168 research outputs found

    The self motor evaluation/assessment in professional training of learning support teachers

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    One of the most significant experiences of SISS on the motor –training plan, which allowed in some cases the implementation of activity of research-action, was the motor- sports laboratory. The activity of laboratory in the motor- sports field and the motor subjects, along with specific training, represents in the SSIS (Specialization School Teaching Secondary) area an innovative element. This also gave a strong contribute to the definition of a new professional profile of the teacher that has in it those transversal skills needed to promote a new teaching, finding the necessary balances between the cognitive moment and the applicative and operative one

    Young-Adult Fashion Costumer Psychographic Segmentation: Bandung Case Study

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    Abstract. Fashion had becomes one business commodity that promise high potential revenue for fashion company. In the development of fashion, there are some difficulty among Fashion Company / brand in targeting the appropriate market for their fashion products. This condition occur due to the complex fashion dynamics that is strongly influenced by social and psychological condition that pretty hard to predicted (Malcolm Barnard, 1969). Segmentation process as one way to understand the dynamics of the market by simplify the markets into several segment becomes the promising framework in understand the market. Psychographics approach in segmentation process that segmenting the market based on psychological / lifestyle perspective surely becomes the appropriate framework in fashion industry condition.By applicate the psychographics framework to Bandung Young-Adult demographics segments (as young adult segment becomes one of segments that really influenced by the movement of fashion) as studied case in this research, researcher adapted several preceding fashion industry psychographics segmentation outcomes, do some generalization process, and try to understand the meaning and characteristic of each segment to generate hypothetical segment that will be assessed in this research to find the distinct characteristic.This research using cluster analysis in segmentation process with motives, traits toward trend, and traits toward judgement as categorical variables. To understand the condition and distinct characteristic of each segment more deeply, researcher using cross tabulation descriptive analysis into adapted AIO framework variables that suitable with the condition of the fashion market.Finally the result of this study shows that motives and attitudes toward trend have high significance to segmenting the fashion markets. This research generated a customer profiles with hipster, fashionista, mainstreamer, and apathetic fashion as existed segment in the case. Each segment also shows distinct characteristic in several AIO variables such as work, social condition, shopping intensity, interest priority, self-opinion, cultural aspect in fashion industry, and cultural pressure in fashion industry. The served costumer profiles hopefully can give several contribution for Fashion Company, brand or practitioner to understand and generated appropriate marketing strategy for the appropriate market.Keywords: Psychographic Segmentation, Fashion Industry, Consumer Behavior, Fashion Lifestyl

    Poultry Labeling: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Preferences among Adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge, perceptions, and preferences of adolescents in regard to the labeling of poultry products. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) were used to display the relationship of perceptions, attitude, and behavior intentions. Quantitative data was collected in a descriptive research design. The population included youth, aged 14 – 18 years, involved in the Arkansas 4-H State O’Rama competition (N = 400). The sample (n = 80) ensured a 90% confidence interval of the population. Data was collected by administering paper surveys that addressed four product labels including no added hormones, non-GMO project verified, USDA organic, and no antibiotics ever. The sample consisted primarily of white (81.7%; n = 67), females (64.6%; n = 53), who lived on a farm (59.8%; n = 49). There was a correlation between responses of understanding and trust (r = .247). Although perceived understanding was rated 70% for each of the labels, actual knowledge was determined to be 45%. Analysis of preference resulted in an ideal combination of $1.89 + USDA organic + no hormones added + non-GMO and produced a utility score of .537. Although label claims played a role in participant’s choices, price remained the most important aspect of the choices. The gap found between actual knowledge and perceived understanding of participants shows room for improvement in food literacy education. Along with confidence as a consumer, knowledge in food literacy will increase trust in products, brands, and labels even when labels were present on the products, participants chose the product with the lowest price. These adolescents placed a high priority on taste, price, and nutritional benefit. Suggestions for further research include using this instrument to conduct research with different demographics, labels, or products

    Marketing in schools, commercialization and sustainability: policy disjunctures surrounding the commercialization of childhood and education for sustainable lifestyles in England

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    Capitalist expansion is predicated on consumption and growth driven by citizens following their individual preferences in the marketplace. To promote consumption and influence consumer wants and desire, propaganda is used to persuade citizens to purchase products using a wide and diverse range of techniques. In recent decades, this has involved an increase in the marketing of products and consumerist values to children through the education system and the broader media. This article argues that successive UK governments’ public policy in this area has been characterized by inaction, inertia and contradiction and that the resulting policy disjunctures are at variance with their public rhetoric about the commercialization of childhood and professed objectives regarding the promotion of environmental awareness and sustainable lifestyles in schools

    Análisis de tipologías de segmentación de usuarios en comercio electrónico

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    Despite the growth experienced by e-commerce in recent years, results in terms of adoption rates and revenue are still far from the predictions made a few years ago. In order to achieve the expected growth rates, characteristics of con-sumers have to be studied so that an offer adapted to the customers' needs may be developed. In recent years, various methods have been used to perform consumer segmentations. In this paper we have analyzed and classified the articles published on e-commerce segmentation according to five criteria: country, target audience, type of segmentation variables, objective of segmentation and influence of product types. The results of the analysis show a small number of papers, mainly empiri-cal, that have provided only partial conclusions. New research options are pro-posed in the final section

    هنجاريابی و اعتبارسنجی فرم تجديدنظرشده پرسش‌نامه شخصيتی آيزنک در جمعيت ايرانی

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    مقدمه: از آن‌جا که می‌توان تفاوت‌های فردی را بر پايه ويژگی‌های نسبتاً پايدار شخصيت که توسط خود فرد گزارش می‌شود سنجيد، اين پژوهش با هدف اعتبارسنجی و هنجاريابی فرم تجديدنظر شده پرسش‌نامه شخصيتی آيزنک (EPQ-R) در گروه‌های سنی مختلف جمعيت ايرانی انجام گرديد. مواد و روش کار: 1212 نفر زن و مرد در گروه‌های سنی مختلف شهر تهران به آزمون شخصيتی يادشده پاسخ دادند. تحليل آماری برای به دست آوردن ضرايب هماهنگی درونی وتحليل داده‌ها انجام شد. يک تا دو ماه پس از آن، 101 نفر از آزمودنی‌های آزمون شده در مرحله اول، به‌تصادف انتخاب شدند و دوباره به آزمون ها پاسخ دادند. هم‌چنين برای به دست آوردن ضريب روايی اين آزمون، 100 نفر از آزمودنی‌ها توسط دو روانشناس مصاحبه بالينی شدند. يافته‌ها: ضريب همبستگی بين نمره‌های مقياس‌ها در مرحله‌های آزمون و بازآزمون نشان داد که مقياس‌های شش‌گانه EPQ-R در شرايط مختلف نتايج يکسانی را به دست می‌دهند. هم‌چنين همبستگی ميان نمره‌های مقياس‌ها و ارزيابی‌های کمی دو ارزياب در مرحله مصاحبه شخصيتی، نشان داد که به‌لحاظ نظری، مقياس‌ها ويژگی‌های مورد نظر را می‌سنجند. يافته‌های مربوط به همبستگی درونی نشانگر آن است که عامل E از عاملP کاملاً جدا است، عامل E با عامل N همبستگی منفی ناچيزی دارد و همبستگی ضعيفی بين عوامل N و P ديده می‌شود. يافته‌های به‌دست آمده از تحليل عوامل نشان‌دهنده همبستگی مقياس‌های C و A با مقياس‌هایP ، E و N است. نتيجه‌گيری: EPQ-R دارای پايايی و روايی مطلوب است

    Descriptive Study of Organizational Climate in Higher Education

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    Climate is what the members of the organization experience. Organizational climate is the atmosphere surrounding the organization, uniting the characteristics of individuals, organizations, and the environment that influences the behavior of individuals in the organization. Many studies have shown that organizational climate has a significant impact on job satisfaction and employee productivity. One of which is Faculty X, a new faculty member at University Y, who wishes to examine their current organizational climate. Therefore, study on climate is an essential tool for defining and understanding organizations, providing support for future improvement. This study aims to examine organizational climate of a faculty at a private university in Bandung city, namely Faculty X at University Y. This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive research method. The sample consisted of 30 education staff employees. The instrument used was the short version of Organization Climate Scale (CLIOR), consisting of 15 items. Reliability test was carried out using Cronbach's Alpha statistical method, with the result of 0.819. The results showed that the organizational climate of Faculty X at University Y was in the high category with indicators of cooperation, work organization, relations, innovation, participation, and attachment to the job. In short, the results of this study can provide a new understanding of perception about organizational climate of Faculty X at University Y. Creating organizational climate is essential because it can overcome organizational relationships. The high organizational climate can be beneficial for Faculty X as it can influence employees’ productivity which in turn can influence the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization

    Exploring the relationship between EU political opinion, Euroscepticism, and populist attitudes with destination image perception

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    This study is a preliminary exploration of the relationship between populist attitudes and destination image perception. The study focused on the relationship between European political opinion and populist attitudes with destination image perception of international destinations. A European context was the focus given recent political landscape in the European Union (EU) due to 'Brexit,' issues surrounding European integration, the unresolved Eurozone and refugee crisis, and the rise right-wing populist parties. The findings suggest that individuals' political opinion about the EU is related to the destination image perception. Confidence in the EU results in a more positive perception of less popular destinations, whereas Euroscepticism results in a more negative perception of less popular destinations

    Reading is Remembering: The Effect of Reading vs. Watching News on Memory and Metamemory

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    From which news medium can audiences acquire information best? To what extent does the news source affect receivers’ feelings of knowing? Will the effect of a news source on confidence in knowledge, if any, stay over time? Exposure to either print or electronic news media is a daily habit for an average person in today’s world. Computerized news transmitted via networks and online services led to more diversification in news presentations. Such diversity inspired many scholars to investigate the comparative effectiveness of news media on memory processes. The study reported here examines the effect of exposure to different news media on the variance in subjects’ levels of recall immediately after exposure and two hours later. The three media used in the experiment are television, newspapers, and computer. Special attention to subjects’ metamemory, or their awareness of what they have learned is also given in this paper. Metamemory is tested immediately after exposure, and two hours later