92 research outputs found

    Photon-mediated Peierls transition of a 1D Gas in a multimode optical cavity

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    Funding: This work was supported by the NSF DMR-1613029(V.G.), US-ARO contracts W911NF1310172 (V.G.) and W911NF1910262 (B.L.), DARPA DRINQS program (C.R. & V.G.), DOE-BES award DESC0001911 (V.G.),and the Simons Foundation (V.G.). Y.G. acknowledges funding from the Stanford Q-FARM Graduate Student Fellowship.The Peierls instability toward a charge density wave is a canonical example of phonon-driven strongly correlated physics and is intimately related to topological quantum matter and exotic superconductivity. We propose a method for realizing an analogous photon-mediated Peierls transition, using a system of one-dimensional tubes of interacting Bose or Fermi atoms trapped inside a multimode confocal cavity. Pumping the cavity transversely engineers a cavity-mediated metal-to-insulator transition in the atomic system. For strongly interacting bosons in the Tonks-Girardeau limit, this transition can be understood (through fermionization) as being the Peierls instability. We extend the calculation to finite values of the interaction strength and derive analytic expressions for both the cavity field and mass gap. They display nontrivial power law dependence on the dimensionless matter-light coupling.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Analysis of arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits accompanied by a Python package: SQcircuit

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    Superconducting quantum circuits are a promising hardware platform for realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. Accelerating progress in this field of research demands general approaches and computational tools to analyze and design more complex superconducting circuits. We develop a framework to systematically construct a superconducting quantum circuit's quantized Hamiltonian from its physical description. As is often the case with quantum descriptions of multicoordinate systems, the complexity rises rapidly with the number of variables. Therefore, we introduce a set of coordinate transformations with which we can find bases to diagonalize the Hamiltonian efficiently. Furthermore, we broaden our framework's scope to calculate the circuit's key properties required for optimizing and discovering novel qubits. We implement the methods described in this work in an open-source Python package SQcircuit. In this manuscript, we introduce the reader to the SQcircuit environment and functionality. We show through a series of examples how to analyze a number of interesting quantum circuits and obtain features such as the spectrum, coherence times, transition matrix elements, coupling operators, and the phase coordinate representation of eigenfunctions.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Accompanying SQcircuit package on https://sqcircuit.org

    Tunable-range, photon-mediated atomic interactions in multimode cavity QED

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    Funding: EPSRC program TOPNES (EP/I031014/1) (KEB, JK), Leverhulme Trust (IAF-2014-025) (JK).Optical cavity QED provides a platform with which to explore quantum many-body physics in driven-dissipative systems. Single-mode cavities provide strong, infinite-range photon-mediated interactions among intracavity atoms. However, these global all-to-all couplings are limiting from the perspective of exploring quantum many-body physics beyond the mean-field approximation. The present work demonstrates that local couplings can be created using multimode cavity QED. This is established through measurements of the threshold of a superradiant, self-organization phase transition versus atomic position. Specifically, we experimentally show that the interference of near-degenerate cavity modes leads to both a strong and {tunable-range} interaction between Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) trapped within the cavity. We exploit the symmetry of a confocal cavity to measure the interaction between real BECs and their virtual images without unwanted contributions arising from the merger of real BECs. Atom-atom coupling may be tuned from short range to long range. This capability paves the way toward future explorations of exotic, strongly correlated systems such as quantum liquid crystals and driven-dissipative spin glasses.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An optical lattice with sound

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    Funding: We acknowledge funding support from the Army Research Office. Y.G. and B.M. acknowledge funding from the Stanford Q-FARM Graduate Student Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, respectively. S.G. acknowledges support from NSF Grant No. DMR-1653271.Quantized sound waves—phonons—govern the elastic response of crystalline materials, and also play an integral part in determining their thermodynamic properties and electrical response (for example, by binding electrons into superconducting Cooper pairs). The physics of lattice phonons and elasticity is absent in simulators of quantum solids constructed of neutral atoms in periodic light potentials: unlike real solids, traditional optical lattices are silent because they are infinitely stiff. Optical-lattice realizations of crystals therefore lack some of the central dynamical degrees of freedom that determine the low-temperature properties of real materials. Here, we create an optical lattice with phonon modes using a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) coupled to a confocal optical resonator. Playing the role of an active quantum gas microscope, the multimode cavity QED system both images the phonons and induces the crystallization that supports phonons via short-range, photon-mediated atom–atom interactions. Dynamical susceptibility measurements reveal the phonon dispersion relation, showing that these collective excitations exhibit a sound speed dependent on the BEC–photon coupling strength. Our results pave the way for exploring the rich physics of elasticity in quantum solids, ranging from quantum melting transitions to exotic ‘fractonic’ topological defects in the quantum regime.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Enhancing associative memory recall and storage capacity using confocal cavity QED

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    Funding: Y.G. and B.M. acknowledgefunding from the Stanford Q-FARM Graduate Student Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, respectively. J.K. acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust (IAF-2014-025), and S.G. acknowledges funding from the James S. McDonnell and Simons Foundations and an NSF Career Award.We introduce a near-term experimental platform for realizing an associative memory. It can simultaneously store many memories by using spinful bosons coupled to a degenerate multimode optical cavity. The associative memory is realized by a confocal cavity QED neural network, with the modes serving as the synapses, connecting a network of superradiant atomic spin ensembles,which serve as the neurons. Memories are encoded in the connectivity matrix between the spins and can be accessed through the input and output of patterns of light. Each aspect of the scheme is based on recently demonstrated technology using a confocal cavity and Bose-condensed atoms. Our scheme has two conceptually novel elements. First, it introduces a new form of random spin system that interpolates between a ferromagnetic and a spin glass regime as a physical parameter is tuned—the positions of ensembles within the cavity. Second, and more importantly, the spins relax via deterministic steepest-descent dynamics rather than Glauber dynamics. We show that this nonequilibrium quantum-optical scheme has significant advantages for associative memory over Glauber dynamics: These dynamics can enhance the network’s ability to store and recall memories beyond that of the standard Hopfield model. Surprisingly, the cavity QED dynamics can retrieve memories even when the system is in the spin glass phase. Thus, the experimental platform provides a novel physical instantiation of associative memories and spin glasses as well as provides an unusual form of relaxational dynamics that is conducive to memory recall even in regimes where it was thought to be impossible.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Buli dan Hubungannya Dengan Prestasi Akademik di Sekolah Berasrama Penuh di Kedah

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    The purpose of this study is to describe gangterism in relation to bullying behavior and determine its relationship with students' academic achievement in three residential schools (SBP) in Kedah. The dimensions of bullying studied are types of bullying behavior, types of bullies and victims, places where bullying frequently happened either direct or indirect bullying and bullies and victims emotions and feelings. It is also attempted to identify the relationship between dimensions of bullying behavior and students' academic achievement. The samples of study are students from Form One to Form Five of the three selected SBPs in Kedah. Descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation (r) are used for data analysis. Results showed that bullying incidents occured mainly in the hostel, cafeteria and bathroom or toilet more frequently compared to other places. More boys and groups of boys were involved in bullying compared to girls and the occurrence is more of indirect bullying. However, there are responses indicating that direct physical bully do exist though at a low rate but this call for appropriate action before the incident is beyond the control of the authority. Result of correlation analysis showed academic achievement was not significantly related with bullying and victims of bullying. Nevertheless, a total of 77 percent of 396 respondents belong to the hogh achievers group compared to 23 percent who belong to the low achievers group

    Spinor self-ordering of a quantum gas in a cavity

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    Funding: J. K. acknowledges support from SU2P.We observe the joint spin-spatial (spinor) self-organization of a two-component BEC strongly coupled to an optical cavity. This unusual nonequilibrium Hepp-Lieb-Dicke phase transition is driven by an off-resonant two-photon Raman transition formed from a classical pump field and the emergent quantum dynamical cavity field. This mediates a spinor-spinor interaction that, above a critical strength, simultaneously organizes opposite spinor states of the BEC on opposite checkerboard configurations of an emergent 2D lattice. The resulting spinor density-wave polariton condensate is observed by directly detecting the atomic spin and momentum state and by holographically reconstructing the phase of the emitted cavity field. The latter provides a direct measure of the spin state, and a spin-spatial domain wall is observed. The photon-mediated spin interactions demonstrated here may be engineered to create dynamical gauge fields and quantum spin glasses.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Enhanced Global-Brain Functional Connectivity in the Left Superior Frontal Gyrus as a Possible Endophenotype for Schizophrenia

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    The notion of dysconnectivity in schizophrenia has been put forward for many years and results in substantial attempts to explore altered functional connectivity (FC) within different networks with inconsistent results. Clinical, demographical, and methodological heterogeneity may contribute to the inconsistency. Forty-four patients with first-episode, drug-naive schizophrenia, 42 unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients and 44 healthy controls took part in this study. Global-brain FC (GFC) was employed to analyze the imaging data. Compared with healthy controls, patients with schizophrenia and unaffected siblings shared enhanced GFC in the left superior frontal gyrus (SFG). In addition, patients had increased GFC mainly in the thalamo-cortical network, including the bilateral thalamus, bilateral posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)/precuneus, left superior medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), right angular gyrus, and right SFG/middle frontal gyrus and decreased GFC in the left ITG/cerebellum Crus I. No other altered GFC values were observed in the siblings group relative to the control group. Further ROC analysis showed that increased GFC in the left SFG could separate the patients or the siblings from the controls with acceptable sensitivities. Our findings suggest that increased GFC in the left SFG may serve as a potential endophenotype for schizophrenia
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