172 research outputs found

    “Instantara”: Aplikasi Sosial Panorama Wisata Indonesia pada Platform Android

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    ABSTRAKSI: Indonesia terkenal sebagai negara yang kaya akan tempat wisata, khususnya wisata alam. Namun keterbatasan informasi menyebabkan tempat wisata alam di Indonesia kurang diketahui oleh turis lokal maupun turis asing. Hal ini yang mendorong tim Core i4 ingin membuat aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang tempat wisata alam di Indonesia.Aplikasi yang dibangun berbasis Android, karena menurut penelitian dari IDC (International Data Corporation) 87% manusia memilih perangkat mobile untuk mengakses informasi. Dan sistem operasi Android-lah yang sejak tahun 2011 mendominasi pasar. Dan menurut analisis dari Gartner pengguna Android akan terus bertambah hingga 48,8% pertahunnya.Aplikasi ini menggunakan konsep jejaring sosial, karena kami bertujuan agar aplikasi ini bisa dikembangkan sendiri oleh user, dengan kata lain aplikasi ini memberi kesempatan kepada user untuk mengembangkan isi atau konten aplikasi ini dan dapat membaginya (sharing) kepada user lain.Dengan adanya projek Instantara (Aplikasi Sosial Panorama Wisata Indonesia pada platform Android) ini diharapkan dapat mengangkat citra wisata alam Indonesia baik di dalam negeri maupun kancah dunia.Kata Kunci : jejaring sosial, AndroidABSTRACT: Indonesia is famous as a country that is rich in tourist attractions, especially nature. But the lack of information led to the natural attractions in Indonesia is less known by tourists both local and foreign tourists. This led the team Core i4 want to create applications that can provide information about the natural attractions in Indonesia.Android-based application built, because according to research from IDC (International Data Corporation) 87% of people choose mobile devices to access information. And Android\u27s operating System was the one that dominated the market since 2011. And according to Gartner\u27s analysis of Android users will continue to grow to 48.8% annually.This application uses the concept of social networking, because we intended that these applications can be developed by the user, in other words, this application gives the user the opportunity to develop the content / applications and content can be split (share) to other users.With the project Instantara (Social Panorama Application Tourism Indonesia on the Android platform) is expected to raise the image of Indonesia natural attractions both in the domestic and world stage.Keyword: social network, Androi

    Role of different business models in scaling and adoption of Happy Seeder Technology in Haryana and Punjab

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    Every year the northern part of the India faces heightened air pollution during the month of November and December. The problem is such that one can easily feel the sensation in eyes and problem in breathing if one lives or travels to the region specially states like Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh. Though the air pollution in this region can be a usual phenomenon round the year, the sudden heightened air quality deterioration has been attributed to the crop residue burning (CRB), by the farmers in these regions. CRB occurs when farmers after the harvest of the rice in the month of October or November, burn the straw which remains lying on the surface of the soil. There have been several reasons why the farmers are motivated to the practice of the burning the straw or say field in particular. The old age mindset of slash and burn with a perception that it is a good practice to burn the field which will keep the insects, diseases, weed seeds getting killed in the process. Non-availability of labor during the harvesting season to manage the residue. High silica content in rice straw which makes it unsuitable to be used as a feed for the livestock. Decline in number of cattle with the farmers which makes the straw useless for the farmers. Last but not least the most significant reason among the farmer to burn the straw is the Inability of farmers to manage the straw in a short duration between rice harvest and wheat sowing to catch up the right sowing time. The productivity of the wheat is very much dependent on the right time of sowing and to manage it. Many farmers rely on burning the straw in field which immediately frees land for tillage, leveling and seeding of rice in a well-prepared field. Moreover, the CRB is more viable to practice as the cost of in-situ (ex. incorporation in the field), and ex-situ (ex. Composting) management of the straw is high to the farmers making it economically unviable for the farmers to adopt. The combine harvester in cuts the crops with large stubble length and throws the straw in patches in large quantities. The straw and long length stubble makes the tillage operation difficult, costly, and a time taking operation. To get rid of the folly the farmers rely on CRB which makes them rid of the problem and further tillage can easily be done. CRB is normally followed by ploughing of soil twice using a disk plough, use of finger-like tyned implement called cultivator to break clods, planking to level the land and finally sowing of seeds using a fertilizer cum seed drill machine. So, speaking it takes five operations – ploughing twice using dick plough, use of cultivator, planking and sowing of seeds, in conventional method of wheat cultivation in the beginning of the crop. 6 CRB is not just detrimental to the air quality, but it also acts as a folly for the soil health. The residue which otherwise should have been incorporated in the soil to add soil organic carbon. Burning of soil leads to several problems such as soil erosion, organic matter loss, an imbalance in soil permeability and structure and loss of soil micro-organism and decline in long-term productivity (Hesammi et al., 2014)

    Social Difference and Water Resource Management: Insights from Kutch, india

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    Summary The article focuses on the interface between water resources management and social and power relations. It shows that the propagators of both macro and micro?level water interventions have flawed notions of local institutions and the ‘community’. As a result, new water interventions could often end up perpetuating existing skewed power relations. The case study from Kutch, India, highlights how the process of resources management is often one of competing claims and inequality. Hence, the study argues that for issues such as equity and social justice to be addressed in water schemes, there is a need for implementing agencies to be aggressively partisan in targeting the marginalised and socially excluded groups

    Status Of High Courts Vis-À-Vis The Supreme Court Of India In The Judicial Setup: Are High Courts Subordinate To The Supreme Court?

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    The debate regarding the superiority of the Supreme Court of India and whether High Courts are subordinate to it still persists. The questions about the intricate constitutional text hauls great minds till date that whether it has provided the supreme court the power ofsuperiority over the high courts. The debate ones again ignited when Hon’ble Justice Chelameswar made remarks at a book launching ceremony that high courts in India are not subordinate to the supreme court although the Supreme Court intervenes to a great extent in administration as well as appointment procedures of judges of high courts. The text of the constitution presents a blurry picture. It neither specifically states nor denies the superiority of Supreme Court over the High Courts. Through various judgments, the Supreme Court has categorically reiterated that High Courts are not subordinate to the Supreme Court. In terms of practicality, the Supreme Court exercises great superior powers over the high courts in terms of administrative justice which is quite opposite to the principles established through the judgments. This paper majorly delves into three major aspects. Firstly, certain articles of the constitution which depicts the position of both the entities are highlighted. Secondly, the take of the judiciary itself, the supreme court only, is presented. And thirdly, we analyze the present prevailing practices to ascertain this position. Following the concluding remarks, we float the idea that there has been indeed the supervision of the Supreme Court over the High Courts, if not constitutionally, then in practice

    Untouchability That No One Talks About: Menstruation And Isolation

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    Justice Chandrachud, in the Sabarimala Temple case had held that untouchability is not just limited to inequalities pertaining to the caste system but also extends to certain forms of gender discrimination and that exclusion of women and designating them as impure due to menstruation is a form of untouchability. It has deprived them from enjoying their rights to the fullest and has also prevented them from living a dignified life. This belief is found is almost all the religions, except perhaps Sikhism and the Baha՛’i faith. Even though our Constitution guarantees right to freedom of religion, it is subject to right to equality and right to life. When it comes to practicing untouchability against women in the name of religion, there has been utter disregard for their rights. There have been numerous incidents, one of which was deemed as “not grave” by the Gujarat High Court. This judgment is an example of how such injustices have been ignored so conveniently that ushering in change has become a difficult task. There is a need for legislations which criminalizes this form of untouchability and empowers women to speak up against these atrocities so as to emancipate women from conservative and regressive forces

    Brine utilisation for cooling and salt production in wind-driven seawater greenhouses:Design and modelling

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    Brine disposal is a major challenge facing the desalination industry. Discharged brines pollute the oceans and aquifers. Here is it proposed to reduce the volume of brines by means of evaporative coolers in seawater greenhouses, thus enabling the cultivation of high-value crops and production of sea salt. Unlike in typical greenhouses, only natural wind is used for ventilation, without electric fans. We present a model to predict the water evaporation, salt production, internal temperature and humidity according to ambient conditions. Predictions are presented for three case studies: (a) the Horn of Africa (Berbera) where a seawater desalination plant will be coupled to salt production; (b) Iran (Ahwaz) for management of hypersaline water from the Gotvand dam; (c) Gujarat (Ahmedabad) where natural seawater is fed to the cooling process, enhancing salt production in solar salt works. Water evaporation per face area of evaporator pad is predicted in the range 33 to 83 m3/m2·yr, and salt production up to 5.8 tonnes/m2·yr. Temperature is lowest close to the evaporator pad, increasing downwind, such that the cooling effect mostly dissipates within 15 m of the cooling pad. Depending on location, peak temperatures reduce by 8–16 °C at the hottest time of year

    Does Social Health Insurance Reduce Financial Burden? Panel Data Evidence from India

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    Indian government launched the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), a national health insurance scheme, in 2008 that provides cashless health services to poor households in India. We evaluate the impact of RSBY on RSBY beneficiary households' (average treatment impact on the treated) utilization of health services, per capita out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure, and per patient OOP expenditures on major morbidities. To address the issue of non-randomness in enrollment into the scheme, we exploit the longitudinal aspect of a large nationally representative household survey data to implement a difference-in-difference with matching. We find some evidence of positive impact of RSBY on utilization of health services by RSBY beneficiary households in rural India but not in urban India. However, there is no evidence that the RSBY reduced per person OOP expenditure for RSBY households in both rural and urban areas. Conditional on having received medical treatment for major morbidity, we find that RSBY increased probability of hospitalization and being treated by a government doctor in rural areas but no significant impact in urban areas. We also find lower expenditure on medicine for a RSBY cardholder patient in rural areas