245 research outputs found

    The catalytic removal of ammonia and nitrogen oxides from spacecabin atmospheres

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    Investigations were made on methods for the removal of ammonia and to a lesser extent nitrogen oxides in low concentrations from air. The catalytic oxidation of ammonia was studied over a temperature range of 250 F to 600 F and a concentration range 20 ppm to 500 ppm. Of the catalysts studied, 0.5 percent ruthenium supported on alumina was found to be superior. This material is active at temperatures as low as 250 F and was found to produce much less nitrous oxide than the other two active catalysts, platinum on alumina and Hopcalite. A quantitative design model was developed which will permit the performance of an oxidizer to be calculated. The ruthenium was found to be relatively insensitive to low concentrations of water and to oxygen concentration between 21 percent and 100 percent. Hydrogen sulfide was found to be a poison when injected in relatively large quantities. The adsorption of ammonia by copper sulfate treated silica gel was investigated at temperatures of 72 F and 100 F. A quantitative model was developed for predicting adsorption bed behavior

    The epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Canada: a review of mortality data.

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    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), and particularly its transmissibility through blood and blood products, has become a focus of concern in Canada. The recent identification of new variant CJD led to a review of the Canadian mortality database to identify any clustering of CJD by age, sex, or geographic location

    Observation of anomalous spin-state segregation in a trapped ultra-cold vapor

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    We observe counter-intuitive spin segregation in an inhomogeneous sample of ultra-cold, non-condensed Rubidium atoms in a magnetic trap. We use spatially selective microwave spectroscopy to verify a model that accounts for the differential forces on two internal spin states. In any simple understanding of the cloud dynamics, the forces are far too small to account for the dramatic transient spin polarizations observed. The underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin states of asteroids in the Eos collisional family

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    Eos family was created during a catastrophic impact about 1.3 Gyr ago. Rotation states of individual family members contain information about the history of the whole population. We aim to increase the number of asteroid shape models and rotation states within the Eos collision family, as well as to revise previously published shape models from the literature. Such results can be used to constrain theoretical collisional and evolution models of the family, or to estimate other physical parameters by a thermophysical modeling of the thermal infrared data. We use all available disk-integrated optical data (i.e., classical dense-in-time photometry obtained from public databases and through a large collaboration network as well as sparse-in-time individual measurements from a few sky surveys) as input for the convex inversion method, and derive 3D shape models of asteroids together with their rotation periods and orientations of rotation axes. We present updated shape models for 15 asteroids and new shape model determinations for 16 asteroids. Together with the already published models from the publicly available DAMIT database, we compiled a sample of 56 Eos family members with known shape models that we used in our analysis of physical properties within the family. Rotation states of asteroids smaller than ~20 km are heavily influenced by the YORP effect, whilst the large objects more or less retained their rotation state properties since the family creation. Moreover, we also present a shape model and bulk density of asteroid (423) Diotima, an interloper in the Eos family, based on the disk-resolved data obtained by the Near InfraRed Camera (Nirc2) mounted on the W.M. Keck II telescope.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICARUS Special Issue - Asteroids: Origin, Evolution & Characterizatio

    Internal state conversion in ultracold gases

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    We consider an ultracold gas of (non-condensed) bosons or fermions with two internal states, and study the effect of a gradient of the transition frequency between these states. When a π/2\pi/2 RF pulse is applied to the sample, exchange effects during collisions transfer the atoms into internal states which depend on the direction of their velocity. This results, after a short time, in a spatial separation between the two states. A kinetic equation is solved analytically and numerically; the results agree well with the recent observations of Lewandowski et al.Comment: Accepted version, to appear in PR

    Discovery of a New WZ Sagittae Type Cataclysmic Variable in the Kepler/K2 Data

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    We identify a new, bright transient in the Kepler/K2 Campaign 11 field. Its light curve rises over seven magnitudes in a day and then declines three magnitudes over a month before quickly fading another two magnitudes. The transient was still detectable at the end of the campaign. The light curve is consistent with a WZ~Sge type dwarf nova outburst. Early superhumps with a period of 82 minutes are seen in the first 10 days and suggest that this is the orbital period of the binary which is typical for the WZ~Sge class. Strong superhump oscillations develop ten days after peak brightness with periods ranging between 83 and 84 minutes. At 25 days after the peak brightness a bump in the light curve appears to signal a subtle rebrightening phase implying that this was an unusual type-A outburst. This is the only WZ~Sge type system observed by Kepler/K2 during an outburst. The early rise of this outburst is well-fit with a broken power law. In first 10 hours the system brightened linearly and then transitioned to a steep rise with a power law index of 4.8. Looking at archival Kepler/K2 data and new TESS observations, a linear rise in the first several hours at the initiation of a superoutburst appears to be common in SU~UMa stars.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted to appear in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Optical Confinement of a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of sodium atoms have been confined in an optical dipole trap using a single focused infrared laser beam. This eliminates the restrictions of magnetic traps for further studies of atom lasers and Bose-Einstein condensates. More than five million condensed atoms were transferred into the optical trap. Densities of up to 3×1015cm33 \times 10^{15} cm^{-3} of Bose condensed atoms were obtained, allowing for a measurement of the three-body decay rate constant for sodium condensates as K3=(1.1±0.3)×1030cm6s1K_3 = (1.1 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-30} cm^6 s^{-1}. At lower densities, the observed 1/e lifetime was more than 10 sec. Simultaneous confinement of Bose-Einstein condensates in several hyperfine states was demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Large and Variable Leading Tail of Helium in a Hot Saturn Undergoing Runaway Inflation

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    Atmospheric escape shapes the fate of exoplanets, with statistical evidence for transformative mass loss imprinted across the mass-radius-insolation distribution. Here we present transit spectroscopy of the highly irradiated, low-gravity, inflated hot Saturn HAT-P-67 b. The Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF) spectra show a detection of up to 10% absorption depth of the 10833 Angstrom Helium triplet. The 13.8 hours of on-sky integration time over 39 nights sample the entire planet orbit, uncovering excess Helium absorption preceding the transit by up to 130 planetary radii in a large leading tail. This configuration can be understood as the escaping material overflowing its small Roche lobe and advecting most of the gas into the stellar -- and not planetary -- rest frame, consistent with the Doppler velocity structure seen in the Helium line profiles. The prominent leading tail serves as direct evidence for dayside mass loss with a strong day-/night- side asymmetry. We see some transit-to-transit variability in the line profile, consistent with the interplay of stellar and planetary winds. We employ 1D Parker wind models to estimate the mass loss rate, finding values on the order of 2×10132\times10^{13} g/s, with large uncertainties owing to the unknown XUV flux of the F host star. The large mass loss in HAT-P-67 b represents a valuable example of an inflated hot Saturn, a class of planets recently identified to be rare as their atmospheres are predicted to evaporate quickly. We contrast two physical mechanisms for runaway evaporation: Ohmic dissipation and XUV irradiation, slightly favoring the latter.Comment: Submitted to The Astronomical Journa