492 research outputs found

    The evolution of the packaging logistics research area

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    Logistics can be regarded as an established research area containing publications in renowned scientific journals and which covers several related fields. One of them, packaging logistics, is a relatively new research area, established at only a few universities and institutes. Consequently, the packaging logistics area is characterised by scattered theoretical frameworks and publications are scarce. Theory in packaging logistics is often delimited to packaging, focusing either on technological aspects e.g. packaging features, or on marketing aspects, e.g. branding. The holistic view of packaging logistics related to overall business systems is however, neither covered by researchers, nor included in related scientific journals. The aim of this paper is to describe the evolution of the packaging logistics research area based on an evolution model by Reid (1997). Based on that model the paper illustrates reasons for establishing the research area and further inspired the description of the present framework of packaging logistics ten years after its establishment at Lund University. The paper also specifies where current research is heading. The process used facilitates better understanding of the evolution of the research area, both in the local community and in the discipline. The research area develops from an interaction between the subjects of logistics and packaging, into the present cross-disciplinary research, integrating several theoretical fields. Intensified research and publication, although still inconsistent, indicate the increased awareness and dissemination of the research area. Finally, packaging logistics is proposed as being included as an integrated part in logistics research and practice

    Apolipoprotein B100 autoimmunity and atherosclerosis - disease mechanisms and therapeutic potential.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Adaptive immune responses have been shown to play an important role in the atherosclerotic disease process and both pathogenic and protective immunity has been identified. Apolipoprotein (apo) B100 appears to be a key antigen and novel therapies modulating immune responses against apo B100 have shown promising results in experimental models. This review will discuss recent developments in the mechanistic understanding of apo B100 autoimmunity and approaches taken to use this knowledge for development of novel therapies. RECENT FINDINGS: It has recently been shown that not only apo B100 modified by oxidation but also nonmodified apo B100 is targeted by autoimmune responses. This implies that a corresponding set of regulatory T cells with the same antigen specificity must exist and that these cells under normal circumstances are able to prevent autoimmunity against LDL. Recent studies also suggest that the atheroprotective effect of apo B100 peptide immunization acts by re-enforcing the activity of such cells. SUMMARY: These novel findings suggest that aggravation of plaque inflammation may occur as a result of a local loss of tolerance against LDL in the plaque due to insufficient activity of regulatory T cells. Restoration of lost tolerance represents an interesting novel approach for treatment of cardiovascular disease

    Emerging biomarkers and intervention targets for immune-modulation of atherosclerosis - A review of the experimental evidence.

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    The role of inflammation in atherosclerosis and plaque vulnerability is well recognized. However, it is only during recent years it has become evident that this inflammation is modulated by immune responses against plaque antigens such as oxidized LDL. Interestingly, both protective and pathogenic immune responses exist and experimental data from animal studies suggest that modulation of these immune responses represents a promising new target for treatment of cardiovascular disease. It has been proposed that during early stages of the disease, autoimmune responses against plaque antigens are controlled by regulatory T cells that inhibit the activity of auto-reactive Th1 effector T cells by release of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-ÎČ. As the disease progresses this control is gradually lost and immune responses towards plaque antigens switch towards activation of Th1 effector T cells and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon-Îł, TNF-α and IL-1ÎČ. Several novel immune-modulatory therapies that promote or mimic tolerogenic immune responses against plaque antigens have demonstrated athero-protective effects in experimental models and a first generation of such immune-modulatory therapies are now in early or about to enter into clinical testing. A challenge in the clinical development of these therapies is that our knowledge of the role of the immune system in atherosclerosis largely rests on data from animal models of the disease. It is therefore critical that more attention is given to the characterization and evaluation of immune biomarkers for cardiovascular risk

    The FERRUM project: improved experimental oscillator strengths in CrII

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    We report absolute oscillator strengths for 119 Cr II transitions in the wavelength region 2050-4850 angstrom. The transition probabilities have been derived by combining radiative lifetimes, measured with time- resolved laser induced fluorescence, and branching fractions from intensity calibrated Fouirer transform spectrometer data. New radiative lifetimes for the 3d(4)(D-5)4p F-4, D-4 and P-6 terms are reported, adding up to a total of 25 energy levels with measured lifetimes used to derive this improved set of atomic data

    Content Analysis of Four Fear of Falling Rating Scales by Linking to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

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    OBJECTIVE: To gain a deeper understanding of the content of 4 fear of falling (FOF) rating scales by linking them to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). DESIGN: Linking study according to the ICF linking rules. SETTING: Not applicable. PATIENTS: Not applicable. METHODS: The rating scales were the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), the Swedish version of the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES[S]), the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC), and the modified Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly (SAFFE). The process followed the established and updated linking rules. Three linkers independently identified all meaningful concepts in the rating scales and linked them to the most precise ICF categories. The linkers then discussed their results to reach consensus. If consensus was not attained, the linkers pursued the discussions with a fourth person to reach consensus. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Not applicable. RESULTS: Most meaningful concepts from the overall questions were linked to the ICF component of body functions. Of the 62 items, all but one meaningful concept were linked to the component of activities and participation. All 4 rating scales covered the chapters of mobility and domestic life and had most linkages to the mobility chapter. CONCLUSIONS: The linking process revealed similarities and differences between the 4 FOF rating scales, as well as methodologic challenges in linking instruments to the ICF. By providing a content description that allows for a direct comparison of the rating scales, the results may be helpful when choosing an appropriate rating scale assessing FOF in clinical practice and research. A further head-to-head comparison through psychometric analyses is required to recommend appropriate FOF rating scales. Studies are also needed to investigate how the overall question and response categories of a rating scale affect respondents' answers

    Ungdomars perspektiv pÄ livet:En korrelationsstudie om livstillfredsstÀllelse och olika faktorer

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    Det sker ett stÀndigt pÄgÄende arbete pÄ olika nivÄer i samhÀllet för att förbÀttra ungdomars psykiska hÀlsa. Det finns stor kunskap om en mÀngd faktorer som kan pÄverka livstillfredsstÀllelse, men man vet inte vilka som Àr avgörande, för att ungdomar ska mÄ bra och uppleva hög livstillfredsstÀllelse. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka livstillfredsstÀllelse nivÄ hur olika faktorer samverkar med livstillfredsstÀllelse samt om det finns nÄgra könsskillnader. Totalt 341 gymnasieelever besvarade en sjÀlvskattningsenkÀt gÀllande livstillfredsstÀllelse, sjÀlvkÀnsla, kÀnslohanteringsstrategier, livsstilsfaktorer, somatisk hÀlsa, skolmiljö, framtidsplaner och hade möjlighet att fritt formulera vad de anser Àr viktigt för att mÄ bra. Mer Àn hÀlften (56 %) skattade sin livstillfredsstÀllelse som hög eller mycket hög, vilket stÀmmer med tidigare gjorda studier. Vidare visade denna studie pÄ starka samband mellan livstillfredsstÀllelse och ungdomars sjÀlvkÀnsla, dÀr relationer till familjen Àr den komponent som skattades högst. Studien visade ocksÄ att kÀnslohanteringsstrategierna resignation och destruktivitet korrelerar negativt med livstillfredsstÀllelse. Avseende skolsituationen visade studien att förÀldrarnas intresse och delaktighet i skolarbetet Àr betydelsefullt för ungdomarnas livstillfredsstÀllelse. Kvinnor skattade högre pÄ somatiska besvÀr, lÀgre pÄ sina fysiska egenskaper samt upplevde mer krav i skolarbetet. Vidare visade studiens resultat att Kvinnor anvÀnder kÀnslohanteringsstrategierna resignation och social kommunikation i större utstrÀckning Àn mÀn. Förslag pÄ fortsatta studier Àr att fördjupa sig inom olika faktorer som pÄverkar livstillfredsstÀllelsen hos ungdomar samt göra denna studie pÄ fler gymnasieskolor, till exempel inom storstadsomrÄden.Continuous work to improve the psychiatric health of the youth is ongoing in society. There is a great amount of knowledge available regarding a multitude of factors relating to satisfaction of life amongst youth, but it is still uncertain which ones are decisive. This study aims to investigate how different factors correlate with life satisfaction, and whether or not there existed any gender differences. A total of 341 high school students filled out a survey with questions relating to satisfaction of life, self-esteem, emotional regulation, lifestyle, somatic health, school environment and plans for the future. They also had the possibility to freely express what they consider important in order to prosper. More than half of the students (56 %) valued their life satisfaction high or very high, which corresponds with previously made studies in the field. This study showed a clear connection between life satisfaction and self-esteem, with the most important component being family relations. It also showed that the strategies to regulate emotions, resignation and destruction correlates with lower life satisfaction. In regards to the school situation, the results of the study that youth with parents whom take part and interest in the schoolwork generally have a higher level of life satisfaction. The results showed a difference between the genders. Women experience more somatic difficulties and also value physical abilities less than men, and experience a greater demand to succeed in school. Women use resignation and social communication to deal with emotions to a greater extent than men. A continuation of studies examining factors affecting satisfaction of life amongst youth may be in order, and a proposition is to conduct this study in other high schools, for example schools based in a city environment

    Plasma oxidized LDL: a predictor for acute myocardial infarction?

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    Objectives. Oxidized LDL has been attributed a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. Previous studies have demonstrated increased plasma levels of oxidized LDL in patients with established coronary artery disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate if plasma oxidized LDL also predicts risk for development of coronary heart disease (CHD). Design. We used a nested case-control design to study the association between plasma levels of oxidized LDL and risk for development of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and/or death by CHD. Subjects. Oxidized LDL was analysed by ELISA in cases (n = 26), controls (n = 26) and controls with LDL cholesterol >5.0 mmol L-1 (n = 26). Results. Oxidized LDL correlated with total plasma and LDL cholesterol in both cases (r = 0.72, P < 0.01, r = 0.69, P < 0.01, respectively) and controls (r = 0.71, P < 0.01, r = 0.77, P < 0.01, respectively). The oxidized LDL/plasma cholesterol ratio was higher amongst cases (13.5, range 10.7-19.8) than in controls (12.6, range 9.5-15.8, P < 0.05) and hypercholesterolaemic controls (12.2, range 8.0-16.0, P < 0.01). Conclusions. These findings identify high plasma oxidized LDL/total cholesterol ratio as a possible indicator of increased risk for AMI

    Uncovering Indicators of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health from the 39-Item Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire

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    The 39-item Parkinson's disease questionnaire (PDQ-39) is the most widely used patient-reported rating scale in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, recent studies have questioned its validity and it is unclear what scores represent. This study explored the possibility of regrouping PDQ-39 items into scales representing the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) components of Body Functions and Structures (BF), Activities and Participation (AP), and Environmental (E) factors. An iterative process using Rasch analysis produced five new items sets, two each for the BF and AP components and one representing E. Four of these were found to represent clinically meaningful variables: Emotional Impairment (BF), Gross Motor Disability (AP), Fine Motor Disability (AP), and Socioattitudinal Environment (E) with acceptable reliability (0.73–0.96) and fit to the Rasch model (total item-trait chi-square, 8.28–33.2; P > .05). These new ICF-based scales offer a means to reanalyze PDQ-39 data from an ICF perspective and to study its health components using a widely available health status questionnaire for people with PD
