163 research outputs found

    Quiz for diskusjon og samarbeid i store klasser

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    Quiz er vorte populært som eit middel for å aktivit læring, og for å auka engagementet åt studentane på førelesing. Mange har teke til orde for quiz som eit nytt, innovativt og positivt verkemiddel, men det meste som er skrive tek utgangspunkt i at quiz er quiz, og alle veit kva det er. I denne artikkelen problematiserer med fenomenet, og drøftar ulike måtar å bruka quiz på, med utgangspunkt i ein fallstudie frå eit emne i grunnleggjande matematikk.&nbsp

    Atmospheric deposition and lateral transport of mercury in Norwegian drainage basins: A mercury budget for Norway

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    Project manager Hans Fredrik Veiteberg BraatenReduced atmospheric loading of mercury (Hg) can improve the environmental status of freshwaters and coastal ecosystems. Sparse data limit impact assessments of changes in atmospheric Hg on aquatic ecosystems. Here, a Hg budget is calculated for Norway by estimating fluxes of Hg in the environment. Atmospheric inputs (ca. 3.3 tonnes annually) are a factor 10 higher than riverine export to coastal areas, indicating considerable retention in soils and lakes. Environmental loading of Hg to surface waters was separated into headwater (=catchment) export of Hg and atmospheric Hg loadings, which were of similar size (0.2 to 0.3 tonnes), where atmospheric loadings were considered of higher certainty than headwater fluxes. Robust methods for estimations of headwater Hg export at the regional scale are lacking. Hg budgets for small headwater catchments are more reliable and valuable to assess the fate of atmospheric Hg, and the role of aquatic Hg retention. Continued monitoring of Hg in deposition, catchments, and rivers are needed to reduce uncertainties in environmental assessments, in addition to international collaboration.Norwegian Environment AgencypublishedVersio


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    The workshops on stochastic geometry, stereology and image analysis have been held every second year since 1981. Over the years, the workshops have increased in size and in impact too. Nowadays, the workshops have developed into the main occasion to promote recent advances in stochastic geometry, stereology and image analysis

    Integrated Water Resources Management in Myanmar Ecology of Rivers, Lakes, and Reservoirs

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    Prosjektleder: Ingrid NesheimThis is the final report from output 1 of the IWRM project 2015-2024. The goal of the project was to implement a classification system for the ecological status of rivers and lakes in Myanmar like the EU Water Framework Directive. As the project was ended in 2021 due to the military coup in Myanmar, planned activities could not be finished. This report presents a summary of the ecological surveys and ecological status assessments in selected water bodies in Myanmar achieved within the project. The report should be read in conjunction with the other comprehensive publications from the project. Although the current political situation in Myanmar put a halt to our activities, the reports and scientific papers comprised in this project, in addition to transferred knowledge about freshwater ecology to selected staff and to one PhD student from Myanmar, have led to a set of recommendations that hopefully will be an impetus for future river and lake biomonitoring in Myanmar. As knowledge about the ecology of most of the many water bodies in Myanmar is still poor a much bigger number of freshwater ecologists need to be educated to achieve the goal of classifying their status and to find solutions for their improvement.The Norwegian embassy in Yangon, Myanmar Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NorwaypublishedVersio

    1. Forhandlingsemne: Skattesvik som kriminalpolitisk problem

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    Side 3-23: Høyesterettsdommer O. C. Gundersen, Oslo. Side 24-35: Politiadvokat Jørgen Smith, København Side 36-40: Docent Inkeri Anttila, Finland Side 41-53: Docent Hans Thornstedt, Stockhol

    Cross-correlating Carbon Monoxide Line-intensity Maps with Spectroscopic and Photometric Galaxy Surveys

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    Line-intensity mapping (LIM or IM) is an emerging field of observational work, with strong potential to fit into a larger effort to probe large-scale structure and small-scale astrophysical phenomena using multiple complementary tracers. Taking full advantage of such complementarity means, in part, undertaking line-intensity surveys with galaxy surveys in mind. We consider the potential for detection of a cross-correlation signal between COMAP and blind surveys based on photometric redshifts (as in COSMOS) or based on spectroscopic data (as with the HETDEX survey of Lyman-α\alpha emitters). We find that obtaining σz/(1+z)0.003\sigma_z/(1+z)\lesssim0.003 accuracy in redshifts and 104\gtrsim10^{-4} sources per Mpc3^3 with spectroscopic redshift determination should enable a CO-galaxy cross spectrum detection significance at least twice that of the CO auto spectrum. Either a future targeted spectroscopic survey or a blind survey like HETDEX may be able to meet both of these requirements.Comment: 19 pages + appendix (31 pages total), 16 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Mercury in the Barents region – River fluxes, sources, and environmental concentrations

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    Arctic rivers are receiving increased attention for their contributing of mercury (Hg) to the Arctic Ocean. Despite this, the knowledge on both the terrestrial release sources and the levels of Hg in the rivers are limited. Within the Arctic, the Barents region has a high industrial development, including multiple potential Hg release sources. This study presents the first overview of potential Hg release sources on Norwegian and Russian mainland draining to the Barents Sea. Source categories cover mining and metallurgy industry; historical pulp and paper production; municipal and industrial solid waste handling; fossil fuel combustion; and past military activities. Available data on Hg in freshwater bodies near the identified potential release sources are reviewed. Levels of Hg were occasionally exceeding the national pollution control limits, thereby posing concern to the local human population and wildlife. However, the studies were sparse and often unsystematic. Finally, we present new data of Hg measured in five Barents rivers. These data reveal strong seasonality in the Hg levels, with a total annual flux constituting 2% of the panarctic total. With this new insight we aspire to contribute to the international efforts of reducing Hg pollution, such as through the effective implementation of the Minamata Convention. Future studies documenting Hg in exposed Barents freshwater bodies are warranted.publishedVersio