29 research outputs found


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    Introdução: Cistos são cavidades patológicas, preenchidas por líquido ou material semissólido, com revestimento epitelial interno e uma cápsula fibrosa externa. O cisto periodontal lateral é um raro cisto odontogênico de desenvolvimento, resultante da proliferação de restos epiteliais da lâmina dentária, lateralmente a raízes de dentes vitalizados. Apresenta-se como uma área radiolúcida bem circunscrita, menor que 1cm. O diagnóstico envolve o teste de vitalidade pulpar e o exame anátomohistopatológico. Proposição: Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso do paciente F.S.G., gênero masculino, 39 anos, feoderma, e assintomático. Experiência: O exame intraoral mostrava um nódulo séssil na região dos dentes 43/44 e o exame radiográfico revelava uma imagem radiolúcida arredondada, bem delimitada. O teste de vitalidade pulpar foi positivo e a hipótese diagnóstica foi de cisto periodontal lateral. A enucleação cística foi realizada e o laudo histopatológico concluiu que se tratava de uma lesão cística de desenvolvimento, compatível com cisto periodontal lateral. Após um mês o paciente foi reavaliado, a região estava normal, o teste de vitalidade dos dentes envolvidos foi positivo, e a proservação radiográfica mostrou início de neoformação óssea. Considerações Finais: O cisto periodontal lateral é uma entidade patológica relativamente rara, mas que deve estar inserida no contexto das lesões císticas básicas de conhecimento do cirurgião dentista. O teste de vitalidade pulpar é uma manobra propedêutica fundamental para diferenciar de cistos radiculares de origem inflamatória

    Panoramic Radiography in the Diagnosis of Carotid Artery Atheromas and the Associated Risk Factors

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    Atherosclerosis is a serious chronic disease, responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide and is characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls, associated with the presence of atheromatous plaques. Various risk factors act directly on predisposition to the disease, among which the following are pointed out: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and inadequate diet and eating habits. More recent researches have elucidated new risk factors acting in the development of this disease, such as, for example: periodontitis, chronic renal disease and menopause. The panoramic radiograph, commonly used in dental practice, makes it possible to see calcified atherosclerotic plaques that are eventually deposited in the carotid arteries. The aim of this review article was to emphasize the dentist’s important role in the detection of carotid artery atheromas in panoramic radiographs and the immediate referral of patients affected by these calcifications to doctors. In addition, the study intended to guide the dentist, especially the dental radiologist, with regard to differential diagnosis, which should be made taking into consideration particularly the triticeal cartilage when it is calcified

    Diferentes tipos e protocolos de esclerosantes vasculares no tratamento das má formações vasculares orais: revisão literária

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    Revisar a literatura mundial a fim de avaliar os diferentes protocolos de tipos diversos de esclerosantes vasculares utilizados no tratamento das malformações vasculares presentes na cavidade oral. E por fim apresentar as possibilidades encontradas e ilustrá-las de forma ordenada. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura através da busca ativa na base de dados Medline, via PubMed. Como critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados artigos que tenham avaliado  o tratamento de malformações vasculares orais, publicados a partir do ano 2000, nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola ou francês com pesquisas envolvendo exclusivamente seres humanos. Foram elencados em uma tabela 23 diferentes protocolos de tratamento com agentes esclerosantes para malformações na região de cabeça e pescoço, de modo que todos culminaram com resultados satisfatórios aos pacientes. Esclerosantes vasculares são opções de tratamento seguros e efetivos na regressão e remissão de malformações vasculares orais. O oleato de etanolamina é um fármaco esclerosante muito utilizado no território brasileiro e dispõe de diversos protocolos de uso com respaldo na literatura científica

    Comparative analysis between mandibular positions in centric relation and maximum intercuspation by cone beam computed tomography (CONE-BEAM)

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    This research consisted of a quantitative assessment, and aimed to measure the possible discrepancies between the maxillomandibular positions for centric relation (CR) and maximum intercuspation (MI), using computed tomography volumetric cone beam (cone beam method). The sample of the study consisted of 10 asymptomatic young adult patients divided into two types of standard occlusion: normal occlusion and Angle Class I occlusion. In order to obtain the centric relation, a JIG device and mandible manipulation were used to deprogram the habitual conditions of the jaw. The evaluations were conducted in both frontal and lateral tomographic images, showing the condyle/articular fossa relation. The images were processed in the software included in the NewTom 3G device (QR NNT software version 2.00), and 8 tomographic images were obtained per patient, four laterally and four frontally exhibiting the TMA's (in CR and MI, on both sides, right and left). By means of tools included in another software, linear and angular measurements were performed and statistically analyzed by student t test. According to the methodology and the analysis performed in asymptomatic patients, it was not possible to detect statistically significant differences between the positions of centric relation and maximum intercuspation. However, the resources of cone beam tomography are of extreme relevance to the completion of further studies that use heterogeneous groups of samples in order to compare the results

    Recurrent solid ameloblastoma of the maxillary sinus: A case report

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    Introduction. Ameloblastomas are clinically the most important type of odontogenic tumors. Solid or multicystic form most commonly affects mandible, it is highly aggressive and shows high rates of recurrence. The aim was to report aggressive behavior of a rare maxillary solid ameloblastoma, emphasizing the clinical, tomographic and histological aspects. Case Report. A young and asymptomatic patient, presenting a solid ameloblastoma initially located in the maxillary sinus with rapid spreading to the adjacent tissues, had early recurrence despite radical surgical approach. Conclusion. Multicystic or solid ameloblastoma has lower incidence in maxilla and extremely aggressive behavior, justifying careful follow-up of the patients

    Comparative analysis between mandibular positions in centric relation and maximum intercuspation by cone beam computed tomography (CONE-BEAM)

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    This research consisted of a quantitative assessment, and aimed to measure the possible discrepancies between the maxillomandibular positions for centric relation (CR) and maximum intercuspation (MI), using computed tomography volumetric cone beam (cone beam method). The sample of the study consisted of 10 asymptomatic young adult patients divided into two types of standard occlusion: normal occlusion and Angle Class I occlusion. In order to obtain the centric relation, a JIG device and mandible manipulation were used to deprogram the habitual conditions of the jaw. The evaluations were conducted in both frontal and lateral tomographic images, showing the condyle/articular fossa relation. The images were processed in the software included in the NewTom 3G device (QR NNT software version 2.00), and 8 tomographic images were obtained per patient, four laterally and four frontally exhibiting the TMA's (in CR and MI, on both sides, right and left). By means of tools included in another software, linear and angular measurements were performed and statistically analyzed by student t test. According to the methodology and the analysis performed in asymptomatic patients, it was not possible to detect statistically significant differences between the positions of centric relation and maximum intercuspation. However, the resources of cone beam tomography are of extreme relevance to the completion of further studies that use heterogeneous groups of samples in order to compare the results

    COVID-19 outcomes in people living with HIV: Peering through the waves

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    Objective: To evaluate clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients infected with HIV, and to compare with a paired sample without HIV infection. Methods: This is a substudy of a Brazilian multicentric cohort that comprised two periods (2020 and 2021). Data was obtained through the retrospective review of medical records. Primary outcomes were admission to the intensive care unit, invasive mechanical ventilation, and death. Patients with HIV and controls were matched for age, sex, number of comorbidities, and hospital of origin using the technique of propensity score matching (up to 4:1). They were compared using the Chi-Square or Fisher's Exact tests for categorical variables and the Wilcoxon for numerical variables. Results: Throughout the study, 17,101 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized, and 130 (0.76%) of those were infected with HIV. The median age was 54 (IQR: 43.0;64.0) years in 2020 and 53 (IQR: 46.0;63.5) years in 2021, with a predominance of females in both periods. People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and their controls showed similar prevalence for admission to the ICU and invasive mechanical ventilation requirement in the two periods, with no significant differences. In 2020, in-hospital mortality was higher in the PLHIV compared to the controls (27.9% vs. 17.7%; p = 0.049), but there was no difference in mortality between groups in 2021 (25.0% vs. 25.1%; p > 0.999). Conclusions: Our results reiterate that PLHIV were at higher risk of COVID-19 mortality in the early stages of the pandemic, however, this finding did not sustain in 2021, when the mortality rate is similar to the control group

    Avaliação quantitativa das discrepâncias entre relação cêntrica e máxima intercuspidação, utilizando a tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico

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    This research has been based on a quantitative evaluation, and has aimed at measuring possible discrepancies between the maxillary (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) positions of Centrical Relation (CR) and Maximum Interspitting (MI), using computed tomography volumetric cone beam (cone method beam).The sample of study has consisted of 20 young adults and asymptomatic which has been equally divided into four groups, the first group has been formed by patients with normal occlusion and the other three groups, by individuals with bad occlusion from class I, II and III, of Angle. Those patients had been initially subjected to carry out a device made of a type of resin "JIG of Lucia" in order to have their jaws handled and maintained in CR whenever desired. Patients had been referred to a clinic of Dental Radiology where they were submitted to two cone beam tomographic examinations in NewTom 3G device, the first one having occlusion in MI and second one by using "JIG's previously made. Evaluations were made in both frontal and lateral tomographic image cuta, showing the condyle articular fossa relation; as well as in cutting side to investigate the relationship anteroposterior between the upper central incisor (tooth 11) and the respective lower incisor in alignment with. Those images had been processed in the own software of the 3G Newtom device (Software QR NNT Version 2.00) and 10 tomographic image cuts were obtained per patient being four lateral sides and four front of the ATM's (in CR and MI, on both sides right and left) and two lateral sides of the incisors (CR and MI). Through the use of tools for linear and angular measures of another software unit Newtom 3G (Basic 3G) other 520 measurements were obtained and taken for statistical analysis. For that, T tests of Student and Tukey at 5% level were applied. Differences shown in whole sample were not statistically significant in despite of the fact that in 94.5% of the measuring evaluations taken between placements CR and MI intra and inter groups and between the right and left sides. Only the anteroposterior relation among incisors in the normal group had shown statistical significance between positions in CR and MI. This research has been based on a quantitative evaluation, and has aimed at measuring possible discrepancies between the maxillary (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) positions of Centrical Relation (CR) and Maximum Interspitting (MI), using computed tomography volumetric cone beam (cone method beam).Mestre em OdontologiaA presente pesquisa constituiu-se de uma avaliação quantitativa, e teve o objetivo de mensurar as possíveis discrepâncias entre as posições maxilomandibulares de Relação Cêntrica (RC) e Máxima Intercuspidação (MI), utilizando-se da tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico (método cone beam). A amostra do estudo consistiu de 20 pacientes adultos jovens e assintomáticos divididos igualmente em quatro grupos, sendo o primeiro grupo composto por pacientes com oclusão normal e os outros três grupos, por indivíduos com más oclusões classe I, II e III, de Angle. Os pacientes foram inicialmente submetidos à confecção de um dispositivo de resina do tipo JIG de Lucia para que suas mandíbulas pudessem ser manipuladas e mantidas em RC, quando desejado. Posteriormente os pacientes foram encaminhados até uma clínica de Radiologia Odontológica, onde se submeteram a dois exames tomográficos de feixe cônico no aparelho NewTom 3G, o primeiro com a oclusão em MI e o segundo, utilizando-se dos JIG s previamente confeccionados. As avaliações foram realizadas tanto em cortes tomográficos frontais e laterais, evidenciando as relações côndilo/fossa articular; como também, em corte lateral, para investigação da relação anteroposterior entre o incisivo central superior direito (dente 11) e o incisivo inferior que estivesse no mesmo alinhamento. As imagens foram processadas no software próprio do aparelho NewTom 3G (software QR NNT Versão 2.00), e 10 cortes tomográficos foram obtidos por paciente, sendo quatro laterais e quatro frontais das ATM s (em RC e MI, de ambos os lados direito e esquerdo) e dois laterais dos incisivos (RC e MI). Mediante a utilização de ferramentas de medidas lineares e angulares de outro software do aparelho NewTom 3G (Basic 3G), 520 mensurações foram obtidas e levadas para análises estatísticas. Para tanto, foram aplicados os testes t de Student e Tukey ao nível de 5%. 94,5% das avaliações aferidas entre os dois posicionamentos (RC e MI) apresentaram diferenças, muito embora não tenham sido estatisticamente significantes, quando comparadas toda a amostra, intra e inter-grupos e entre os lados direito e esquerdo. Apenas a relação ântero-posterior entre os incisivos, no grupo normal, apresentou significância estatística, entre as posições em RC e MI