743 research outputs found

    Nature, technology and the modern city: an introduction

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    Urban mobility and inequalities. Some perspectives from different disciplines

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    Urban mobility is one of the key aspects of urban planning and development. It plays an important role in the achievement of a resilient, inclusive and sustainable city. However, the complex interrelations of urban mobility, transportation and other city dimensions implies the need of an interdisciplinary approach to understand and plan it. In this brief paper, we discuss the social aspects of urban mobility and inequality and how it has been addressed in the literature. We also show different ways of gathering data relevant for the understanding of urban mobility, their sizes, scopes, and nature. Finally, we aim to promote an interdisciplinary debate based on our academic literature review about the relationship of urban mobility with social variables such as poverty

    Developing a context-based bounded centrality approach of street patterns in flooding: a case study of London

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    Floods affect an average of 21 million people worldwide each year, and their frequency is expected to increase due to climate warming, population growth, and rapid urbanisation. Previous research on the robustness of transport networks during floods has mainly used percolation theory. However, giant component size of disrupted networks cannot capture the entire network’s information and, more importantly, does not reflect the local reality. To address this issue, this study introduces a novel approach to bounded context-based centrality to extract the local impact of disruption. In particular, we propose embedding travel behaviour into the road network to calculate bounded centrality and develop new measures characterising the size of connected components during flooding. Our analysis can identify critical road segments during floods by comparing the decreasing trend and dispersibility of component sizes on road networks. To demonstrate the feasibility of these approaches, a case study of London's transport infrastructure that integrates road networks with relevant urban contexts was developed. This approach is beneficial for practical risk management, helping decision-makers allocate resources efficiently in space and time

    Alzheimer's disease in humans and other animals; a consequence of post-reproductive lifespan and longevity rather than ageing

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    Research in the author’s laboratories is supported by the NIHR, MRC, ARUK, Alzheimer’s Society, Wellcome Trust and the EUIntroduction Alzheimer's disease and diabetes mellitus are linked by epidemiology, genetics, and molecular pathogenesis. They may also be linked by the remarkable observation that insulin signaling sets the limits on longevity. In worms, flies, and mice, disrupting insulin signaling increases life span leading to speculation that caloric restriction might extend life span in man. It is our contention that man is already a long-lived organism, specifically with a remarkably high postfertility life span, and that it is this that results in the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. Methods We review evidence for this hypothesis that carries specific predictions including that other animals with exceptionally long postreproductive life span will have increased risk of both diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Results and Conclusions We present novel evidence that Dolphin, like man, an animal with exceptional longevity, might be one of the very few natural models of Alzheimer's disease.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Present teaching stories as re-membering the humanities

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    he ways in which Humanities scholars talk about teaching tell something about how we interact with the past of our own discipline as well as anticipate our students’ futures. In this we express collective memories as truths of learning and teaching. As cultural artifacts of our present, such stories are worthy of excavation for what they imply about ourselves as well as messages they pass onto our successors. This paper outlines “collective re-membering” as one way to understand these stories, particularly as they present in qualitative interviews commonly being used to research higher education practice in the Humanities. It defines such collective re-membering through an interweaving of Halbwachs, Ricoeur, Wertsch and Bakhtin. It proposes that a dialogic reading between this understanding of collective re-membering and qualitative data-sets enables us to both access our discursive tendencies within the Humanities and understand the impact they might have on student engagement with our disciplines, noting that when discussing learning and teaching, we engage in collectively influenced myth-making and hagiography. The paper finishes by positing that the Humanities need to change their orientation from generating myths and pious teaching sagas towards the complex and ultimately more intellectually satisfying, articulation of learning and teaching parables

    Progression and adherence to an individually prescribed and supervised resistance training intervention in older adults recovering in hospital from lower limb fragility fracture

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    This study evaluated adherence and progression with a 12-week resistance training program amongst a sample of older adults recovering in hospital from lower limb fragility fracture. Forty-nine participants (mean age 84 years) commenced the resistance training program seven days after the injury. The exercise prescription involved training of the hip and knee extensors, hip abductors, and ankle plantar- and dorsi flexors using resistive bands. Exercise sessions were completed tri-weekly for six weeks under supervision by a physiotherapist and tri-weekly for an additional six weeks independently. Adherence was assessed as the proportion of exercise sessions completed of those prescribed and any progression in resistance was documented. Level of adherence was not found to be influenced by age, gender, cognition or strength but was greater amongst those admitted from the community setting and for the first six weeks when supervision was present. Participants were able to obtain similar levels of resistance for the injured side compared to the noninjured side for all exercises excluding hip abduction and those admitted from the community setting achieved higher levels of resistance compared to those admitted from the residential care setting. These findings suggest that an early resistance training program is feasible and well tolerated amongst older adults recovering from lower limb fragility fracture. Further work is necessary to determine how this level of resistance training translates into functional improvements and how to improve adherence levels in clinical rehabilitation settings

    Alat dan Teknik Analisis Manajemen

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    Buku ini membahas alat dan teknik konsultasi dalam kisaran yang luas dan didiagramkan, dijelaskan, dan diferensi denga baik. Pembaca dapat melihat bahwa alat dan teknik dipermudah karena dibagi menjadi 20 sektor keahlian yang dapat dikenali di bidang menejemen konsultasi dan spesialisasi. Tidak ada sumber referensi yang ada saat ini yang mendaftar secara singkat dan menjelaskan dengan jelas alat dan teknik konsultasi menejemen yang meliputi banyak sector. Buku ini ditulis oleh penulis dengan akurasi dan keringkasan paduan yang unik dari praktisi dan pengajar berpengalaman. Hal ini juga dapat dilihat dari pilihan yang tepat akan model, prinsip, dan praktik yang aman, terpercaya, kokoh, dan langsung bisa dikenali. Metode pengenalan isi kebanyakan dalam bentuk diagram, sehingga membantu proses referensi cepat dan pemahamanm yang mudah. Alat dan teknik bisa digunakan untuk seluruh cakupan sector organisasi serta sector Negara dan swasta

    Horner's Syndrome Secondary to Epidural Anaesthesia Following Posterior Instrumented Scoliosis Correction

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    An 11-year-old girl underwent T4 to L1 posterior instrumented scoliosis correction for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Postoperative clinical examination revealed left-sided Horner's syndrome which was preceded by left-sided C8 paraesthesia. The Horner's syndrome resolved after 14 hours following weaning and removal of the epidural catheter. Horner's syndrome following posterior instrumented scoliosis correction associated to epidural use is extremely rare. Surgeons must be aware of the risks of epidural placement and the need for close monitoring of associated complications. Alternative aetiology producing a Horner's syndrome must always be considered because of its devastating long term sequela if missed
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