7 research outputs found

    Prospects on the Application of DNA Barcoding on Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Children

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    Since more than a decade, DNA barcoding has been widely used to examine biological samples and differentiate species, as well as employed in ecological and conservational studies. There is a growing interest of DNA barcoding, particularly in medical parasitology, but its potential utility in soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) remains unclear. Therefore, in this article, we review the studies using DNA barcoding and its applications in medical parasitology with special focus on STHs such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, and Trichuris trichiura. DNA barcoding is reliable for identifying STH species as well as its cryptic species. In addition, epidemiological data and the impacts of STH infections on children are discussed. This article further discusses the paucity of STH DNA barcodes (partial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 [COI] mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA] sequences) in two gene banks; National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Barcode of Life Data (BOLD) Systems. It also highlights the future prospects of DNA barcoding including primer designing and reference library on STHs

    High-throughput terrestrial biodiversity assessments: mitochondrial metabarcoding, metagenomics or metatranscriptomics?

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    <p>Consensus on the optimal high-throughput sequencing (HTS) approach to examine biodiversity in mixed terrestrial arthropod samples has not been reached. Metatranscriptomics could increase the proportion of taxonomically informative mitochondrial reads in HTS outputs but has not been investigated for terrestrial arthropod samples. We compared the efficiency of 16S rRNA metabarcoding, metagenomics and metatranscriptomics for detecting species in a mixed terrestrial arthropod sample (pooled DNA/RNA from 38 taxa). 16S rRNA metabarcoding and nuclear rRNA-depleted metatranscriptomics had the highest detection rate with 97% of input species detected. Based on cytochrome c oxidase I, metagenomics had the highest detection rate with 82% of input species detected, but metatranscriptomics produced a larger proportion of reads matching (Sanger) reference sequences. Metatranscriptomics with nuclear rRNA depletion may offer advantages over metabarcoding through reducing the number of spurious operational taxonomic units while retaining high detection rates, and offers natural enrichment of mitochondrial sequences which may enable increased species detection rates compared with metagenomics.</p

    Citizen Science: The First Peninsular Malaysia Butterfly Count

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    Figure 1 - Advertisement for the first Peninsular Malaysia Butterfly Count in the Sin Chew Daily national newspaper

    DNA barcoding relates Trichuris species from a human and a man’s best friend to non-human primate sources

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    Trichuris trichiura, the whipworm of humans, is one of the most prevalent soil-transmitted helminths (STH) reported worldwide. According to a recent study, out of 289 STH studies in Southeast Asia, only three studies used molecular methods. Hence, the genetic assemblages of Trichuris in Southeast Asia are poorly understood. In this study, we used partial mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 or COI) sequences for analysis. Trichuris grouped in a same clade with different hosts indicate the potential of cross infection between hosts. Based on COI, the adult Trichuris isolated from a Malaysian patient was most closely related to Trichuris isolated from Papio anubis (olive baboons) from the USA. The Trichuris isolated from the dog from Malaysia was genetically similar to a Trichuris species isolated from Macaca silenus (lion-tailed macaque) from Czech Republic. Both the human and dog isolated Trichuris grouped in clades with different hosts indicating the potential of cross infection between hosts. Specific PCR primers based on the partial COI of T. trichiura isolated from African green monkey and T. serrata were designed and successfully amplified using multiplex PCR of the pooled DNA samples. Our results suggest a complex parasite-host relationship, and support the theory of cross infection of Trichuris between humans and non-human primates as suggested in previous publications

    Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis among people having close contact with animals

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma infection and its risk association among people having close contact with animals. A total of 312 blood samples were collected from veterinary personnel (veterinarian, technicians, and students) and pet owners from veterinary clinics and hospitals in the area of Klang Valley, Malaysia. About 4 cc of blood samples drawn from agreed participants were processed for measurement of anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies as well as avidity test of Toxoplasma IgG by ELISA I, II, and III kits. Meanwhile, the demographic profiles and possible risk factors of these participants were also recorded in the standardized data collection sheets. Overall seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis was observed in 62 (19.9%) participants being 7 (18.4%) in veterinarians, 15 (33.3%) in veterinary technicians, 29 (14.9%) in veterinary students, and 11 (31.4%) in pet owners. Of 19.9% Toxoplasma seropositive samples, 18.3% was positive for IgG antibody, 1.0% for IgM antibody, and 0.6% for both IgG and IgM antibodies. Of three different IgG avidity ELISA kits, ELISA III showed high avidity in all five seropositive samples (IgM and IgG/IgM antibodies) indicating chronic Toxoplasma infection which is consistent with no evidence of clinical toxoplasmosis diagnosed during the time of this study. Univariate analysis showed that age group, gender, study population, gardening, task performance, and working duration were significantly associated with Toxoplasma seropositivity. Further analysis by multivariate analysis using logistic regression showed that age group of ≥30 years old (OR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.18–0.63, p = 0.001) and working or study duration of >10 years having close contact with animals (OR = 5.07, 95% CI = 1.80–14.24, p = 0.002) were identified as significant risks for Toxoplasma infection. Based on the results obtained, a comprehensive Toxoplasma screening and health surveillance program on toxoplasmosis should be implemented among people having close contact with animals in general and confirmed Toxoplasma seronegative individuals in particular to prevent seroconversion

    Familiarity with, perceptions of and attitudes toward butterflies of urban park users in megacities across East and Southeast Asia.

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    Peer reviewed: TruePerceptions of, and attitudes toward, wildlife are influenced by exposure to, and direct experiences with, nature. Butterflies are a conspicuous and ubiquitous component of urban nature across megacities that are highly urbanized with little opportunity for human-nature interactions. We evaluated public familiarity with, perceptions of and attitudes toward butterflies across nine megacities in East and Southeast Asia through face-to-face interviews with 1774 urban park users. A total of 79% of respondents had seen butterflies in their cities mostly in urban parks, indicating widespread familiarity with butterflies. Those who had seen butterflies also had higher perceptions of butterflies, whereas greater than 50% of respondents had positive attitudes toward butterflies. Frequent visits to natural places in urban neighbourhoods was associated with (i) sightings of caterpillars, indicating increased familiarity with urban wildlife, and (ii) increased connectedness to nature. We found two significant positive relationships: (i) between connectedness to nature and attitudes toward butterflies and (ii) between connectedness to nature and perceptions of butterflies, firmly linking parks users' thoughts and feelings about butterflies with their view of nature. This suggests that butterflies in urban parks can play a key role in building connectedness to nature and consequently pro-environmental behaviours and support for wildlife conservation among urban residents

    Circulating androgen regulation by androgen-catabolizing gut bacteria in male mouse gut

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    ABSTRACTAbnormally high circulating androgen levels have been considered a causative factor for benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer in men. Recent animal studies on gut microbiome suggested that gut bacteria are involved in sex steroid metabolism; however, the underlying mechanisms and bacterial taxa remain elusive. Denitrifying betaproteobacteria Thauera spp. are metabolically versatile and often distributed in the animal gut. Thauera sp. strain GDN1 is an unusual betaproteobacterium capable of catabolizing androgen under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We administered C57BL/6 mice (aged 7 weeks) with strain GDN1 through oral gavage. The strain GDN1 administration caused a minor increase in the relative abundance of Thauera (≤0.1%); however, it has profound effects on the host physiology and gut bacterial community. The results of our ELISA assay and metabolite profile analysis indicated an approximately 50% reduction in serum androgen levels in the strain GDN1-administered male mice. Moreover, androgenic ring-cleaved metabolites were detected in the fecal extracts of the strain GDN1-administered mice. Furthermore, our RT – qPCR results revealed the expression of the androgen catabolism genes in the gut of the strain GDN1-administered mice. We found that the administered strain GDN1 regulated mouse serum androgen levels, possibly because it blocked androgen recycling through enterohepatic circulation. This study discovered that sex steroids serve as a carbon source of gut bacteria; moreover, host circulating androgen levels may be regulated by androgen-catabolizing gut bacteria. Our data thus indicate the possible applicability of androgen-catabolic gut bacteria as potent probiotics in alternative therapy of hyperandrogenism