11 research outputs found

    Analyse micro-économique de scénarios de réforme de l’OCM sucre à l’aide d’un modèle d’offre agricole

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    Référence MAAPAR 04 H1 03 01 Diffusion du document : UMR Economie publique BP 01 78850 Thiverval-Grignon (FRA)Trois scénarios de réforme de l’OCM Sucre ont été réalisés sur un échantillon de 609 exploitations betteravières du RICA français 2000. Ces exploitations ont une SAU moyenne de 133 ha et un revenu agricole moyen de 337 €/ha. Un modèle d'offre fondé sur la programmation linéaire a été utilisé pour cette étude. La solution de référence est une optimisation en 2006 après application du compromis de Luxembourg. Le premier scénario maintient le régime des quotas et les prix actuels, mais diminue le volume de 30%. On observe une baisse moyenne des revenus agricole de -8%. Le scénario 2 propose une suppression du régime des quotas et un prix de la betterave à 25€/t. L'offre de betterave serait multipliée par 2,5 mais le nombre de producteur et leur revenu resteraient stables. Une limitation du volume aux quantités actuelles entraînerait des chutes de revenu agricole de -16%. Une aide de 5€/t pourrait limiter cette baisse à -6%. Le scénario 3 simule une suppression du régime des quotas et un prix de la betterave au cours mondial (15€/t). 20% des producteurs français resteraient compétitifs, la production de sucre chuterait de 70% et les revenus agricoles de 29%, soit une perte d’environ 100€ / ha de SAU. Pour compenser 50% de la perte, une aide de 7,5€/t de betterave A+B est nécessaire. Ces scénarios n'ont pas tout à fait les mêmes impacts selon les régions. Dans l'hypothèse d'une redistribution de la production nationale, on pourrait observer un accroissement de la concentration régionale de la production

    La révision à mi-parcours de la PAC (juin 2003) et les exploitations céréalières des régions intermédiaires

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    National audienceA l'aide d'un modèle régional d'offre optimisant le revenu agricole des exploitations et simulant parallèlement les évolutions des structures agricoles sur la période 2002-2012, les impacts de la réforme sur les revenus agricoles, sur les assolements et sur la déprise (non-culture) ont été analysés. Les simulations montrent un léger risque de déprise, 8% des exploitations, si le prix des céréales diminue nettement, 81 euros à l'horizon 2012. Le maintien du prix d'intervention devrait normalement empêcher une baisse aussi importante et donc la déprise. Un recouplage de 25% des aides serait une assurance envers la déprise. L'agrandissement (disparition de 12% des exploitations à l'horizon 2012) et le progrès agronomique devraient permettre un maintien du revenu agricole par exploitation en euros constants (taux d'inflation 1,4%). L'équilibre des productions évolue peu avec le découplage car les aides couplées actuelles par culture sont identiques, depuis l'application de l'Agenda 2000

    Optimization of Biomass and Compost Management to Sustain Soil Organic Matter in Energy Cane Cropping Systems in a Tropical Polluted Soil: a Modelling Study

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    International audienceIn French West Indies, the high dependency of the electricity mix on imported fossil fuels has led local authorities to propose the conversion of some land to the production of energy cane. This conversion mainly concerns land polluted by the pesticide chlordecone, where most crops for human consumption have been banned. This molecule has a strong affinity for soil organic matter (SOM). The aims of this study were to assess the impact of crop residue management and compost application on the stocks of SOM and chlordecone in soils cultivated with energy cane and to determine the minimum SOM input required to maintain SOM stocks. A field experiment was conducted to determine the yield and biomass partitioning of energy cane, and laboratory incubations were performed to estimate humification from crop residues. Changes in SOM and chlordecone stocks over a 30-year period were investigated using models already calibrated for the land under study. Non-harvestable biomass left on the field (tops, litterfall and roots) covered >60 % of SOM mineralization. A full offset of mineralization required the return of 10 % of harvestable biomass or the application of compost at a rate of 40 Mg ha−1 every 5 years. With the total removal of harvestable biomass and without compost applications, SOM and chlordecone losses increased by 23 and 13 %, respectively, which was associated with high SOM mineralization and chlordecone leaching under tropical climate. The estimated break-even price for cane biomass indicated that compost application would be more profitable for farmers than the return of a part of the harvestable biomass

    A novel pleural-bladder pump for the management of recurrent malignant pleural effusions: a feasibility animal study

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    International audienceRecurrent malignant pleural effusions (MPE) are common and associated with significant morbidity in cancer patients. A new pump connecting the pleural cavity and the bladder may have application for the management of recurrent MPE. In a pre-clinical study, we investigated the utility of this pump in healthy pigs. Methods: A novel pump system (Pleurapump® system) was inserted into four pigs under general anaesthesia. A tunnelled-pleural catheter was connected to a subcutaneously implanted pump while the urinary bladder was connected by percutaneous technique. Animals were ventilated mechanically and pump functioning was tested using a range of ventilation parameters and spontaneous breathing. Fluid was added to the pleural space to mimic pleural effusion and to assess the effectiveness of the pump at removing fluid to the bladder. Results: The 'pleurapump' system successfully transported fluid from the pleural cavity to the bladder. Pressure variations caused by respiration and variations in the amount of fluid in the pleural cavity had no impact on the pumping. Pumping stopped when the pleural cavity was drained. Conclusion: This pump can be implanted into pigs and successfully removed fluid from the pleural cavity to the bladder and may represent a new treatment for management of recurrent MPE. Evaluation in humans is planned

    An International Survey of Mediastinal Staging Practices amongst Interventional Bronchoscopists

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    Introduction: In potentially curable non-small-cell lung cancer, different practice guidelines recommend invasive me-diastinal staging in tumors larger than 3 cm, central, or hy-permetabolic N1 lymph nodes. There is no consensus concerning the use of an endosonographic procedure or a mediastinoscopy in the first line in patients with a radiologically normal mediastinum, while in case of a mediastinal involvement, the latest European guidelines recommend the combination of endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) and endoscopic ultrasound/endoscopic ultrasound with EBUS endoscope (EUS/EUS-B), using a systematic endosonographic procedure. This international survey was conducted to describe current medical practices in endoscopic mediastinal staging amongst interventional bronchoscopists. Methods: A survey was developed and sent to all members of different interventional pulmonology societies, with the purpose to describe who, when and how an endoscopic mediastinal staging was performed. Results: One hundred and fifty-three bronchoscopists responded to the survey. Most of them practiced in Europe (n = 84, 55%) and North America (n = 52, 34%). In the first line, EBUS alone was the most widely used endoscopic procedure for mediastinal staging. Half of the responders performed a systematic endoscopic staging procedure, including a systematic examination of all accessible nodal stations and a sampling of all lymph nodes >5 mm in the short axis at each station. A higher proportion of bronchoscopists who have completed a dedicated fellowship program performed systematic endoscopic mediastinal staging. Few endoscopists routinely perform combined EBUS/EUS(-B) for mediastinal staging and use the combination only in selected cases. Conclusion: There are several areas of divergence between published guidelines and current practices reported by interventional bronchoscopists. EBUS alone is the most widely used endoscopic procedure for mediastinal staging in lung cancer, and a combined endoscopic approach is frequently omitted by the responders. A fellowship program appears to be associated with a higher rate of systematic endoscopic staging procedures. © 202