82 research outputs found

    Advanced study of coastal zone oceanographic requirements for ERTS E and F

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    Earth Resources Technology Satellites E and F orbits and remote sensor instruments for coastal oceanographic data collectio

    Airborne in-situ measurements of vertical, seasonal and latitudinal distributions of carbon dioxide over Europe

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    International audienceAirborne in-situ observations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were made during 7 intensive measurement campaigns between November 2001 and April 2003 as part of the SPURT project. Vertical profiles and latitudinal gradients in the upper troposphere/lowermost stratosphere were measured along the western shore of Europe from the subtropics to high northern latitudes during different seasons. In the boundary layer, CO2 exhibits a strong seasonal cycle with the maximum mixing ratios in winter and minimum values in summer, reflecting the strength of CO2 uptake by vegetation. Seasonal variations are strongest in high latitudes and propagate to the free troposphere and lowermost stratosphere, although with reduced amplitude, resulting in increasing CO2 mixing ratios with altitude during the summer. In the lowermost stratosphere, the CO2 seasonal cycle is phase-shifted relative to the free troposphere by approximately 3 months, with highest mixing ratios during the summer

    Ozone production and trace gas correlations during the June 2000 MINATROC intensive measurement campaign at Mt. Cimone

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    An intensive measurement campaign was performed in June 2000 at the Mt. Cimone station (44°11' N-10°42' E, 2165 m asl, the highest mountain in the northern Italian Apennines) to study photochemical ozone production in the lower free troposphere. In general, average mixing ratios of important trace gases were not very high (121 ± 20 ppbv CO, 0.284 ± 0.220 ppbv NOx, 1.15 ± 0.8 ppbv NOy, 58 ± 9 ppbv O<sub>3</sub>), which indicates a small contribution by local pollution. Those trace gas levels are representative of continental background air, which is further supported by the analysis of VOCs (e.g.: C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>6</sub> = (905 ± 200) pptv, C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8</sub> = (268 ±110) pptv, C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub> = (201 ± 102) pptv, C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>8</sub> = (111 ± 124) pptv, benzene = (65 ± 33) pptv). Furthermore, significant diurnal variations for a number of trace gases (O<sub>3</sub>, CO, NOx, NOy, HCHO) indicate the presence of free tropospheric airmasses at nighttime as a consequence of local catabatic winds. Average mid-day peroxy radical concentrations at Mt. Cimone are of the order of 30 pptv. At mean NO concentrations of the order of 40 pptv this gives rise to significant in situ net O<sub>3</sub> production of 0.1-0.3 ppbv/hr. The importance of O<sub>3 </sub>production is supported by correlations between O<sub>3</sub>, CO, NOz, and HCHO, and between HCHO, CO and NOy

    Chemistry, transport and dry deposition of trace gases in the boundary layer over the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Guyanas during the GABRIEL field campaign

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    We present a comparison of different Lagrangian and chemical box model calculations with measurement data obtained during the GABRIEL campaign over the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Amazon rainforest in the Guyanas, October 2005. Lagrangian modelling of boundary layer (BL) air constrained by measurements is used to derive a horizontal gradient (&amp;asymp;5.6 pmol/mol km&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;) of CO from the ocean to the rainforest (east to west). This is significantly smaller than that derived from the measurements (16&amp;ndash;48 pmol/mol km&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;), indicating that photochemical production from organic precursors alone cannot explain the observed strong gradient. It appears that HCHO is overestimated by the Lagrangian and chemical box models, which include dry deposition but not exchange with the free troposphere (FT). The relatively short lifetime of HCHO implies substantial BL-FT exchange. The mixing-in of FT air affected by African and South American biomass burning at an estimated rate of 0.12 h&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt; increases the CO and decreases the HCHO mixing ratios, improving agreement with measurements. A mean deposition velocity of 1.35 cm/s for H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; over the ocean as well as over the rainforest is deduced assuming BL-FT exchange adequate to the results for CO. The measured increase of the organic peroxides from the ocean to the rainforest (&amp;asymp;0.66 nmol/mol d&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;1&lt;/sup&gt;) is significantly overestimated by the Lagrangian model, even when using high values for the deposition velocity and the entrainment rate. Our results point at either heterogeneous loss of organic peroxides and/or their radical precursors, underestimated photodissociation or missing reaction paths of peroxy radicals not forming peroxides in isoprene chemistry. We calculate a mean integrated daytime net ozone production (NOP) in the BL of (0.2&amp;plusmn;5.9) nmol/mol (ocean) and (2.4&amp;plusmn;2.1) nmol/mol (rainforest). The NOP strongly correlates with NO and has a positive tendency in the boundary layer over the rainforest

    Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: airborne measurements

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    Direct measurements of OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; over a tropical rainforest were made for the first time during the GABRIEL campaign in October 2005, deploying the custom-built HORUS instrument (HydrOxyl Radical measurement Unit based on fluorescence Spectroscopy), adapted to fly in a Learjet wingpod. Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions were expected to strongly reduce the OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; mixing ratios as the air is transported from the ocean over the forest. However, surprisingly high mixing ratios of both OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; were encountered in the boundary layer over the rainforest. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The HORUS instrumentation and calibration methods are described in detail and the measurement results obtained are discussed. The extensive dataset collected during GABRIEL, including measurements of many other trace gases and photolysis frequencies, has been used to quantify the main sources and sinks of OH. Comparison of these measurement-derived formation and loss rates of OH indicates strong previously overlooked recycling of OH in the boundary layer over the tropical rainforest, occurring in chorus with isoprene emission

    Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: airborne measurements

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    Direct measurements of OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; over a tropical rainforest were made for the first time during the GABRIEL campaign in October 2005, deploying the custom-built HORUS instrument (HydrOxyl Radical measurement Unit based on fluorescence Spectroscopy), adapted to fly in a Learjet wingpod. Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions were expected to strongly reduce the OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; mixing ratios as the air is transported from the ocean over the forest. However, surprisingly high mixing ratios of both OH and HO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; were encountered in the boundary layer over the rainforest. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The HORUS instrumentation and calibration methods are described in detail and the measurement results obtained are discussed. The extensive dataset collected during GABRIEL, including measurements of many other trace gases and photolysis frequencies, has been used to quantify the main sources and sinks of OH. Comparison of these measurement-derived formation and loss rates of OH indicates strong previously overlooked recycling of OH in the boundary layer over the tropical rainforest, occurring in chorus with isoprene emission

    Hydroxyl radicals in the tropical troposphere over the Suriname rainforest: comparison of measurements with the box model MECCA

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    As a major source region of the hydroxyl radical OH, the Tropics largely control the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere on a global scale. However, emissions of hydrocarbons from the tropical rainforest that react rapidly with OH can potentially deplete the amount of OH and thereby reduce the oxidation capacity. The airborne GABRIEL field campaign in equatorial South America (Suriname) in October 2005 investigated the influence of the tropical rainforest on the HOx budget (HOx = OH + HO2). The first observations of OH and HO2 over a tropical rainforest are compared to steady state concentrations calculated with the atmospheric chemistry box model MECCA. The important precursors and sinks for HOx chemistry, measured during the campaign, are used as constraining parameters for the simulation of OH and HO2. Significant underestimations of HOx are found by the model over land during the afternoon, with mean ratios of observation to model of 12.2 ± 3.5 and 4.1 ± 1.4 for OH and HO2, respectively. The discrepancy between measurements and simulation results is correlated to the abundance of isoprene. While for low isoprene mixing ratios (above ocean or at altitudes \u3e3 km), observation and simulation agree fairly well, for mixing ratios \u3e200 pptV (rainforest) the model tends to underestimate the HOx observations as a function of isoprene. Box model simulations have been performed with the condensed chemical mechanism of MECCA and with the detailed isoprene reaction scheme of MCM, resulting in similar results for HOx concentrations. Simulations with constrained HO2 concentrations show that the conversion from HO2 to OH in the model is too low. However, by neglecting the isoprene chemistry in the model, observations and simulations agree much better. An OH source similar to the strength of the OH sink via isoprene chemistry is needed in the model to resolve the discrepancy. A possible explanation is that the oxidation of isoprene by OH not only dominates the removal of OH but also produces it in a similar amount. Several additional reactions which directly produce OH have been implemented into the box model, suggesting that upper limits in producing OH are still not able to reproduce the observations (improvement by factors of ≈2.4 and ≈2 for OH and HO2, respectively). We determine that OH has to be recycled to 94% instead of the simulated 38% to match the observations, which is most likely to happen in the isoprene degradation process, otherwise additional sources are required