1,241 research outputs found

    Radial Excited States for Heavy Quark Systems in NRQCD

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    Following the Non-Relativistic QCD approach we use a gauge invariant smearing method with factorization to measure the excitation energies for a heavy QQˉQ\bar{Q} system on a 243×4824^3\times 48 lattice at β=6.2\beta=6.2. The results come from averaging over an ensemble of 60 QCD configurations. In order to enhance the signal from each configuration we use wall sources for quark propagators. The quark Hamiltonian contains only the simplest non-relativistic kinetic energy term. The results are listed for a range of bare quark masses. The mass splittings are insensitive to this variable though there are a slight trends with increasing quark mass. For an appropriate choice of UV cut-off (a1=3.2a^{-1}=3.2Gev) the mass spectrum compares reasonably well with the experimental values for the spin-averaged energy gaps of the Υ\Upsilon system. We also present results for the DEDE and DTDT waves for the lowest bare quark mass. The results are consistent with degeneracy between the two types of DD wave. This encourages the idea that even with our simple quark Hamiltonian the departure from rotational invariance is not great.Comment: 12 page

    Critical temperature for the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard Model

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    The critical temperature for the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice is determined from the analysis of two independent quantities, the helicity modulus, ρs\rho_s, and the pairing correlation function, PsP_s. These quantities have been calculated through Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for lattices up to 18×1818\times 18, and for several densities, in the intermediate-coupling regime. Imposing the universal-jump condition for an accurately calculated ρs\rho_s, together with thorough finite-size scaling analyses (in the spirit of the phenomenological renormalization group) of PsP_s, suggests that TcT_c is considerably higher than hitherto assumed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Euclidean wormholes with Phantom field and Phantom field accompanied by perfect fluid

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    We study the classical Euclidean wormhole solutions for the gravitational systems with minimally coupled pure Phantom field and minimally coupled Phantom field accompanied by perfect fluid. It is shown that such solutions do exist and then the general forms of the Phantom field potential are obtained for which there are classical Euclidean wormhole solutions.Comment: 15 pages, major revision with perfect flui

    Genesis of Dark Energy: Dark Energy as Consequence of Release and Two-stage Tracking Cosmological Nuclear Energy

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    Recent observations on Type-Ia supernovae and low density (Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3) measurement of matter including dark matter suggest that the present-day universe consists mainly of repulsive-gravity type `exotic matter' with negative-pressure often said `dark energy' (Ωx=0.7\Omega_{x} = 0.7). But the nature of dark energy is mysterious and its puzzling questions, such as why, how, where and when about the dark energy, are intriguing. In the present paper the authors attempt to answer these questions while making an effort to reveal the genesis of dark energy and suggest that `the cosmological nuclear binding energy liberated during primordial nucleo-synthesis remains trapped for a long time and then is released free which manifests itself as dark energy in the universe'. It is also explained why for dark energy the parameter w=2/3w = - {2/3}. Noting that w=1 w = 1 for stiff matter and w=1/3w = {1/3} for radiation; w=2/3w = - {2/3} is for dark energy because "1""-1" is due to `deficiency of stiff-nuclear-matter' and that this binding energy is ultimately released as `radiation' contributing "+1/3""+ {1/3}", making w=1+1/3=2/3w = -1 + {1/3} = - {2/3}. When dark energy is released free at Z=80Z = 80, w=2/3w = -{2/3}. But as on present day at Z=0Z = 0 when radiation strength has diminished to δ0\delta \to 0, w=1+δ1/3=1w = -1 + \delta{1/3} = - 1. This, thus almost solves the dark-energy mystery of negative pressure and repulsive-gravity. The proposed theory makes several estimates /predictions which agree reasonably well with the astrophysical constraints and observations. Though there are many candidate-theories, the proposed model of this paper presents an entirely new approach (cosmological nuclear energy) as a possible candidate for dark energy.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, minor correction

    Molecular spintronics: Coherent spin transfer in coupled quantum dots

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    Time-resolved Faraday rotation has recently demonstrated coherent transfer of electron spin between quantum dots coupled by conjugated molecules. Using a transfer Hamiltonian ansatz for the coupled quantum dots, we calculate the Faraday rotation signal as a function of the probe frequency in a pump-probe setup using neutral quantum dots. Additionally, we study the signal of one spin-polarized excess electron in the coupled dots. We show that, in both cases, the Faraday rotation angle is determined by the spin transfer probabilities and the Heisenberg spin exchange energy. By comparison of our results with experimental data, we find that the transfer matrix element for electrons in the conduction band is of order 0.08 eV and the spin transfer probabilities are of order 10%.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; minor change

    Cubic interaction vertices for massive and massless higher spin fields

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    Using the light-cone formulation of relativistic dynamics, we develop various methods for constructing cubic interaction vertices and apply these methods to the study of higher spin fields propagating in flat space of dimension greater than or equal to four. Generating functions of parity invariant cubic interaction vertices for massive and massless higher spin fields of arbitrary symmetry are obtained. We derive restrictions on the allowed values of spins and the number of derivatives, which provide a classification of cubic interaction vertices for totally symmetric fields. As an example of application of the light-cone formalism, we obtain simple expressions for the minimal Yang-Mills and gravitational interactions of massive totally symmetric arbitrary spin fields. We give the complete list of parity invariant and parity violating cubic interaction vertices that can be constructed for massless fields in five and six-dimensional spaces.Comment: 55 pages, LaTeX-2e, v3: Equations (3.15),(3.16) added to Section 3. Discussion of vertices for massless fields in d=4 and footnotes 16,17 added to Section 5.1. New vertices added to Table I. Misprints in equations (7.4), (C.5), and (D.58) correcte

    Nanofabrication by magnetic focusing of supersonic beams

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    We present a new method for nanoscale atom lithography. We propose the use of a supersonic atomic beam, which provides an extremely high-brightness and cold source of fast atoms. The atoms are to be focused onto a substrate using a thin magnetic film, into which apertures with widths on the order of 100 nm have been etched. Focused spot sizes near or below 10 nm, with focal lengths on the order of 10 microns, are predicted. This scheme is applicable both to precision patterning of surfaces with metastable atomic beams and to direct deposition of material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of Electrolytes on Anisotropic Lattices

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    The phase behavior of ionic fluids on simple cubic and tetragonal (anisotropic) lattices has been studied by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Systems with both the true lattice Coulombic potential and continuous-space 1/r1/r electrostatic interactions have been investigated. At all degrees of anisotropy, only coexistence between a disordered low-density phase and an ordered high-density phase with the structure similar to ionic crystal was found, in contrast to recent theoretical predictions. Tricritical parameters were determined to be monotonously increasing functions of anisotropy parameters which is consistent with theoretical calculations based on the Debye-H\"uckel approach. At large anisotropies a two-dimensional-like behavior is observed, from which we estimated the dimensionless tricritical temperature and density for the two-dimensional square lattice electrolyte to be Ttri=0.14T^*_{tri}=0.14 and ρtri=0.70\rho^*_{tri} = 0.70.Comment: submitted to PR

    Dynamical model and nonextensive statistical mechanics of a market index on large time windows

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    The shape and tails of partial distribution functions (PDF) for a financial signal, i.e. the S&P500 and the turbulent nature of the markets are linked through a model encompassing Tsallis nonextensive statistics and leading to evolution equations of the Langevin and Fokker-Planck type. A model originally proposed to describe the intermittent behavior of turbulent flows describes the behavior of normalized log-returns for such a financial market index, for small and large time windows, both for small and large log-returns. These turbulent market volatility (of normalized log-returns) distributions can be sufficiently well fitted with a χ2\chi^2-distribution. The transition between the small time scale model of nonextensive, intermittent process and the large scale Gaussian extensive homogeneous fluctuation picture is found to be at ca.ca. a 200 day time lag. The intermittency exponent (κ\kappa) in the framework of the Kolmogorov log-normal model is found to be related to the scaling exponent of the PDF moments, -thereby giving weight to the model. The large value of κ\kappa points to a large number of cascades in the turbulent process. The first Kramers-Moyal coefficient in the Fokker-Planck equation is almost equal to zero, indicating ''no restoring force''. A comparison is made between normalized log-returns and mere price increments.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Gene/QTL discovery for Anthracnose in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from north-western Himalayas

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    Open Access JournalCommon bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important grain legume crops in the world. The beans grown in north-western Himalayas possess huge diversity for seed color, shape and size but are mostly susceptible to Anthracnose disease caused by seed born fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Dozens of QTLs/genes have been already identified for this disease in common bean world-wide. However, this is the first report of gene/QTL discovery for Anthracnose using bean germplasm from north-western Himalayas of state Jammu & Kashmir, India. A core set of 96 bean lines comprising 54 indigenous local landraces from 11 hot-spots and 42 exotic lines from 10 different countries were phenotyped at two locations (SKUAST-Jammu and Bhaderwah, Jammu) for Anthracnose resistance. The core set was also genotyped with genome-wide (91) random and trait linked SSR markers. The study of marker-trait associations (MTAs) led to the identification of 10 QTLs/genes for Anthracnose resistance. Among the 10 QTLs/genes identified, two MTAs are stable (BM45 & BM211), two MTAs (PVctt1 & BM211) are major explaining more than 20% phenotypic variation for Anthracnose and one MTA (BM211) is both stable and major. Six (06) genomic regions are reported for the first time, while as four (04) genomic regions validated the already known QTL/gene regions/clusters for Anthracnose. The major, stable and validated markers reported during the present study associated with Anthracnose resistance will prove useful in common bean molecular breeding programs aimed at enhancing Anthracnose resistance of local bean landraces grown in north-western Himalayas of state Jammu and Kashmir