (  = .198, p< 0.131). But this impact is not significant as the significant level is 0.131, which is way above the standard significant value of 0.05. Thus, holding all other variables constant, relationship market strategies will have an impact of 19.8% on sustained competitive advantage though the impact is not significant (i.e. 0.131). The situation seems different when customer loyalty was introduced as a mediating factor. Findings show that, holding all other variables constant, customer loyalty accounts for 40.9 % change in sustained competitive advantage. In quintessence, this result proves that a unit change in customer level will induce 40.9% change in the sustenance of the banks’ competitive advantage. In other words when customer loyalty is increased by 1%, suggests that sustained competitive advantage will be increased by 40.9%. The significance level of this outcome in reference to the study results was 0.000, which is less than the typical value of 0.01 indicating that the variance between the two variables in question was perfectly significant. The study recommends to banks wishing to attain sustained competitive advantage to first focus their relationship marketing strategies on achieving customer loyalty by effectively communicating customers’ needs, exhibit high degree of professionalism in the discharge of their banking duties and be prompt in handling customers grievances

    The Determinant Factors of the Intention to Participate in Crowdfunding Activities in Jakarta Area

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    The purpose of this study is to determine factors of the intention to participate in crowdfunding activities in Jakarta area. The population in this study are general consumers in Jakarta. The sample in this study are 239 respondents with the characteristics of those who had participated/not in crowdfunding activities, residing or domiciled in Jakarta. Purposive sampling technique is applied for this study, conducted by online survey in January 2019. A hypothesized model is used to analyse the relationship between the variables and tested by using SEM-PLS. The results of the study shows four hypotheses are supported and two hypotheses are rejected. The results of this study show that attitude toward helping others brings significant effect on social identification with the crowdfunding community. Furthermore, motivation, role of crowdfunding platform and social identification have significant effect on the intention to participate with the crowdfunding. However, interpersonal connectivity has no significant effect on social identification with the crowdfunding community and innovativeness has no significant effect on the intention to participate with the crowdfundin

    How E-Security and E-Trust impact on E-Service quality in Online Shopping : A case of eBay United Kingdom

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    This research sought to explore the extent e-security and e-trust impact service quality on online buying among customers using a case of eBay e-retailing platform. This was necessitated by the worrying increase in online fraud coupled with personal data getting into wrong hands. Such developments have created anxiety among online shoppers negating the gains that could be made in adopting online facilities as marketing tool. The research was based on interpretive stance of the philosophical knowledge of inquiry adopting subjective approaches to gather data through group discussion and in-depth interview where a total sample of four(4) for the in-depth interview and six(6) for the focus group discussions. The frame was people between the age group of 20-35 living within Cardiff and have made purchases from eBay within a two month period. . This research found insights which were far reaching, confirming that of e-service quality is dependent on e-security and e-trust, without which satisfaction will be void. The research also identified other e-service quality pre-requisite variables including; item origination, delivery of item, reviews on product and seller, return policy, item description, types of e-security and e-trust

    Organizational Performance Measurement Based on Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Flexibility in the Food Industry

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    Competitive intelligence requires the appropriate conditions to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and improve organizational performance. Strategic flexibility is one of the effective factors. Since organizational performance can be a factor in recognizing the ascension or decline of organizations in the competition, organizations need to new strategies to have a good performance alongside challenges with the optimal use of opportunities. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of competitive intelligence on organizational performance with the attention to the role of strategic flexibility mediator


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