110 research outputs found

    El moderno sistema de tributación de los bienes inmuebles

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    Taxation has long been an integral part of the functioning of the state, and if earlier the so-called “taxes” were used exclusively for the ruling elite and the bureaucratic apparatus, today taxes, forming the state budget revenue item, are subsequently redistributed to support programs various spheres of society, be it medicine, education, science, etc. The article is devoted to the study of the modern system of taxation of real estate, in particular, the specific features of real estate as objects of taxation, the main types of property taxes, regulatory legal acts in the field of taxation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the tax structure of the Russian Federation.Los impuestos han sido durante mucho tiempo una parte integral del funcionamiento del estado, y si antes los llamados «impuestos» se usaban exclusivamente para la élite gobernante y el aparato burocrático, hoy los impuestos, que forman la partida de ingresos del presupuesto estatal, se redistribuyen posteriormente a programas de apoyo en diversas esferas de la sociedad, ya sea medicina, educación, ciencia, etc. El artículo está dedicado al estudio del sistema moderno de tributación de bienes inmuebles, en particular, las características específicas de los bienes inmuebles como objetos impositivos, los principales tipos de impuestos a la propiedad, actos legales regulatorios en el campo de los impuestos, así como las ventajas y desventajas de la estructura tributaria de la Federación de Rusia

    Beneath the Bonnet::a Breakdown of Diagnostic Security

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    The article presents the current clinical and epidemiological features of enterovirus infection in children of Krasnoyarsk Territory. A retrospective analysis of the incidence of enterovirus infection and enterovirus meningitis in the period 2014—2015 according to the forms of state statistical reporting №2 «Information on infectious and parasitic diseases». Clinical and epidemiological analysis of enterovirus infection in 454 children who were treated at MBUZ «City Children's Infectious Hospital №1» in the period of seasonal rise of morbidity in 2014 revealed a prevalence of etiological structure of enteroviruses Coxsackie B, Coxsackie B5, Coxsackie B3, Coxsackie B4. The region recorded the different clinical forms of enterovirus infection (rash, myalgia, diarrhea, gerpangina), the structure of which is still, aseptic meningitis prevails.В статье представлены  современные  клинико-эпидемиологические особенности  энтеровирусной  инфекции у детей Красноярского края. Проведен ретроспективный анализ заболеваемости энтеровирусной инфекцией и энтеровирусными менингитами за период 2014—2015  гг. по данным формы №2 государственной  статистической отчетности «Сведения об инфекционных и паразитарных заболеваниях». Клинико-эпидемиологический анализ энтеровирусной инфекции у 454 детей, находившихся на лечении в МБУЗ ГДКБ №1 в период сезонного подъема заболеваемости 2014 г. выявил преобладание в этиологической структуре энтеровирусов  Коксаки В, Коксаки В5, Коксаки В3, Коксаки В4. На территории региона регистрируются различные клинические формы энтеровирусной инфекции (экзантема, миалгия, диарея, герпангина), в структуре которых, по-прежнему, преобладает серозный менингит

    Repeated revascularization in the aorto-femoral segment

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    Scopul lucrării. În ultimii ani structura intervențiilor repetate în segmentul aorto-ilio- femural a suferit schimbări esențiale datorită implementării metodelor endovasculare pe scara largă. Intervențiile primare au putut fi bypass-uri și/sau angioplastii cu stentare, iar intervențiile repetate pot fi deschise, endovasculare sau hibride. Scopul lucrării este aprecierea posibilităților metodelor chirurgicale clasice, endovasculare și hibride cu implementarea unor gesturi chirurgicale noi pentru îmbunătățirea rezultatelor. Materiale și metode. În perioada anilor 2009-2022 s-au efectuat 439 intervenții de revascularizare repetată în segmentul aorto-iliofemural la 378 pacienți cu ocluzii sau stenoze severe ale segmentului revascularizat în antecedente, cât și cu anevrisme anastomotice. Rezultate. Letalitatea postoperatorie a fost de 2,7 %, iar rata amputațiilor înalte de 5%. Concluzii. Datorită implementării metodelor endovasculare și hibride apar noi posibilități în revascularizarea repetată în segmentul aorto-femural. La minimalizarea traumatismului chirurgical și a ratei complicațiilor contribuie și folosirea bypass-urilor extraanatomice, protezarea distală a a. femurale profunde și anume perfectarea acestor tehnici.Aim of study. In recent years, the structure of repeated interventions in the aorto-ilio-femoral segment has undergone significant changes due to the widespread implementation of endovascular methods. Primary interventions can involve bypasses and/or angioplasty with stenting, while repeated interventions can be open, endovascular, or hybrid. The objective of the study is to assess the possibilities of classical surgical, endovascular, and hybrid methods with the implementation of new surgical techniques to improve outcomes. Materials and methods. Between 2009 and 2022, 439 repeated revascularization procedures were performed in the aorto-iliofemoral segment on 378 patients with previous severe occlusions or stenoses of the revascularized segment, as well as anastomotic aneurysms. Results. The postoperative mortality rate was 2.7%, and the rate of major amputations was 5%. Conclusions. Due to the implementation of endovascular and hybrid methods, new possibilities arise for repeated revascularization in the aorto-femoral segment. Minimizing surgical trauma and complication rates is facilitated by the use of extra-anatomic bypasses, distal prosthetic grafting of the deep femoral artery, and the refinement of these techniques

    An Efficient Vector System to Modify Cells Genetically

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    The transfer of foreign genes into mammalian cells has been essential for understanding the functions of genes and mechanisms of genetic diseases, for the production of coding proteins and for gene therapy applications. Currently, the identification and selection of cells that have received transferred genetic material can be accomplished by methods, including drug selection, reporter enzyme detection and GFP imaging. These methods may confer antibiotic resistance, or be disruptive, or require special equipment. In this study, we labeled genetically modified cells with a cell surface biotinylation tag by co-transfecting cells with BirA, a biotin ligase. The modified cells can be quickly isolated for downstream applications using a simple streptavidin bead method. This system can also be used to screen cells expressing two sets of genes from separate vectors

    Understanding and supporting block play: video observation research on preschoolers’ block play to identify features associated with the development of abstract thinking

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    This article reports on a study conducted to investigate the development of abstract thinking in preschool children (ages from 3 years to 4 years old) in a nursery school in England. Adopting a social influence approach, the researcher engaged in 'close listening' to document children's ideas expressed in various representations through video observation. The aim was to identify behaviours connected with features of the functional dependency relationship – a cognitive function that connects symbolic representations with abstract thinking. The article presents three episodes to demonstrate three dominating features, which are i) child/child sharing of thinking and adult and child sharing of thinking; ii) pause for reflection; and iii) satisfaction as a result of self-directed play. These features were identified as signs of learning, and were highlighted as phenomena that can help practitioners to understand the value of quality play and so provide adequate time and space for young children and plan for a meaningful learning environment. The study has also revealed the importance of block play in promoting abstract thinking. Keywords: abstract thinking; functional dependency relationship; social influence approach; block play; preschool; video observation; qualitative researc

    Risk reduction through community-based monitoring:the vigías of Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    Since 2000, a network of volunteers known as vigías has been engaged in community-based volcano monitoring, which involves local citizens in the collection of scientific data, around volcán Tungurahua, Ecuador. This paper provides the first detailed description and analysis of this well-established initiative, drawing implications for volcanic risk reduction elsewhere. Based on 32 semi-structured interviews and other qualitative data collected in June and July 2013 with institutional actors and with vigías themselves, the paper documents the origins and development of the network, identifies factors that have sustained it, and analyses the ways in which it contributes to disaster risk reduction. Importantly, the case highlights how this community-based network performs multiple functions in reducing volcanic risk. The vigías network functions simultaneously as a source of observational data for scientists; as a communication channel for increasing community awareness, understanding of hazard processes and for enhancing preparedness; and as an early warning system for civil protection. Less tangible benefits with nonetheless material consequences include enhanced social capital – through the relationships and capabilities that are fostered – and improved trust between partners. Establishing trust-based relationships between citizens, the vigías, scientists and civil protection authorities is one important factor in the effectiveness and resilience of the network. Other factors discussed in the paper that have contributed to the longevity of the network include the motivations of the vigías, a clear and regular communication protocol, persistent volcanic activity, the efforts of key individuals, and examples of successful risk reduction attributable to the activities of the network. Lessons that can be learned about the potential of community-based monitoring for disaster risk reduction in other contexts are identified, including what the case tells us about the conditions that can affect the effectiveness of such initiatives and their resilience to changing circumstances

    Three-Dimensional Microscopy Characterization of Death Receptor 5 Expression by Over-Activated Human Primary CD4+ T Cells and Apoptosis

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    Activation-induced cell death is a natural process that prevents tissue damages from over-activated immune cells. TNF-Related apoptosis ligand (TRAIL), a TNF family member, induces apoptosis of infected and tumor cells by binding to one of its two death receptors, DR4 or DR5. TRAIL was reported to be secreted by phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated CD4+ T cells in microvesicles

    Single domain antibodies: promising experimental and therapeutic tools in infection and immunity

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    Antibodies are important tools for experimental research and medical applications. Most antibodies are composed of two heavy and two light chains. Both chains contribute to the antigen-binding site which is usually flat or concave. In addition to these conventional antibodies, llamas, other camelids, and sharks also produce antibodies composed only of heavy chains. The antigen-binding site of these unusual heavy chain antibodies (hcAbs) is formed only by a single domain, designated VHH in camelid hcAbs and VNAR in shark hcAbs. VHH and VNAR are easily produced as recombinant proteins, designated single domain antibodies (sdAbs) or nanobodies. The CDR3 region of these sdAbs possesses the extraordinary capacity to form long fingerlike extensions that can extend into cavities on antigens, e.g., the active site crevice of enzymes. Other advantageous features of nanobodies include their small size, high solubility, thermal stability, refolding capacity, and good tissue penetration in vivo. Here we review the results of several recent proof-of-principle studies that open the exciting perspective of using sdAbs for modulating immune functions and for targeting toxins and microbes