320 research outputs found

    Realization of competence-based approach in preparation of management staff

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    На основе двух подходов к формированию модели профессиональных компетенций (разработанного в рамках общеевропейского проекта TUNING и Национальной ассоциации кадровых агентств России) автором представлена апробированная в Северной Осетии модель компетенций менеджеров, реализуемая на Президентской программе подготовки управленческих кадров.On the basis of two approaches to formation of professional competences model (developed within the all-European TUNING project and National association of recruitment agencies of Russia) the author presented the model of the managers’ competences approved in North Ossetia, realized on the Presidential program of preparation of management staff

    W. Dilthey as an Expert Historian

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    The work is devoted to the analysis of W.Dilthey’s (1833-1911) heritage as a practical historian. There is a need for a deeper understanding of his views on the human studies in general. The purpose of this work is the analysis of concrete historical works of Dilthey in their interrelation with his theoretical and methodological views. According to the paper purpose, the tasks of the research are: to examine the main features of Dilthey’s theoretical and methodological views in their evolution; to observe the philosophical foundation of his works; to describe and to interpret the way he constructs historical reality in his works about Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment. The object of this paper is connection and interrelation of theoretical and practical works of Dilthey.

    Iron and regulation of its metabolism in inflammation and disorders of erythropoiesis.

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    Železo je kovový prvek, který hraje v lidském organismu zásadní roli, ale jeho nedostatek i nadbytek jsou spojeny se závažnými chorobnými stavy. Hlavním regulátorem metabolismu železa je hepcidin, peptid tvořený v játrech. Nadbytek železa a zánět expresi hepcidinu zvyšují, nedostatek železa a aktivovaná erytropoéza ji snižují. Molekulární mechanismy regulace exprese hepcidinu a jejich hierarchie a propojení jsou poznány jen částečně. Hlavní regulační drahou je BMP/ SMAD, která reaguje na množství železa v organismu. Její součást tvoří řada molekul včetně hemojuvelinu a HFE a jejich mutace jsou spojeny s neadekvátně nízkou produkcí hepcidinu, nadbytkem železa a hereditární hemochromatózou. Erytroidní regulace, která musí mít na expresi hepcidinu negativní působení, je známa jen částečně, stejně jako její propojení s drahou BMP/ SMAD. V nedávné době byly popsány dva nové negativní regulátory exprese hepcidinu. Membránový enzym přítomný v hepatocytech - matriptáza-2 (MT-2, TMPRSS6) a solubilní faktor tvořený erytroblasty - erytroferron (ERFE). Cílem naší práce bylo zjistit, jak je MT-2 zapojena do erytroidní dráhy a zdali nemůže být místem, kde se protínají jednotlivé regulační dráhy. Stanovovali jsme expresi genů na úrovni mRNA pomocí real-time PCR a na úrovni proteinů pomocí imunoblotů. K pokusům...Iron is a metal element with crucial roles in human organism. Both iron deficiency and iron overload are important pathologies. Hepcidin, a peptide synthetized in the liver, is a key iron regulatory hormone. Increased amount of iron and inflammation stimulate its expression while iron deficiency and activated erythropoiesis cause hepcidin downregulation. The regulation of hepcidin expression on the molecular level and its hierarchy and interactions are not completely known. The main regulatory pathway is BMP/ SMAD which reacts to the iron amount in the organism. Several molecules, including hemojuvelin and HFE, are involved in this pathway and their mutations are linked to inappropriately low hepcidin production, iron overload and hereditary hemochromatosis. Erythroid regulation with suppressive action on hepcidin expression is known only partially as well as its connection to the BMP/ SMAD pathway. Recently, two new negative regulators of hepcidin expression have been described. Membrane enzyme present in hepatocytes - matriptase-2 (MT-2, TMPRSS6) and soluble factor secreted by erythroblasts - erythroferrone (ERFE). The aim of our work was to investigate how MT-2 is involved in the erythroid regulatory pathway, and whether it can represent the molecule where various regulatory pathways interact....Ústav patologické fyziologie 1. LF UKInstitute of Pathological Physiology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    The kesterite–stannite structural transition as a way to avoid Cu/Zn disorder in kesterites: the exemplary case of the Cu2(Zn,Mn)SnSe4

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    The solid solution series between Cu2ZnSnSe4, crystallizing in the kesterite type structure, and Cu2MnSnSe4, adopting the stannite type structure, i.e. Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4, was studied by a combination of neutron and X-ray powder diffraction. Powder samples with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 were synthesized by the solid state reaction of the pure elements and it was confirmed by wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy that each contained a homogeneous, off-stoichiometric quaternary phase. The lattice parameters and cation site occupancy factors were determined simultaneously by the Rietveld analysis of the neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data. The refined site occupancy factors were used to determine the average neutron scattering length of the cation sites in the crystal structure of the Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4 mixed crystals, from which a cation distribution model was derived. For the end member Cu2ZnSnSe4, the disordered kesterite structure was confirmed and for Cu2MnSnSe4, the stannite structure was confirmed. The cross-over from the kesterite to stannite type structure by Zn2+ ↔ Mn2+ substitution in the Cu2Zn1−xMnxSnSe4 solid solution can be seen as a cation re-distribution process among the positions (0, 0, 0), (0, ½, ¼) and (0, ¼, ¾), including Cu+, Zn2+ and Mn2+. The Sn4+ cation does not take part in this process and remains on the 2b site. Moreover, the cross-over is also visible in the ratio of the lattice parameters c/(2a), showing a characteristic dependence on the chemical composition. The order parameter Q, the quantitative measure of Cu/BII disorder (BII = Zn and Mn), shows a distinct dependence on the Mn/(Mn + Zn) ratio. In Zn-rich Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4 mixed crystals, the order parameter Q ∼ 0.7 and drops to Q ∼ 0 (complete Cu/BII disorder) in the compositional region 0.3 ≥ x ≥ 0.7. In Mn-rich Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4 mixed crystals, adopting the stannite type structure, the order parameter reaches almost Q ∼ 1 (order). Thus, it can be concluded that only Mn-rich Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4 mixed crystals do not show Cu/BII disorder. A similar trend of the dependence on the chemical composition of both Cu/BII-disorder and the band gap energy Eg in Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4 mixed crystals was observed

    Emotional intelligence and behavior styles of Russian middle managers in business communication

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    The study focuses on emotional intelligence and preferred negotiating styles of managers at work. There were 162 respondents (22 to 60 years old, MD=36.38) from a Russian food manufacturing company approached to study their negotiating experience with clients, customers, vendors, etc. The following methods were used: the Emotional Intelligence ("EQ") Test, the Emotional Intelligence ("EmIn") Test, negotiating style determination procedure, "Your Business Communication Style" test, the Conflict Mode Instrument, and authors' questionnaire. Data was processed with Pearson’s r correlation and regression coefficient and factor analysis (main component analysis). Results of the study revealed a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and the preferred negotiating styles. As a result, it was concluded that people-oriented interaction style correlates with developed interpersonal emotional intelligence; their relationship is indirect with other variables in between. Regression analysis revealed a relationship between emotional intelligence and process orientation in negotiations. This study was the first one to theoretically develop and empirically test the possibility of studying a relationship between the levels of emotional intellect and preferred negotiating styles.peer-reviewe

    Digital skills supply and demand on the Russia regional labor markets

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    The digital transformation has a significant impact on labor resources development, leading to a change in the skills types that are in demand and offered in the labor market. Due to the spatial heterogeneity of the Russian economy, the digital skills of the population in different regions have significant differences, which acts as a limitation of labor mobility, reduces the efficiency of using human potential and requires the development of inclusive regulatory measures. The study purpose is to assess the current spatial differentiation of the digital skills of the workforce, the ratio of their market demand and supply, as well as to propose appropriate measures to improve the efficiency of the regional labor market. A quantitative assessment of the demand of employers for workforce digital competencies in the regional labor markets was obtained on the basis of an analysis of the requirements for applicants presented in the unified database of vacancies in Russia, their further automated processing and ranking. The corresponding quantitative assessment of the market supply of digital competencies of the workforce was obtained using the hierarchical data clustering. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification the imbalance between the level of workforce digital skills development in Russian regions and the needs of regional labor markets. The practical significance of the study results lies in substantiating the policy of workforce digital skills inclusive development for each region, which should include corporate strategies for the development of digital competencies of both employed workers and potential job seekers

    Intrinsic point defects in off stoichiometric Cu2ZnSnSe4 A neutron diffraction study

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    This work is an experimental study of intrinsic point defects in off stoichiometric kesterite type CZTSe by means of neutron powder diffraction. We revealed the existence of copper vacancies VCu , various cation anti site defects CuZn, ZnCu, ZnSn, SnZn, and CuZn , as well as interstitials Cui, Zni in a wide range of off stoichiometric polycrystalline powder samples synthesized by the solid state reaction. The results show that the point defects present in off stoichiometric CZTSe agree with the off stoichiometry type model, assuming certain cation substitutions accounting for charge balance. In addition to the known off stoichiometry types A H, new types I L have been introduced. For the very first time, a correlation between the chemical composition of the CZTSe kesterite type phase and the occurring intrinsic point defects is presented. In addition to the offstoichiometry type specific defects, the Cu Zn disorder is always present in the CZTSe phase. In Cu poor Zn rich CZTSe, a composition considered as the one that delivers the best photovoltaic performance, mainly copper vacancies, ZnCu and ZnSn anti sites are present. Also, this compositional region shows the lowest degree of Cu Zn disorde