8 research outputs found

    Anti-mollusk Selectivity of Jayanti Plant (Sesbania sesban L., Merr) for the Control of Golden Snails, a Pest of Paddy

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    Pest control is an essential aspect of rice cultivation. The golden snail (Pomacea speciosa) is one of the pests in rice fields. Damage to rice plants due to golden snail attacks has occurred in several provinces in Indonesia and several countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, and Malaysia. Various steps to control golden snails have been carried out, both mechanically, biologically, and chemically. However, each biological and mechanical control of golden snails is impractical to apply to very large rice fields. Meanwhile, the control of golden snails using synthetic molluscicides such as Brestan and Dimotrin is minimal because it can pollute the environment and cause the death of fish and the rice plant itself. To suppress the emergence of environmental pollution problems in overcoming this golden snail, natural molluscicides from plant materials are studied. Several plant species have been known to have anti-mollusk properties, one of which potentially is the Jayanti plant {Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.}. This study aimed to evaluate the anti-mollusk performance of S. sesban for controlling golden snails, a pest of rice plants. The dry powder of S. sesban leaves was extracted in stages with a series of solvents of petroleum ether, chloroform, and ethanol to obtain an extract fraction that was selected as a mollucicide. Each extract fraction produced was tested for its toxicity to the gold snail, carp, rice germination, and rice plant growth. Data on the mortality of golden snail and carp fish, the percentage of germination inhibition, and rice growth were processed by probit analysis, respectively. The outputs of the analysis were LC50 of each extract fraction for golden snails and carp. The ratio of LC50 for golden snail with LC50 for carp indicated each extract fraction's physiological selectivity of anti-mollusk properties. The results showed that the highest lethal toxicity to gold snails was indicated by the extract fraction-ethanol, while to carp, it was indicated by the extract fraction-chloroform. Each extract fraction of S. sesban leaves did not inhibit the germination and growth of rice plants. The extract fraction- ethanol had the highest anti-mollusk selectivity compared to the other two fractions. Bioactive examination showed triterpene saponins from the extract of S. sesban leaves, with the highest relative levels in the ethanol fraction compared to the other two extract fractions

    Application of Science and Technology for Rice Farmers Facing Pest Golden Snails in The Village of Bunut Baok, Central Lombok

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     The golden snail in Indonesia is a species of foreign animal, originally kept as a decorative animal in an aquarium but later turned into a pest of plants, especially rice plants. This golden snail attack can cause rice crop production to decrease by up to 30%. The use of synthetic pesticides to control golden snails is not recommended because they must use very high concentrations, which endanger the lives of non-target organisms. Synthetic chemical pesticides are generally stable and not easily degraded so that they accumulate in the food chain. A number of studies have been conducted to find the effective use of botanical pesticides to control the golden snail, a pest of rice plants. Natural pesticides from the jayanti plant (Sesbania sesban) have been laboratory-proven to be effective and selective for the control of golden snails, namely killing golden snails as pests but not killing non-target animals. The manufacture and application of molluscicides from jayanti plants can be easily carried out by farmers, because the active anti-mollusc content can be withdrawn using water as the sole solvent. Devotion activities on the application of science and technology for rice farmers who face the golden snail problem have been carried out in Bunut Baok Village, Central Lombok. This activity began with a coordination meeting of the implementation team with the village head and farmer group leaders in Bunut Baok Village to confirm the problems faced by rice farmers, determine   methods and implementation schedule. This service activity aims to increase the appreciation of the farming community for the jayanti plant, increase the knowledge and skills of farmers in producing molluscicides from jayanti plants and apply them to control golden snails in rice fields. Socialization of the application of science and technology was carried out using various methods and media, including lectures, simulations, demonstrations, discussions, field practices and mentoring. The activity was attended by 12 members of Mohon Petunjuk Farmers Group in Bunut Baok Village. The results achieved from this activity are increasing farmers' appreciation for jayanti plants and increasing farmers' knowledge and skills in producing natural molluscicides from jayanti plants and applying them to control the golden snail pest of rice plants


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    ABSTRAKAkibat serangan keong mas, produksi padi menurun hingga 30% di beberapa tempat di Provinsi NusaTenggara Barat. Desa Bunut Baok Lombok Tengah adalah termasuk sentra penghasil padi yangmengalami gagal panen akibat serangan keong mas. Kegiatan penerapan iptek bagi masyarakat (IbM)untuk mengatasi masalah hama keong mas telah dilakukan di desa tersebut. Kegiatan IbM diawalidengan koordinasi Tim Pelasana IbM dengan Ketua Kelompok Tani Mohon Petunjuk di Desa BunutBaok untuk memantapkan persiapan dan sosialisasi teknik pelasanaan IbM. Program IbM dilakukandengan materi meliputi karakteristika tanaman jayanti (Sesbania sesban) dan cara pembudidayaannya,karakteristika jenis keong mas yang merupakan hama tanaman padi, cara penyiapan dan pembuatanbahan molusisida dari tanaman jayanti, dan aplikasinya untuk mengendalikan keong mas hamatanaman padi. Kegiatan IbM menggunakan berbagai media yang meliputi papan tulis, LCD, biji, danspecimen tanaman jayanti dewasa, serbuk kering daun jayanti, specimen keong mas hidup, air, danalat-alat pertanian untuk pembuatan dan aplikasi molusisida di sawah padi. Metode yang digunakanmeliputi ceramah, demonstrasi, pelatihan, dan diskusi. Kegiatan IbM diikuti oleh 12 orang anggotaKelompok Tani Mohon Petunjuk Desa Bunut Baok. Hasil yang dicapai adalah meliputi meningkatnyaapresiasi petani terhadap tanaman jayanti, meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalammengidentifikasi tanaman jayanti, terampil untuk membuat bahan molusisida dari tanaman jayanti,dan penggunaannya untuk mengendalikan keong mas hama tanaman padi.Kata-kata kunci: Tanaman jayanti, keong mas hama tanaman padi, Desa Bunut BaokABSTRACTFest of gold snail (keong mas) is the main factor of 30% reduction of rice production in some parts ofthe Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, including Bunut Baok Village in the District of CentralLombok. Iptek application for community activity (IACC) was done to solve the problem in BunutBaok village. Coordination between team of IACC and the head of farmer group, Mohon Petunjuk inBunut Baok village done first to make sure the plant and socialization thechnic activity of IACC. TheIACC program done with course including characteristics and cultivication method of jayanti plant(Sesbania sesban) and characteristics of gold snail as a pest of rice plant. The media used for IACCactivity were white board, LCD, seeds and specimen of adult jayanti plant, dray powder of jayanti leaf,life gold snail specimen, water, and farming tools to make and application of molluside in paddy field.Method for IACC activity were classroom talking, demonstration, exercise, and discussion. Theparticipants of IACC activity were 12 person members of farmer group, Mohon Petunjuk Bunut Baokvillage. The result of this activity was improvement of farmer appreciation on jayanti plant,knowledge, and skill to make and applied anti mollusk from jayanti plant for controlling of gold snail,pest of rice plant.Key words: Jayanti, gold snail, pest of rice plant, Bunut Baok villag

    Point of care HbA1c level for diabetes mellitus management and its accuracy among tuberculosis patients: a study in four countries

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is common among tuberculosis (TB) patients and often undiagnosed or poorly controlled. We compared point of care (POC) with laboratory glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) testing among newly diagnosed TB patients to assess POC test accuracy, safety and acceptability in settings in which immediate access to DM services may be difficult. METHODS: We measured POC and accredited laboratory HbA1c (using high-performance liquid chromatography) in 1942 TB patients aged 18 years recruited from Peru, Romania, Indonesia and South Africa. We calculated overall agreement and individual variation (mean ± 2 standard deviations) stratified by country, age, sex, body mass index (BMI), HbA1c level and comorbidities (anaemia, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]). We used an error grid approach to identify disagreement that could raise significant concerns. RESULTS: Overall mean POC HbA1c values were modestly higher than laboratory HbA1c levels by 0.1% units (95%CI 0.1–0.2); however, there was a substantial discrepancy for those with severe anaemia (1.1% HbA1c, 95%CI 0.7–1.5). For 89.6% of 1942 patients, both values indicated the same DM status (no DM, HbA1c <6.5%) or had acceptable deviation (relative difference <6%). Individual agreement was variable, with POC values up to 1.8% units higher or 1.6% lower. For a minority, use of POC HbA1c alone could result in error leading to potential overtreatment (n = 40, 2.1%) or undertreatment (n = 1, 0.1%). The remainder had moderate disagreement, which was less likely to influence clinical decisions. CONCLUSION: POC HbA1c is pragmatic and sufficiently accurate to screen for hyperglycaemia and DM risk among TB patients

    Paraganglioma and Pheochromocytoma

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    Lipid Biotechnology and Biochemistry

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